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File metadata and controls

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Welcome to pypsutil's documentation!

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
   :caption: Contents:


pypsutil is a partial reimplementation of the popular psutil. It is written in pure Python (when necessary, it calls library functions using ctypes).

pypsutil vs. psutil

Reasons to use pypsutil instead of psutil:

  • You do not want dependencies that require C extensions (for whatever reason)
  • You need some of the extra features that pypsutil provides (such as :py:meth:`Process.getgroups()` and the increased availability of :py:meth:`Process.rlimit()`)
  • You are using a type checker in your project (all of pypsutil's public interfaces have type annotations, unlike psutil)

Reasons not to use pypsutil instead of psutil:

  • You need to support Windows, Solaris, and/or AIX (pypsutil currently does not support these platforms)
  • You need to support Python versions prior to 3.6 (pypsutil is Python 3.6+ only)
  • You are concerned about speed (simple benchmarks have shown that psutil is faster, which is expected since it is partially written in C)
  • You need professional support
  • You need some of the features of psutil that pypsutil does not provide (check this documentation to see if the features you need are present)
  • You want a drop-in replacement for psutil (see the note below)

pypsutil aims to implement many of the features of psutil; however, support is currently incomplete.


pypsutil does NOT slavishly follow psutil's API. Specifically:

  • When possible, pypsutil avoids having a single function perform multiple different operations (mainly get vs. set) depending on the arguments it is passed. (Besides being better from a design perspective, this simplifies type annotations.)

    For example, Process.nice() (from psutil) is split into two methods in pypsutil: :py:meth:`Process.getpriority()` and :py:meth:`Process.setpriority()`. Similarly, psutil's cpu_times(percpu=True|False) is split into two functions: :py:func:`cpu_times()` and :py:func:`percpu_times()`.

  • If an interface has been added to the standard library that (at least partially) overlaps with an interface from psutil, pypsutil may either a) remove the interface entirely or b) remove the portion that overlaps with the standard library, possibly renaming it in the process.

    For example, :py:func:`os.cpu_count()` was added in Python 3.4, and it retrieves the same information as psutil.cpu_count(logical=True). As a result, pypsutil does not offer a cpu_count() function; instead, it offers a :py:func:`physical_cpu_count()` function that covers the case of psutil.cpu_count(logical=False).

Platform Support

Currently, the following platforms are supported:

  • Linux
  • macOS
  • FreeBSD
  • OpenBSD
  • NetBSD

Not all platforms support all interfaces. Availability of different functions on different platforms is noted in the documentation.

Note that pypsutil is only regularly tested on x86_64 Linux, macOS, and FreeBSD. pypsutil should work on OpenBSD/NetBSD and on non-x86_64 architectures, but support is less reliable. (In particular, big-endian architectures may have trouble, especially with regards to networking APIs.)

Process information

.. py:class:: Process(pid=None)

   Represents the process with the specified ``pid``. (If ``pid`` is None, the PID of the
   current process is used.)

   This class will retrieve the process's creation time and use the combination of
   PID + creation time to uniquely identify the process, helping to prevent bugs if the
   process exits and the PID is reused by the operating system.

   .. py:attribute:: pid

        The process's PID. This attribute is read-only.

        :type: int

   .. py:method:: ppid()

        Returns the parent process's PID.

        :return: The PID of this process's parent process
        :rtype: int

   .. py:method:: parent()

        Returns a a :py:class:`Process` object representing this process's parent process,
        or ``None`` if the parent process cannot be determined.

        Note: This method preemptively checks if this process's PID has been reused.

            a :py:class:`Process` object representing this process's parent process,
            or ``None`` if the parent process cannot be determined
        :rtype: Process or None

   .. py:method:: parents()

        Returns a list of this process's parents. This is a helper that is effectively
        equivalent to calling :py:meth:`parent()` repeatedly until it returns None.

        Note: This method preemptively checks if this process's PID has been reused.

            a list of :py:class:`Process` objects representing this process's parents
        :rtype: list[Process]

   .. py:method:: children(\*, recursive=False)

        Get a list of the children of this process. If ``recursive`` is ``True``, includes
        all descendants.

        :param bool recursive:
            If ``True``, include all descendants of this process's children
            a list of :py:class:`Process` objects representing this process's children
        :rtype: list[Process]

   .. py:method:: create_time()

        Get the creation time of this process.

        :return: The creation time of this process, in seconds since the Unix epoch
        :rtype: float

   .. py:method:: raw_create_time()

        .. warning::
            In nearly all cases, you want to use :py:meth:`create_time()` instead.

        Get the "raw" creation time of this process. This is the value returned directly by the OS.
        For most intents and purposes, its value is completely meaningless.

        The only guarantee made about this value is that two :py:class:`Process` objects
        representing the same process will always have the same raw creation time. Any uses of this
        value beyond that are undefined behavior.

        :return: The "raw" creation time returned directly by the OS.
        :rtype: float

   .. py:method:: pgid()

        Get the processs group ID of this process.

        :return: The process group ID of this process
        :rtype: int

   .. py:method:: sid()

        Get the session ID of this process.

        :return: The session ID of this process
        :rtype: int

   .. py:method:: status()

      Get the current process status as one of the members of the :py:class:`ProcessStatus` enum.

      :return: The current process status
      :rtype: ProcessStatus

   .. py:method:: name()

        Get the name of this process.

        :return: The name of this process
        :rtype: str

   .. py:method:: exe(\*, fallback_cmdline=True)

        Get the path to this process's executable.

        On some platforms (such as OpenBSD) this cannot be obtained directly. On those platforms,
        if ``fallback_cmdline`` is ``True``, this method will return the first command-line
        argument (if it is not an absolute path, a lookup will be performed on the system ``PATH``).

        If the path to the process's executable cannot be determined (for example, if the ``PATH``
        lookup fails on OpenBSD), this function will return an empty string.

        :param bool fallback_cmdline:
            Whether to fall back on checking the first command-line argument if the OS does not
            provide a way to get the executable path. (This is much less reliable.)
        :return: The path to this process's executable
        :rtype: str

   .. py:method:: cmdline()

        A list of strings representing this process's command line.

        :return: This process's command line as a list of strings
        :rtype: list[str]

   .. py:method:: cwd()

        Get this process's current working directory.

        :return: This process's current working directory
        :rtype: str

   .. py:method:: root()

        Get this process's root directory.

        An empty string is returned if this cannot be obtained.

        :return: This process's root directory
        :rtype: str

        Availability: Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD

   .. py:method:: environ()

        Return this process's environmental variables as a dictionary of strings.

        Note: This may not reflect changes since the process was started.

