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Grammarly dictionary #955

szepeviktor opened this issue Apr 1, 2024 · 3 comments · Fixed by #957

Grammarly dictionary #955

szepeviktor opened this issue Apr 1, 2024 · 3 comments · Fixed by #957


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szepeviktor commented Apr 1, 2024

Grammarly's Firefox add-on contains 4k typos. (file name:
Here is a list of typos unknown to typos.

herlo -> hello
grammerly -> Grammarly
Grammerly -> Grammarly
grammarly -> Grammarly
alot -> a lot
atleast -> at least
eachother -> each other
inconvience -> inconvenience
experince -> experience
upto -> up to
yoru -> your
tomorow -> tomorrow
ans -> and
assitance -> assistance
infront -> in front
appologize -> apologize
ecommerce -> e-commerce
thr -> the
url -> URL
iphone -> iPhone
ypu -> you
emial -> email
dicuss -> discuss
amd -> and
pelase -> please
defintely -> definitely
tomrrow -> tomorrow
inthe -> in the
studnets -> students
somone -> someone
calander -> calendar
scheudle -> schedule
attahced -> attached
hae -> have
woul -> would
noone -> no one
apoligize -> apologize
yiu -> you
wa -> was
kow -> know
recipt -> receipt
disucss -> discuss
eventhough -> even though
reccomendation -> recommendation
ws -> was
semster -> semester
intership -> internship
yor -> your
ipad -> iPad
se -> see
og -> of
awarness -> awareness
mintues -> minutes
siad -> said
hardwork -> hard work
api -> API
html -> HTML
indepth -> in-depth
appoinment -> appointment
ofr -> for
yoiu -> you
eamil -> email
uou -> you
cusotmer -> customer
yout -> your
yoy -> you
monring -> morning
alittle -> a little
presenation -> presentation
beofre -> before
oppotunity -> opportunity
peole -> people
appoitment -> appointment
scedule -> schedule
ro -> to
sms -> SMS
dificult -> difficult
confrence -> conference
appricate -> appreciate
dicussion -> discussion
reciepts -> receipts
knoe -> know
mornign -> morning
wuld -> would
nt -> not
appreaciate -> appreciate
onthe -> on the
tou -> you
ofthe -> of the
kinldy -> kindly
employement -> employment
regrads -> regards
deliverd -> delivered
realtionship -> relationship
tommrow -> tomorrow
incharge -> in charge
tommorw -> tomorrow
tomarrow -> tomorrow
attcahed -> attached
thye -> they
rthe -> the
afterall -> after all
submitt -> submit
reserch -> research
yopu -> you
custoemr -> customer
ike -> like
checkin -> check-in
studnet -> student
intouch -> in touch
eveing -> evening
importnat -> important
conatct -> contact
tto -> to
ypur -> your
wht -> what
knw -> know
abit -> a bit
willbe -> will be
amzing -> amazing
maintence -> maintenance
abel -> able
ahd -> had
withthe -> with the
governement -> government
regading -> regarding
owuld -> would
donot -> do not
reachout -> reach out
invocie -> invoice
mornig -> morning
meknow -> me know
warrenty -> warranty
availbility -> availability
opertunity -> opportunity
forthe -> for the
paymnet -> payment
reimbursment -> reimbursement
mcuh -> much
aplogize -> apologize
incovenience -> inconvenience
iam -> I am
compelted -> completed
avialble -> available
afriad -> afraid
abck -> back
espically -> especially
opinon -> opinion
seo -> SEO
infomred -> informed
reguarding -> regarding
inbetween -> in between
gradebook -> grade book
tothe -> to the
quetions -> questions
signiture -> signature
togather -> together
homeworks -> homework
forword -> forward
attahed -> attached
coversation -> conversation
bussines -> business
hestitate -> hesitate
usb -> USB
tyou -> you
metting -> meeting
reivew -> review
ip -> IP
apprecite -> appreciate
ypou -> you
refferal -> referral
aobut -> about
stright -> straight
qustions -> questions
brough -> brought
tomorrw -> tomorrow
yesturday -> yesterday
que -> queue
forwrad -> forward
tomororw -> tomorrow
ge -> get
uk -> UK
loking -> looking
imformation -> information
alll -> all
rhe -> the
prodcut -> product
sugest -> suggest
scheudled -> scheduled
aproved -> approved
thoes -> those
yoou -> you
particpants -> participants
tshirt -> t-shirt
experinces -> experiences
evryone -> everyone
agreat -> a great
tomorro -> tomorrow
attacehd -> attached
busienss -> business
liase -> liaise
perosn -> person
facinating -> fascinating
dissapointment -> disappointment
mentioend -> mentioned
appologise -> apologise
aout -> about
highlited -> highlighted
cordinate -> coordinate
bestfriend -> best friend
htat -> that
