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File metadata and controls

1606 lines (1255 loc) · 91.9 KB


Type of Processes

Weaver supports multiple type of processes, as listed below. Each one of them are accessible through the same API interface, but they have different implications.

Section _ provides multiple concrete use cases of Deploy <proc_op_deploy> and Execute <proc_op_execute> request payloads for diverse set of applications.


These processes come pre-packaged with Weaver. They will be available directly on startup of the application and re-updated on each boot to make sure internal database references are updated with any source code changes.

Theses processes typically correspond to utility operations. They are specifically useful when employed as step within a Workflow process that requires data-type conversion between input/output of similar, but not perfectly, compatible definitions.

For example, process :pyweaver.processes.builtin.jsonarray2netcdf takes a single input JSON file which its content contains an array-list of NetCDF file references, and returns them directly as the corresponding list of output files. These two different file formats (single JSON to multiple NetCDF) can then be used to map two processes with these respective output and inputs.

As of the latest release, following builtin processes are available:

  • :pyweaver.processes.builtin.file2string_array
  • :pyweaver.processes.builtin.jsonarray2netcdf
  • :pyweaver.processes.builtin.metalink2netcdf

All builtin processes are marked with :pyweaver.processes.constants.CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_BUILTIN in the CWL hints section and are all defined in :pyweaver.processes.builtin.


This kind of process corresponds to a traditional WPS XML or JSON endpoint (depending of supported version) prior to WPS-REST specification. When the WPS-REST process is deployed in Weaver using an URL reference to an WPS-1/2 process, Weaver parses and converts the XML or JSON body of the response and registers the process locally using this definition. This allows a remote server offering limited functionalities (e.g.: no REST bindings supported) to provide them through Weaver.

A minimal Deploy <proc_op_deploy> request body for this kind of process could be as follows:

  "processDescription": {
    "process": {
      "id": "my-process-reference"
  "executionUnit": [
      "href": ""

This would tell Weaver to locally Deploy <proc_op_deploy> the my-process-reference process using the WPS-1 URL reference that is expected to return a DescribeProcess XML schema. Provided that this endpoint can be resolved and parsed according to typical WPS specification, this should result into a successful process registration. The deployed Process would then be accessible with DescribeProcess <proc_op_describe> requests.

The above deployment procedure can be automated on startup using Weaver's wps_processes.yml configuration file. Please refer to Configuration of WPS Processes section for more details on this matter.


Because Weaver creates a snapshot of the reference process at the moment it was deployed, the local process definition could become out-of-sync with the remote reference where the Execute <proc_op_execute> request will be sent. Refer to Remote Provider section for more details to work around this issue.


This Process type is the main component of Weaver. All other types are converted to this one either through some parsing (e.g.: WPS-1/2) or with some requirement indicators (e.g.: Builtin, Workflow) for special handling.

When deploying one such Process directly, it is expected to have a definition specified with a CWL Application Package. This is most of the time employed to wrap an operations packaged in a reference Docker image. The reference package can be provided in multiple ways as presented below.


When a process is deployed with any of the below supported Application Package formats, additional parsing of this CWL as well as complementary details directly within the WPS deployment body is accomplished. See cwl-wps-mapping section for more details.

Package as Literal Execution Unit Block

In this situation, the CWL definition is provided as is using JSON-formatted package embedded within the _ request. The request payload would take the following shape:

  "processDescription": {
    "process": {
      "id": "my-process-literal-package"
  "executionUnit": [
      "unit": {
        "cwlVersion": "v1.0",
        "class": "CommandLineTool",
        "inputs": ["<...>"],
        "outputs": ["<...>"],
        "<...>": "<...>"

Package as External Execution Unit Reference

In this situation, the CWL is provided indirectly using an external file reference which is expected to have contents describing the Application Package (as presented in the app_pkg_exec_unit_literal case). Because an external file is employed instead of embedding the package within the JSON HTTP request contents, it is possible to employ both JSON and YAML definitions.

An example is presented below:

  "processDescription": {
    "process": {
      "id": "my-process-reference-package"
  "executionUnit": [
      "href": ""

Where the referenced file hosted at "" could contain:

cwlVersion: "v1.0"
class: CommandLineTool
  - "<...>"
  - "<...>"
"<...>": "<...>"


For traditional WPS-1 process type, Weaver adds default values to CWL definition. As we can see in weaver/processes/, the following default values for the CWL package are:

cwl_package = OrderedDict([
    ("cwlVersion", "v1.0"),
    ("class", "CommandLineTool"),
    ("hints", {
            "provider": get_url_without_query(wps_service_url),
            "process": process_id,

In ESGF-CWT processes, ESGF-CWTRequirement hint must be used instead of usual WPS1Requirement, contained in the :pyweaver.processes.constants.CWL_REQUIREMENT_APP_WPS1 variable. The handling of this technicality is handled in weaver/processes/ We can define ESGF-CWT processes using this syntax:

  "cwlVersion": "v1.0",
  "class": "CommandLineTool",
  "hints": {
    "ESGF-CWTRequirement": {
      "provider": "",
      "process": "xarray.subset"


Processes categorized as Workflow are very similar to WPS-REST processes. From the API standpoint, they actually look exactly the same as an atomic process when calling DescribeProcess <proc_op_describe> or Execute <proc_op_execute> requests. The difference lies within the referenced Application Package which uses a CWL Workflow instead of typical CWL CommandLineTool, and therefore, modifies how the Process is internally executed.

For Workflow processes to be deploy-able and executable, it is mandatory that Weaver is configured as EMS or HYBRID (see: Configuration Settings). This requirement is due to the nature of Workflow that chain processes that need to be dispatched to known remote ADES servers (see: conf_data_sources and proc_workflow_ops) according to defined Data Source configuration.

Given that a Workflow process was successfully deployed and that all process steps can be resolved, calling its Execute <proc_op_execute> request will tell Weaver to parse the chain of operations and send step process execution requests to relevant ADES picked according to Data Source. Each step's job will then gradually be monitored from the relevant ADES until completion.

Upon successful intermediate result, the EMS (or HYBRID acting as such) will stage the data references locally to chain them to the following step. When the complete chain succeeds, the final results of the last step will be provided as Workflow output in the same manner as for atomic processes. In case of failure, the error will be indicated in the logs with the appropriate step and message where the error occurred.


Although chaining sub-workflow(s) within a bigger scoped Workflow is technically possible, this have not yet been fully explored (tested) in Weaver. There is a chance that Data Source_ resolution fails to identify where to dispatch the step in this situation. If this impacts you, please vote and indicate your concern on issue #171.

proc_workflow_ops provides more details on each of the internal operations accomplished by individual step Process chained in a Workflow.

Remote Provider

Remote provider correspond to a remote service that provides similar interfaces as supported by Weaver (WPS-like). For example, a remote WPS-1 XML endpoint can be referenced as a provider. When an API Providers-scoped request is executed, for example to list is processes capabilities (see GetCapabilities <proc_op_getcap>), Weaver will send the corresponding request using the registered reference URL to access the remote server and reply with parsed response, as if they its processes were registered locally.

Since remote providers obviously require access to the remote service, Weaver will only be able to provide results if the service is accessible with respect to standard implementation features and supported specifications.