        :return: This process's environment as a dict
        :rtype: dict[str, str]

   .. py:method:: uids()

        Get the real, effective, and saved UIDs of this process

        :return: A tuple containing the UIDs of this process
        :rtype: tuple[int, int, int]

   .. py:method:: gids()

        Get the real, effective, and saved GIDs of this process

        :return: A tuple containing the GIDs of this process.
        :rtype: tuple[int, int, int]

   .. py:method:: fsuid()

        Get the filesystem UID of this process (Linux-specific).

        :return: The filesystem UID of this process
        :rtype: int

        Availability: Linux

   .. py:method:: fsgid()

        Get the filesystem GID of this process (Linux-specific).

        :return: The filesystem GID of this process
        :rtype: int

        Availability: Linux

   .. py:method:: getgroups()

        Get the supplementary group list of this process.

        .. note::
            Currently, on Windows Subsystem for Linux 1 (not on WSL 2), this
            function succeeds but always returns an empty list.

        .. note::
            On macOS, this function's behavior differs from that of
            `os.getgroups() <>`_.
            Effectively, it always behaves as if the deployment target is less than 10.5.

        :return: A list of this process's supplementary group IDs.
        :rtype: list[int]

   .. py:method:: username()

        Get the username of the user this process is running as.

        Currently, this just takes the real UID and uses ``pwd.getpwuid()`` to look up
        the username. If that fails, it converts the real UID to a string and returns that.

        :return: The username of the user this process is running as
        :rtype: str

   .. py:method:: umask()

        Get the umask of this process.

        Returns ``None`` if it is not possible to get the umask on the current version of the
        operating system.

        Note: On FreeBSD, this will raise :py:class:`AccessDenied` for PID 0.

        :return: The umask of this process
        :rtype: int or None

        Availability: Linux (4.7+), FreeBSD

   .. py:method:: sigmasks(\*, include_internal=False)

        Get the signal masks of this process.

        This returns a dataclass with several attributes:

        - ``pending`` (not on macOS): The signals that are pending for this process.
        - ``blocked`` (not on macOS): The signals that are blocked for this process (i.e. the
          signal mask set with ``pthread_sigmask()``).
        - ``ignored``: The signals that are ignored by this process (i.e. ``SIG_IGN``).
        - ``caught``: The signals for which this process has registered signal handlers.
        - ``process_pending`` (Linux-only): The signals that are pending for the process as a
          whole, not just this thread.

        All of these are ``set`` objects.

        .. note::
            Currently, on Windows Subsystem for Linux 1 (not on WSL 2), this
            function succeeds but always returns empty sets for all fields.

        :param bool include_internal:
            If this is ``True``, then implementation-internal signals may be included -- for
            example, on Linux this affects the two or three signals used by the glibc/musl POSIX
            threads implementations.
        :return: The signal masks of this process.
        :rtype: ProcessSignalMasks

   .. py:method:: cpu_times()

        Get the accumulated process times.

        This returns a dataclass with several attributes:

        - ``user``: Time spent in user mode
        - ``system``: Time spent in kernel mode
        - ``children_user``: Time spent in user mode by child processes (0 on macOS)
        - ``children_system``: Time spent in kernel mode (0 on macOS)

        Note: On OpenBSD and NetBSD, ``children_user`` and ``children_system`` are both set to the
        combined user + system time.

        :return: The accumulated process times
        :rtype: ProcessCPUTimes

   .. py:method:: memory_info()

      Return a dataclass containing information on the process's memory usage. Some attributes:

      - ``rss``: Non-swapped physical memory the process is using.
      - ``vms``: Total amount of virtual memory used by the process.
      - ``shared`` (Linux): The amount of memory used in ``tmpfs``-es.
      - ``text`` (Linux, \*BSD): The amount of memory used by executable code.
      - ``data`` (Linux, \*BSD): The amount of memory used by things other than executable code.
      - ``stack`` (\*BSD): The amount of memory used by the stack.
      - ``pfaults`` (macOS): The number of page faults.
      - ``pageins`` (macOS): The number of pageins.

      :returns: A dataclass containing information on the process's memory usage
      :rtype: ProcessMemoryInfo

   .. py:method:: memory_percent(memtype="rss")

      Compare system-wide memory usage to the total system memory and return a process utilization

          The percent of system memory that is being used by the process as the given memory type.
      :rtype: float

   .. py:method:: memory_maps()

      Retrieve information on this process's memory maps.

      .. warning::

         Unlike ``psutil``'s ``memory_maps()``, this method does NOT "group" mappings from the
         same file! See :py:meth:`memory_maps_grouped()` if that is what you want.

      This returns a list of dataclasses, each of which represents a memory map.

      The following metadata fields may included (there are slight variations across operating

      - ``path`` (not on OpenBSD): The path to the mapped file. If the mapping does not correspond
        to a file, this is a string describing the mapping, such as ``[heap]``.
      - ``addr_start``: The start address of the mapping.
      - ``addr_end``: The start address of the mapping.
      - ``perms``: A string describing the permission set of the mapping. On Linux this is e.g.
        ``rwxp`` or ``-w-s``; on other platforms it is e.g. ``rw-`` or ``r-x``.
      - ``offset``: The offset into the file at which the mapping starts.
      - ``dev`` (not on OpenBSD): The device number of the mapped file (or 0 if N/A).
      - ``ino`` (not on OpenBSD): The device number of the mapped file (or 0 if N/A).
      - ``size``: The size of the mapping.

      The fields containing statistics on the mapping vary wildly across operating systems:

      | **Linux**            | **FreeBSD**      | **OpenBSD**      |
      | ``rss``              | ``rss``          | ``wired_count``  |
      | ``pss``              | ``private``      |                  |
      | ``shared_clean``     | ``ref_count``    |                  |
      | ``shared_dirty``     | ``shadow_count`` |                  |
      | ``private_clean``    |                  |                  |
      | ``private_dirty``    |                  |                  |
      | ``referenced``       |                  |                  |
      | ``anonymous``        |                  |                  |
      | ``swap``             |                  |                  |

      The following attributes

      :returns: A list of dataclasses containing information on the process's memory maps
      :rtype: list[ProcessMemoryMap]

      Availability: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD

   .. py:method:: memory_maps_grouped()

      Retrieve information on this process's memory maps, "grouping" mappings from the same file and
      summing the fields.

      This is not available on systems where :py:meth:`memory_maps()` does not support retrieving
      the path of the mapped file, since it's impossible to group the mappings properly in that

      The returned structures have all of the same fields as the structures returned by
      :py:meth:`memory_maps()`, **except** for ``addr_start``, ``addr_end``, ``perms``, and
      ``offset`` (since they are mapping-specific).

      :returns: A list of dataclasses containing information on the process's "grouped" memory maps
      :rtype: list[ProcessMemoryMapGrouped]

      Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

   .. py:method:: rlimit(res, new_limits=None)

      Get/set the soft/hard resource limits of the process. Equivalent to
      ``resource.prlimit(, res, new_limits)``, but may be implemented on more platforms.