understaning -> understanding
tio -> to
iin -> in
expirence -> experience
vey -> very
emal -> email
presure -> pressure
inconveince -> inconvenience
fb -> FB
youe -> your
wha -> what
propsal -> proposal
didnot -> did not
cutomer -> customer
companys -> companies
protien -> protein
opprtunity -> opportunity
pepole -> people
expecations -> expectations
habe -> have
plaese -> please
roomates -> roommates
oportunities -> opportunities
akward -> awkward
hime -> him
peple -> people
opporutnity -> opportunity
recieveing -> receiving
fyi -> FYI
assiting -> assisting
apprciate -> appreciate
busniess -> business
joing -> joining
interveiw -> interview
experiece -> experience
buiness -> business
afternnon -> afternoon
vaction -> vacation
vidoe -> video
forwrd -> forward
definatley -> definitely
ia -> is
everday -> everyday
yiou -> you
fmaily -> family
understading -> understanding
outloud -> out loud
tge -> the
disucssed -> discussed
appericate -> appreciate
advices -> advice
shippment -> shipment
socity -> society
questons -> questions
appoligize -> apologize
yuou -> you
scenerio -> scenario
gret -> great
assests -> assets
tme -> time
morining -> morning
trainning -> training
shcedule -> schedule
questiosn -> questions
conact -> contact
lookign -> looking
possibel -> possible
perscription -> prescription
finanical -> financial
detaisl -> details
youhave -> you have
uiu -> you
opnion -> opinion
php -> PHP
youa -> you
inconvenice -> inconvenience
apolgize -> apologize
hlep -> help
helath -> health
workin -> working
usa -> USA
expidite -> expedite
wondeful -> wonderful
delviery -> delivery
confernce -> conference
expeirence -> experience
messege -> message
initative -> initiative
choses -> chooses
oppourtunity -> opportunity
alongwith -> along with
regrds -> regards
waitng -> waiting
relize -> realize
scheduel -> schedule
eof -> of
payemnt -> payment
interesed -> interested
apoligies -> apologies
hapy -> happy
experinced -> experienced
aplogies -> apologies
jewlery -> jewelry
sory -> sorry
arange -> arrange
abour -> about
confimr -> confirm
concers -> concerns
managemnt -> management
reoccuring -> reoccurring
aorund -> around
sql -> SQL
assult -> assault
appreacite -> appreciate
vidoes -> videos
peope -> people
woundering -> wondering
reallly -> really
believ -> believe
anwer -> answer
opend -> opened
dealine -> deadline
sedn -> send
atteched -> attached
understant -> understand
theraputic -> therapeutic
lok -> look
excersise -> exercise
clearence -> clearance
ablity -> ability
youy -> you
macbook -> MacBook
probally -> probably
payement -> payment
feilds -> fields
doesnot -> does not
gald -> glad
documnets -> documents
youi -> you
intrests -> interests
miniscule -> minuscule
beautful -> beautiful
yourslef -> yourself
opportuntiy -> opportunity
opionion -> opinion
comercial -> commercial
luch -> lunch
shcool -> school
defiently -> definitely
survery -> survey
shorlty -> shortly
qustion -> question
calandar -> calendar
soory -> sorry
firend -> friend
truley -> truly
sceduled -> scheduled
genuinly -> genuinely
avalibility -> availability
soical -> social
comeing -> coming
asssit -> assist
mr -> Mr
knowldge -> knowledge
eyou -> you
contcat -> contact
touchbase -> touch base
wioth -> with
symtoms -> symptoms
yesteday -> yesterday
chnace -> chance
invoce -> invoice
sahre -> share
benfit -> benefit
reagarding -> regarding
converation -> conversation
regads -> regards
politcal -> political
tyo -> to
adhoc -> ad-hoc
recipts -> receipts
http -> HTTP
fopr -> for
appricated -> appreciated
vehcile -> vehicle
tak -> take
intiative -> initiative
werid -> weird
interseted -> interested
futre -> future
nect -> next
lookin -> looking
assited -> assisted
quesions -> questions
advsied -> advised
inconveneince -> inconvenience
assement -> assessment
thaks -> thanks
eto -> to
assistnace -> assistance
tomrorow -> tomorrow
purchse -> purchase
lovley -> lovely
exicted -> excited
afew -> a few
understan -> understand
wiith -> with
vechile -> vehicle
knoledge -> knowledge
benifical -> beneficial
assisstance -> assistance
asist -> assist
buget -> budget
agood -> a good
regaridng -> regarding
contiune -> continue
hoep -> hope
thoght -> thought
encouragment -> encouragement
soceity -> society
receievd -> received
iis -> is
scheduale -> schedule
acquistion -> acquisition
welll -> well
defintly -> definitely
writng -> writing
contac -> contact
