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Managed Resources API Patterns

  • Owner: Muvaffak Onus (@muvaf)
  • Reviewers: Crossplane Maintainers
  • Status: Accepted, Revision 1.3



  • External resource. An actual resource that exists outside Kubernetes, typically in the cloud. AWS RDS or GCP Cloud Memorystore instances are external resources.
  • Managed resource. The Crossplane representation of an external resource. The RDSInstance and CloudMemorystoreInstance kinds are managed resources.
  • Provider. Cloud provider such as GCP, AWS, Azure offering IaaS, cloud networking, and managed services.
  • Spec. The sub-resource of Kubernetes resources that represents the desired state of the user.
  • Status The sub-resource of Kubernetes resources that represents the most up-to-date information about the resource.

For other terms, see terminology.


Crossplane extends Kubernetes heavily and the maintainers always try to adopt the patterns that are already seen in Kubernetes resources, notably declarative style API. However, it's not always intuitive for everyone to see what goes to where in a way that is consistent and just as expected by the consumers of those resources.

This document tries to capture how the bridge between Crossplane and provider is shaped. So, the features of managed resources that are generic to all of them are not included here, for example reclaim policies. This is more about the things that a developer should keep in mind when they try to implement a new managed resource.

A few questions that this document needs to help answering:

  • What goes into Spec and what goes into Status of a managed resource?
  • Should all information from the provider be represented in the Custom Resource?
  • What parts of the Custom Resource should be allowed to be consumed by the consumers?
  • Do we represent desired state, observed state or both?
  • How should we differentiate the fields that are used by provider from Crossplane's fields?

While this document is heavily opinionated, each provider can wildly vary between each other. So, treat this document as a starting point, try to stick to it for consistency but deviate if required and open an issue about why you had to deviate so that we can reassess and improve it.

Guiding Principles

Our users are our stakeholders. They influence how we make decisions. There are two types of users for managed resources:

  • Input Users: Users who configure/create/manage the resource. We want our Spec to be the source of truth for them to configure everything about the resource.
  • Output Users: Users who refer to/query/use/extract information from the managed resource. We want them to be able to perform all read-only operations on the given resource as if they have the cloud provider's API available. This can include configurations and metadata information about the resource.

Group Version Kind (GVK)

All Kubernetes Custom Resources belong to a group and are of a certain kind and version. There may be multiple kinds in a group and multiple versions of the same kind. In Crossplane, Custom Resources should mirror the provider API type that they represent as closely as possible in group and kind. For instance, AWS has a Cluster type that is part of the eks package. The first version of the Cluster custom resource should be of kind: Cluster and apiVersion:

Naming Conventions

There are two naming decisions here to make:

  • Managed resource's Custom Resource (CR) name
  • Identifier string of the external resource in the cloud provider.

Name in this context means the identifier string for the resource in its environment. CR name is the identifier for resource in Kubernetes environment. But for external resources, this can be either id, uid or name properties of the resource. The one we want to name is the one that is used when referring to that resource in the same environment. For example, in AWS, VPCs do not have a name but VpcID properties that is used for identification.

Custom Resource Instance Name

The name of the managed resource CR, which lives in our control cluster. The claim controller who creates the managed resource gives its name or some other entity might create the managed resource, like user themselves. So, do not assume that all the managed resources will have the same naming format anywhere.

Crossplane lives on Kubernetes and both the user and admin interacts with it through Kubernetes APIs. For better UX we want to mirror what Kubernetes uses for identification of a resource as much as possible, which is name and namespace pair. So, the claim controller should use these two entities of the Claim that it's processing when it decides on a name. However, the resources in the cloud provider are in the same environment, either per project (GCP) or same account (AWS). In order to provide a unique name that incorporates name and namespace, claim controller should make use of GenerateName feature of resource creation. The claim controller should assign namespace-name to GenerateName field of the ObjectMeta of the managed resource and Kubernetes will automatically append -<5 characters random string> to that when the creation is completed. For example, the following will be created by the claim controller:

kind: CloudSQLInstance
  generateName: myappnamespace-mydatabase-

After Kubernetes API server completes the creation, we'll see something like the following:

kind: CloudSQLInstance
  name: myappnamespace-mydatabase-5sc8a

mydatabase is the name of the Claim and myappnamespace is the namespace that Claim lives in. That way we get a managed resource that user can relate to what they actually created.

