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File metadata and controls

460 lines (336 loc) · 19.6 KB

Parameter File Contents

The MCFOST input parameter file is a fixed format text file, that has gained more features over time as the code has developed. Each line consists of one or more values separated by whitespace. Anything after the last value is interpreted as a comment. The number of lines in the file and the number of items on each line must be exactly right or MCFOST will not run. The parsing code is flexible enough to accept different amounts of white space, though. Extra empty lines can also be added.

The file format changes slightly with different versions of MCFOST. The first line of the parameter file gives a version number that specifies how that file should be interpreted. MCFOST tries to remain compatible with old versions of the parameter files.

The following description of the many parameters is very very incomplete... See Pinte et al. 2006 for most of the relevant equations.

Photon count setup

  • nbr_photons_eq_th: Number of of photon packets launched when computing the temperature structure of the disk (typically 100 000, unless large noise is seen in temperature map),
  • nbr_photons_lambda: Number of photons packets per wavelength that must reach the observer when computing the output SED, for the inclination bin with highest inclination. Typically 10 000, unless anomalously large noise is seen in the SED. With 10 000 packets received, the MC noise will be of the order of 1%.
  • nbr_photons_image: Number of of photon packets launched when computing a disk image. This number must be adjusted depending on the spatial and inclination resolution. Low values, typically 100 000, are enough when using the ray-tracing mode.

Wavelength setup

  • nlambda, lambda_min, lambda_max: Number of wavelength bins, and minimum and maximum wavelengths in units of microns.


lambda_min and lambda_max are defining the range of wavelengths used to compute the temperature structure. They must include all wavelengths were there is significant emission from the star and the disk.


lambda_min and lambad_max are the extreme wavelengths at the edges of the bins; the central wavelengths of the bins will be a little bit inside those extreme values. If you need to force specific wavelengths, use the use_default_wavelength_grid flag.

  • ltemp: do you want to compute the temperature map? Most of the time it's T (unless you have already previously computed the temperature but not the SED for some reason).
  • lsed: do you want to compute an SED? Most of the time it's T (unless you care only about the temperature structure of the disk)
  • use_default_wavelength_grid: are you happy with the default evenly log-spaced sampling in wavelength (T) or do you want to use the wavelength file indicated in the following line (F)
  • wavelength_file: a text file containing the wavelengths at which the SED is to be sampled. One entry per line, all entries in microns. The file should be located in $MCFOST_UTILS/Lambda/ or in the local directory where MCFOST is executed, and a copy will be placed in the data_th directory
  • separate_contributions: Save output file that tracks the various different contributions (star vs disk, scattered vs direct). Applicable to both SED and image calculations, works in RT mode. In MC SED mode, this setting is always on, as it is almost free to track this.
  • output_stokes_parameters: Keep track of the Stokes parameters for each photon. Output images will include polarization axis. Only applicable to image calculations, works in RT mode.

Grid geometry

  • grid_type: selecting a cylindrical, spherical grid geometry. The spherical grid is mandatory if an envelope is present; for disks, the cylindrical grid is more appropriate, and benefits from more optimizations.


A Voronoi tesselation is also available for a set of pre-defined points. The Voronoi tesselation is automatically used when using some density input files. It is particularly suited to use the results of hydrodynamical simulations, in particular SPH, where 1 SPH particle can be directly matched to 1 cell in MCFOST.

  • n_rad: Number of grid cells along the radial direction
  • nz (n_theta): Number of grid cell along the vertical direction (from the midplane up, for a cylindrical grid), or the latitude direction (for a spherical grid)
  • n_az: Number of grid cells along the azimuthal direction (set to 1 for an axisymmetric structure)
  • n_rad_in: Number of sub-cells in which to split the first cell along the radial axis. This should be in the 10-30 range for an optically thick disk so as to deal accurately with the highest density regions of the disk. If the temperature map shows T=1K in the second pixel from the disk inner radius, you need to increase n_rad_in.