tomorr -> tomorrow
imprtant -> important
definelty -> definitely
youare -> you are
practive -> practice
beleve -> believe
llike -> like
happned -> happened
woould -> would
strated -> started
mony -> money
undersand -> understand
inconvince -> inconvenience
forard -> forward
detailes -> details
arrnage -> arrange
weeked -> weekend
jst -> just
snet -> sent
doin -> doing
deposite -> deposit
techinical -> technical
culd -> could
difrent -> different
anyday -> any day
learnign -> learning
equipement -> equipment
udnerstand -> understand
shoping -> shopping
leting -> letting
flexiable -> flexible
assessement -> assessment
aprox -> approx
mroning -> morning
kn -> know
tshirts -> t-shirts
ful -> full
decisons -> decisions
aroun -> around
referals -> referrals
gettin -> getting
carring -> carrying
adivse -> advise
initatives -> initiatives
immensly -> immensely
giftcard -> gift card
expereience -> experience
togetehr -> together
soe -> some
frineds -> friends
surpised -> surprised
couls -> could
benn -> been
reguards -> regards
perpective -> perspective
oppotunities -> opportunities
foir -> for
ealry -> early
comfirmed -> confirmed
anotehr -> another
wekend -> weekend
quetsions -> questions
particpating -> participating
endevours -> endeavours
tecnology -> technology
takeing -> taking
mentined -> mentioned
goig -> going
xml -> XML
bieng -> being
throguh -> through
requiremnts -> requirements
jobsite -> job site
vm -> VM
tehir -> their
ofice -> office
fromthe -> from the
eill -> will
baord -> board
welcom -> welcome
oif -> of
insurnace -> insurance
thoguht -> thought
proivde -> provide
phenominal -> phenomenal
missunderstanding -> misunderstanding
frined -> friend
contatc -> contact
finace -> finance
emergancy -> emergency
concer -> concern
accomidations -> accommodations
somethin -> something
recruting -> recruiting
perosnal -> personal
preety -> pretty
hassel -> hassle
decesion -> decision
coporate -> corporate
techonology -> technology
provde -> provide
assiatnce -> assistance
soemone -> someone
oreder -> order
sitution -> situation
invocies -> invoices
employeed -> employed
advsie -> advise
yoour -> your
specie -> species
retirment -> retirement
delicous -> delicious
yyou -> you
tomoorow -> tomorrow
alook -> a look
aer -> are
woukd -> would
questins -> questions
prety -> pretty
communtiy -> community
religon -> religion
pople -> people
interetsed -> interested
gramatical -> grammatical
dbe -> be
afte -> after
programe -> programme
intellegence -> intelligence
firther -> further
facilty -> facility
weeknd -> weekend
kms -> km
familys -> families
arrage -> arrange
yeaterday -> yesterday
thaat -> that
stressfull -> stressful
mentioed -> mentioned
easliy -> easily
contat -> contact
theroy -> theory
qulity -> quality
prescence -> presence
ime -> time
anythng -> anything
tahnk -> thank
concerend -> concerned
yoiur -> your
scheule -> schedule
porfolio -> portfolio
forwar -> forward
ang -> and
educaiton -> education
somethng -> something
remotly -> remotely
qoutation -> quotation
plesure -> pleasure
hom -> home
comitment -> commitment
br -> be
becuae -> because
yiur -> your
tema -> team
persoanl -> personal
marrige -> marriage
wiill -> will
dna -> DNA
bck -> back
aswer -> answer
yestarday -> yesterday
lisitng -> listing
goint -> going
urls -> URLs
offcie -> office
disocunt -> discount
complte -> complete
assesed -> assessed
itenerary -> itinerary
utlize -> utilize
coem -> come
buisiness -> business
agrred -> agreed
whent -> went
gthe -> the
forawrd -> forward
eis -> is
stuggle -> struggle
aggrement -> agreement
reschdule -> reschedule
experiecne -> experience
eather -> either
avaibale -> available
arond -> around
palced -> placed
compay -> company
apolgies -> apologies
stduents -> students
somepoint -> some point
recipet -> receipt
noy -> not
finnaly -> finally
enrollement -> enrollment
avaibility -> availability
weekened -> weekend
stll -> still
particpation -> participation
meetin -> meeting
abiut -> about
woith -> with
measureable -> measurable
iniative -> initiative
ffor -> for
antoher -> another
realestate -> real estate
organzation -> organization
manditory -> mandatory
genious -> genius
questionairre -> questionnaire
acctually -> actually
abput -> about
prision -> prison
liekly -> likely
indivduals -> individuals
aso -> also
troble -> trouble
guid -> guide
uderstand -> understand
responsbility -> responsibility