However, there is a common case that for some resources, the provider does not allow you to specify a name or the claim might get bound to an existing managed resource without any need to create a new one. To show the actual name of the resource that's shown in the provider's UI, claim controller should copy annotation's value from the managed resource to its own annotation after the managed resource is bound to the claim.

We also want to give the ability to specify the in the claim level. So, if is given before the creation of managed resource, we should copy its value to managed resource's annotation before we create it. Note that you never override managed resource's annotation if it already exists. Then in the next reconciles, we always get the value from managed resource and copy it to annotation of Claim.

Note that always shows the final value of the external resource name.

External Resource Name

Related to #624

The decision for an external resource name is made by the controller of that managed resource in Create phase. Possible cases are as following:

  • The provider doesn't allow us to specify a name. Fetch it after its client's POST call. Override annotation's value with what you get as name.
  • The provider allows to specify a name.
    • If annotation has a value use it. If it's empty;
    • Use managed resource's name and write that into annotation.

Use the value of that annotation as external resource name in all queries.

External Resource Labeling

If the external resource supports labelling, we should label it with the managed resource name, kind and provider. This is helpful in variety of scenarios like:

  • Identify services with non-deterministic naming, for example AWS VPC.
  • Provider level operations that are done via label filtering, for example search and batch operations.
  • Find a resource in the provider UI and construct an easy kubectl query on Crossplane cluster to find the associated resource, like kubectl get <kind> <name>

The keys to use in labels are like the following:

A tag set for a VPC in AWS:
  "crossplane-kind": ""
  "crossplane-name": "myappnamespace-mynetwork-5sc8a"
  "crossplane-provider": "aws-provider"

In cases where the characters . and / are not allowed in key string, - should be used. If that's not allowed, too, then those characters should be omitted.

Field Names

The thinking process of naming decision could respect provider's decision as the starting point and deviate from that if there is a very good reason to. Naming parity makes inter-resource references easier and lowers the entry barrier for both developers and users. This is especially handy in cases where Crossplane does not yet support the referred resource or user may not want some of their resources in their Crossplane environment.

In some cases, we might have collisions or cases where provider field name is too similar to another field in the managed resource's Custom Resource fields. The section Owner-based Struct Tree tries to tackle that.

High Fidelity

Related to #621 and #530

Crossplane managed resources should expose everything that provider exposes to its users as much as possible. A few benefits of that high fidelity:

  • The ability to read and set every 'knob' the external resource supports. This would make it easy to support wide variety of customizations without having to think of them in development time.
  • An obvious mapping of Crossplane's fields to cloud provider API fields, exact name match as much as possible. This would make it easier to work with Crossplane for users who are familiar with the given provider in many ways including easier troubleshooting and cooperation with other existing infrastructure tools.

What goes into Spec:

  • Does the provider allow configuration of this parameter at any point in the life cycle of the resource? Include if yes. This includes the fields that are late-initialized, meaning some fields could be populated by the provider when you actually create the resource but it also gives you the ability to change them. An example for this could be auto-generated resource tags or resource-specific defaults. If the provider tags the resource without us telling them to do so, controller should update Spec and input user should make changes on that current value of the field. Related to crossplane/crossplane-runtime#10

Note that the controller should make updates only to Spec fields that are empty. We do not override user's desired state and if they have no control over it in any case, do not include it in Spec.

What goes into Status:

  • Can the value of this field be reproduced when the whole Status is deleted? Do not include if the answer is no. Status sub-resource is the representation of the current state, so, the controller should be able to reproduce it as long as the resource is still there. In practice, this means controller of that managed resource should not have to rely on Status fields of its custom resource while operating.

  • All fields except the ones that are chosen for Spec.

For both Status and Spec:

  • Is this field represented as standalone managed resource? Do not include if the answer is yes. We should not manage an external resource in the CR other than its original external resource. For example, Azure VirtualNetwork object allows you to create Subnets by providing an array of Subnet objects as one of its fields. However, Subnet is already another managed resource supported by Crossplane. In that case, we should not allow configuration of Subnets through VirtualNetwork CR but require people to do it via Subnet CR. Though you might refer to it for configuration purposes, having two controllers managing one resource (VirtualNetwork CR and Subnet CR controllers) would not work well. Since the corresponding CR's controller does not manage those fields, we don't include it in the Status as well.