The main advantage of using Weaver's endpoint rather than directly accessing the referenced remote provider processes is in the case of limited functionality offered by the service. For instance, WPS-1 do not always offer proc_op_status feature, and there is no extensive job monitoring availability. Since Weaver wraps the original reference with its own endpoints, these features indirectly become employable. Similarly, although WPS-1 offers XML-only endpoints, the parsing operation accomplished by Weaver makes theses services available as WPS-REST JSON endpoints. On top of that, registering a remote Provider into Weaver allows the user to use it as a central hub to keep references to all his accessible services and dispatch Job executions from a common location.

A remote provider differs from previously presented WPS-1/2 processes such that the underlying processes of the service are not registered locally. For example, if a remote service has two WPS processes, only top-level service URL will be registered locally (in Weaver's database) and the application will have no explicit knowledge of these remote processes. When calling process-specific requests (e.g.: DescribeProcess <proc_op_describe> or Execute <proc_op_execute>), Weaver will re-send the corresponding request directly to the remote provider each time and return the result accordingly. On the other hand, a WPS-1/2 reference would be parsed and saved locally with the response at the time of deployment. This means that a deployed WPS-1/2 reference would act as a snapshot of the reference (which could become out-of-sync), while Remote Provider will dynamically update according to the re-fetched response from the remote service. If our example remote service was extended to have a third WPS process, it would immediately be reflected in GetCapabilities <proc_op_getcap> and DescribeProcess <proc_op_describe> retrieved via Weaver Providers-scoped requests. This would not be the case for the WPS-1/2 reference that would need manual update (deploy the third process to register it in Weaver).

An example body of the register provider request could be as follows:

  "id": "my-service",
  "url": "",
  "public": true

Then, processes of this registered proc_remote_provider will be accessible. For example, if the referenced service by the above URL add a WPS process identified by my-process, its JSON description would be obtained with following request (DescribeProviderProcess):

GET {WEAVER_URL}/providers/my-service/processes/my-process


Process my-process in the example is not registered locally. From the point of view of Weaver's processes (i.e.: route /processes/{id}), it does NOT exist. You must absolutely use the provider-prefixed route /providers/{id}/processes/{id} to explicitly fetch and resolve this remote process definition.


API requests scoped under Providers are Weaver-specific implementation. These are not part of _ specification.

Managing processes included in Weaver ADES/EMS

Following steps represent the typical steps applied to deploy a process, execute it and retrieve the results.

Register a new process (Deploy)

Deployment of a new process is accomplished through the POST {WEAVER_URL}/processes _ request.

The request body requires mainly two components:

  • processDescription:
    Defines the process identifier, metadata, inputs, outputs, and some execution specifications. This mostly corresponds to information that is provided by traditional WPS definition.
  • executionUnit:
    Defines the core details of the Application Package. This corresponds to the explicit CWL definition that indicates how to execute the given application.

Upon deploy request, Weaver will either respond with a successful result, or with the appropriate error message, whether caused by conflicting ID, invalid definitions or other parsing issues. A successful process deployment will result in this process to become available for following steps.


When a process is deployed, it is not necessarily available immediately. This is because process visibility also needs to be updated. The process must be made public to allow its discovery. Alternatively, the visibility can be directly provided within the body of the deploy request to skip this extra step. For specifying or updating visibility, please refer to corresponding _ and _ requests.

After deployment and visibility preconditions have been met, the corresponding process should become available through DescribeProcess <proc_op_describe> requests and other routes that depend on an existing process.

Note that when a process is deployed using the WPS-REST interface, it also becomes available through the WPS-1/2 interface with the same identifier and definition. Because of compatibility limitations, some parameters in the WPS-1/2 side might not be perfectly mapped to the equivalent or adjusted WPS-REST interface, although this concerns mostly only new features such as Job status monitoring. For most traditional use cases, properties are mapped between the two interfaces, but it is recommended to use the WPS-REST one because of the added features.

Please refer to application-package chapter for any additional parameters that can be provided for specific types of Application Package and Process definitions.

Access registered processes (GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess)

Available processes can all be listed using _ request. This request will return all locally registered process summaries. Other return formats and filters are also available according to provided request query parameters. Note that processes not marked with public visibility will not be listed in this result.

For more specific process details, the _ request should be used. This will return all information that define the process references and expected inputs/outputs.


For remote processes (see: Remote Provider), Provider requests are also available for more fine-grained search of underlying processes. These processes are not necessarily listed as local processes, and will therefore sometime not yield any result if using the typical DescribeProcess request on wps_endpoint.

All routes listed under Process requests should normally be applicable for remote processes by prefixing them with /providers/{id}.


With the addition of Process revisions (see Update Operation <proc_op_update below), a registered Process specified only by {processID} will retrieve the latest revision of that Process. A specific older revision can be obtained by adding the tagged version in the path ({processID}:{version}) or adding the request query parameter version.

Using revisions provided through PUT and PATCH requests, it is also possible to list specific or all existing revisions of a given or multiple processes simultaneously using the revisions and version query parameters with the _ request.

Update, replace or remove an existing process (Update, Replace, Undeploy)

Since Weaver supports _, it is able to remove a previously registered Process using the Deployment <proc_op_deploy> request. The undeploy operation consist of a DELETE request targeting the specific {WEAVER_URL}/processes/{processID} to be removed.


The Process must be accessible by the user considering any visibility configuration to perform this step. See proc_op_deploy section for details.


Starting from version 4.20, a Process can be replaced or updated using respectively the PUT and PATCH requests onto the specific {WEAVER_URL}/processes/{processID} location of the reference to modify.


The Process partial update operation (using PATCH) is specific to Weaver only. _ only mandates the definition of PUT request for full override of a Process.

When a Process is modified using the PATCH operation, only the new definitions need to be provided, and unspecified items are transferred over from the referenced Process (i.e.: the previous revision). Using either the PUT or PATCH requests, previous revisions can be referenced using two formats:

  • {processID}:{version} as request path parameters (instead of usual {processID} only)
  • {processID} in the request path combined with ?version={version} query parameter

Weaver employs MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH semantic versioning to maintain revisions of updated or replaced Process definitions. The next revision number to employ for update or replacement can either be provided explicitly in the request body using a version, or be omitted. When omitted, the next revision will be guessed automatically based on the previous available revision according to the level of changes required. In either cases, the resolved version will have to be available and respect the expected update level to be accepted as a new valid Process revision. The applicable revision level depends on the contents being modified using submitted request body fields according to the following table. When a combination of the below items occur, the higher update level is required.

HTTP Method Level Change Examples
PATCH PATCH Modifications to metadata not impacting the Process execution or definition.
  • Process description, title strings
  • Process keywords, metadata lists
  • inputs/outputs description, title strings
  • inputs/outputs keywords, metadata lists
PATCH MINOR Modification that impacts how the Process could be executed, but not its definition.
  • Process jobControlOptions (async/sync)
  • Process outputTransmission (ref/value)
  • Process visibility
PUT MAJOR Modification that impacts what the Process executes.
  • Any Application Package modification
  • Any inputs/outputs change (formats, occurs, type)
  • Any inputs/outputs addition or removal


For all applicable fields of updating a Process, refer to the schema of _. For replacing a Process, refer instead to the schema of _. The replacement request contents are extremely similar to the Deploy <proc_op_deploy> schema since the full Process definition must be provided.