placment -> placement
persual -> perusal
ir -> it
sthe -> the
proced -> proceed
opiod -> opioid
cirriculum -> curriculum
acept -> accept
phoen -> phone
industy -> industry
ifyou -> if you
gps -> GPS
departement -> department
livestream -> live stream
towrds -> towards
qucik -> quick
muc -> much
lossing -> losing
gor -> for
critism -> criticism
chidlren -> children
tomoroow -> tomorrow
habbits -> habits
usd -> USD
thak -> thank
regrding -> regarding
leanring -> learning
itunes -> iTunes
htem -> them
counrty -> country
amde -> made
regaurding -> regarding
qeustions -> questions
youu -> you
wouldlike -> would like
grea -> great
decition -> decision
reveived -> received
quetion -> question
cofee -> coffee
chating -> chatting
accomidation -> accommodation
papaer -> paper
sourse -> source
familier -> familiar
convesation -> conversation
yeasterday -> yesterday
seee -> see
passanger -> passenger
otherhand -> other hand
nigth -> night
ansd -> and
abilites -> abilities
garuntee -> guarantee
speek -> speak
liscence -> licence
interivew -> interview
inovice -> invoice
waas -> was
screenshare -> screen share
regardign -> regarding
llok -> look
innapropriate -> inappropriate
fior -> for
eachothers -> each others
comfotable -> comfortable
avaiability -> availability
workig -> working
incovience -> inconvenience
fornt -> front
cutomers -> customers
cours -> course
yopur -> your
managemnet -> management
xray -> x-ray
puchase -> purchase
mintue -> minute
custmer -> customer
indivuals -> individuals
himslef -> himself
countrys -> countries
beileve -> believe
andf -> and
approvel -> approval
wpuld -> would
schoo -> school
morni -> morning
accoun -> account
thoguhts -> thoughts
apprecate -> appreciate
tlak -> talk
saty -> stay
identifed -> identified
finacially -> financially
ebst -> best
definently -> definitely
weekedn -> weekend
regardin -> regarding
hink -> think
thios -> this
relgion -> religion
lonliness -> loneliness
inteview -> interview
fre -> free
ahppy -> happy
techology -> technology
relatioship -> relationship
realated -> related
experincing -> experiencing
delviered -> delivered
chruch -> church
attendace -> attendance
surronding -> surrounding
qulaity -> quality
imporatnt -> important
canceld -> canceled
lookig -> looking
leanred -> learned
intiatives -> initiatives
buissness -> business
applogize -> apologize
understnd -> understand
tommarow -> tomorrow
toget -> to get
reffer -> refer
gratful -> grateful
contct -> contact
gorgous -> gorgeous
arived -> arrived
meeeting -> meeting
ithe -> the
headsup -> heads-up
fieldtrip -> field trip
certin -> certain
beleieve -> believe
tryign -> trying
treament -> treatment
frind -> friend
toliet -> toilet
elligible -> eligible
sysytem -> system
rto -> to
enroute -> en route
donw -> down
mornin -> morning
influnce -> influence
imortant -> important
havign -> having
ffrom -> from
automations -> automation
thirsday -> Thursday
onlt -> only
lastnight -> last night
ein -> in
disuss -> discuss
dicount -> discount
confirmaiton -> confirmation
stilll -> still
quaterly -> quarterly
naything -> anything
happines -> happiness
defenetly -> definitely
causeing -> causing
befroe -> before
andthe -> and the
tehm -> them
tahnks -> thanks
picutres -> pictures
invitiation -> invitation
appreaciated -> appreciated
wnet -> went
tomoorw -> tomorrow
potentional -> potential
patinet -> patient
freetime -> free time
foryour -> for your
famiy -> family
awating -> awaiting
atthe -> at the
appointmnet -> appointment
yoyr -> your
perscribed -> prescribed
importan -> important
entreprenuer -> entrepreneur
disabilites -> disabilities
comittment -> commitment
anythin -> anything
todate -> to date
throu -> through
opportunty -> opportunity
depsoit -> deposit
colaborate -> collaborate
celing -> ceiling
bsuiness -> business
tottaly -> totally
previuos -> previous
mysql -> MySQL
muhc -> much
diease -> disease
thoughful -> thoughtful
stiches -> stitches
sametime -> same time
helth -> health
coutry -> country
thougts -> thoughts
spirtual -> spiritual
opporunities -> opportunities
offerred -> offered
indivudal -> individual
balnce -> balance
vegtables -> vegetables
represenative -> representative
gte -> get
capcity -> capacity
teamates -> teammates
addiitonal -> additional
trainign -> training
sme -> some
sedning -> sending
rae -> are
reshedule -> reschedule
probobly -> probably