      In addition, if this method is used to *set* the resource limits, it preemptively checks for
      PID reuse.

      .. warning::
           On some platforms, this method may not be able to get/set the limits atomically,
           or to set the soft and hard resource limits together.

           Aside from the potential race conditions this creates, if this method raises
           an error, one or both of the limits may have been changed before the error
           occurred. In this case, no attempts are made to revert the changes.

      .. note::
           A special boolean attribute, ``is_atomic``, is set on this method. It is ``True`` if
           the implementation of :py:meth:`rlimit()` is able to get/set the soft/hard limits
           atomically, and is not vulnerable to the issues described above.

      :param int res:
           The number of the resource to set (one of the :py:const:`resource.RLIMIT_*` constants)
      :param new_limits:
           The new ``(soft, hard)`` limits to set (or ``None`` to only get the old resource limits).
           Use :py:const:`resource.RLIM_INFINITY` for infinite limits.
      :type new_limits: tuple[int, int] or None
      :return: A tuple of the old ``(soft, hard)`` resource limits
      :rtype: tuple[int, int]

      Availability: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD

   .. py:method:: getrlimit(res)

      Get the current soft/hard resource limits of the process. Equivalent to
      ``resource.prlimit(, res)``, but may be implemented on more platforms.

      Currently, the availability of this method is the same as for :py:meth:`rlimit()`. However, that
      may change if ``pypsutil`` adds supports for platforms that allow for getting, but not setting,
      resource limits for other processes.

      .. note::
            As with :py:meth:`rlimit()`, this method may not be able to get the soft and hard resource
            limits together. As a result, there is a race condition: If the process's resource limits
            are changed while this method is reading them, this method may return a combination such as
            ``(old soft, new hard)`` or ``(new soft, old hard)`` (where "old" means the values before
            the change and "new" means the values after the change).

            To aid in detection, this method has an ``is_atomic`` attribute similar to the one set on

      :param int res:
           The number of the resource to set (one of the :py:const:`resource.RLIMIT_*` constants)
      :return: A tuple of the current ``(soft, hard)`` resource limits
      :rtype: tuple[int, int]

      Availability: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD

   .. py:method:: has_terminal()

      Check whether this process has a controlling terminal. ``proc.has_terminal()`` is exactly
      equivalent to ``proc.terminal() is not None``, but it is more efficient if you don't need the
      name of the terminal (just whether or not the process has one).

      .. note::
          See the note on :py:meth:`terminal()` for an explanation of how this differs from
          ``[ -t 0 ]``, ``tty -s``, or ``isatty(0)``.

      :return: Whether this process has a controlling terminal
      :rtype: bool

   .. py:method:: terminal()

      Get the name of this process's controlling terminal. Returns ``None`` if the process has no
      controlling terminal, or an empty string if the process has a controlling terminal but its name
      cannot be found.

      .. note::
          Usually, the name returned by this function will be the same as with the ``tty`` command
          or ``ttyname(0)``. However, this function returns the name of the process's *controlling
          terminal*, while ``tty`` and ``ttyname(0)`` return the name of *the terminal connected to
          standard input* (if the process's standard input is a terminal).

          In most cases, these will be the same thing. However, they are not technically *required*
          to be, and in some edge cases they may be different.

      :return: The name of this process's controlling terminal
      :rtype: str or None

   .. py:method:: cpu_num()

      Get number of the CPU this process is running on (or was last running on if it is not currently
      running). Note that the CPU number can change at any time, so the returned value may already
      be outdated.

      This will return -1 if the CPU number cannot be determined (for example, on FreeBSD with certain
      kernel processes).

      :return: The number of the CPU this process is running on (or was last running on)
      :rtype: int

      Availability: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD

   .. py:method:: cpu_getaffinity()

      Get the CPU affinity of this process.

      On Linux, this is equivalent to ``os.sched_getaffinity(`` (see
      `os.sched_getaffinity() <>`_
      for more information). However, it may support other platforms which have APIs that allow
      similar functionality.

      :return: The set of CPUs this process is eligible to run on
      :rtype: set[int]

      Availablity: Linux, FreeBSD

   .. py:method:: cpu_setaffinity(cpus)

      Set the CPU affinity of this process.

      On Linux, this is equivalent to ``os.sched_setaffinity(, cpus)`` (see
      `os.sched_setaffinity() <>`_
      for more information). However, it may support other platforms which have APIs that allow
      similar functionality. It also preemptively checks for PID reuse.

      If the ``cpus`` list is empty, this method will reset the CPU affinity to the set of all
      available CPUs which this process can run on.

      :param iterable[int] cpus: The new set of CPUs that the process should be eligible to run on

      Availablity: Linux, FreeBSD

   .. py:method:: getpriority()

      Equivalent to ``os.getpriority(os.PRIO_PROCESS,`` in most cases. (However, on systems
      where the kernel appears as PID 0, ``Process(0).getpriority()`` will actually operate on PID 0.)

      :return: The process's scheduling priority (a.k.a. nice value)
      :rtype: int

   .. py:method:: setpriority(prio)

      Equivalent to ``os.setpriority(os.PRIO_PROCESS,, prio)``, but preemptively checks for
      PID reuse.

      (Note: on systems where the kernel appears as PID 0, attempting to set the priority of PID 0
      will always fail with an :py:class:`AccessDenied` exception.)

      :param int prio: The new scheduling priority (a.k.a. nice value) for the process

   .. py:method:: send_signal(sig)

      Send the specified signal to this process, preemptively checking for PID reuse.

      Other than the PID reuse check, this is equivalent to ``os.kill(, sig)``.

      :param int sig: The signal number (one of the ``signal.SIG*`` constants)

   .. py:method:: suspend()

      Suspends process execution, preemptively checking for PID reuse. Equivalent to

   .. py:method:: resume()

      Resumes process execution, preemptively checking for PID reuse. Equivalent to

   .. py:method:: terminate()

      Terminates the process, preemptively checking for PID reuse. Equivalent to

   .. py:method:: kill()

      Kills the process, preemptively checking for PID reuse. Equivalent to

   .. py:method:: num_threads()

      The number of threads in this process (including the main thread).

      :returns: The number of threads in this process
      :rtype: int

   .. py:method:: threads()

      Returns a list of :py:class:`ThreadInfo` structures with information on the threads in this

      :returns: A list of :py:class:`ThreadInfo` structures with information on this process's threads
      :rtype: list[ThreadInfo]

   .. py:method:: num_fds()

      Get the number of file descriptors this process has open.