For example, if the test-process:1.2.3 was previously deployed, and is the active latest revision of that Process, submitting the below request body will produce a PATCH revision as test-process:1.2.4.


Here, only metadata is adjusted and there is no risk to impact produced results or execution methods of the Process. An external user would probably not even notice the Process changed, which is why PATCH is reasonable in this case. Notice that the version is not explicitly provided in the body. It is guessed automatically from the modified contents. Also, the example displays how Process-level and inputs/outputs-level metadata can be updated.

Similarly, the following request would produce a MINOR revision of test-process. Since both PATCH and MINOR level contents are defined for update, the higher MINOR revision is required. In this case MINOR is required because jobControlOptions (forced to asynchronous execution for following versions) would break any future request made by users that would expect the Process to run (or support) synchronous execution.

Notice that this time, the Process reference does not indicate the revision in the path (no :1.2.4 part). This automatically resolves to the updated revision test-process:1.2.4 that became the new latest revision following our previous PATCH request.


In this case, the desired version (1.4.0) is also specified explicitly in the body. Since the updated number (MINOR = 4) matches the expected update level from the above table and respects an higher level than the reference 1.2.4 Process, this revision value will be accepted (instead of auto-resolved 1.3.0 otherwise). Note that if 2.4.0 was specified instead, the version would be refused, as Weaver does not consider this modification to be worth a MAJOR revision, and tries to keep version levels consistent. Skipping numbers (i.e.: 1.3.0 in this case), is permitted as long as there are no other versions above of the same level (i.e.: 1.4.0 would be refused if 1.5.0 existed). This allows some level of flexibility with revisions in case users want to use specific numbering values that have more meaning to them. It is recommended to let Weaver auto-update version values between updates if this level of fined-grained control is not required.


To avoid conflicting definitions, a Process cannot be Deployed <proc_op_deploy> directly using a {processID}:{version} reference. Deployments are expected as the first revision and should only include the {processID} portion as their identifier.

If the user desires a specific version to deploy, the PUT request should be used with the appropriate version within the request body. It is although up to the user to provide the full definition of that Process, as PUT request will completely replace the previous definition rather than transfer over previous updates (i.e: PATCH requests).

Even when a Process is "replaced" using PUT, the older revision is not actually removed and undeployed (DELETE request). It is therefore still possible to refer to the old revision using explicit references with the corresponding version. Weaver keeps track of revisions by corresponding {processID} entries such that if the latest revision is undeployed, the previous revision will automatically become the latest once again. For complete replacement, the user should instead perform a DELETE of all existing revisions (to avoid conflicts) followed by a new Deploy <proc_op_deploy> request.

Execution of a process (Execute)

Process execution (i.e.: submitting a Job) is accomplished using the _ request.


For backward compatibility, the _ request is also supported as alias to the above OGC API - Processes compliant endpoint.

This section will first describe the basics of this request format, and after go into details for specific use cases and parametrization of various input/output combinations. Let's employ the following example of JSON body sent to the Job execution to better illustrate the requirements.

  "mode": "async",
  "response": "document",
  "inputs": [
      "id": "input-file",
      "href": "<some-file-reference"
      "id": "input-value",
      "data": 1,
  "outputs": [
      "id": "output",
      "transmissionMode": "reference"
  "mode": "async",
  "response": "document",
  "inputs": {
    "input-file": {
      "href": "<some-file-reference"
    "input-value": {
      "value": 1
  "outputs": {
    "output": {
      "transmissionMode": "reference"


For backward compatibility, the execution payload inputs and outputs can be provided either as mapping (keys are the IDs, values are the content), or as listing (each item has content and "id" field) interchangeably. When working with OGC API - Processes compliant services, the mapping representation should be preferred as it is the official schema, is more compact, and it allows inline specification of literal data (values provided without the nested value field). The listing representation is the older format employed during previous OGC testbed developments.


Other parameters can be added to the request to provide further functionalities. Above fields are the minimum requirements to request a Job. Please refer to the OpenAPI Execute_ definition for all applicable features.

- proc_exec_body and proc_exec_mode details applicable for Weaver specifically. - OGC API - Processes, Process Outputs for more general details on transmissionMode parameter. - OGC API - Processes, Execution Mode for more general details on the execution negotiation (formerly with mode parameter) and more recently with Prefer header. - _ and _ for a complete listing of available response formats considering all other parameters.


With the addition of Process revisions (see Update Operation <proc_op_update section), a registered Process specified only by {processID} will execute the latest revision of that Process. An older revision can be executed by adding the tagged version in the path ({processID}:{version}) or adding the request query parameter version.

Execution Body

The inputs definition is the most important section of the request body. It is also the only one that is completely required when submitting the execution request, even for a no-input process (an empty mapping is needed in such case). It defines which parameters to forward to the referenced Process to be executed. All id elements in this Job request body must correspond to valid inputs from the definition returned by DescribeProcess <proc_op_describe> response. Obviously, all formatting requirements (i.e.: proper file MIME-types), data types (e.g.: int, string, etc.) and validations rules (e.g.: minOccurs, AllowedValues, etc.) must also be fulfilled. When providing files as input, multiple protocols are supported. See later section File Reference Types for details.

The outputs section defines, for each id corresponding to the Process definition, how to report the produced outputs from a successful Job completion. For the time being, Weaver only implement the reference result as this is the most common variation. In this case, the produced file is stored locally and exposed externally with returned reference URL. The other mode value returns the contents directly in the response instead of the URL.

When outputs section is omitted, it simply means that the Process to be executed should return all outputs it offers in the created Job Results <proc_op_result>. In such case, because no representation modes is specified for individual outputs, Weaver automatically selects reference as it makes all outputs more easily accessible with distinct URL afterwards. If the outputs section is specified, but that one of the outputs defined in the Process Description <proc_op_describe> is not specified, that output should be omitted from the produced results. For the time being, because only reference representation is offered for produced output files, this filtering is not implemented as it offers no additional advantage for files accessed directly with their distinct URLs. This could be added later if Multipart raw data representation is required. Please _ to request this feature if it is relevant for your use-cases.

Filtering of outputs not implemented (everything always available). #380

Other parameters presented in the above examples, namely mode and response are further detailed in the following proc_exec_mode section.

Execution Mode

In order to select how to execute a Process, either synchronously or asynchronously, the Prefer header should be specified. If omitted, Weaver defaults to asynchronous execution. To execute asynchronously explicitly, Prefer: respond-async should be used. Otherwise, the synchronous execution can be requested with Prefer: wait=X where X is the duration in seconds to wait for a response. If no worker becomes available within that time, or if this value is greater than weaver.exec_sync_max_wait, the Job will resume asynchronously and the response will be returned. Furthermore, synchronous and asynchronous execution of a Process can only be requested for corresponding jobControlOptions it reports as supported in its Process Description <proc_op_describe>. It is important to provide the jobControlOptions parameter with applicable modes when Deploying a Process <proc_op_deploy> to allow it to run as desired. By default, Weaver will assume that deployed processes are only asynchronous to handle longer operations.