les -> less
inregards -> in regards
happyness -> happiness
reviw -> review
intiated -> initiated
hapiness -> happiness
evning -> evening
arrise -> arise
ands -> and
shwoing -> showing
inconveience -> inconvenience
happeneing -> happening
confustion -> confusion
btu -> but
vpn -> VPN
ofrward -> forward
meeing -> meeting
disapointment -> disappointment
strating -> starting
quaility -> quality
manuel -> manual
lst -> last
iss -> is
verifed -> verified
toghter -> together
sice -> since
opportuity -> opportunity
ncie -> nice
insurace -> insurance
dleivery -> delivery
uyou -> you
tehn -> then
reagards -> regards
peacful -> peaceful
kepp -> keep
fnd -> find
liasing -> liaising
inclduing -> including
excutive -> executive
ecause -> because
thankfull -> thankful
scenerios -> scenarios
inputing -> inputting
cources -> courses
cordinator -> coordinator
concenrs -> concerns
thoug -> though
opf -> of
liklihood -> likelihood
kniw -> know
inservice -> in-service
inplace -> in place
documetns -> documents
atend -> attend
answere -> answer
somuch -> so much
quries -> queries
ohone -> phone
inprove -> improve
hpe -> hope
cusotmers -> customers
availabity -> availability
visist -> visit
tonigh -> tonight
proce -> price
negetive -> negative
businees -> business
regars -> regards
pratices -> practices
peolpe -> people
loooking -> looking
jniw -> know
interseting -> interesting
interestd -> interested
evidance -> evidence
advacne -> advance
vehical -> vehicle
qestions -> questions
noit -> not
lloking -> looking
infrmation -> information
iit -> it
herslef -> herself
gradute -> graduate
experance -> experience
expediate -> expedite
cieling -> ceiling
wehre -> where
appreciat -> appreciate
wouldbe -> would be
uodate -> update
tomake -> to make
sumitted -> submitted
procurment -> procurement
peron -> person
oppisite -> opposite
momnet -> moment
mebers -> members
ignor -> ignore
famliy -> family
commuity -> community
catergory -> category
ypour -> your
ttached -> attached
opinons -> opinions
issu -> issue
intiate -> initiate
inconveninece -> inconvenience
screeshot -> screenshot
communties -> communities
becayse -> because
askign -> asking
woulld -> would
woiuld -> would
findout -> find out
enginner -> engineer
disussed -> discussed
bettter -> better
acsess -> access
abuot -> about
yoyu -> you
youo -> you
wiating -> waiting
vechicle -> vehicle
tro -> to
priortize -> prioritize
intergrity -> integrity
eveidence -> evidence
compeition -> competition
comapred -> compared
whome -> whom
someoen -> someone
playstation -> PlayStation
loyality -> loyalty
iy -> it
isthe -> is the
discuess -> discuss
dicussing -> discussing
alsways -> always
wekk -> week
strugling -> struggling
prefrence -> preference
paretns -> parents
ome -> some
hd -> had
fustrated -> frustrated
fruther -> further
dvd -> DVD
consise -> concise
compny -> company
carfully -> carefully
btween -> between
achieveing -> achieving
wou -> would
reallt -> really
fing -> find
experiene -> experience
everynight -> every night
contuine -> continue
conitnue -> continue
advace -> advance
watned -> wanted
reproted -> reported
deatails -> details
coutries -> countries
answe -> answer
acoount -> account
youfor -> you for
theirselves -> themselves
stduent -> student
shpuld -> should
posisble -> possible
pleaseure -> pleasure
offereing -> offering
newletter -> newsletter
mornng -> morning
lsiting -> listing
iwht -> with
investement -> investment
emaill -> email
defently -> definitely
agai -> again
afteroon -> afternoon
aboiut -> about
whoch -> which
tomor -> tomorrow
relvant -> relevant
realationship -> relationship
postivie -> positive
pn -> on
onn -> on
litlle -> little
inquries -> inquiries
fpor -> for
fasinating -> fascinating
esclated -> escalated
corperate -> corporate
breifing -> briefing
youtubers -> YouTubers
todat -> today
thatthe -> that the
talkign -> talking
paymet -> payment
particpated -> participated
litteraly -> literally
futur -> future
eneded -> ended
definetley -> definitely
youplease -> you please
presnt -> present
prepration -> preparation
lso -> also
insterested -> interested
infom -> inform
inconviences -> inconveniences
inadvance -> in advance
helful -> helpful
forgeting -> forgetting
experienc -> experience
differetn -> different
bithday -> birthday
beacsue -> because
tomorroe -> tomorrow
tmorrow -> tomorrow
schol -> school
repalce -> replace
narative -> narrative