      :returns: The number of file descriptors this process has open
      :rtype: int

   .. py:method:: open_files()

      Return a list of dataclasses containing information on all the regular files this process has open.
      Each entry has the following attributes.

      - ``path``: The absolute path to the file.
      - ``fd``: The file descriptor number.
      - ``position`` (Linux-only): The current seek position.
      - ``flags`` (Linux-only): The flags passed to the underlying ``open()`` C call.
      - ``mode`` (Linux-only): A string, derived from ``flags``, that approximates the likely ``mode``
        argument as for :py:func:`open()`. Possible values are ``"r"``, ``"w"``, ``"a"``, ``"r+"``,

      :returns: A list of dataclasses containing information on all the regular files this process has open
      :rtype: list[ProcessOpenFile]

   .. py:method:: iter_fds()

      Return an iterator that yields a series of :py:class:`ProcessFd` s containing information on
      all the file descriptors this process has open.

            An iterator yielding :py:class:`ProcessFd` s
      :rtype: iter[ProcessFd]

   .. py:method:: connections(kind="inet")

      Return a list of :py:class:`Connection` s representing sockets opened by this process.

      ``kind`` specifies which sockets should be returned:

      - ``"inet"``: All inet sockets (TCP/UDP, IPv4/IPv6)
      - ``"inet4"``: All IPv4 sockets (TCP/UDP)
      - ``"inet6"``: All IPv6 sockets (TCP/UDP)
      - ``"tcp"``: All TCP sockets (IPv4/IPv6)
      - ``"tcp4"``: All TCP, IPv4 sockets
      - ``"tcp6"``: All TCP, IPv6 sockets
      - ``"udp"``: All UDP sockets (IPv4/IPv6)
      - ``"udp4"``: All UDP, IPv4 sockets
      - ``"udp6"``: All UDP, IPv6 sockets
      - ``"unix"``: All Unix sockets
      - ``"all"``: All of the above

      On some OSes, root privileges may be required to list connection information for processes
      created by other users:

      - On Linux and macOS, root privileges **ARE** required to list connection information for
        these processes.
      - On FreeBSD, root privileges are **NOT** required to list connection information for these
        processes, but having root privileges allows this method to use a much more efficient
        implementation (~5x faster).
      - On OpenBSD and NetBSD, root privileges are **NOT** required to list connection information
        for these processes.

      :returns: A list of :py:class:`Connection` s
      :rtype: list[Connection]

      Availability: Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD

   .. py:method:: is_running()

      Checks if the process is still running. Unlike ``pid_exists(``, this also checks for PID

      Note: The following methods preemptively check whether the process is still running and raise
      :py:class:`NoSuchProcess` if it has exited:

      - :py:meth:`parent()`
      - :py:meth:`parents()`
      - :py:meth:`children()`
      - :py:meth:`rlimit()` (when setting limits)
      - :py:meth:`setpriority()`
      - :py:meth:`send_signal()`
      - :py:meth:`suspend()`
      - :py:meth:`resume()`
      - :py:meth:`terminate()`
      - :py:meth:`kill()`

      :returns: Whether the process is still running
      :rtype: int

   .. py:method:: wait(\*, timeout=None)

      Wait for the process to exit. If this process was a child of the current process, its exit code is

      Raises :py:class:`TimeoutExpired` if the timeout expires.

      :param timeout:
            The maximum amount of time to wait for the process to exit (``None`` signifies no limit).
      :type timeout: int or float or None
      :raises TimeoutExpired: If the timeout expires
      :returns: The exit code of the process if it can be determined; otherwise ``None``
      :rtype: int or None

   .. py:method:: oneshot()

      This is a context manager which enables caching pieces of information that can be obtained via the
      same method.

      Here is a table, in the same format as `psutil.Process.oneshot()'s table
      <>`_, that shows which methods can
      be grouped together for greater efficiency:

      | **Linux**                       | **macOS**                          | **FreeBSD**/**OpenBSD**/**NetBSD**           |
      | :py:meth:`name()` [1]_          | :py:meth:`name()`                  | :py:meth:`name()`                            |
      | :py:meth:`status()`             | :py:meth:`status()`                | :py:meth:`status()`                          |
      | :py:meth:`ppid()`               | :py:meth:`ppid()`                  | :py:meth:`ppid()`                            |
      | :py:meth:`terminal()` [2]_      | :py:meth:`pgid()` [1]_             | :py:meth:`pgid()` [1]_                       |
      | :py:meth:`has_terminal()`       | :py:meth:`uids()`                  | :py:meth:`sid()` [1]_                        |
      | :py:meth:`cpu_times()`          | :py:meth:`gids()`                  | :py:meth:`uids()`                            |
      | :py:meth:`cpu_num()`            | :py:meth:`username()` [2]_         | :py:meth:`gids()`                            |
      | :py:meth:`num_threads()` [1]_   | :py:meth:`getgroups()`             | :py:meth:`username()` [2]_                   |
      |                                 | :py:meth:`terminal()` [2]_         | :py:meth:`getgroups()` [3]_                  |
      | :py:meth:`uids()`               | :py:meth:`has_terminal()`          | :py:meth:`terminal()` [2]_                   |
      | :py:meth:`gids()`               | :py:meth:`sigmasks()`              | :py:meth:`has_terminal()`                    |
      | :py:meth:`username()` [2]_      |                                    | :py:meth:`sigmasks()`                        |
      | :py:meth:`getgroups()`          | :py:meth:`cmdline()`               | :py:meth:`cpu_times()`                       |
      | :py:meth:`umask()`              | :py:meth:`environ()`               | :py:meth:`memory_info()`                     |
      | :py:meth:`sigmasks()`           |                                    | :py:meth:`cpu_num()`                         |
      | :py:meth:`num_ctx_switches()`   | :py:meth:`cpu_times()`             | :py:meth:`num_ctx_switches()`                |
      |                                 | :py:meth:`memory_info()`           | :py:meth:`num_threads()` (on FreeBSD)        |
      |                                 | :py:meth:`num_threads()`           |                                              |
      |                                 | :py:meth:`num_ctx_switches()`      |                                              |
      |                                 |                                    |                                              |
      |                                 | :py:meth:`cwd()`                   |                                              |
      |                                 | :py:meth:`root()`                  |                                              |

      .. [1] These functions, when called inside a :py:meth:`oneshot()` context manager, will retrieve the
         requested information in a different way that collects as much extra information as possible about
         the process for later use.

      .. [2] :py:meth:`terminal()` and :py:meth:`username()` have to do additional processing after
         retrieving the cached information, so they will likely only see minor speedups.

      .. [3] On FreeBSD, calling :py:meth:`getgroups()` inside a :py:meth:`oneshot()` will first attempt to retrieve
         the group list via a method that collects as much extra information as possible. However, this method may
         truncate the returned group list. In this case, :py:meth:`getgroups()` will fall back on the normal method,
         which avoids truncation.