    What if the sub-resource is not yet supported as managed resource in Crossplane? In that case, you should first consider implementing that managed resource, if not suitable, only then include it in the CR.

For details, see Kubernetes API Conventions - Spec and Status.

Embedded Structs with Mixed Fields

Some provider APIs include an embedded struct that may contain some fields that are appropriate for spec.forProvider and some that are meant for status.atProvider. For example:

// This is the provider's representation of the API object
type ProviderAPIObject struct {
  // Configurable field in top-level object
  FieldOne *string `json:"fieldOne,omitempty"`

  // Non-Configurable field in top-level object
  FieldTwo *string `json:"fieldTwo,omitempty"`
  // Embedded struct in top-level object
  EmbeddedStructOne *EmbeddedStruct `json:"embeddedStructOne,omitempty"`

type EmbeddedStruct struct {
  // This field is configurable so it should be in spec.forProvider
  SomeConfigurableField *string `json:"someConfigurableField,omitempty"`

  // This field is configurable so it should be in spec.forProvider
  AnotherConfigurableField *string `json:"anotherConfigurableField,omitempty"`

  // This field is not configurable so it should be in status.atProvider
  SomeNonConfigurableField string `json:"someNonConfigurableField,omitempty"`

In this case, the solution is to divide the embedded struct into EmbeddedStructSpec and EmbeddedStructStatus.

// This is the Crossplane representation of the API object spec
type CrossplaneAPIObjectSpec struct {
  // Configurable field in top-level object
  // +optional
  FieldOne *string `json:"fieldOne,omitempty"`
  // Embedded struct in top-level object
  // +optional
  EmbeddedStructOne *EmbeddedStructSpec `json:"embeddedStructOne,omitempty"`

// Only the configurable fields in EmbeddedStruct
type EmbeddedStructSpec struct {
  // This field is configurable so it should be in spec.forProvider
  // +optional
  SomeConfigurableField *string `json:"someConfigurableField,omitempty"`

  // This field is configurable so it should be in spec.forProvider
  // +optional
  AnotherConfigurableField *string `json:"anotherConfigurableField,omitempty"`

// This is the Crossplane representation of the API object status
type CrossplaneAPIObjectStatus struct {
  // Non-Configurable field in top-level object
  FieldTwo *string `json:"fieldTwo,omitempty"`
  // Embedded struct in top-level object
  EmbeddedStructOne *EmbeddedStructStatus `json:"embeddedStructOne,omitempty"`

// Only the non-configurable fields in EmbeddedStruct
type EmbeddedStructStatus struct {
  // This field is not configurable so it should be in status.atProvider
  SomeNonConfigurableField string `json:"someNonConfigurableField,omitempty"`

Sensitive Input Fields

Some cloud services can take sensitive input such as passwords, certificates or tokens. However, exposing those fields on the CR is not the best way to handle it. For such fields, the field name should be <field-name>SecretRef and the type of that field should be SecretKeySelector(from crossplane-runtime). The controller should fetch the value from the given secret and populate the field in the provider's corresponding SDK object.

In case the secret reference is not provided and the field is a required one, such as password, the controller should generate it randomly. Then it has to make sure that:

  • GoDoc comment explicitly states that if <field-name>SecretRef is not populated, a random value will be generated for it.
  • The generated value ends up in the connection details secret that is published by the controller so that no information is lost or not exposed to the user.

Owner-based Struct Tree

Related to #728

The provider API can be assumed as the owner of its configuration and output fields since the decisions around these fields are left to them. It makes sense to separate those fields from Crossplane or Kubernetes-related fields for a few reasons:

  • Prevent name collisions (or too much similarity) as the decision-maker of provider API's naming is different than other fields' decision maker.
  • A better representation of what goes to/comes from provider and what's Crossplane or Kubernetes specific.
  • Let the user know what configuration is being sent and received as much as possible in the provider's API language.

A good separation method can be having provider fields as a sub-struct of Spec and Status instead of directly embedding them.

Note that, in all cases, we should be able to guarantee that spec.forProvider is the last representation of the things that we'll include in our CRUD calls after all override/default/dependency operations are done. Also status.atProvider represents the most up-to-date state in the provider as raw as possible. In other words, when user sees an error, they should be able to tell what exact configuration was used that caused that error by looking at spec.forProvider and they should be able to tell whatever operation is done status.atProvider is the current state.