By default, every proc_builtin Process can accept both modes. All previously deployed processes will only allow asynchronous execution, as only this one was supported. This should be reported in their jobControlOptions.


It is important to remember that the Prefer header is indeed a preference. If Weaver deems it cannot allocate a worker to execute the task synchronously within a reasonable delay, it can enforce the asynchronous execution. The asynchronous mode is also prioritized for running longer Job submitted over the task queue, as this allows Weaver to offer better availability for all requests submitted by its users. The synchronous mode should be reserved only for very quick and relatively low computation intensive operations.

The mode field displayed in the body is another method to tell whether to run the Process in a blocking (sync) or non-blocking (async) manner. Note that support is limited for mode sync as this use case is often more cumbersome than async execution. Effectively, sync mode requires to have a task worker executor available to run the Job (otherwise it fails immediately due to lack of processing resource), and the requester must wait for the whole execution to complete to obtain the result. Given that Process could take a very long time to complete, it is not practical to execute them in this manner and potentially have to wait hours to retrieve outputs. Instead, the preferred and default approach is to request an async Job execution. When doing so, Weaver will add this to a task queue for processing, and will immediately return a Job identifier and Location where the user can probe for its status, using Monitoring <proc_op_monitor> request. As soon as any task worker becomes available, it will pick any leftover queued Job to execute it.


The mode field is an older methodology that precedes the official OGC API - Processes method using the Prefer header. It is recommended to employ the Prefer header that ensures higher interoperability with other services using the same standard. The mode field is deprecated and preserved only for backward compatibility purpose.

When requesting a synchronous execution, and provided a worker was available to pick and complete the task before the maximum wait time was reached, the final status will be directly returned. Therefore, the contents obtained this way will be identical to any following Job Status <proc_op_status> request. If no worker is available, or if the worker that picked the Job cannot complete it in time (either because it takes too long to execute or had to wait on resources for too long), the Job execution will automatically switch to asynchronous mode.

The distinction between an asynchronous or synchronous response when executing a Job can be observed in multiple ways. The easiest is with the HTTP status code of the response, 200 being for a Job entirely completed synchronously, and 201 for a created Job that should be monitored <proc_op_monitor> asynchronously. Another method is to observe the "status" value. Effectively, a Job that is executed asynchronously will return status information contents, while a synchronous Job will return the results directly, along a Location header referring to the equivalent contents returned by GetStatus <proc_op_status> as in the case of asynchronous Job. It is also possible to extract the Preference-Applied response header which will clearly indicate if the submitted Prefer header was respected (because it could be with available worker resources) or not. In general, this means that if the Job submission request was not provided with Prefer: wait=X AND replied with the same Preference-Applied value, it is safe to assume Weaver decided to queue the Job for asynchronous execution. That Job could be executed immediately, or at a later time, according to worker availability.

It is also possible that a failed Job, even when synchronous, will respond with equivalent contents to the status location instead of results. This is because it is impossible for Weaver to return the result(s) as outputs would not be generated by the incomplete Job.

Finally, the response parameter defines how to return the results produced by the Process. When response=document, regardless of mode=async or mode=sync, and regardless of requested outputs transmissionMode=value or transmissionMode=reference, the results will be returned in a JSON format containing either literal values or URL references to produced files. If mode=async, this results document is obtained with _ request, while mode=sync returns it directly. When response=raw, the specific contents (type and quantity), HTTP Link headers or a mix of those components depends both on the number of available Process outputs, which ones were requested, and how they were requested (i.e.: transmissionMode). It is also possible that further content negotiation gets involved accordingly to the Accept header and available Content-Type of the outputs if multiple formats are supported by the Process. For more details regarding those combination, the official _ and _ should be employed as reference.

For any of the previous combinations, it is always possible to obtain Job outputs, along with logs, exceptions and other details using the proc_op_result endpoints.

Execution Steps

Once the Job is submitted, its status should initially switch to accepted. This effectively means that the Job is pending execution (task queued), but is not yet executing. When a worker retrieves it for execution, the status will change to started for preparation steps (i.e.: allocation resources, retrieving required parametrization details, etc.), followed by running when effectively reaching the execution step of the underlying Application Package operation. This status will remain as such until the operation completes, either with succeeded or failed status.

At any moment during asynchronous execution, the Job status can be requested using _. Note that depending on the timing at which the user executes this request and the availability of task workers, it could be possible that the Job be already in running state, or even failed in case of early problem detected.

When the Job reaches its final state, multiple parameters will be adjusted in the status response to indicate its completion, notably the completed percentage, time it finished execution and full duration. At that moment, the requests for retrieving either error details or produced outputs become accessible. Examples are presented in Result <proc_op_result> section.

Process Operations

detail 'operations' accomplished (stage-in, exec-cwl, stage-out)

Workflow Step Operations

For each proc_types known by Weaver, specific Workflow step implementations must be provided.

In order to simplify the chaining procedure of file references, step implementations are only required to provide the relevant methodology for their Deploy <proc_op_deploy>, Execute <proc_op_execute>, Monitor <proc_op_monitor> and ref:Result <proc_op_result> operations. Operations related to staging of files, Process preparation and cleanup are abstracted away from specific implementations to ensure consistent functionalities between each type.

Operations are accomplished in the following order for each individual step:

Step Method Requirements Description
prepare I* Setup any prerequisites for the Process or Job.
stage_inputs R Retrieve input locations (considering remote files and Workflow previous-step staging).
format_inputs I* Perform operations on staged inputs to obtain desired format expected by the target Process.
format_outputs I* Perform operations on expected outputs to obtain desired format expected by the target Process.
dispatch R,I Perform request for remote execution of the Process.
monitor R,I Perform monitoring of the Job status until completion.
get_results R,I Perform operations to obtain results location in the expected format from the target Process.
stage_results R Retrieve results from remote Job for local storage using output locations.
cleanup I* Perform any final steps before completing the execution or after failed execution.


- All methods are defined within weaver.processes.wps_process_base.WpsProcessInterface. - Steps marked by * are optional. - Steps marked by R are required. - Steps marked by I are implementation dependant.

weaver.processes.wps_process_base.WpsProcessInterface.execute for the implementation of operations order.

File Reference Types

Most inputs can be categorized into two of the most commonly employed types, namely LiteralData and ComplexData. The former represents basic values such as integers or strings, while the other represents a file reference. Files in Weaver (and WPS in general) can be specified with any formats as _.

- cwl-wps-mapping

As for standard WPS, remote file references are usually limited to http(s) scheme, unless the process takes an input string and parses the unusual reference from the literal data to process it by itself. On the other hand, Weaver supports all following reference schemes.

  • http(s)://
  • file://
  • opensearchfile:// [experimental]
  • s3:// [experimental]

The method in which Weaver will handle such references depends on its configuration, in other words, whether it is running as ADES or EMS (see: Configuration), as well as depending on some other CWL package requirements. These use-cases are described below.


