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File metadata and controls

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Weaver CLI and Client

Once Weaver package is installed (see :ref:`installation`), it provides a command line interface (:term:`CLI`) as well as a Python :py:class:`weaver.cli.WeaverClient` to allow simplified interactions through shell calls or Python scripts.

This offers to the user methods to use file references (e.g.: local :term:`CWL` :term:`Application Package` definition) to rapidly operate with functionalities such as :ref:`Deploy <proc_op_deploy>`, :ref:`Describe <proc_op_describe>`, :ref:`Execute <proc_op_execute>` and any other operation described in :ref:`proc_operations` section.


Technically, any :term:`OGC API - Processes` implementation could be supported using the provided :term:`CLI` and :py:class:`weaver.cli.WeaverClient`. There are however some operations such as :ref:`vault_upload` feature (and any utility that makes use of it) that are applicable only for Weaver instances.

Please refer to following sections for more details.

For details about using the Python :py:class:`weaver.cli.WeaverClient`, please refer directly to its class documentation and its underlying methods.

Following are the detail for the shell :term:`CLI` which provides the same features.

.. argparse::
    :module: weaver.cli
    :func: make_parser
    :prog: weaver

Following sections present different typical usage of the :ref:`cli_commands` and :ref:`client_commands`. Operations are equivalent between the :term:`CLI` and Python client.


Much more operations and option parameters are available. They are not all necessarily represented in below examples. Explore available arguments using weaver <operation> --help or using the above documentation for :ref:`client_commands` and cli_commands.

For each of the following examples, the client is created as follows:

WEAVER_URL = os.getenv("WEAVER_URL")
client = WeaverClient(url=WEAVER_URL)

For any operation that requires authentication/authorization to access a protected service targeted by WEAVER_URL, it is possible to either provide the auth parameter during initialization of the :py:class:`weaver.cli.WeaverClient` itself (the specific :py:class:`weaver.cli.AuthHandler` is reused for all operations), or as argument to individual methods when calling the respective operation (handler only used for that step).

Any class implementation that derives from :py:class:`weaver.cli.AuthHandler` or :py:class:`requests.auth.AuthBase` can be used for the auth argument. This class must implement the __call__ method taking a single request argument and returning the adjusted request instance. The call should apply any relevant modifications to grant the necessary authentication/authorization details. This __call__ will be performed inline prior to sending the actual request toward the service.

When using the :ref:`cli_commands`, the specific :py:class:`weaver.cli.AuthHandler` implementation to employ must be provided using the --auth-handler/--auth-class (-aC) argument. This can be an importable (installed) class module reference or a plain Python script path separated with a : character followed by the class name definition. Other --auth prefixed arguments can also be supplied, but their actual use depend on the targeted authentication handler implementation.

Below are examples of possible commands:

weaver capabilities \
    -u ${WEAVER_URL} \
    -aC requests_magpie.MagpieAuth \
    -aU ${MAGPIE_URL} \

When using the :ref:`Python Interface <client_commands>`, the desired implementation can be specified directly.

MAGPIE_URL = os.getenv("MAGPIE_URL")
client.capabilities(auth=requests_magpie.MagpieAuth(MAGPIE_URL, MAGPIE_USERNAME, MAGPIE_PASSWORD))

Accomplishes the :ref:`Deployment <proc_op_deploy>` request in order to subscribe a new :term:`Process` in the service. Requires a Weaver or |ogc-api-proc-part2|_ compliant instance.

The :term:`Process` can correspond to an :ref:`application-package` using :term:`CWL` (i.e.: a script, a :term:`Docker` application, etc.) or a :ref:`proc_remote_provider` using an external :term:`WPS` (:term:`XML`, :term:`JSON`) or another :term:`OGC API - Processes` instance. A :term:`Workflow` of multiple :term:`Process` references (possibly of distinct nature) can also be deployed.

.. seealso::
    Chapter :ref:`proc_types` covers supported definitions and further explain each type.


If the :ref:`application-package` being deployed employs a protected :term:`Docker` repository reference, access can be provided using the corresponding parameters. Those will be required for later execution of the application in order to retrieve the referenced :term:`Docker` image.


Content definitions for :term:`CWL` :ref:`application-package` and/or the literal :term:`Process` body can be submitted using either a local file reference, an URL, or a literal string formatted as :term:`JSON` or :term:`YAML`. With the :ref:`Python Interface <client_commands>`, the definition can also be provided with a :class:`dict` directly.

Below is a sample :term:`Process` deployment using a basic Python script wrapped in a :term:`Docker` image to ensure all requirements are met. The :term:`CWL` definition provides all necessary inputs and outputs definition to run the desired :ref:`application-package`. The contents of below URL definition is also available in :ref:`example_app_pkg_script`.

weaver deploy \
    -u ${WEAVER_URL} \
    -p docker-python-script-report \

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/local_process_deploy_success.json
    :language: json

Accomplishes the Undeployment request to remove a previously :ref:`Deployed <proc_op_deploy>` :term:`Process` from the service. Requires a Weaver or |ogc-api-proc-part2|_ compliant instance.

weaver undeploy -u ${WEAVER_URL} -p docker-python-script-report

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/local_process_undeploy_success.json
    :language: json

Accomplishes the :ref:`GetCapabilities <proc_op_getcap>` request to obtain a list of available :term:`Process`.

weaver capabilities -u ${WEAVER_URL}

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/local_process_listing.json
    :language: json

Accomplishes the :ref:`DescribeProcess <proc_op_describe>` request to obtain the :term:`Process` definition.

weaver describe -u ${WEAVER_URL} -p jsonarray2netcdf

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/local_process_description_ogc_api.json
    :language: json

Accomplishes the :ref:`Execute <proc_op_execute>` request to launch a :term:`Job` execution with the specified :term:`Process` and provided inputs. Execution can also take multiple execution control parameters such as requesting outputs by reference, selecting the (a)synchronous mode to be employed and much more.

