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QuickStart SQL Server with docker on Ubuntu 22.04

Let's assume that you have a brand-new Ubuntu 22.04 virtual machine, if it was created with multipass you will use the ubuntu user and its /home/ubuntu directory. Please login to this VM and make sure you are in your home directory.

When using multipass you can create the VM with this command:

multipass launch -n sqlserver -c 4 -m 4G -d 12G
multipass shell sqlserver

These parameters are enough to run a few small demo databases. Add more disk space if necessary.

Just in case: Install Multipass on your system

Step 1: Install tree

This software will let you see the full directory structure and verify that SQL Server filled it with its data/log files.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install tree

Step 2: Install latest Docker engine

curl -fsSL -o && sh && sudo sh

When the installation process ends you can check the results with:

sudo docker version

This is an express way to install the docker engine on Ubuntu and it can be updated with the rest of the system using the regular sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade command.

Step 3: Pull SQL Server 2019 image for docker

This may take a few minutes, it is a large image.

sudo docker pull

Step 4: Create a directory structure for SQL Server data files

mkdir sql && mkdir sql/data && mkdir sql/log && mkdir sql/secrets
chmod -R 777 sql

Step 5: Run SQL Server container

You may change the value of MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD, do not touch the rest of the command, it is a single line.

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name mssql --network host -v ./sql/data:/var/opt/mssql/data -v ./sql/log:/var/opt/mssql/log -v ./sql/secrets:/var/opt/mssql/secrets -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_PID=Developer" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=Basica2024"

Please wait a few seconds, then proceed to the next step.

Step 6: Verify that SQL Server created the basic data files.

tree sql

You should see something like this:

├── data
│   ├── Entropy.bin
│   ├── master.mdf
│   ├── mastlog.ldf
│   ├── model.mdf
│   ├── model_msdbdata.mdf
│   ├── model_msdblog.ldf
│   ├── model_replicatedmaster.ldf
│   ├── model_replicatedmaster.mdf
│   ├── modellog.ldf
│   ├── msdbdata.mdf
│   ├── msdblog.ldf
│   ├── tempdb.mdf
│   ├── tempdb2.ndf
│   ├── tempdb3.ndf
│   ├── tempdb4.ndf
│   ├── templog.ldf
├── log
│   ├── HkEngineEventFile_0_133550319560340000.xel
│   ├── errorlog
│   ├── errorlog.1
│   ├── log.trc
│   ├── sqlagentstartup.log
│   └── system_health_0_133550319567040000.xel
└── secrets
    └── machine-key

Step 7: Download API-Server demo database backups

curl -O
curl -O

Step 8: Copy the backups to the data directory of the container

cp *.bak sql/data

Step 9: Restore the backups


sudo docker exec -it mssql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost \
   -U SA -P 'Basica2024' \
   -Q 'RESTORE DATABASE demodb FROM DISK="/var/opt/mssql/data/demodb.bak" WITH REPLACE, RECOVERY;'


This is the security database that serves as an example of integration with a custom SQL-based security mechanism (users, roles, etc), of particular importance is the stored procedure cpp_dblogin, regardless of the security database structure, API-Server++ login module expects an SP with this name, parameters, and other conventions; the SP is fully documented inside.

sudo docker exec -it mssql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost \
   -U SA -P 'Basica2024' \
   -Q 'RESTORE DATABASE testdb FROM DISK="/var/opt/mssql/data/testdb.bak" WITH REPLACE, RECOVERY;'

That's it, your SQL Server should be ready to accept connections.


ODBC connection strings

Take note of your VM IP address with ip a looking for the 2nd or 3rd interface, depending on the network configuration of your host:


By default API-Server++ uses FreeTDS ODBC Driver, it works for SQL Server and Sybase.

Suppose you want to use the latest Microsoft ODBC Driver for Linux, the native SQL Server client API, in that case, you need Ubuntu 23.04 to use it with API-Server++ because it is currently unavailable on more recent Ubuntu versions like Mantis or Noble. As soon as it becomes available on Ubuntu Noble 24.04, this would be the recommended server platform for API-Server++. The connection string for the Microsoft Driver is this:

Driver=ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server;SERVER=;PORT=1433;Database=demodb;Uid=sa;Pwd=Basica2024;APP=API-Server;Encrypt=no;

We suggest using Microsoft's driver when possible, it's a direct native client. Using encryption is possible with both drivers, we disable it by default for development, troubleshooting encryption configuration between the client and the SQL Server is beyond the scope of this guide, but here are some useful references from the official drivers' documentation.

You may have noticed that we include the APP attribute on the connection string, this is useful to monitor API-Server++ connections on the server.

Executing clean backups in SQL Server 2019

It's necessary to perform a backup with the overwrite option, otherwise, when you restore you may see old data, and your backup file keeps growing, you can specify this option when using Microsoft's GUI tool Management Studio, but you can also do it via SQL or command line with sqlcmd using:

backup database demodb to disk='/var/opt/mssql/data/demodb.bak' with INIT

It is also desirable to shrink your database before executing the backup using the DBCC SHRINKDATABASE SQL command.

Using the SQL command line console inside the docker container

It might be the case that your docker container is not visible to remote GUI clients, this could be the case if you installed it in a multipass VM and then you want to connect from a remote machine, the VM won't be visible by default when using Multipass unless you configured a bridge for that purpose. In this case, you can enter a terminal session inside your docker container, right from the VM where docker is installed of course:

sudo docker exec -it mssql /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S localhost -U SA -P 'Basica2024'

After executing this command, you are inside sqlcmd running in your docker container mssql, now you can execute SQL commands like this:

use master

Removing the docker container

sudo docker stop mssql
sudo docker rm mssql

Removing the Multipass VM

multipass stop sqlserver
multipass delete sqlserver
multipass purge