Missing schemes in URL reference are considered identical as if file:// was used. In most cases, if not always, an execution request should not employ this scheme unless the file is ensured to be at the specific location where the running Weaver application can find it. This scheme is usually only employed as byproduct of the fetch operation that Weaver uses to provide the file locally to underlying CWL application package to be executed.

When Weaver is able to figure out that the Process needs to be executed locally in ADES mode, it will fetch all necessary files prior to process execution in order to make them available to the CWL package. When Weaver is in EMS configuration, it will always forward remote references (regardless of scheme) exactly as provided as input of the process execution request, since it assumes it needs to dispatch the execution to another ADES remote server, and therefore only needs to verify that the file reference is reachable remotely. In this case, it becomes the responsibility of this remote instance to handle the reference appropriately. This also avoids potential problems such as if Weaver as EMS doesn't have authorized access to a link that only the target ADES would have access to.

When CWL package defines WPS1Requirement under hints for corresponding WPS-1/2 remote processes being monitored by Weaver, it will skip fetching of http(s)://-based references since that would otherwise lead to useless double downloads (one on Weaver and the other on the WPS side). It is the same in situation for ESGF-CWTRequirement employed for ESGF-CWT processes. Because these processes do not always support S3 buckets, and because Weaver supports many variants of S3 reference formats, it will first fetch the S3 reference using its internal _, and then expose this downloaded file as http(s):// reference accessible by the remote WPS process.


When Weaver is fetching remote files with http(s)://, it can take advantage of additional Request Options to support unusual or server-specific handling of remote reference as necessary. This could be employed for instance to attribute access permissions only to some given ADES server by providing additional authorization tokens to the requests. Please refer to Configuration of Request Options for this matter.


An exception to above mentioned skipped fetching of http(s):// files is when the corresponding Process types are intermediate steps within a Workflow. In this case, local staging of remote results occurs between each step because Weaver cannot assume any of the remote Provider is able to communicate with each other, according to potential Request Options or Data Source only configured for access by Weaver.

When using S3 references, Weaver will attempt to retrieve the file using server _ and _. Provided that the corresponding S3 bucket can be accessed by the running Weaver application, it will fetch the file and store it locally temporarily for CWL execution.


When using S3 buckets, authorization are handled through typical AWS credentials and role permissions. This means that AWS access must be granted to the application in order to allow it fetching the file. There are also different formats of S3 reference formats handled by Weaver. Please refer to Configuration of AWS S3 Buckets for more details.

When using OpenSearch references, additional parameters are necessary to handle retrieval of specific file URL. Please refer to OpenSearch Data Source for more details.

Following table summarize the default behaviour of input file reference handling of different situations when received as input argument of process execution. For simplification, keyword <any> is used to indicate that any other value in the corresponding column can be substituted for a given row when applied with conditions of other columns, which results to same operational behaviour. Elements that behave similarly are also presented together in rows to reduce displayed combinations.

Configuration Process Type File Scheme Applied Operation
<any> <any> opensearchfile:// Query and re-process1


















Convert to http(s)://4


Nothing (unmodified)


Fetch and convert to http(s)://5


Convert to http(s)://6


Nothing (file already local)


Fetch and convert to file://


Convert to file://

  • <any> (types listed above for ADES)
  • Workflow (CWL)7 +








Convert to http(s)://8


Nothing (unmodified, step will handle it)


Note: HYBRID assumes ADES role + (remote processes)


Note: HYBRID assumes ADES role + (local processes)

- Workflow (CWL)11

Note: HYBRID assumes EMS role






















Convert to http(s)://12


Nothing (unmodified)


Fetch and convert to http(s)://13


Convert to http(s)://14


Nothing (unmodified)


Fetch and convert to file://


Convert to file://15


Convert to http(s)://16


Nothing (unmodified, step will handle it)


method to indicate explicit fetch to override these? (#183)

add tests that validate each combination of operation

File Reference Names

When processing any of the previous file_reference_types, the resulting name of the file after retrieval can depend on the applicable scheme. In most cases, the file name is simply the last fragment of the path, whether it is an URL, an S3 bucket or plainly a file directory path. The following cases are exceptions.

4.4.0 When using http(s):// references, the Content-Disposition header can be provided with filename and/or filename* as specified by 2183, 5987 and 6266 specifications in order to define a staging file name. Note that Weaver takes this name only as a suggestion as will ignore the preferred name if it does not conform to basic naming conventions for security reasons. As a general rule of thumb, common alphanumeric characters and separators such as dash (-), underscores (_) or dots (.) should be employed to limit chances of errors. If none of the suggested names are valid, Weaver falls back to the typical last fragment of the URL as file name.

When using s3:// references (or equivalent http(s):// referring to S3 bucket), the staged file names will depend on the stored object names within the bucket. In that regard, naming conventions from AWS should be respected.

- _ - _

When using vault://<UUID> references, the resulting file name will be obtained from the filename specified in the Content-Disposition within the uploaded content of the multipart/form-data request.

- vault_upload

File Vault Inputs

Refer to vault_upload section for general details about the Vault feature.

Stored files in the Vault can be employed as input for proc_op_execute operation using the provided vault://<UUID> reference from the response following upload. The Execute <proc_op_execute> request must also include the X-Auth-Vault header to obtain access to the file.


Avoid using the Vault HTTP location as href input. Prefer the vault://<UUID> representation.

The direct Vault HTTP location SHOULD NOT be employed as input reference to a Process to ensure its proper interpretation during execution. There are two main reasons for this.

Firstly, using the plain HTTP endpoint will not provide any hint to Weaver about whether the input link is a generic remote file or one hosted in the Vault. With the lack of this information, Weaver could attempt to download the file to retrieve it for its local Process execution, creating unnecessary operations and wasting bandwidth since it is already available locally. Furthermore, the Vault behaviour that deletes the file after its download would cause it to become unavailable upon subsequent access attempts, as it could be the case during handling and forwarding of references during intermediate Workflow step operations. This could inadvertently break the Workflow execution.

Secondly, without the explicit Vault reference, Weaver cannot be aware of the necessary X-Auth-Vault authorization needed to download it. Using the vault://<UUID> not only tells Weaver that it must forward any relevant access token to obtain the file, but it also ensures that those tokens are not inadvertently sent to other locations. Effectively, because the Vault can be used to temporarily host sensitive data for Process execution, Weaver can better control and avoid leaking the access token to irrelevant resource locations such that only the intended Job and specific input can access it. This is even more important in situations where multiple Vault references are required, to make sure each input forwards the respective access token for retrieving its file.

When submitting the Execute <proc_op_execute> request, it is important to provide the X-Auth-Vault header with additional reference to the Vault parameter when multiple files are involved. Each token should be provided using a comma to separated them, as detailed below. When only one file refers to the Vault the parameters can be omitted since there is no need to map between tokens and distinct vault://<UUID> entries.


The notation (5234, 7230#section-1.2) of the X-Auth-Vault header is presented below.

