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Session 3 - Modules tools (CLI)

Setting up your demo app

Before starting:

Before we start on today's session topics lets quickly setup the demo app so that you can run both backend and frontend apps locally.

Start by creating an .env file and a secret key:

cd demo/backend
cp .env.example .env
python -c 'from secrets import token_urlsafe; print("SECRET_KEY=" + token_urlsafe(50))'

And then edit your /demo/backend/.env file to use a temporary database and the secret key:

  • DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////tmp/my-tmp-sqlite.db
  • SECRET_KEY=<output from python command>
pipenv --python 3.8
pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver

Login to the admin panel and then visit the api-docs page.

Parsing/validating modules.

Modules need to be valid before they can be made available on our Dashboard.

You can valid your modules by running the following command:

crowdbotics-modules parse --source modules

The following checks are performed:

  • module contains a preview.png file.
  • module contains a meta.json file with a root property.
  • screen modules root must start with /screens.
  • screen modules must have no dependencies.
  • screen modules package.json's name must start with @screens/.
  • screen modules must contain a default export in the index.js file.

Installing your first module.

Install your first module with the following command:

crowdbotics-modules add react-native-splash

Notice that a new directory was created at /demo/modules named splash.

Also worth noting that your /demo/package.json now contains a new dependency @modules/splash.

Removing a module.

Remove your recently installed module with the following command:

crowdbotics-modules remove react-native-splash

Your /demo/package.json is updated - the @modules/splash dependency is removed - and your /demo/modules/splash directory is removed.

How to extract already existing source code from a project into a module.

On the parent directory of this project run:

git clone crowdbotics@modules

And then in the root of this project run:

crowdbotics-modules add screen-appointment-listing --source ../crowdbotics@modules/modules

Identify your potential modules and refactor:

  • AppointmentListScreen can become your standard listing component with some prop massaging
  • Appointment can be a stand-alone component (children can be extracted later too)
  • setAppointments data can be moved away

Create one module for each component/screen that can be abstracted.

How to update an existing module with updated source code from a project.

After creating your new modules and refactoring your code into multiple modules run:

crowdbotics-modules commit <your-module-name>

to update your module definition.