  • grid (nx, ny): Number of pixels for the output images (applies to both Monte Carlo and RayTracing images).
  • map_size: physical size of the produced maps (in au). Applied to the largest axis if nx is different from ny
  • RT_imin: Minimum inclination to compute the Ray Tracing images (does not need to be 0o). 0o is pole-on and 90o is edge-on.
  • RT_imax: Maximum inclination to compute the Ray Tracing images (does not need to be 90o)
  • RT_n_incl: Number of inclinations for which Ray Tracing images should be computed in the [imin,imax] range, evenly spaced in cos(i)
  • RT_centered: Set to F to force images to be computed exactly at imin and imax; if set to T, the sampled inclination values will be computed at the midway point of the cos(i) bins
  • RT_az_min: Minimum azimuthal angle to compute the Ray Tracing images (does not need to be 0o). For a pole-on model, 0o means that the x and y axes of the model correspond to the x and y axes if the map.
  • RT_az_max: Maximum azimuthal angle to compute the Ray Tracing images.
  • RT_n_az: Number of azimuthal angles for which Ray Tracing images should be computed in the [RT_az_min, RT_az_max] range, linearly spaced.
  • distance: Distance to the object in pc
  • disk_PA: position angle of the disk major axis from North to East. PA = means that the red-shifted side of the disk is towards North.


For version below 3.0.43, PA was defined as the position angle of the semi-minor axis of the disk, measured counter-clockwise, with red-shifted side towards West. This convention can be recovered with comman line option -old_PA (this removes 90 degrees from the PA set in the parameter file).

If disk PA is not set to +/-90o, some of the image symmetries (see below) will automatically be set to F

Scattering Method

scattering_method: compute the average dust properties per grain size (value: 1), per grid cell (value: 2), or the most appropriate for the ongoing calculation (value: 0, preferred in virtually all cases). Value 2 can not be used if the Stokes parameters are required.

Mie/hg: choice of scattering phase function; Mie theory (value: 1) is strongly preferred over the Henyey-Greenstein parametric description (value: 2) since it is physically grounded and allows calculations in full-Stokes mode. If the HG phase function is selected, Mie theory will first be used to compute the effective g value, which will then be used to randomly select scattering angles.


Optical properties calculations are much faster when the option is set to 2, reducing significantly MCFOST's initialization time. It may be useful to compute quickly temperature structures and SEDs when very large grains are present and/or a large number of wavelengths are used (the overhead due to Mie theory is almost always negligeable for monochromatic images).


  • image_symmetry: Is the image left/right symmetric?
  • central_symmetry: Is the model structure symmetric relative to the origin?
  • plane_symmetry: Is the model structure symmetric relative a vertical plane?

In most cases for a 2D model, all three symmetries should be set to T. If you use an asymmetric disk structure, or if there is more than one star illuminating the disk, then they should be set to F. If a disk PA different than 0o has been set, then first two symmetries should be set to F and the last one to T.

Disk physics

  • dust_settling: no settling (0), parametric (1), following Dubrulle's (2) or Fromang's prescription (3).


  • Parametric settling is independent of radius, it is simply a scaling of the scale height as a function of the grain size.
  • Dubrulle's and Fromang's settling assume a diffusion equation depending on the viscosity. Dubrulle's vertical profile remains Gaussian, while Fromang's presciption is more realistic and departs from the Gaussian profile at high altitude. (see Dubrulle et al 1995 and Fromang et al 2009).
  • exp_strat: power law describing the parametric settling, where H(a) decreases as a-exp_strat for a > a_strat
  • a_strat: minimum size [microns] for grains affected by vertical settling (for parametric settling)
  • dust_radial_migration: simple prescription for radial migration of dust grains (TBW)
  • hydrostatic_equilibrium: (work in progress) compute the hydrostatic equilibrium assuming Tgas = Tdust
  • sublimate_dust: this option will iteratively remove the dust if the temperature reaches the dust sublimation temperature
  • viscous_heating: (work in progress) includes additional heating source due to viscous accretion (note that it does not account for the accretion shock on the star)
  • viscosity: alpha parameter describing the strength of the viscosity (used for settling (mode 2 and 3), and viscous heating).