.. py:class:: ProcessStatus

   An enum representing a process's status.

   .. py:data:: RUNNING
   .. py:data:: SLEEPING
   .. py:data:: DISK_SLEEP
   .. py:data:: ZOMBIE
   .. py:data:: STOPPED
   .. py:data:: TRACING_STOP
   .. py:data:: DEAD
   .. py:data:: WAKE_KILL
   .. py:data:: WAKING
   .. py:data:: PARKED
   .. py:data:: IDLE
   .. py:data:: LOCKED
   .. py:data:: WAITING
   .. py:data:: SUSPENDED

.. py:class:: ThreadInfo

   A dataclass containing information on the threads in this process.

   .. py:attribute:: id

        :type: int

       The thread ID.

   .. py:attribute:: user_time

        :type: float

       The time this thread spent in user mode.

   .. py:attribute:: system_time

        :type: float

       The time this thread spent in system mode.

.. py:class:: ProcessFd

   .. note::

        Availability of ``dev``, ``ino``, and ``rdev``, ``size``, and ``mode``:

        - Always set on Linux (though they are meaningless for some file types)
        - Available on NetBSD for :py:attr:`ProcessFdType.FILE` s and
          :py:attr:`ProcessFdType.FIFO` s if procfs is mounted
        - Availability on macOS/FreeBSD/OpenBSD varies depending on the file type. They are usually
          only available for :py:attr:`ProcessFdType.FILE` s.

   .. warning::

        On macOS, ``position`` and ``flags`` may be -1 for some special file descriptors.

   .. py:attribute:: path

         :type: str

        The path to the file. This will be empty if this cannot be retrieved, or if it is
        not meaningful for the file type in question.

        Note that this is always empty on OpenBSD, and on NetBSD it is only set for directories.

   .. py:attribute:: fd

         :type: int

        The file descriptor number.

   .. py:attribute:: fdtype

        :type: ProcessFdType

        The file descriptor type (one of the values in the :py:class:`ProcessFdType` enum).

   .. py:attribute:: dev

         :type: int or None

        The device ID of the device containing the file, or ``None`` if not available.

   .. py:attribute:: ino

         :type: int or None

        The inode of the file, or ``None`` if not available.

   .. py:attribute:: rdev

         :type: int or None

        The device ID of the file (if it is a special file that represents a
        device) or ``None`` if not available.

   .. py:attribute:: mode

         :type: int or None

        The mode of the file (i.e. ``st_mode``), or ``None`` if not available. For
        :py:attr:`ProcessFdType.FILE` s, this can be used to get the file type.

   .. py:attribute:: size

         :type: int or None

        The size of the file, or ``None`` if not available.

        On NetBSD, this is only set for type :py:attr:`ProcessFdType.FILE` s.

   .. py:attribute:: position

         :type: int

        The current offset of the file.

   .. py:attribute:: flags

         :type: int

        The flags passed to the underlying ``open()`` C call.

        This will include ``O_CLOEXEC`` if the file descriptor's close-on-exec flag is set (except
        on FreeBSD).

        On Linux, this will never include the ``O_LARGEFILE`` flag.

        On macOS/\*BSD, only the following flags will be preserved:
        - ``O_RDONLY``
        - ``O_WRONLY``
        - ``O_RDWR``
        - ``O_APPEND``
        - ``O_ASYNC``
        - ``O_FSYNC``
        - ``O_NONBLOCK``
        - ``O_EVTONLY`` (macOS)
        - ``O_DSYNC`` (macOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD)
        - ``O_DIRECT`` (FreeBSD, NetBSD)
        - ``O_EXEC`` (FreeBSD)
        - ``O_PATH`` (FreeBSD 14+)
        - ``O_RSYNC`` (NetBSD)
        - ``O_ALT_IO`` (NetBSD)
        - ``O_NOSIGPIPE`` (NetBSD)

   .. py:attribute:: open_mode

         :type: str

        A string, derived from ``flags``, that approximates the likely ``mode``
        argument as for :py:func:`open()`. Possible values are ``"r"``, ``"w"``, ``"a"``, ``"r+"``,

   .. py:attribute:: extra_info

         :type: dict[str, Any]

        A dictionary containing extra information about the file descriptor.

        The contents of this dictionary are highly dependent on the OS and the file descriptor
        type. See :py:class:`ProcessFdType` for more information on the data that may be stored in
        here for different file descriptor types. (On Linux, they generally correspond to fields in

.. py:class:: ProcessFdType

   An enum representing the possible file types that can be returned for a :py:class:`ProcessFd`.

   Note that all of the variants here are added on all OSes. For example, :py:attr:`ProcessFdType.KQUEUE`
   is available on Linux, though it is BSD/macOS-specific. It will simply never actually be returned.

   Additionally, new variants may be added to this enum at any time. Treat unrecognized variants as
   equivalent to :py:attr:`ProcessFdType.UNKNOWN`.

   .. py:data:: FILE

        A file on the disk. Note that this doesn't necessarily mean a *regular* file, it could still
        be a directory, block device, etc.

        On Linux, macOS, and OpenBSD, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` may contain an ``nlink`` field
        specifying the number of links to the file.

   .. py:data:: SOCKET

        A socket. Note that for Unix sockets, whether or not the path is returned in
        :py:attr:`ProcessFd.path` is platform-dependent.

        On macOS, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain ``domain``, ``type``,
        ``protocol``, ``recvq``, and ``sendq`` fields indicating these attributes of the socket.

   .. py:data:: PIPE

        A pipe.

        On macOS and FreeBSD, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain a ``buffer_cnt`` field
        specifying the amount of data in the pipe's read buffer. (Note that since pipes are
        bidirectional on FreeBSD, this means the amount of data waiting to be read by *this* end of
        the pipe.)

        On macOS, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will also contain a ``buffer_max`` field specifying
        the size of the pipe's read buffer.

   .. py:data:: FIFO

        A named pipe.

   .. py:data:: KQUEUE

        (macOS/\*BSD) A kqueue instance.

        On macOS and OpenBSD, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain a ``kq_count`` field
        indicating the number of pending events on the kqueue instance.

   .. py:data:: PROCDESC

        (FreeBSD) A process descriptor.

        On FreeBSD 12+, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain a ``pid`` field containing the
        PID of the process referred to by this process descriptor.

   .. py:data:: INOTIFY

        (Linux) An inotify instance.

   .. py:data:: SIGNALFD

        (Linux) A signalfd instance.

        On Linux 3.8+, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain a ``sigmask`` field with a set
        containing the signals that this signalfd instance is monitoring.

   .. py:data:: EPOLL

        (Linux) An epoll instance.

