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Install and configure PostgreSQL and PGAdmin container using Ansible Lightspeed


The demo consists for two Ansible Playbooks that performs the following tasks respectively:

  • Installs postgresql-server, initializes the database, and starts and enables the postgresql service.
  • Uses podman to configure and run the dpage/pgadmin4 as a service.

This demo illustrates the following Ansible Lightspeed features:

  • Translating easy-to-understand prompts into syntactically correct Ansible content without needing in depth knowledge of the automated technology.
  • Using keywords, such us ....using X var, in prompts to obtain desired suggestions.
  • Using the full YAML file context to generate Ansible content with best practices.

Demo preparation

  1. Install the VS Code extension and activate Ansible Lightspeed using resources in the getting started guide.
  2. If not running this example in the Ansible self-paced labs environment, create an Ansible Inventory file with webservers and databases Ansible inventory groups with the corresponding Linux target host(s) details.

Example Ansible inventory file

          ansible_host: example-host # Update this to your target host.
          ansible_host: example-host # Update this to your target host.
    ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "example-key" # Update this to your target host.
    ansible_user: example-user # Update this to your target host.
    ansible_host_key_checking: false

Tested content

The model continues to improve and evolve with each release and generated suggestions could differ from the examples provided. Tested content is available in the corresponding solution_install_cockpit.yml Playbook.

Running the demo

First Playbook demo_install_pgsql.yml

Run the steps below in the ./playbooks/infra/install_pgsql_and_pgadmin//demo_install_pgsql.yml Ansible Playbook.

Step 1

Uncomment and generate first task - name: Install httpd package

  • Used natural language prompt to generate syntactically correct Ansible Playbook task.
  • Suggestion incorporated Ansible best practices and used Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN).

Step 2

Uncomment and generate task - name: Copy httpd.conf.j2 template to /etc/httpd/conf/

  • Ansible Lightspeed suggestion used best practices and defined the file permissions, owner and group in the module arguments.

Step 3

Uncomment and generate task - name: Start and enable httpd service

  • Ansible Lightspeed used natural language prompt and added state: started and enabled: true module arguments based on Start and enable... in the Ansible task description.

In the second Ansible play

Step 4

Uncomment and generate task - name: Install postgresql-server

Step 5

Uncomment and generate task - name: Run postgresql setup

  • Ansible Lightspeed used an easy-to-understand natural language prompt and suggested the correct, more complex PostgreSQL CLI command to initiate the database.
  • Ansible Lightspeed used best practices and kept the task idempotent by including creates: /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf in the suggestion.

Step 6

Uncomment and generate task - name: Start and enable postgresql service