X-Auth-Vault = vault-unique / vault-multi

vault-unique = credentials [ BWS ";" OWS auth-param ] vault-multi = credentials BWS ";" OWS auth-param 1*( "," OWS credentials BWS ";" OWS auth-param ) credentials = auth-scheme RWS access-token auth-scheme = "token" auth-param = "id" "=" vault-id vault-id = UUID / ( DQUOTE UUID DQUOTE ) access-token = base64 base64 = <base64, see 4648#section-4> DQUOTE = <DQUOTE, see 7230#section-1.2> UUID = <UUID, see 4122#section-3> BWS = <BWS, see 7230#section-3.2.3> OWS = <OWS, see 7230#section-3.2.3> RWS = <RWS, see 7230#section-3.2.3>

In summary, the access token can be provided by itself by omitting the Vault UUID parameter only if a single file is referenced across all inputs within the Execute <proc_op_execute> request. Otherwise, multiple Vault references all require to specify both their respective access token and UUID in a comma separated list.

OpenSearch Data Source

In order to provide OpenSearch query results as input to Process for execution, the corresponding Deploy <proc_op_deploy> request body must be provided with additionalParameters in order to indicate how to interpret any specified metadata. The appropriate OpenSearch queries can then be applied prior the execution to retrieve the explicit file reference(s) of EOImage elements that have been found and to be submitted to the Job.

Depending on the desired context (application or per-input) over which the AOI, TOI, EOImage and multiple other metadata search filters are to be applied, their definition can be provided in the following locations within the Deploy <proc_op_deploy> body.

Context Location Role
Application processDescription.process.additionalParameters
Input processDescription.process.inputs[*].additionalParameters

The distinction between application or per-input contexts is entirely dependent of whatever is the intended processing operation of the underlying Process, which is why they must be defined by the user deploying the process since there is no way for Weaver to automatically infer how to employ provided search parameters.

In each case, the structure of additionalParameters should be similar to the following definition:

  "additionalParameters": [
      "role": "",
      "parameters": [
          "name": "EOImage",
          "values": [
          "name": "AllowedCollections",
          "values": "s2-collection-1,s2-collection-2,s2-sentinel2,s2-landsat8"

In each case, it is also expected that the role should correspond to the location where the definition is provided accordingly to their context from the above table.

For each deployment, processes using EOImage to be processed into OpenSearch query results can interpret the following field definitions for mapping against respective inputs or application context.

Name Values Context Description
EOImage ["true"] Input Indicates that the nested parameters within the current additionalParameters section where it is located defines an EOImage. This is to avoid misinterpretation by similar names that could be employed by other kind of definitions. The Process input's id where this parameter is defined is the name that will be employed to pass down OpenSearch results.
AllowedCollections String of comma-separated list of collection IDs. Input (same one as EOImage) Provides a subset of collection identifiers that are supported. During execution any specified input not respecting one of the defined values will fail OpenSearch query resolution.
CatalogSearchField ["<name>"] Input (other one than EOImage) String with the relevant OpenSearch query filter name according to the described input. Defines a given Process input id to be mapped against the specified query name.
UniqueAOI ["true"] Application Indicates that provided CatalogSearchField (typically bbox) corresponds to a global AOI that should be respected across multiple EOImage inputs. Otherwise, (default values: ["false"]) each EOImage should be accompanied with its respective AOI definition.
UniqueTOI ["true"] Application Indicates that provided CatalogSearchField (typically StartDate and EndDate) corresponds to a global TOI that should be respected across multiple EOImage inputs. Otherwise, (default values: ["false"]) each EOImage should be accompanied with its respective TOI definition.

When an EOImage is detected for a given Process, any submitted Job execution will expect the defined inputs in the Process description to indicate which images to retrieve for the application. Using inputs defined with corresponding CatalogSearchField filters, a specific OpenSearch query will be sent to obtain the relevant images. The inputs corresponding to search fields will then be discarded following OpenSearch resolution. The resolved link(s) for to EOImage will be substituted within the id of the input where EOImage was specified and will be forwarded to the underlying Application Package for execution.


Collection identifiers are mapped against URL endpoints defined in configuration to execute the appropriate OpenSearch requests. See conf_data_sources for more details.

Definitions in _ request body provides a more detailed example of the expected structure and relevant additionalParameters locations.

Definitions in _ providing different combinations of inputs, notably for using distinct AOI, term:TOI and collections, with or without UniqueAOI and UniqueTOI specifiers.

Multiple Inputs

repeating IDs example for WPS multi-inputs

- Multiple and Optional Values

Multiple Outputs

Although CWL allows output arrays, WPS does not support it directly, as only single values are allowed for WPS outputs according to original specification. To work around this, _ files can be used to provide a single output reference that embeds other references. This approach is also employed and preferred as described in _.

fix doc when Multiple Output is supported with metalink (#25)

add example of multi-output process definition

and how CWL maps them with WPS


This feature is being worked on (Weaver Issue #25). Direct support between

- Multiple and Optional Values

Outputs Location

By default, Job results will be hosted under the endpoint configured by weaver.wps_output_url and weaver.wps_output_path, and will be stored under directory defined by weaver.wps_output_dir setting.


Hosting of results from the file system is NOT handled by Weaver itself. The API will only report the expected endpoints using configured weaver.wps_output_url. It is up to an alternate service or the platform provider that serves the Weaver application to provide the external hosting and availability of files online as desired.

Each Job will have its specific UUID employed for all of the outputs files, logs and status in order to avoid conflicts. Therefore, outputs will be available with the following location:

{WPS_OUTPUT_URL}/{JOB_UUID}.xml             # status location
{WPS_OUTPUT_URL}/{JOB_UUID}.log             # execution logs
{WPS_OUTPUT_URL}/{JOB_UUID}/{output.ext}    # results of the job if successful


Value WPS_OUTPUT_URL in above example is resolved accordingly with weaver.wps_output_url, weaver.wps_output_path and weaver.url, as per conf_settings details.

When submitting a Job for execution, it is possible to provide the X-WPS-Output-Context header. This modifies the output location to be nested under the specified directory or sub-directories.

For example, providing X-WPS-Output-Context: project/test-1 will result in outputs located at:



Values provided by X-WPS-Output-Context can only contain alphanumeric, hyphens, underscores and path separators that will result in a valid directory and URL locations. The path is assumed relative by design to be resolved under the WPS output directory, and will therefore reject any . or .. path references. The path also CANNOT start by /. In such cases, an HTTP error will be immediately raised indicating the symbols that where rejected when detected within X-WPS-Output-Context header.

If desired, parameter weaver.wps_output_context can also be defined in the conf_settings in order to employ a default directory location nested under weaver.wps_output_dir when X-WPS-Output-Context header is omitted from the request. By default, this parameter is not defined (empty) in order to store Job results directly under the configured WPS output directory.


Header X-WPS-Output-Context is ignored when using S3 buckets for output location since they are stored individually per Job UUID, and hold no relevant context location. See also conf_s3_buckets.

4.3.0 Addition of the X-WPS-Output-Context header.

Email Notification

When submitting a Job for execution, it is possible to provide the notification_email field. Doing so will tell Weaver to send an email to the specified address with successful or failure details upon Job completion. The format of the email is configurable from weaver.ini.example file with email-specific settings (see: Configuration).

Monitoring of a process execution (GetStatus)

Monitoring the execution of a Job consists of polling the status Location provided from the Execute operation and verifying the indicated status for the expected result. The status can correspond to any of the value defined by weaver.status.JOB_STATUS_VALUES accordingly to the internal state of the workers processing their execution.