        On Linux 3.8+, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain a ``tfds`` field with a
        dictionary of information on the file descriptors being monitored by this epoll instance.

   .. py:data:: TIMERFD

        (Linux) A timerfd instance.

        On Linux 3.17+, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain the following extra fields:

        - ``clockid``: The clock ID used to mark the progress of the timer; e.g.
        - ``ticks``: The number of timer expirations that have occurred.
        - ``settime_flags``: The integer flags that were last used to arm the timer using
        - ``it_value`` The amount of time until the timer exipres (in seconds, represented as a
        - ``it_value_ns``: The same value as ``it_value``, but in nanoseconds.
        - ``it_interval``: The interval of the timer (in seconds, represented as a float).
        - ``it_interval_ns``: The same value as ``it_interval``, but in nanoseconds.

        See ``timerfd_settime(2)`` and ``timerfd_gettime(2)`` for more information.

   .. py:data:: PIDFD

        (Linux) An PID file descriptor.

        :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain a ``pid`` field containing the PID of the
        process referred to by this process descriptor.

   .. py:data:: EVENTFD

        (Linux/FreeBSD) An eventfd.

        On Linux 3.8+, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain an ``eventfd-count`` field with
        the current value of the eventfd's counter.

        On FreeBSD, :py:attr:`ProcessFd.extra_info` will contain an ``eventfd_value`` field with
        the current value of the eventfd's counter, and an ``eventfd_flags`` field with the flags
        used when creating the eventfd.

   .. py:data:: UNKNOWN

        An unknown file type.

        On macOS, ``flags`` and ``position`` may be -1  for ``UNKNOWN`` files.

.. py:class:: Connection

   A dataclass representing a network connection.

   .. py:attribute:: family

        :type: int

        The address family; one of :py:data:`socket.AF_INET`, :py:data:`socket.AF_INET6`, or

   .. py:attribute:: type

        :type: int

        The address type; one of :py:data:`socket.SOCK_STREAM`, :py:data:`socket.SOCK_DGRAM`, or

   .. py:attribute:: laddr

        :type: tuple[str, int] or str

        The local address. For inet sockets this is in the format ``(ip, port)`` (it's ``("", 0)``
        if the socket is not connected or the address cannot be determined). For Unix sockets this
        is a string path, or ``""`` if the socket is not connected or the address cannot be

   .. py:attribute:: raddr

        :type: tuple[str, int] or str

        The remote address, in the same format as ``laddr``.

        .. note::

            On Linux and OpenBSD, this is always ``""`` for Unix sockets.

   .. py:attribute:: status

        :type: ConnectionStatus or None

        The TCP connection status (for inet TCP sockets only).

   .. py:attribute:: fd

        :type: int

        The socket file descriptor number. This is -1 if N/A or it cannot be determined.

   .. py:attribute:: pid

        :type: int or None

        The PID of the process that created the socket. This is ``None`` if it cannot be determined.

.. py:class:: ConnectionStatus

   An enum representing a TCP connection status.

   .. py:data:: ESTABLISHED
   .. py:data:: SYN_SENT
   .. py:data:: SYN_RECV
   .. py:data:: FIN_WAIT1
   .. py:data:: FIN_WAIT2
   .. py:data:: TIME_WAIT
   .. py:data:: CLOSE
   .. py:data:: CLOSE_WAIT
   .. py:data:: LAST_ACK
   .. py:data:: LISTEN
   .. py:data:: CLOSING

.. py:function:: pids()

   Get a list of the PIDs of running processes.

   :return: A list of the PIDs of running processes.
   :rtype: list[int]

.. py:function:: process_iter()

   Return an iterator over the running processes.

   Note: On Linux, if ``/proc`` is mounted with ``hidepid=1``, it is not possible to get the process
   creation time (or indeed, any information except the PID/UID/GID of the process) of other users'
   processes when running an unprivileged user. This function will raise a :py:class:`AccessDenied` if that
   occurs; if you wish to simply skip these processes then use :py:func:`process_iter_available()`

   :rtype: iterator[Process]

.. py:function:: process_iter_available()

   Return an iterator over the running processes, except that a process will be skipped if a
   permission error is encountered while trying to retrieve its creation time. (This can happen, for
   example, on Linux if ``/proc`` is mounted with ``hidepid=1``.)

   :rtype: iterator[Process]

.. py:function:: pid_exists(pid)

   Checks whether a process with the given PID exists. This function will use the most efficient
   method possible to perform this check.

   Note: Use :py:meth:`Process.is_running()` if you want to check whether a :py:class:`Process`
   has exited.

   :param int pid: The PID to check for existence
   :return: Whether the process with the given PID exists
   :rtype: bool

.. py:function:: wait_procs(procs, timeout=None, callback=None)

   Wait for several :py:class:`Process` instances to terminate, and returns a ``(gone, alive)`` tuple
   indicating which have terminated and which are still alive.

   As each process terminates, a ``returncode`` attribute will be set on it. If the process was a child
   of the current process, this will be set to the return code of the process; otherwise, it will be set
   to ``None``.

   If ``callback`` is not ``None``, it should be a function that will be called as each process terminates
   (after the ``returncode`` atribute is set).

   If the ``timeout`` expires, this function will not raise :py:class:`TimeoutExpired`; it will simply
   return the current ``(gone, alive)`` tuple of processes.

   :param procs: The processes that should be waited for
   :type procs: iterable[int]
   :param timeout: The maximum amount of time to wait for the processes to terminate
   :type timeout: int or float or None
   :param callback:
        A function which will be called with the :py:class:`Process` as an argument when one of the
        processes exits.
   :rtype: tuple[list[Process], list[Process]]

System information

.. py:function:: boot_time()

   Get the system boot time as a number of seconds since the Unix epoch.

   :return: The system boot time as a number of seconds since the Unix epoch
   :rtype: float

.. py:function:: time_since_boot()

   Get the number of seconds elapsed since the system booted.

   Usually, this is approximately the same as ``time.time() - pypsutil.boot_time()``. However, it
   may be more efficient. (On some systems, :py:func:`boot_time()` may just return ``time.time() -

   :return: The number of seconds elapsed since the system booted
   :rtype: float

.. py:function:: uptime()

   Get the system uptime. This is similar to ``time_since_boot()``, but it does not count time
   the system was suspended.

   :return: The system uptime
   :rtype: float

   Availability: Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD

.. py:function:: virtual_memory()

   Return a dataclass containing system memory statistics. Currently, the following fields are

   - ``total``: Total physical memory in bytes
   - ``available``: Amount of memory that can be made available without using swap (or killing
   - ``used``: Used memory in bytes
   - ``free``: Free memory (immediately available) in bytes
   - ``active``: Memory currently in use or recently used (unlikely to be reclaimed)
   - ``inactive``: Memory not recently used (more likely to be reclaimed)
   - ``buffers``: Temporary disk storage
   - ``cached``: Disk cache
   - ``shared``: Memory used for shared objects (``tmpfs``-es on Linux)
   - ``slab``: In-kernel data structure cache

   The dataclass also has a ``percent`` property that returns the usage percentage (0-100).