backordered -> back ordered
accomdation -> accommodation
worte -> wrote
understnading -> understanding
obsticles -> obstacles
meeitng -> meeting
invoive -> invoice
healt -> health
wondring -> wondering
similer -> similar
rescedule -> reschedule
infastructure -> infrastructure
hisotry -> history
founf -> found
fianl -> final
eligiblity -> eligibility
costomer -> customer
comign -> coming
beginging -> beginning
unfortuantly -> unfortunately
travling -> traveling
supossed -> supposed
ofer -> offer
frst -> first
befire -> before
anwers -> answers
accoutns -> accounts
websit -> website
remmber -> remember
paperworks -> paperwork
hwat -> what
forgivness -> forgiveness
ammenities -> amenities
alst -> last
tryng -> trying
thwe -> the
roadtrip -> road trip
phd -> PhD
nolonger -> no longer
moning -> morning
issuses -> issues
issuse -> issues
incedent -> incident
coure -> course
conveince -> convenience
compelete -> complete
collge -> college
clsoing -> closing
youcan -> you can
unnessary -> unnecessary
surgury -> surgery
submite -> submit
opertunities -> opportunities
fundrasing -> fundraising
fullfillment -> fulfillment
froday -> Friday
avalability -> availability
advertsing -> advertising
wordpress -> Wordpress
wated -> wanted
thatt -> that
stratgies -> strategies
sociaty -> society
resaerch -> research
paymetn -> payment
leadtime -> lead time
haved -> have
excersice -> exercise
woulf -> would
wantto -> want to
vomitting -> vomiting
lov -> love
latley -> lately
insturctions -> instructions
giong -> going
enagement -> engagement
documets -> documents
campiagn -> campaign
rehersals -> rehearsals
msot -> most
midle -> middle
kmow -> know
convice -> convince
actvities -> activities
accunt -> account
whil -> while
secon -> second
opportunitiy -> opportunity
noght -> night
licnese -> license
homeowrk -> homework
fantasic -> fantastic
compeleted -> completed
beig -> being
beieve -> believe
stuents -> students
rescheudle -> reschedule
purchace -> purchase
pleasse -> please
passangers -> passengers
jjust -> just
indusrty -> industry
hthe -> the
goverments -> governments
gaurds -> guards
finf -> find
fincial -> financial
custoemrs -> customers
condusive -> conducive
ythe -> the
thngs -> things
socila -> social
sandwhiches -> sandwiches
relised -> realised
relaized -> realized
plannign -> planning
inovative -> innovative
iniatives -> initiatives
belifs -> beliefs
apprciated -> appreciated
amaizing -> amazing
wantd -> wanted
purchsed -> purchased
logisitics -> logistics
disccused -> discussed
desiging -> designing
deffinetly -> definitely
cousre -> course
canclled -> cancelled
becauase -> because
whick -> which
weeken -> weekend
opportunitites -> opportunities
nervious -> nervous
learnig -> learning
atheletes -> athletes
asisst -> assist
ryour -> your
mangment -> management
expericne -> experience
dicsuss -> discuss
coorect -> correct
travle -> travel
thisis -> this is
suger -> sugar
nver -> never
inperson -> in-person
happeing -> happening
generousity -> generosity
explan -> explain
excitied -> excited
apprasial -> appraisal
yeterday -> yesterday
woild -> would
undrstand -> understand
questionaires -> questionnaires
notorized -> notarized
indivudals -> individuals
elese -> else
confussed -> confused
cocnerns -> concerns
agrrement -> agreement
vauge -> vague
speack -> speak
ryou -> you
iot -> it
confir -> confirm
aound -> around
unbelieveable -> unbelievable
thouse -> those
technican -> technician
mena -> mean
giv -> give
envirment -> environment
cotact -> contact
comple -> complete
clinicals -> clinical
beacuase -> because
questios -> questions
nformation -> information
isa -> is a
apriciate -> appreciate
accpeting -> accepting
withyou -> with you
tvs -> TVs
transffered -> transferred
trainging -> training
sighn -> sign
expain -> explain
disseration -> dissertation
disablity -> disability
challenege -> challenge
yto -> to
wwith -> with
vry -> very
takign -> taking
stratigies -> strategies
psycological -> psychological
prvious -> previous
posiiton -> position
plannig -> planning
liablity -> liability
goood -> good
comforable -> comfortable
cliam -> claim
beuty -> beauty
appointement -> appointment
advatage -> advantage
acepted -> accepted
wondeirng -> wondering
tomorrwo -> tomorrow
thiis -> this
submiited -> submitted
studens -> students
strugle -> struggle
shoukd -> should
scehdule -> schedule
fyou -> you
