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File metadata and controls

129 lines (91 loc) · 4.54 KB



Program enumgen is a command-line tool to generate Go enumeration types.


This tool is intended for use with the "go generate" command.

The generator reads a configuration file in YAML format (see gen.Config). To generate types from a separate config file, add a rule like this:

//go:generate -command enumgen go run
//go:generate enumgen --config enums.yml --output generated.go

Alternatively, you may embed the YAML definition of a gen.Enum inside a Go source file (detected by a name ending in ".go"), in a comment group prefixed by enumgen:type:

//go:generate enumgen --config thisfile.go --output generated.go

// Note there may be no space before the annotation, and the annotation
// must be the first line of its comment group.

/*enumgen:type Color

# Inside this comment everything is YAML.
# Probably I should be ashamed of myself for this.

doc: |
  A Color is a source of joy for all who behold it.
flag-value: true
  - name: Red
    text: fire-engine-red

  - name: Green
    text: scummy-green
    index: 14

  - name: Blue
    text: azure-sky-blue

There may be multiple such blocks in a file; each defines a single enumeration. The text after enumgen:type becomes the name of the type; the content of the block must be a single gen.Enum value. p If the --config flag is omitted entirely, all the .go files in the current package will be processed for matching comment groups.

Type Structure

The generated type for an enumeration is a struct with an unexported small integer index to the string representation of the enumerator. This allows cheap value comparisons, enumerators can be used as map keys, and users of the type outside the package cannot create new non-zero values of the type. The zero value is explicitly defined as the "unknown" value for an enumeration.

The generated type exports four methods:

  • The Enum method returns the name of the generated type.

  • The Index method returns an integer index of the enumerator. By default, the index is the 1-based ordinal position of the enumerator within the values list. However, an enumerator may override the index field to set a specific integer value. Enumerators without an explicit index are given an index one greater than the index of their predecessor.

    If an explicit zero enumerator is defined, its index cannot be replaced.

  • The Valid method reports whether an enumerator is valid (non-zero).

  • The String method returns a string representation for each enumerator, which defaults to the enumerator's base name.

There are also some optional components that are generated on request:

  • If constructor is true, a New<Name> constructor is generated.

  • If flag-value is true, the type satisfies the flag.Value interface.

  • If text-marshal is true, the type satisfies the encoding.TextMarshaler and encoding.TextUnmarshaler interfaces.


The gen.Config type defines a set of enumerations to generate in a single package. The general structure of a config in YAML follows this example

package: "name"        # the name of the output package (required)

enum:                  # a list of enumeration types to generate

  - type: "Name"       # the type name for this enum
    prefix: "x"        # (optional) prefix to append to each enumerator name
    zero: "Bad"        # (optional) name of zero enumerator

    doc: "text"        # (optional) documentation comment for the enum type
    val-doc: "text"    # (optional) aggregate documentation for the values

    constructor: true  # construct a New* function to convert strings to enumerators
    flag-value: true   # implement the flag.Value interface on this enum
    text-marshal: true # implement the TextMarshaler/Unmarshaler interfaces on this enum

      - name: A        # the name of the first enumerator (required)
        doc: "text"    # (optional) documentation for this enumerator
        text: "aaa"    # (optional) string text for the enumerator
        index: 25      # (optional) integer index for the enumerator

      - name: B        # ... additional enumerators
      - name: C

  - type: "Other"
      - name: X
      - name: Y