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291 lines (262 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

291 lines (262 loc) · 11.6 KB

The Viewer component can be used to display the content of various file types.

Once rendered, the Viewer will take up all the available space in it's container (using position: absolute). It can be paired with the Overlay component to take up the whole screen.

The Viewer can display an information panel to show additional information about the current file (e.g. whether a file is certified).

⚠️ Important


  • files : <array> – One or more io.cozy.files to display
  • currentIndex : <number> – Index of the file to show
  • currentURL : <string> – Optionnal URL of the file
  • className : <string> – CSS classes
  • toolbarProps : <object> – Toolbar properties
    • toolbarRef : <object> – React reference of the toolbar node
    • showToolbar : <boolean> – Whether to show the toolbar or not. Note that the built-in close button is in the toolbar
    • showClose : <boolean> – Whether to show close button in toolbar
  • showNavigation : <boolean> – Whether to show left and right arrows to navigate between files
  • renderFallbackExtraContent : <function> – A render prop that is called when a file can't be displayed
  • onlyOfficeProps : <object> – Used to open an Only Office file (deprecated)
  • disablePanel : <boolean> – Show/Hide the panel containing more information about the file only on Desktop
  • disableFooter : <boolean> – Show/Hide the panel containing more information about the file only on Phone & Tablet devices
  • editPathByModelProps : <object> – Edit path by model properties
    • information : <string> – URL used to edit the file when editing a information type metadata (text, date)
    • page : <string> – URL used to edit the file when editing a page type metadata (side of the document)
  • onChangeRequest : <function> - Called with (nextFile, nextIndex) when the user requests to navigate to another file
  • onCloseRequest : <function> - Called when the user wants to leave the Viewer
  • componentsProps : <object> – Props passed to components with the same name
    • OnlyOfficeViewer : <object> – Used to open an Only Office file
      • isEnabled : <boolean> – Whether Only Office is enabled on the server
      • opener : <function> – To open the Only Office file


import cx from 'classnames'
import { makeStyles } from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/styles'
import Variants from 'cozy-ui/docs/components/Variants'
import Card from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Card'
import Checkbox from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Checkbox'
import Viewer from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Viewer'
import Stack from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Stack'
import Paper from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Paper'
import Typography from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Typography'
import { Media, Img, Bd } from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Media'
import Icon from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Icon'
import CarbonCopyIcon from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Icons/CarbonCopy'
// The DemoProvider inserts a fake cozy-client in the React context.
import DemoProvider from './docs/DemoProvider'
import Overlay from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Overlay'
import Button from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Buttons'
import DownloadIcon from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Icons/Download'
import ShareIcon from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Icons/Share'
import { isValidForPanel } from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Viewer/helpers'
import getPanelBlocks, { panelBlocksSpecs } from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Viewer/Panel/getPanelBlocks'
import FooterActionButtons from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Viewer/Footer/FooterActionButtons'
import ForwardOrDownloadButton from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Viewer/Footer/ForwardOrDownloadButton'
import Sprite from 'cozy-ui/transpiled/react/Icon/Sprite'

// We provide a collection of (fake) io.cozy.files to be rendered
const files = [
    _id: 'audio',
    class: 'audio',
    name: 'Sample.mp3',
    mime: 'audio/mp3'
    _id: 'slide',
    class: 'slide',
    name: 'Slide.pptx',
    mime: 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'
    _id: 'pdf',
    class: 'pdf',
    name: 'My vehicle registration.pdf',
    mime: 'application/pdf',
    metadata: {
      carbonCopy: true,
      AObtentionDate: null,
      BObtentionDate: "2022-02-09T09:05:38.000Z",
      CObtentionDate: null,
      DObtentionDate: null,
      datetime: "2022-09-23T07:50:22.000Z",
      datetimeLabel: "BObtentionDate",
      number: "",
      page: "front",
      qualification: {
        label: "driver_license",
        purpose: "attestation",
        sourceCategory: "gov",
        sourceSubCategory: "transport",
        subjects: ["permit", "driving"]
    _id: 'text',
    class: 'text',
    name: 'LoremipsumdolorsitametconsecteturadipiscingelitSednonrisusSuspendisselectustortordignissimsitametadipiscingnecultriciesseddolorCraselementumultricesdiamMaecenasligulamassavariusasempercongueeuismodnonmiProinporttitororcinecnonummymolestieenimesteleifendminonfermentumdiamnislsitameteratDuissemperDuisarcumassascelerisquevitaeconsequatinpretiumaenimPellentesquecongueUtinrisusvolutpatliberopharetratemporCrasvestibulumbibendumauguePraesentegestasleoinpedePraesentblanditodioeuenimPellentesquesedduiutaugueblanditsodalesVestibulumanteipsumprimisinfaucibusorciluctusetultricesposuerecubiliaCuraeAliquamnibhMaurisacmaurissedpedepellentesquefermentumMaecenasadipiscingantenondiamsodaleshendrerit.txt',
    mime: 'text/plain',
    metadata: {
      datetime: "2022-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
      datetimeLabel: "datetime",
      qualification: {
        label: 'tax_notice'
    _id: 'text',
    class: 'text',
    name: 'encrypted-example.txt',
    mime: 'text/plain',
    encrypted: true