blieve -> believe
viedo -> video
ssl -> SSL
pefect -> perfect
offeres -> offers
oculd -> could
interuptions -> interruptions
ifnormation -> information
evn -> even
communty -> community
begain -> began
advnace -> advance
yestrday -> yesterday
studenst -> students
rech -> reach
pregancy -> pregnancy
pleanty -> plenty
forign -> foreign
eveyrthing -> everything
eligibilty -> eligibility
discusssed -> discussed
contacing -> contacting
caffiene -> caffeine
alomost -> almost
wirk -> work
veru -> very
priorites -> priorities
pregant -> pregnant
opputunity -> opportunity
havr -> have
effiecient -> efficient
bacl -> back
anc -> and
utlizing -> utilizing
tryin -> trying
tennants -> tenants
subsciption -> subscription
schedul -> schedule
othr -> other
mentoned -> mentioned
meantioned -> mentioned
fram -> frame
coverletter -> cover letter
usful -> useful
statemnt -> statement
knowif -> know if
forsure -> for sure
explaine -> explain
discuused -> discussed
undrestand -> understand
speakign -> speaking
nervouse -> nervous
eatting -> eating
confimration -> confirmation
agreeded -> agreed
thm -> them
quantative -> quantitative
letme -> let me
itenary -> itinerary
goodluck -> good luck
eaither -> either
csutomer -> customer
assesing -> assessing
abl -> able
tryied -> tried
toyou -> to you
tgat -> that
stament -> statement
quantites -> quantities
proffesionals -> professionals
marekting -> marketing
learnd -> learned
imporatant -> important
goingto -> going to
diffirent -> different
willnot -> will not
weeek -> week
themseleves -> themselves
televison -> television
refudn -> refund
officail -> official
moveing -> moving
everyon -> everyone
calim -> claim
becaseu -> because
anfd -> and
tke -> take
thatyou -> that you
refferals -> referrals
rahter -> rather
hich -> which
furthe -> further
durin -> during
delivey -> delivery
catergories -> categories
becaise -> because
tohave -> to have
stratergy -> strategy
straigh -> straight
steped -> stepped
organzing -> organizing
oppurtunites -> opportunities
oour -> our
mobil -> mobile
intervew -> interview
inlove -> in love
infroamtion -> information
infomr -> inform
ggod -> good
enjoing -> enjoying
durign -> during
caht -> chat
assignmnets -> assignments
afernoon -> afternoon
theier -> their
surgey -> surgery
prefrences -> preferences
prblem -> problem
patince -> patience
orer -> order
nessisary -> necessary
maitenance -> maintenance
lnow -> know
foreard -> forward
favortie -> favorite
expereicne -> experience
eduation -> education
asnd -> and
appontment -> appointment
absenses -> absences
twords -> towards
tradional -> traditional
studnts -> students
setteled -> settled
prvide -> provide
possile -> possible
paragragh -> paragraph
oppportunity -> opportunity
opportuinity -> opportunity
kknow -> know
experties -> expertise
eperience -> experience
councelor -> counselor
caffine -> caffeine
applogies -> apologies
aford -> afford
ui -> UI
soild -> solid
mek -> me
diffuclt -> difficult
compitition -> competition
availabile -> available
abnd -> and
violance -> violence
transcipt -> transcript
reciveing -> receiving
queston -> question
protion -> portion
practicle -> practical
openion -> opinion
oftern -> often
needto -> need to
importatnt -> important
finilize -> finalize
fedback -> feedback
enrgy -> energy
discuse -> discuss
coupel -> couple
believeing -> believing
attaached -> attached
appoligies -> apologies
anad -> and
yhou -> you
speadsheet -> spreadsheet
proabably -> probably
nnot -> not
negativly -> negatively
invice -> invoice
favorit -> favorite
espicially -> especially
ealrier -> earlier
cahrge -> charge
atractive -> attractive
ater -> after
appreiate -> appreciate
waiitng -> waiting
traditonal -> traditional
tehse -> these
quikly -> quickly
poosible -> possible
knowldege -> knowledge
guideance -> guidance
equiment -> equipment
couseling -> counseling
caould -> could
befre -> before
beeter -> better
becareful -> be careful
apoligise -> apologise
allthe -> all the
ableto -> able to
wuestions -> questions
welocme -> welcome
timly -> timely
thoghts -> thoughts
thoery -> theory
resevation -> reservation
recvied -> received
plently -> plenty
peson -> person
lookng -> looking
invesment -> investment
dieases -> diseases
comunicating -> communicating
compition -> competition
avergae -> average
attacment -> attachment
na -> an
minuites -> minutes
mch -> much
kidnly -> kindly