.. seealso::
    Please refer to :meth:`weaver.cli.WeaverClient.execute` arguments, :term:`CLI` :ref:`execute` operation and chapter
    :ref:`Execute <proc_op_execute>` documentation for more details regarding all implications of :term:`Job` execution.
    File reference types, request contents, execution modes and other advanced use cases are covered in greater extent.


Parameters available for :ref:`Status Monitoring <cli_example_monitor>` can also be provided directly during this operation. This has the effect of executing the :term:`Job` and immediately monitor the obtained status until the completed status is obtained, or timeout is reached, whichever occurs first.


Any valid local file path given as input for the :term:`Job` execution will be automatically uploaded toward the service (Weaver required) in order to make it available for the underlying application defined by the :term:`Process`. The same procedure as the :ref:`Manual Upload <cli_example_upload>` operation is employed to temporarily place the file(s) in the :term:`Vault` and make it accessible only for the submitted :term:`Job`. The file(s) submitted this way will be deleted once retrieved by the :term:`Process` for execution.

In order to use the :ref:`cli_commands`, the :term:`Job` inputs definition has been made extremely versatile. Arguments can be provided using literal string entries by repeating -I options followed by their desired :term:`KVP` definitions. Additional properties can also be supplied in order to specify precisely what needs to be submitted to the :term:`Process`. Please refer to :term:`CLI` :ref:`execute` help message for more explanations.

weaver execute \
    -u ${WEAVER_URL} \
    -p Echo \
    -I "message='Hello World!'" \
    -I value:int=123456 \
    -I array:float=1.23,4.56 \
    -I multi:File=;= \
    -I multi:File= \
    -I single:File=/workspace/data.xml@mediaType=text/xml

Inputs can also be provided using a :term:`JSON` or :term:`YAML` :term:`Job` document (as when running :term:`CWL`) or using a :term:`JSON` document matching the schema normally submitted by HTTP request for :term:`OGC APi - Processes` execution.

When using the :ref:`Python Interface <client_commands>`, the inputs can be provided in the same manner as for the above :term:`CLI` variations, but it is usually more intuitive to use a Python :class:`dict` directly.

client.execute("Echo", {
    "message": "Hello World!",
    "value": 123456,
    "array": [1.23, 4.56],
    "multi": [
        {"href": ""},
        {"href": ""},
        {"href": ""},
    "single": {
        "href": "/workspace/data.xml",  # note: uploaded to vault automatically before execution
        "type": "text/xml",

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/job_status_accepted.json
    :language: json

Accomplishes the :term:`Job` dismiss request to either cancel an accepted or running :term:`Job` or to remove any stored results from a successful execution.

weaver dismiss -u ${WEAVER_URL} -j "29af3a33-0a3e-477d-863e-efccc97e0b02"

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/job_dismissed_success.json
    :language: json

Accomplishes the :ref:`GetStatus <proc_op_status>` operation to request the current status of a :term:`Job`.

weaver status -u ${WEAVER_URL} -j "797c0c5e-9bc2-4bf3-ab73-5f3df32044a8"

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/job_status_success.json
    :language: json

Accomplishes the :term:`Job` listing request to obtain known :term:`Job` definitions using filter search queries.

weaver jobs -u ${WEAVER_URL} -nL


Option -nL and argument with_links are used to omit links section in sample output.

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/jobs_listing.json
    :language: json

If a :term:`Job` was summited for execution, it is possible to perform :ref:`Status Monitoring <proc_op_monitor>` of this :term:`Job` until completion or until the specified timeout is reached. This can be performed at any moment on a pending or running :term:`Job`.

.. seealso::
    It is possible to directly perform monitoring when calling the :ref:`Job Execution <cli_example_execute>` operation.
    Simply provide the relevant arguments and options applicable to the monitoring step during the ``execute`` call.

# assuming job is 'running'
weaver monitor -u ${WEAVER_URL} -j "14c68477-c3ed-4784-9c0f-a4c9e1344db5"

Monitor output should be in as similar format as :ref:`cli_example_status` with the latest :term:`Job` status retrieved.

Retrieves the :ref:`Job Results <proc_op_result>` from a successful :term:`Job` execution.


It is possible to employ the download argument to retrieve File outputs from a :term:`Job`. If this is enabled, files will be downloaded using the URL references specified in the :term:`Job` results and store them in the specified local output directory.

weaver results -u ${WEAVER_URL} -j "14c68477-c3ed-4784-9c0f-a4c9e1344db5"

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/job_results.json
    :language: json

This operation allows manual upload of a local file to the :term:`Vault`.


When running the :ref:`execute` operation, any detected local file reference will be automatically uploaded as :term:`Vault` file in order to make it available for the remote Weaver server for :term:`Process` execution.

.. seealso::
    :ref:`file_vault_inputs` and :ref:`vault_upload` provide more details about this feature.

weaver upload -u ${WEAVER_URL} -f /path/to/file.txt

Sample Output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../weaver/wps_restapi/examples/vault_file_uploaded.json
    :language: json