   In most cases, you should only use ``total``, ``available`` and ``percent``.

   :returns: A dataclass containing system memory statistics
   :rtype: VirtualMemoryInfo

.. py:function:: swap_memory()

   Return a dataclass containing system swap memory statistics. Currently, the following fields are

   - ``total``: Total swap memory in bytes
   - ``used``: Used swap memory in bytes
   - ``free``: Free swap memory in bytes
   - ``sin``: Cumulative number of bytes the system has swapped in from the disk
   - ``sout``: Cumulative number of bytes the system has swapped out from the disk

   The dataclass also has a ``percent`` property that returns the usage percentage (0-100).

   :returns: A dataclass containing system swap memory statistics
   :rtype: SwapInfo

.. py:function:: disk_usage(path)

   Return disk usage statistics about the filesystem which contains the given ``path``.

   Current attributes:

   - ``total``: Total disk space in bytes
   - ``used``: Total used disk space in bytes
   - ``free``: Disk space in bytes that is free and available for use by unprivileged users
   - ``percent``: Percentage of disk space used (out of the space available to unprivileged users)

        A dataclass containing disk usage statistics about the filesystem which contains the given
   :rtype: DiskUsage

.. py:function:: physical_cpu_count()

   Get the number of physical CPUs in the system (i.e. excluding Hyper Threading cores) or ``None``
   if that cannot be determined.

   Currently, this always returns ``None`` on OpenBSD and NetBSD.

   :return: The number of physical CPUs in the system (or ``None`` if unable to determine)
   :rtype: int or None

.. py:function:: cpu_freq()

   Returns an instance of a dataclass with ``current``, ``min``, and ``max`` attributes, representing
   the current, minimum, and maximum CPU frequencies.

   If the frequencies cannot be determined, returns ``None``. If only the current frequency can be
   determined, ``min`` and ``max`` will be returned as ``0.0``.

   :return: An instance of a dataclass containing the current, minimum, and maximum CPU frequencies.
   :rtype: CPUFrequencies or None

   Availability: Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD

.. py:function:: percpu_freq()

   Identical to :py:func:`cpu_freq()`, but returns a list representing the frequencies for each CPU.

   If the frequencies cannot be determined, returns an empty list.

   :return: A list of the frequencies of each CPU.
   :rtype: list[CPUFrequencies]

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

.. py:function:: cpu_times()

   Returns a dataclass containing information about system CPU times. Each attribute represents the
   time in seconds that the CPU has spent in the corresponding mode (since boot):

   - ``user``: Time spent in user mode (includes ``guest`` time on Linux)
   - ``system``: Time spent in kernel mode
   - ``idle``: Time spent doing nothing

   Extra platform-specific fields:

   - ``nice`` (Linux/BSDs/macOS): Time spent by prioritized processes in user mode (includes
     ``guest_nice`` time on Linux)
   - ``iowait`` (Linux): Time spent waiting for I/O to complete
   - ``irq`` (Linux/BSDs): Time spent servicing hardware interrupts
   - ``softirq`` (Linux): Time spent servicing software interrupts
   - ``lock_spin`` (OpenBSD): Time spent "spinning" on a lock
   - ``steal`` (Linux): Time spent running other operating systems in a virtualized environment
   - ``guest`` (Linux): Time spent running a virtual CPU for a guest operating system
   - ``guest_nice`` (Linux): Time spent running a niced guest

   :returns: A dataclass containing information about system CPU times.
   :rtype: CPUTimes

.. py:function:: percpu_times()

   Identical to :py:func:`cpu_times()`, but returns a list representing the times for each CPU.

   :return: A list of the times of each CPU.
   :rtype: list[CPUTimes]

.. py:function:: cpu_stats()

   Return a dataclass containing various statistics:

   - ``ctx_switches``: The number of context switches since boot.
   - ``interrupts``: The number of interrupts since boot.
   - ``soft_interrupts``: The number of software interrupts since boot.
   - ``syscalls``: The number of system calls since boot (always 0 on Linux)

   :returns: A dataclass containing some CPU statistics.
   :rtype: CPUStats

   Availablity: Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD

.. py:function:: net_connections(kind="inet")

   Return a list of :py:class:`Connection` s representing all sockets opened system-wide.

   See :py:meth:`Process.connections()` for information on the possible values of ``kind``.

   On Linux and macOS, this function will succeed if not running as root, but ``pid`` and ``fd``
   cannot be determined for :py:class:`Connection` s opened by other users (they will be ``None``
   and ``-1``, respectively.)

   :returns: A list of :py:class:`Connection` s
   :rtype: list[Connection]

   Availability: Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD

.. py:function:: net_io_counters()

   Returns a dataclass containing various network I/O statisitcs:

   - ``bytes_sent``: the number of bytes sent
   - ``bytes_recv``: the number of bytes received
   - ``packets_sent``: the number of packets sent
   - ``packets_recv``: the number of packets received
   - ``errin``: the number of errors encountered while receiving
   - ``errout``: the number of errors encountered while sending
   - ``dropin``: the number of dropped incoming packets
   - ``dropout``: the number of dropped outgoing packets

   Note that some of these counts may overflow on long-running systems. Unlike ``psutil``,
   ``pypsutil`` currently has no methods to work around such overflows.

   If the system has no network interfaces, returns ``None``.

   :returns: A dataclass containg network I/O statistics
   :rtype: NetIOCounts or None

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

.. py:function:: pernic_net_io_counters()

   Identical to :py:func:`net_io_counters()`, but returns a dictionary mapping interface names to
   network I/O statistics.

   If the system has no network interfaces, returns an empty dict.

   :returns: A dictionary mapping interface names to :py:class:`NetIOCounts` s
   :rtype: dict[str, NetIOCounts]

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

.. py:function:: net_if_addrs()

   Return a dictionary mapping interface names to addresses.

   Each key is the name of an interface, and each value is a list of dataclasses representing
   addresses, each of which have the following attributes:

   - ``family``: The address family. This is :py:attr:`AF_LINK` for MAC addresses,
     ``socket.AF_INET`` for IPv4 addresses, and ``socket.AF_INET`` for IPv6 addresses.
   - ``address``: A string representation of the IP/MAC address.
   - ``netmask``: A string representation of the corresponding netmask (or ``None``).
   - ``broadcast``: A string representation of the broadcast address (or ``None``).
   - ``ptp``: The destination address for point-to-point interfaces (or ``None``).