interships -> internships
instock -> in stock
inocent -> innocent
inmy -> in my
informe -> inform
indsutry -> industry
fthe -> the
fradulent -> fraudulent
flashdrive -> flash drive
clearification -> clarification
ceo -> CEO
apportunity -> opportunity
tarrifs -> tariffs
receipe -> recipe
partcipate -> participate
oru -> our
muh -> much
memebrship -> membership
isnot -> is not
hwoever -> however
fustrating -> frustrating
frustation -> frustration
exerience -> experience
everythng -> everything
emtional -> emotional
earier -> earlier
audince -> audience
aprreciate -> appreciate
vehilce -> vehicle
throughts -> thoughts
tennant -> tenant
stuggles -> struggles
ine -> one
homless -> homeless
heve -> have
compnaies -> companies
attetion -> attention
atitude -> attitude
anice -> a nice
yoh -> you
tomarow -> tomorrow
spekaing -> speaking
qualifed -> qualified
opportinity -> opportunity
mutal -> mutual
intereste -> interested
infomraiton -> information
gettng -> getting
furnature -> furniture
finicial -> financial
expreince -> experience
descions -> decisions
depoist -> deposit
cople -> couple
availabiltiy -> availability
ahving -> having
acitivities -> activities
wrk -> work
stratagy -> strategy
schedue -> schedule
reults -> results
reeived -> received
quesion -> question
psd -> PSD
oout -> out
odf -> of
egards -> regards
econmic -> economic
depature -> departure
coukd -> could
anouther -> another
afforable -> affordable
stuf -> stuff
schdeule -> schedule
prodution -> production
niot -> not
meesage -> message
inquring -> inquiring
inormation -> information
hepl -> help
governemtn -> government
experiements -> experiments
emotinal -> emotional
ehich -> which
doughter -> daughter
curiculum -> curriculum
artcle -> article
storng -> strong
ordr -> order
optomistic -> optimistic
opiods -> opioids
obviosly -> obviously
musuem -> museum
inovation -> innovation
expidited -> expedited
esspecially -> especially
crdit -> credit
copany -> company
collabration -> collaboration
coleagues -> colleagues
anyones -> anyone
usless -> useless
senerio -> scenario
renwal -> renewal
meail -> email
liketo -> like to
laywer -> lawyer
hjave -> have
fustration -> frustration
confrm -> confirm
complited -> completed
benficial -> beneficial
arragements -> arrangements
appreiciate -> appreciate
accomidating -> accommodating
workplan -> work plan
wekeend -> weekend
sugery -> surgery
schudule -> schedule
revewing -> reviewing
relgious -> religious
quanitity -> quantity
produt -> product
particpant -> participant
palnning -> planning
loook -> look
lavendar -> lavender
invoved -> involved
informtaion -> information
inconvient -> inconvenient
immeditely -> immediately
fiancial -> financial
execpt -> except
eit -> it
definely -> definitely
decion -> decision
conserns -> concerns
availbel -> available
attandance -> attendance
anaysis -> analysis
youto -> you to
unfortunalty -> unfortunately
thogh -> though
theough -> through
seemd -> seemed
saddness -> sadness
rgeards -> regards
personnels -> personnel
littl -> little
intital -> initial
havin -> having
exteremly -> extremely
dur -> due
disabilty -> disability
daugter -> daughter
contigency -> contingency
cll -> call
apetite -> appetite
yhat -> that
weeekend -> weekend
vip -> VIP
usre -> sure
staf -> staff
somtime -> sometime
onlu -> only
omni-channel -> omnichannel
nly -> only
hsve -> have
fillout -> fill out
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@szepeviktor may I ask you a link to the file file you mentioned ?

I'm working on multiple projects and I think this file could be a valuable source for checking things

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Contributor Author

szepeviktor commented Apr 18, 2024

Hello @ccoVeille 👋🏻

Go to the link in the top comment, copy the add-on's link from the big blue button.
XPI files are really ZIP files: there in you find

Please involve me in your project. I would gladly contribute to it!

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Thanks @szepeviktor

I'm a bit worried this looks like to be somehow something that could be considered as copyrighted by Grammaly.

I mean, I didn't find open source repository about the grammarly extension.

So I won't use them for my own project.

I will look at other sources for getting typos suggestions.

Thanks again anyway

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