Number of Zones

The following sections density structure--grain properties will be repeated n times, depending on the number of zones set here. This lets you describe a complex multi-component system.

MCFOST can use as many zones as required but the memory usage and cpu time for the initialization will increase with the number of zones. If you use a large number of zones you might also need to ensure that the resolution of the spatial grid is high enough.

Density structure

  • zone_type: disk (value: 1), disk with outer tapered-edge (value: 2), spherically symmetric envelope (value: 3), debris disk (value : 4) or an azimuthally asymetric wall (value : 5). If at least one of the zones is described as an envelope, the computing grid must be spherical.
  • disk_dust_mass: in units of Msun
  • gas_to_dust_ratio: quantity only used in molecular emission calculations
  • scale_height_H0: value of the disk scale height (technically, sigma of the Gaussian vertical density profile) at the reference radius, in au
  • reference_radius_R0: in au
  • vertical_profile_exponent: exponent of vertical density profile (only relevant for type 4, debris disk)
  • Rin: inner radius of disk or envelope in AU (assuming sublimation calculation is not enabled)
  • Rout: outer radius of disk or envelope [au]
  • Rc: critical radius for tapered-edge disk model [au]
  • edge: make nonzero for gradual rather than abrupt falloff inside rin/outside rout. This is to set a smooth decline in surface density at the inner and outer edges of the disk. Inside of r_in (and outside of r_out), the density drops following a Gaussian whose sigma is the "edge" parameter.
  • \beta: flaring exponent = power law index of the H(r) scale height function, typically in the [1.0-1.25] range
  • p1 and p2 : surface density exponent, or -gamma for tapered-edge. Power law index of the surface density profile (generally <0). -gamma_exp for tapered-edge. Defines p_in and p_out in case of a debris disk.

The disk density structures are defined as :

  1. \Sigma(r)\ \alpha \ r^{p1}
  2. \ \Sigma(r)\ \alpha \ r^{p1}\ \exp( - (\frac{r}{Rc})^{2 + p2})\ \alpha \ r^{-\gamma}\ \exp( - (\frac{r}{Rc})^{2 - \gamma_{\exp}})
  3. \rho(r)\ \alpha\ r^{p1}
  4. \rho(r,z)\ \alpha \ ((\frac{r}{Rc})^{- 2p_{\text{in}}} + (\frac{r}{Rc})^{- 2p_{\text{out}}})^{- 1/2} \times \exp( -(\frac{\left| z \right|}{h(r)})^{\gamma_{\text{vert}}}) see Augereau et al, 1999, A&A, 348, 557. pin = p1 > 0 and pout = p2 < 0

If Rout is set to 0, it is automatically set Rout to 8 Rc in the case of a disk with tapered-edge.

For types 1,2, 4 and 5, the local scale height is defined as h(r) = h_0 (\frac{r}{r_0})^{\beta}

Grain properties


there should be as many blocks containing the following parameters as there are zones in the disk. The code will crash otherwise.