When targeting a Job submitted to a Weaver instance, monitoring is usually accomplished through the OGC API - Processes endpoint using _, which will return a JSON body. Alternatively, the XML status location document returned by the wps_endpoint could also be employed to monitor the execution.

In general, both endpoints should be interchangeable, using below mapping. The Job monitoring process keeps both contents equivalent according to their standard. For convenience, requesting the Execute with Accept: <content-type> header corresponding to either JSON or XML should redirect to the response of the relevant endpoint, regardless of where the original request was submitted. Otherwise, the default contents format is employed according to the chosen location.

Standard Contents Location
OGC API - Processes JSON {WEAVER_URL}/jobs/{JobUUID}

For the WPS endpoint, refer to conf_settings.

Obtaining results, outputs, logs or errors

In the case of successful Job execution, the outputs can be retrieved with _ request to list each corresponding output id with the generated file reference URL. Keep in mind that the purpose of those URLs are only to fetch the results (not persistent storage), and could therefore be purged after some reasonable amount of time. The format should be similar to the following example, with minor variations according to Configuration parameters for the base WPS output location:

  "outputs": [
      "id": "output",
      "href": "{WEAVER_URL}/wpsoutputs/f93a15be-6e16-11ea-b667-08002752172a/"

For the OGC compliant endpoint, the request can be employed instead. In the event of a Job executed with response=document, the contents will be very similar. On the other hand, a Job submitted with response=raw can produce many alternative variations according to OGC requirements. For this reason, the outputs endpoint will always provide all data and file references in the response body as Job, no matter the original response format. The outputs endpoint can also receive additional query parameters, such as schema, to return contents formatted similarly to results, but enforcing a JSON body as if response=document was specified during submission of the Process execution.

In order to better understand the parameters that where submitted during Job creation, the _ can be employed. This will return both the data and reference inputs that were submitted, as well as the requested outputs to retrieve any relevant transmissionMode definition.

In situations where the Job resulted into failed status, the _ can be use to retrieve the potential cause of failure, by capturing any raised exception. Below is an example of such exception details.

  "builtins.Exception: Could not read status document after 5 retries. Giving up."

The returned exception are often better understood when compared against, or in conjunction with, the logs that provide details over each step of the operation.

Any Job executed by Weaver will provide minimal information log, such as operation setup, the moment when it started execution and latest status. The extent of other log entries will more often than not depend on the verbosity of the underlying process being executed. When executing an Application Package, Weaver tries as best as possible to collect standard output and error steams to report them through log and exception lists.

Since Weaver can only report as much details as provided by the running application, it is recommended by Application Package implementers to provide progressive status updates when developing their package in order to help understand problematic steps in event of process execution failures. In the case of remote WPS processes monitored by Weaver for example, this means gradually reporting process status updates (e.g.: calling WPSResponse.update_status if you are using _, see: _), while using print and/or logging operation for scripts or Docker images executed through CWL CommandLineTool.


Job logs and exceptions are a Weaver-specific implementation. They are not part of traditional _.

A minimalistic example of logging output is presented below. This can be retrieved using _ request, at any moment during Job execution (with logs up to that point in time) or after its completion (for full output). Note again that the more the Process is verbose, the more tracking will be provided here.



All endpoints to retrieve any of the above information about a Job can either be requested directly (i.e.: /jobs/{jobID}/...) or with equivalent Provider and/or Process prefixed endpoints, if the requested Job did refer to those Provider and/or Process. A local Process would have its Job references as /processes/{processId}/jobs/{jobID}/... while a proc_remote_provider will use /provider/{providerName}/processes/{processId}/jobs/{jobID}/....

Uploading File to the Vault

The Vault is available as secured storage for uploading files to be employed later for Process execution (see also file_vault_inputs).


The Vault is a specific feature of Weaver. Other ADES, EMS and OGC API - Processes servers are not expected to provide this endpoint nor support the vault://<UUID> reference format.

Refer to conf_vault for applicable settings for this feature.

When upload succeeds, the response will return a Vault UUID and an access_token to access the file. Uploaded files cannot be accessed unless the proper credentials are provided. Requests toward the Vault should therefore include a X-Auth-Vault: token {access_token] header in combination to the provided Vault UUID in the request path to retrieve the file contents. The upload response will also include a file_href field formatted with a vault://<UUID> reference to be used for file_vault_inputs, as well as a Content-Location header of the contextual Vault endpoint for that file.

Download of the file is accomplished using the _ request. In order to either obtain the file metadata without downloading it, or simply to validate its existence, the _ request can be used. This HEAD request can be queried any number of times without affecting the file from the Vault. For both HTTP methods, the X-Auth-Vault header is required.


The Vault acts only as temporary file storage. For this reason, once the file has been downloaded, it is immediately deleted. Download can only occur once. It is assumed that the resource that must employ it will have created a local copy from the download and the Vault doesn't require to preserve it anymore. This behaviour intends to limit the duration for which potentially sensitive data remains available in the Vault as well as performing cleanup to limit storage space.

Using the Weaver CLI or Python client <cli>, it is possible to upload local files automatically to the Vault of a remote Weaver server. This can help users host their local file for remote Process execution. By default, the cli will automatically convert any local file path provided as execution input into a vault://<UUID> reference to make use of the Vault self-hosting from the target Weaver instance. It will also update the provided inputs or execution body to apply any transformed vault://<UUID> references transparently. This will allow the executed Process to securely retrieve the files using file_vault_inputs behaviour. Transmission of any required authorization headers is also handled automatically when using this approach.

It is also possible to manually provide vault://<UUID> references or endpoints if those were uploaded beforehand using the upload operation, but the user must also generate the X-Auth-Vault header manually in such case.

Section file_vault_inputs provides more details about the format of X-Auth-Vault for submission of multiple inputs.

In order to manually upload files, the below code snippet can be employed.


This should automatically generate a similar request to the result below.



When providing literal HTTP request contents as above, make sure to employ CRLF instead of plain LF for separating the data using the boundary. Also, make sure to omit any additional LF between the data and each boundary if this could impact parsing of the data itself (e.g.: as in the case of non-text readable base64 data) to avoid modifying the file contents during upload. Some additional newlines are presented in the above example only for readability purpose. It is recommended to use utilities like the Python example or the Weaver CLI <cli> so avoid such issues during request content generation. Please refer to 7578#section-4.1 for more details regarding multipart content separators.

Note that the Content-Type embedded within the multipart content in the above example (not to be confused with the actual Content-Type header of the request for uploading the file) can be important if the destination input of the Process that will consume that Vault file for execution must provide a specific choice of Media-Type if multiple are supported. This value could be employed to generate the explicit format portion of the input, in case it cannot be resolved automatically from the file contents, or unless it is explicitly provided once again for that input within the Execute <proc_op_execute> request body.

WPS Endpoint

This endpoint is available if weaver.wps setting was enabled (true by default). The specific location where WPS requests it will be accessible depends on the resolution of relevant conf_settings, namely weaver.wps_path and weaver.wps_url.

Details regarding contents for each request is provided in schemas under _.