An actual example:


kind: Network
  name: my-legacy-network
  selfLink: /apis/
  name: monus-legacy-network-res
    name: monus-gcp
  reclaimPolicy: Delete
    routingMode: REGIONAL
  - lastTransitionTime: "2019-08-29T05:55:16Z"
    reason: Successfully reconciled managed resource
    status: "True"
    type: Synced
  creationTimestamp: "2019-08-28T10:45:27.445-07:00"
  id: 75666386684937048
  kind: compute#network
  name: monus-legacy-network-res
    routingMode: REGIONAL


kind: Network
  name: my-legacy-network
  selfLink: /apis/
    name: monus-gcp
  reclaimPolicy: Delete
  writeConnectionSecretToRef: {}
    name: monus-legacy-network-res
      routingMode: REGIONAL
  - lastTransitionTime: "2019-08-29T05:55:16Z"
    reason: Successfully reconciled managed resource
    status: "True"
    type: Synced
    creationTimestamp: "2019-08-28T10:45:27.445-07:00"
    id: 75666386684937048
    kind: compute#network
    name: monus-legacy-network-res
      routingMode: REGIONAL

Pointer Types and Markers

Related to #741

For any field, the developer can choose whether to use pointer type or value type, i.e. *bool vs bool. The main difference here is their zero-value, which gets used when the field is left empty. We follow Kubernetes conventions for this decision:

Short summary:

  • Optional fields are pointer type -> *AwesomeType and marked as optional via a comment marker //+optional and omitempty struct tag.
  • Required fields are exact opposite, i.e. not pointer type, not marked as //+optional and do not have omitempty struct tag.

Here is the flow to decide how to make the decision for Spec fields:

  1. Start with assuming all fields are optional.
  2. Convert the fields to required if any of CRUD calls you make requires them, i.e. it should be possible to call all CRUD operations with all those required fields filled.

There is an edge case where FieldA is required but there is also FieldARef, which means in the runtime that reference will be resolved and FieldA will be populated. If there is a guarantee that no call will be made to the provider until FieldA is populated (at the time of this writing, there is), you need to add omitempty as struct tag so that Kubernetes allows the creation of the resource with only FieldARef populated.

The decision flow for Status fields are different. The values for those fields are provided by the provider and overridden by the latest observation no matter what and we know that we'll get a full object body. However;

  • In error cases we don't want to show Go zero-values since this would be misleading about the current status. But in cases where the value is actually Go zero-value, we should not omit it. So, using omitempty makes sense.
  • // +optional doesn't really make sense since we always get a full object body.
  • Pointer type should be used only if the corresponding field is pointer type in the provider's SDK type.

Note that some required fields by all CRUD calls might be late-initialized. For example, a config parameter can only be fetched from the provider and CRUD operations except Create requires it. In those cases, mark the field as optional since at any step we may not have it.

By pointer types, developer tries to show that the value of the field may not exist and zero-value defaulting does not make sense for that type.


type GlobalAddressParameters struct {

  // IPVersion: The IP version that will be used by this address. Valid
  // options are IPV4 or IPV6.
  // Possible values:
  //   "IPV4"
  //   "IPV6"
  // +optional
  IPVersion *string `json:"ipVersion,omitempty"`

  // Name of the resource. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply
  // with RFC1035. Specifically, the name must be 1-63 characters long and
  // match the regular expression `[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?`. The first
  // character must be a lowercase letter, and all following characters
  // (except for the last character) must be a dash, lowercase letter, or
  // digit. The last character must be a lowercase letter or digit.
  Name string `json:"name"`

  // Network: The URL of the network in which to reserve the address. This
  // field can only be used with INTERNAL type with the VPC_PEERING
  // purpose.
  // +optional
  Network *string `json:"network,omitempty"`

Optional Embedded Structs with One Field

Some provider APIs include an embedded struct that is optional and contains only a single field. If this field is configurable, the embedded struct should be part of spec.forProvider. However, if the struct itself is optional, the single field it contains should always be required, even if the provider marks it as optional. For example:

// This is the provider's representation of the API object
type ProviderAPIObject struct {
  // Configurable field in top-level object
  FieldOne *string `json:"fieldOne,omitempty"`
  // Embedded struct in top-level object
  EmbeddedStructOne *EmbeddedStruct `json:"embeddedStructOne,omitempty"`

type EmbeddedStruct struct {
  // This field is configurable so it should be in spec.forProvider
  SomeConfigurableField *string `json:"someConfigurableField,omitempty"`

The corresponding Crossplane representation of the object's Spec should look as follows:

// This is the Crossplane representation of the API object spec
type CrossplaneAPIObjectSpec struct {
  // Configurable field in top-level object
  // +optional
  FieldOne *string `json:"fieldOne,omitempty"`
  // Embedded struct in top-level object
  // +optional
  EmbeddedStructOne *EmbeddedStructSpec `json:"embeddedStructOne,omitempty"`

// Only the configurable fields in EmbeddedStruct
type EmbeddedStructSpec struct {
  // This field is configurable so it should be in spec.forProvider
  // It is required because its parent is optional and it is the only field of its parent
  SomeConfigurableField string `json:"someConfigurableField"`

The reasoning for designing in this manner is to avoid the presence of meaningless entries in YAML configuration. If we did not do so, the following configuration would be valid:

    name: provider-gcp
  reclaimPolicy: Delete
  writeConnectionSecretToRef: {}
    embeddedStructOne: # valid if we do not require embedded field
    fieldOne: my-cool-field

Immutable Properties

Related to #727

Some of the fields that include in Spec can only be configured in creation call of the resource, later you cannot update them. However, Kubernetes Custom Resources validation mechanisms do not yet support that behavior, see kubernetes/enhancements#1099 for details. Until that KEP lands, we recommend using the following marker for the fields that are deemed to be immutable once set:


Note that there are many fields that are immutable and can be populated by a reference, which could be resolved via its label selector. In such cases, the raw config value, and the reference to the resource that the value will be fetched from are immutable. But since the selector is only a set of instructions to find a reference, it should not be marked as immutable.

There are some solutions like admission webhooks to enforce immutability of some of the fields, however, current behavior is that Crossplane shows the user what the error is received when the call that includes a change in the immutable property is made and the most up-to-date status under Status. However, there are scenarios where Update call of the provider doesn't include the immutable fields at all. In that case, there will be no error to show.


type SubnetworkParameters struct {
  // Name: The name of the resource...
  // +immutable
  Name string `json:"name"`

  // Network: The URL of the network to which this subnetwork belongs,
  // provided by the client when initially creating the subnetwork. Only
  // networks that are in the distributed mode can have subnetworks. This
  // field can be set only at resource creation time.
  // +immutable
  Network string `json:"network"`

  // Region: URL of the region where the Subnetwork resides. This field
  // can be set only at resource creation time.
  // +optional
  // +immutable
  Region string `json:"region,omitempty"`

  // SecondaryIPRanges: An array of configurations for secondary IP ranges
  // for VM instances contained in this subnetwork. The primary IP of such
  // VM must belong to the primary ipCidrRange of the subnetwork. The
  // alias IPs may belong to either primary or secondary ranges. This
  // field can be updated with a patch request.
  // +optional
  SecondaryIPRanges []*GCPSubnetworkSecondaryRange `json:"secondaryIpRanges,omitempty"`

Pause Annotation

Managed resources, which are reconciled with the managed reconciler, support a special annotation named If a managed resource has this annotation with the value true such as the following resource:

kind: VPC
  name: paused-vpc
  annotations: "true"

, then further reconciliations on the managed resource will be paused after emitting an event with the type Synced, the status False, and the reason ReconcilePaused. Reconciliations will resume when this annotation is removed, or set to some other value than true.

Future Considerations

Spec and Observation Drifts

In cases where user changes the Spec and for some reason we could not update the external resource. Most of the time, the reconciliation will result in an error but that's not guaranteed. For example, Update call might be picking only the values that are update-able and if you changed an immutable one, there will be no error to let you know that we are out of sync. So, in Observe call of the controller there should be a comparison of Spec fields and the received object's body. In case it's not in sync, we should indicate that through a Condition.

Generic managed reconciler's ExternalObservation struct could be extended by adding a field about that sync status and reconciler can mark the sync status in one of the Conditions we already have or add a new one.