  • n_species: Number of dust populations present in the disk zone; if N_species > 1, the dust grains of different species are assumed to be physically disjoint, but distributed in the same manner through the disk. All the following lines in the block must be duplicated N_species times if N_species > 1.
  • Grain_type: spherical grains (Mie) or distribution of hollow spheres (DHS)
  • n_components: Number of materials that make up a given specie; these materials are assumed to be physically joint within each dust grain. The line with the optical indices and volume fraction must be duplicated N_components times if N_components > 1.
  • mixing_rule: are the components randomly mixed within the volume of a grain (value: 1, effective mixing theory following Bruggeman rule) or is the second component forming a coating on top of the first one (value: 2). The effective optical index of the new "mixed" grain is computed before any Mie theory computation. Does not apply is N_components = 1. Coating can only be used with 2 components (the 1st one is the core, the 2nd one the shell).
  • porosity: porosity of the dust grains (in the [0,1] range, 0 for compact grains, near 1 for porous ones)
  • mass_fraction: fraction of the mass contained in this specie (the sum of the N_species mass fractions should be equal to 1, MCFOST will renormalize the values so that the sum is 1)
  • DHS_Vmax: maximum void fraction for DHS calculation
  • optical_indices_file: file containing the optical index of the material as a function of wavelength (files must be located in $MCFOST_UTILS/Dust/)
  • volume_fraction: fraction of the volume of a grain contained in this component (the sum of the N_components volume fractions should be equal to 1, MCFOST will renormalize the values so that the sum is 1)
  • heating_method: indicated whether radiative equilibrium and local thermal equilibrium are assumed: for an optically thick disk, both should be true (value: 1); for an optically thin disk, only the RE is assumed (value: 2, will yield a temperature map that has a third dimension spanning the grain size distribution); for out-of-equilibrium grains, none of them is true (value: 3, typical for PAH grains)
  • amin: minimum grain radius, in microns
  • amax: maximum grain radius, in microns
  • aexp: power law index of the grain size distribution dN(a)/da
  • n_grains: number of grain size bins to the sample [evenly in log(a)] the grain size distribution; dust properties are only computed for these grain sizes and subsequent interpolations are used whenever necessary. Typical value is in the 50-100 range, less in case of multiple dust specie/disk zones to limit RAM requirement (and computation time of the Mie theory).

Molecular RT settings

  • lpop: do you wish to compute the level populations (this might not be the case if you use populations from an external code, ProDiMo for instance)
  • lpop_accurate: if the variable is set to false, mcfost will just perform a 1+1D (or 1+1+1D) line transfer. If set to true, the result of the 1+1D line transfer will be used as a starting point for the full 2D or 3D line transfer.
  • LTE: assume LTE level populations
  • profile_width: internal line width used for the line transfer calculation. Bascically, it means that cells with relative projected velocities that exceed this value will not see each other during the transfer. The value needs to be larger than the local line width.
  • molecular_data_file: LAMBDA data file used for the line transfer
  • level_max: maximum level up to which the line transfer will be performed. Level above level_max will not be populated
  • vmax [km/s]: maximum velocity is the produced channel maps
  • n_speed: number of velocity points between 0 and vmax
  • cst_abundance: do you wish to use a constant molecular abundance over the disk. If true, use the provided abundance, if false read the abundance from the following fits file. The resolution of the fits file must be the same as the grid used by mcfost.
  • ray_tracing: produce or not a ray-traced data cube of the molecule
  • n_lines: number of transition ray-traced, the indices given in the next lines correspond to the transition indices in the LAMBDA files. For instance the J=1-0 transition is usually #0

Star properties

  • n_stars: number of stars illuminating the disk. If num_stars > 1, the following group of two lines must be duplicated num_stars times

  • Teff: effective temperature of the star (only used to compute the stellar luminosity), in K

  • Rstar: stellar radius (used to compute the stellar luminosity and set the spatial origin of the photon packets: the star is assumed to be a uniformly radiating sphere), in Rsun

  • Mstar: stellar mass (only used for molecular line calculations, hudrostatic equilibrium and viscous heating via accretion, in Msun

  • x, y, z: position of the star, in au. If this is not (0,0,0), the image symmetries must be set to F

  • automatic_spectrum?: should the stellar spectrum estimated automatically from the effective temperature and radius ? If not, the stellar spectrum indicated in the following line is used instead


    Teff vs stellar atmosphere model. The effective temperature is only used to compute the total stellar luminosity and it doesn't need to match the atmosphere model. In practice, the atmosphere model will be chosen with the effective temperature closest to the target's. In any case, the luminosity will be set by Teff and Rstar (assuming there is no UV excess).

  • fUV, slope_fUV: photospheric UV excess and its slope in Fnu.


    The basic underlying assumption is that the total emission from the star can be approximated by whatever stellar model you use plus a single power law UV excess. That UV excess is characterized by two parameters: fUV is the scaling factor while slope_fUV is the power law index. The definition of fUV can be found in Woitke et al. 2010, and is the ratio of the UV flux between 92 and 250nm to the total photospheric luminosity. If fUV=0, then there's no excess on top of the phtosphere. The UV is only important for chemistry purposes in practice, unless you use some crazy high value of fUV.