Using the WPS endpoint allows fewer control over functionalities than the corresponding OGC API - Processes (WPS-REST) endpoints since it is the preceding standard.

Special Weaver EMS use-cases

This section highlight the additional behaviour available only through an EMS-configured Weaver instance. Some other points are already described in other sections, but are briefly indicated here for conciseness.

ADES dispatching using Data Sources

When using either the EMS or HYBRID17 configurations, Process executions are dispatched to the relevant ADES or another HYBRID server supporting _ when inputs are matched against one of the configured Data Source. Minimal implementations of OGC API - Processes can also work as external Provider where to dispatch executions, but in the case of core implementations, the Process should be already available since it cannot be deployed.

In more details, when an _ request is received, Weaver will analyse any file references in the specified inputs and try to match them against specified Data Source configuration. When a match is found and that the corresponding file_reference_types indicates that the reference is located remotely in a known Data Source provider that should take care of its processing, Weaver will attempt to _ the targeted Process (and the underlying Application Package) followed by its remote execution. It will then monitor the Job until completion and retrieve results if the full operation was successful.

The Data Source configuration therefore indicates to Weaver how to map a given data reference to a specific instance or server where that data is expected to reside. This procedure effectively allows Weaver to deliver applications close to the data which can be extremely more efficient (both in terms of time and quantity) than pulling the data locally when Data Source become substantial. Furthermore, it allows Data Source providers to define custom or private data retrieval mechanisms, where data cannot be exposed or offered externally, but are still available for use when requested.


Specific details about configuration of Data Source are provided in the conf_data_sources section.

Details regarding opensearch_data_source are also relevant when resolving possible matches of Data Source provider when the applicable file_reference_types are detected.

Workflow (Chaining Step Processes)

add details, explanation done in below reference

  • CWL Workflow
  • proc_workflow_ops
  • Workflow process type

  1. References defined by opensearchfile:// will trigger an OpenSearch query using the provided URL as well as other input additional parameters (see OpenSearch Data Source). After processing of this query, retrieved file references will be re-processed using the summarized logic in the table for the given use case.

  2. When the process refers to a remote WPS-REST process (i.e.: remote WPS instance that supports REST bindings but that is not necessarily an ADES), Weaver simply wraps and monitors its remote execution, therefore files are handled just as for any other type of remote WPS-like servers. When the process contains an actual CWL Application Package that defines a CommandLineTool class (including applications with Docker image requirement), files are fetched as it will be executed locally. See CWL CommandLineTool, WPS-REST and Remote Provider for further details.

  3. When the process refers to a remote WPS-REST process (i.e.: remote WPS instance that supports REST bindings but that is not necessarily an ADES), Weaver simply wraps and monitors its remote execution, therefore files are handled just as for any other type of remote WPS-like servers. When the process contains an actual CWL Application Package that defines a CommandLineTool class (including applications with Docker image requirement), files are fetched as it will be executed locally. See CWL CommandLineTool, WPS-REST and Remote Provider for further details.

  4. When a file:// (or empty scheme) maps to a local file that needs to be exposed externally for another remote process, the conversion to http(s):// scheme employs setting weaver.wps_output_url to form the result URL reference. The file is placed in weaver.wps_output_dir to expose it as HTTP(S) endpoint. Note that the HTTP(S) servicing of the file is not handled by Weaver itself. It is assumed that the server where Weaver is hosted or another service takes care of this task.

  5. When an s3:// file is fetched, is gets downloaded to a temporary file:// location, which is NOT necessarily exposed as http(s)://. If execution is transferred to a remove process that is expected to not support S3 references, only then the file gets converted as in.

  6. When a vault://<UUID> file is specified, the remote process needs to access it using the hosted Vault endpoint. Therefore, Weaver converts any vault reference to the corresponding location and inserts the access token in the requests headers to authorize download from the remote server. See file_vault_inputs and vault_upload for more details.

  7. Workflows are only available on EMS and HYBRID instances. Since they chain processes, no fetch is needed as the sub-step process will do it instead as needed. See Workflow process as well as CWL Workflow for more details.

  8. When a file:// (or empty scheme) maps to a local file that needs to be exposed externally for another remote process, the conversion to http(s):// scheme employs setting weaver.wps_output_url to form the result URL reference. The file is placed in weaver.wps_output_dir to expose it as HTTP(S) endpoint. Note that the HTTP(S) servicing of the file is not handled by Weaver itself. It is assumed that the server where Weaver is hosted or another service takes care of this task.

  9. When the process refers to a remote WPS-REST process (i.e.: remote WPS instance that supports REST bindings but that is not necessarily an ADES), Weaver simply wraps and monitors its remote execution, therefore files are handled just as for any other type of remote WPS-like servers. When the process contains an actual CWL Application Package that defines a CommandLineTool class (including applications with Docker image requirement), files are fetched as it will be executed locally. See CWL CommandLineTool, WPS-REST and Remote Provider for further details.

  10. When the process refers to a remote WPS-REST process (i.e.: remote WPS instance that supports REST bindings but that is not necessarily an ADES), Weaver simply wraps and monitors its remote execution, therefore files are handled just as for any other type of remote WPS-like servers. When the process contains an actual CWL Application Package that defines a CommandLineTool class (including applications with Docker image requirement), files are fetched as it will be executed locally. See CWL CommandLineTool, WPS-REST and Remote Provider for further details.

  11. Workflows are only available on EMS and HYBRID instances. Since they chain processes, no fetch is needed as the sub-step process will do it instead as needed. See Workflow process as well as CWL Workflow for more details.

  12. When a file:// (or empty scheme) maps to a local file that needs to be exposed externally for another remote process, the conversion to http(s):// scheme employs setting weaver.wps_output_url to form the result URL reference. The file is placed in weaver.wps_output_dir to expose it as HTTP(S) endpoint. Note that the HTTP(S) servicing of the file is not handled by Weaver itself. It is assumed that the server where Weaver is hosted or another service takes care of this task.

  13. When an s3:// file is fetched, is gets downloaded to a temporary file:// location, which is NOT necessarily exposed as http(s)://. If execution is transferred to a remove process that is expected to not support S3 references, only then the file gets converted as in.

  14. When a vault://<UUID> file is specified, the remote process needs to access it using the hosted Vault endpoint. Therefore, Weaver converts any vault reference to the corresponding location and inserts the access token in the requests headers to authorize download from the remote server. See file_vault_inputs and vault_upload for more details.

  15. When a vault://<UUID> file is specified, the local WPS-REST process can make use of it directly. The file is therefore retrieved from the Vault using the provided UUID and access token to be passed to the application. See file_vault_inputs and vault_upload for more details.

  16. When a file:// (or empty scheme) maps to a local file that needs to be exposed externally for another remote process, the conversion to http(s):// scheme employs setting weaver.wps_output_url to form the result URL reference. The file is placed in weaver.wps_output_dir to expose it as HTTP(S) endpoint. Note that the HTTP(S) servicing of the file is not handled by Weaver itself. It is assumed that the server where Weaver is hosted or another service takes care of this task.

  17. Configuration HYBRID applies here in cases where Weaver acts as an EMS for remote dispatch of Process execution based on applicable file_reference_types.