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RoadRunner: a simple Couchbase Server workload generator for Java

RoadRunner is a workload generator written in Java for Couchbase Server. It is intended to be used as a standalone jar. It provides support for customizing lots of aspects, like number of threads per CouchbaseClient, number of CouchbaseClients, amount of docs to store and so on.

Running the jar with -h shows the supported options:

$ java -jar target/RoadRunner-1.0.jar -h
usage: roadrunner
 -b,--bucket <arg>        Name of the bucket (default: "default").
 -c,--num-clients <arg>   Number of CouchbaseClient objects (default:
 -d,--num-docs <arg>      Number of documents to work with (default:
 -h,--help                Print this help message.
 -n,--nodes <arg>         List of nodes to connect, separated with ","
                          (default: "").
 -p,--password <arg>      Password of the bucket (default: "").
 -r,--ratio <arg>         Ratio - depending on workload (default: "1").
 -t,--num-threads <arg>   Number of worker threads per CouchbaseClient
                          object (default: "1").


When used without any argument, it will run against, use the default bucket with no password. It will store 1000 documents and run one get after each set (1:1 ratio). The output looks like this:

13:50:58.960 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner - Running with Config: GlobalConfig{nodes=[], bucket=default, password=, numThreads=1, numClients=1, numDocs=10, ratio=1}
13:50:58.963 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner - Initializing ClientHandlers.
13:50:59.191 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner - Running Workload.
13:50:59.211 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner - Finished running Workload in 20ms.
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner - #### Percentile (in microseconds) for get:
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -    5%: 341.0
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   25%: 364.0
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   50%: 383.5
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   75%: 386.0
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   95%: 1702.0
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   99%: 1702.0
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner - #### Percentile (in microseconds) for set:
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -    5%: 371.0
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   25%: 385.125
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   50%: 419.0
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   75%: 492.5
13:50:59.214 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   95%: 2177.5
13:50:59.215 [main] INFO  com.couchbase.roadrunner.RoadRunner -   99%: 2177.5

The workload here finished in 20ms. You can also find the percentile recordings, note that they are in microseconds, not milliseconds! This means that 75% of all set requests finished in 0.49ms and 95% in 2.1ms. This output format is currently not customizable.


The project is a simple maven project, but it has a dependency onto hist4j to calculate the percentiles. This dependency is not in maven, so you need to get it into your local repo. Clone the source, build it and store it into your local .m2 repo. It will then be picked up during build.

michael@daschlbook ~/histogram $ git clone
michael@daschlbook ~/histogram $ cd hist4j/
michael@daschlbook ~/histogram/hist4j $ ant jar
michael@daschlbook ~/histogram/hist4j $ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=output/hist4j-trunk.jar -DgroupId=com.flaptor -DartifactId=hist4j -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar
[INFO] Installing /Users/michael/histogram/hist4j/output/hist4j-trunk.jar to /Users/michael/.m2/repository/com/flaptor/hist4j/1.0/hist4j-1.0.jar

Then, clone the RoadRunner project and build it through maven:

michael@daschlbook ~/couchbase/RoadRunner $ mvn package

You'll find the corresponding JAR files in the target directory. The large one (few megs) is with all dependencies included, ready to be distributed. If you want to use the other one, make sure you have all libs in your classpath!


A multithreaded workload generator for Couchbase Server in Java.






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