    _id: 'image',
    class: 'image',
    name: 'Demo.jpg',
    mime: 'image/jpg',
    metadata: {
      carbonCopy: true,
      electronicSafe: true,
      referencedDate: new Date( - 357 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).toISOString(),
      datetimeLabel: "referencedDate",
      qualification: {
        label: 'personal_sporting_licence'
    _id: 'none',
    class: 'unknown',
    name: 'Unsupported file type',
    mime: '???/???'

const ShareButtonFake = () => {
  return (
      className="u-w-100 u-ml-0 u-mr-0"
      startIcon={<Icon icon={ShareIcon} />}
      onClick={() => {
        return alert("This is a demo, there's no actual Cozy to share the file from ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯")

// The host app will usually need a small wrapper to display the Viewer. This is a very small example of such a wrapper that handles opening, closing, and navigating between files.
initialState = {
  viewerOpened: isTesting(),
  currentIndex: 0,
  showToolbarCloseButton: true

const initialVariants = [
  { navigation: true, toolbar: true, onlyOfficeEnabled: true }

const getURL = (file) => {
  if (file.encrypted && file.class === 'text') {
    const text = 'Well, hello there. This file is served through an URL'
    const textBlob = new Blob([text], {
      type: 'text/plain'
    return URL.createObjectURL(textBlob)
  return null

const toggleViewer = () => setState({ viewerOpened: !state.viewerOpened })
const handleToggleToolbarClose = () => setState({ showToolbarCloseButton: !state.showToolbarCloseButton })
const onFileChange = (file, nextIndex) => setState({ currentIndex: nextIndex, currentURL: getURL(file) })
const editPathByModelProps = {
  information: `#!/Viewer?metadata=__NAME__`,
  page: `#!/Viewer`


  <Variants initialVariants={initialVariants}>{
      variant => (
          {variant.toolbar && (
            <Card className="u-mb-1">
              <div className="u-dib u-mr-1">Toolbar props :</div>
          <Button label="Open viewer" variant="ghost" size="small" onClick={toggleViewer} />
          {state.viewerOpened && (
                  showToolbar: variant.toolbar,
                  showClose: state.showToolbarCloseButton
                  OnlyOfficeViewer: {
                    isEnabled: variant.onlyOfficeEnabled,
                    opener: () => alert('This is a demo, no Only Office opener here')
                  <ShareButtonFake />
                  <ForwardOrDownloadButton />
  <Sprite />

Using a worker for pdfjs

For performance reasons, it is important to use a web worker when showing PDF files in the viewer. If you use webpack, you should add the following alias in your configuration :

+ resolve: {
+   alias: {
+     'react-pdf$' : 'react-pdf/dist/esm/entry.webpack'
+   }
+ }

With this alias, a specific JS file for the worker will be created in the build directory. By design, this directory is only accessible (ie. served by the stack) if you are logged in. If you need the viewer on a public page, you must tell webpack to create the worker in a public folder, that will be served by the stack even if the user is not logged in.

One way to do this is to explicitly load the web worker in your application like this:

import createWorker from 'react-pdf/dist/esm/pdf.worker.entry';
import { pdfjs } from 'react-pdf';

pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerPort = createWorker();

And then configure the webpack worker-loader to output the file in a publicly served directory:

  test: /\.worker\.entry\.js$/,
  issuer: { not: [/node_modules\//] }, // only for the worker loaded by the app, leave the workers created by dependencies alone
  use: [{
    loader: 'worker-loader',
    options: {
      name: 'public-folder/[name].[hash].worker.js'

Only works with React

The Viewer can be used only in a React Application. You can't use it with Preact.

Special case: client-side encrypted files

When a file is client-side encrypted, it is not possible to get the download link from the server anymore. Hence, an additional currentURL prop must be eventually given to the <Viewer>. This URL is the decrypted file, asynchronously provided by the app.