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Restaurant Example

To start this app, perform the following step in order

  1. Clone this repo to your machine
  2. Confirm postgres is running
  3. Create a postgres database called "restaurant"
  4. Update the .env file in the root of the project with the proper passwords
  5. cd into the project folder
  6. Enter go run main.go to start server

I've created 1 user called bob with a password of bobsecret.

If you log in with those credentials, you will get a jwt token which you will need to put into the header of your http calls as a bearer token

For instance login may return this:

{"message":"logged in","status":false,"token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVc2VySUQiOiJidmFyamRjbzBtNTdxY2JkNzZwMCIsIlVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYm9iIiwiZXhwIjoxNjEzODk4MDg2fQ.X7ukZNIO8sdVXrMFEg4s_UgZwf1JBElO_6lcfCPbSD4","user":{"ID":"bvarjdco0m57qcbd76p0","Username":"bob","Password":"bobsecret","Address":"4 Memory Lane","Distance":1.2,"CreatedAt":"2020-12-12T22:50:29.608262-08:00","UpdatedAt":"2020-12-12T22:50:29.608262-08:00"}}

In that case you must set

Bearer: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJVc2VySUQiOiJidmFyamRjbzBtNTdxY2JkNzZwMCIsIlVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYm9iIiwiZXhwIjoxNjEzODk4MDg2fQ.X7ukZNIO8sdVXrMFEg4s_UgZwf1JBElO_6lcfCPbSD4"

in the http request header


Restaurant role with features:

  • Sign in/out as a restaurant.
  • Get a list of available orders.
  • Print invoice as a pdf file.

Customer role with feature:

  • Sign in/out as a customer
  • Order a food item from list of available items (populate some dummy items in the db)
  • Get total fare of the food ordered which can be calculated as per following rule-
    • Base (Item) cost = Rate * Quantity
    • Taxes - 5 % on base cost
    • Delivery charge - Rs 1 * distance b/w customer and restaurant.
  • Get estimated time which can be calculated as per following rule-
    • Food prep time = Unit prep time * quantity
    • Delivery time - Assume driver to drive at rate of 40 kmph.
  • Cancel an order.

Driver role with features -

  • Sign in/out as driver
  • Get an order information with the restaurant and delivery address.
  • Update an order as picked up.
  • Update an order as delivered.


I have made the following assumptions and simplifications:

  1. Everyone is a user. Currently I don't distinguish between customer, driver, and restaurant staff
  2. A customer can only order one item. Otherwise, I would have to manage complex order lists.
  3. I've harcoded the secret for the JWT bearer token. This should come from the environment or a database.
  4. I've populated the database with 1 user, bob, with a password of bobsecret
  5. Prices are in dollars. Travel cost is $.10/mile
  6. For /login you can use parameters from the query string. E.g., /login?username=bob&password=bobsecret
  7. For login, you can also do a post with the postdata in the form of {"username":"bob","password":"bobsecret"}
  8. You can get the commit history from Github
  9. When you print the pdf it writes a file called "report.pdf" in the executable directory.


  • POST login - returns a bearer token

  • GET menu - list menu items

  • POST customers/{userid}/orders/{itemid} - place an order

  • GET customers/{userid}/orders - list existing orders

  • GET orders/{orderid}/price - get total price for an order

  • GET orders/{orderid}/time - get time of delivery for an order

  • GET orders - list all orders

  • PUT orders/{orderid}/pickedup - mark an order as picked up

  • PUT orders/{orderid}/delivered - mark an order as delivered

  • DELETE orders/{orderid} - delete an order

  • GET orders/{orderid}/print - print order to pdf

  • GET users - list all users



CustomerID, user name, password, address, distance


ItemID, Description, Price, prep time


OrderID, UserID, ItemID, PickedUp, Delivered


API <=> Routers <=> Authentication <=> Controllers <=> Database


No description, website, or topics provided.






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