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89 lines (73 loc) · 4.61 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (73 loc) · 4.61 KB

Known Issues

Please report any other issue you may encounter by using the app help form.


Known issues that should be fixed in upcoming releases:

  • Trashing, restoring and deleting content permanently may not work as expected yet, especially regarding shared folders and connectors. details
  • Symlinks are not supported yet. Symlinks inside the synchronized directory will trigger errors and their content won't be synchronized.
  • Using an external device mounted in a non temporary mount point as the synchronized directory can have unexpected consequences: in case the device is not mounted when the client starts, the mount point will appear as an empty directory and the client will assume you deleted everything and will update your Cozy accordingly, putting everything in the Cozy trash.
  • Using two clients on two different OS with a shared partition between the two is not supported.
  • When a file is made executable / non-executable on the Cozy side (i.e. typically from another device), the local file permissions are set to 755 / 644, which means they could be more accessible than they were before for group / others.
  • Loses the original creation date of the files and applies the sync date as the creation date instead.

Issues caused by lower-level bugs that will be harder to fix or circumvent:

  • Replacing a directory with a file of the same name won't work (same when replacing a file with a directory of the same name).
  • Files and directories at the root of the synchronized directory (usually Cozy Drive) and whose name start with an underscore (i.e. _), won't be synchronized at all.
  • While having some errors, client might display "offline" message instead of relevant one.
  • With some specific successive actions, moving a parent folder and editing a child file, or removing it, some changes might not be taken into account.
  • On MacOS, Files in directories whose name start or end with a space won't be synchronized although the directories themselves will be.

Performances & resources consumption

  • The app uses a lot of CPU on start and when syncing.
  • Actions involving lots of content may take too much time to complete or use too much resources. But adding 100000 files or moving 50000 files should still work.
  • Logs can grow up a lot. We want to reduce the default verbosity, but it currently helps us a lot with synchronization issues.

UI issues

  • The Start Cozy Drive on system startup switch in the app settings may not reflect the actual configuration. This is an UI bug, the app should still be effectively started on boot.

Windows specific issues

  • In case the app shows a white window, this may have something to do with the GPU settings. See related electron issue.

macOS integration

  • The app takes some time before actually syncing, may hold on until there is no more activity.
  • The systray icon/menu doesn't behave exactly the same as native ones: missing background color when selected, clicking on nearby icon doesn't hide the popover...
  • Right-click menu doesn't work, the only way to quit is through the popover, in the settings tab.
  • The popover is still moveable with tools like BetterTouchTools.

GNU/Linux integration

  • If the *.AppImage file is moved after first run, then the desktop shortcut will always launch the old app version, even after auto-updating (workaround: install the appimaged daemon as explained in the linux install doc).
  • When using the *.AppImage, after an update, the automatic launch on system startup might need to be reactivated.
  • Without an extension like TopIcons-Plus on GNOME 3, the systray icon is not visible, leaving no other way to access the popover (since we don't bring it up when relaunching the app yet). It should work on other GNU/Linux desktops with systray support though.
  • On recent distro releases, the app may not show up on click with TopIcons-Plus. Switching back to the original TopIcons extension may fix the issue.
  • Sometimes the systray icon is not visible on Debian Jessie, although the popover still works. Please fill separate issues for other distros. details
  • The popover is not aligned with the systray icon.
  • The popover may appear on the wrong place with multiple screens.
  • The auto-hiding of the popover makes it almost unusable with tiling window managers. details