   ``ptp`` and ``broadcast`` are mutually exclusive.

   :returns: A dictionary mapping interface names to lists of :py:class:`NICAddr` s
   :rtype: dict[str, list[NICAddr]]

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

.. py:function:: net_if_stats()

   Return information about each network interface.

   Each key is the name of an interface, and each value is a dataclass which has the following

   - ``isup``: Whether or not the NIC is up and running.
   - ``duplex``: The NICs' duplex status. This is one of ``NICDuplex.FULL``, ``NICDuplex.HALF``,
     or ``NICDuplex.UNKNOWN``.
   - ``speed``: The NIC's speed in MB/s, or 0 if unknown.
   - ``mtu``: The NIC's maximum transmission unit, in bytes.

   :returns: A dictionary mapping interface names to lists of :py:class:`NICStats` s
   :rtype: dict[str, list[NICStats]]

   Availability: Linux

Sensor information

.. py:function:: sensors_power()

   Get information on power supplies connected to the current system.

   This returns a dataclass with the following attributes:

   - ``batteries``: A list of :py:class:`BatteryInfo` objects representing any batteries connected
     to the current system.
   - ``ac_supplies``: A list of :py:class:`ACPowerInfo` objects representing any mains power
     supplies connected to the current system.
   - ``is_on_ac_power``: ``True`` if the system is on AC power, ``False`` if it is not, and ``None``
     if this cannot be determined

   :py:class:`ACPowerInfo` objects have the following attributes:

   - ``name``: A semi-meaningless name.
   - ``is_online``: Whether the power supply is online.

   :py:class:`BatteryInfo` objects have the following attributes:

   - ``name``: A semi-meaningless name (should be unique between batteries, but may change if one
     battery is unplugged in a multi-battery system).
   - ``status``: One of the elements of the :py:class:`BatteryStatus` enum (listed below) indicating
     the current battery status.
   - ``power_plugged``: This is ``True`` if it can be confirmed that AC power is connected,
     ``False`` if it can be confirmed that AC power is disconnected, and ``None`` if it cannot be
     determined. This is provided for compatibility with ``psutil``; it is recommended to use
     ``status`` instead for most cases.
     :py:func:`sensors_power()` will only set this to a value other than ``None`` if the battery is
     either charging or discharging; other sensor information functions may set this based on the
     AC adapter status.
   - ``percent``: The percentage capacity of the battery, as a floating point number,
   - ``energy_full``: The amount of energy the battery normally contains when full, in uWh (or
     ``None`` if not available).
   - ``energy_now``: The amount of energy the battery currently holds, in uWh (or ``None`` if not
   - ``power_now``: The amount of power currently flowing into or out of the battery (this value is
     always positive; check whether the battery is charging or discharging to determine the
     direction) in uW or ``None`` if not available.
   - ``secsleft``: The number of seconds left until the battery is empty. If the battery is either
     charging or full, this is ``float("inf")``; if the information cannot be determined (or the
     battery is in the "unknown" state) it is ``None``.
   - ``secsleft_full``: The number of seconds left until the battery is full. If the battery is
     full, this is 0; if the the information cannot be determined (or the battery is in the
     "unknown" or "discharging" states) it is ``None``.
   - ``temperature``: The temperature (in Celsius) of the battery, or ``None`` if unknown.
   - ``temperature_fahrenheit``: The temperature (in Fahrenheit) of the battery, or ``None`` if

   The elements of the :py:class:`BatteryStatus` enum are as follows:

   - ``CHARGING``: The battery is actively charging.
   - ``DISCHARGING``: The battery is actively discharging.
   - ``FULL``: The battery is at 100% capacity and neither charging nor discharging.
   - ``UNKNOWN``: The battery state is unknown.

   :returns: Information on power supplies connected to the current system.
   :rtype: PowerSupplySensorInfo or None

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

.. py:function:: sensors_is_on_ac_power()

   Detect whether the system is on AC power.

   This is equivalent to ``sensors_power().is_on_ac_power`` (except that it returns ``None`` if
   :py:func:`sensors_power()` would return ``None``) but it may be more efficient.

   In some cases, it may also succeed if ``sensors_power()`` would return ``None``.

        True if the computer is on AC power, False if it is not, and None if this cannot be
   :rtype: bool or None

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

.. py:function:: sensors_battery()

   Return battery status information (or ``None`` if no battery is installed).

   Internally, this just calls :py:func:`sensors_power()`, extracts the first battery's information,
   and then sets ``battery.power_plugged`` based on the ``is_on_ac_power`` attribute of the
   dataclass returned by :py:func:`sensors_power()`. If that fails, it may fall back on methods
   that will return the same results as for :py:func:`sensors_battery_total()`.

   Essentially, this function says "let's assume the system has at most one battery, and return
   results based on that." On systems that may have more than one battery, you should use
   :py:func:`sensors_power()` or :py:func:`sensors_battery_total()` instead.

   :returns: Battery information
   :rtype: BatteryInfo or None

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

.. py:function:: sensors_battery_total()

   Collect system-wide battery information.

   If the system has only one battery (or no batteries), this should be roughly equivalent to
   :py:func:`sensors_battery()`. If the system has more than one battery, this function will return
   totaled statistics for all batteries.

   It also sets the ``power_plugged`` attribute similarly to how :py:func:`sensors_battery()` does

   :returns: Totaled battery information
   :rtype: BatteryInfo or None

   Availability: Linux, FreeBSD

Path constants that modify behavior

These constants can be set to modify pypsutil's behavior; e.g. partially examine the state of a Docker container on Linux.

.. py:data:: PROCFS_PATH

   The path at which a procfs is mounted (if applicable). Defaults to ``/proc``.

   This attribute is set and can be modified even on systems which do not have a procfs; on those
   systems it is ignored.

   Currently, it is only used on Linux and NetBSD.

.. py:data:: DEVFS_PATH

   The path at which a ``/dev``-like file layout (e.g. ``tty*``) can be found.

.. py:data:: SYSFS_PATH

   On Linux, the path at which a sysfs is mounted. Defaults to  ``/sys``.

   Availability: Linux


.. py:class:: Error

   Base exception class

.. py:class:: NoSuchProcess(pid)

   Raised by methods of :py:class:`Process` when no process with the given PID is found.

.. py:class:: ZombieProcess(pid)

   Raised by methods of :py:class:`Process` if 1) the process has become a zombie process
   and 2) it is not possible to retrieve the requested information for zombie processes.

   This is a subclass of :py:class:`NoSuchProcess`.

.. py:class:: AccessDenied(pid)

   Raised by methods of :py:class:`Process` when permission to perform an action is denied.

.. py:class:: TimeoutExpired(seconds, pid=None)

   Raised if a timeout expires.

Indices and tables