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CrowdSec PHP remediation engine

User Guide

Table of Contents


The main purpose of this library is to determine what action to take for a given IP.

This kind of action is called a remediation and can be:

  • a bypass: in case there is no associated CrowdSec decision for the IP (i.e. this is a clean IP).
  • any of available CrowdSec decision types : ban, captcha and other custom types.


  • CrowdSec remediations

    • Retrieve and cache decisions from CAPI or LAPI
      • Handle IP scoped decisions for Ipv4 and IPv6
      • Handle Range scoped decisions for IPv4
      • Handle Country scoped decisions using MaxMind database
      • Handle List decisions
    • Determine remediation for a given IP
      • Use the cached decisions for CAPI and for LAPI in stream mode
      • For LAPI in live mode, call LAPI if there is no cached decision
      • Use customizable remediation priorities
  • Overridable cache handler (built-in support for Redis, Memcached and PhpFiles caches)

  • Large PHP matrix compatibility: 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3

Quick start


First, install CrowdSec PHP remediation engine via the composer package manager:

composer require crowdsec/remediation-engine

Please see the Installation Guide for more details.

Capi Remediation

To retrieve decisions from CAPI and determine which remediation should apply to an IP, we use the CapiRemediation class.


To instantiate a CapiRemediation object, you have to:

  • Pass its configs array as a first parameter. You will find below the list of other available settings.

  • Pass a CrowdSec CAPI Watcher client as a second parameter. Please see CrowdSec CAPI PHP client for details.

  • Pass an implementation of the provided CacheStorage\AbstractCache in the third parameter. You will find examples of such implementation with the CacheStorage\PhpFiles, CacheStorage\Memcached and CacheStorage\Redis class.

  • Optionally, to log some information, you can pass an implementation of the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface as a fourth parameter. You will find an example of such implementation with the provided CrowdSec\CommonLogger\FileLog class.

use CrowdSec\CapiClient\Storage\FileStorage;
use CrowdSec\CapiClient\Watcher;
use CrowdSec\RemediationEngine\CacheStorage\PhpFiles;
use CrowdSec\RemediationEngine\CapiRemediation;
use CrowdSec\Common\Logger\FileLog;

// Init logger
$logger = new FileLog(['debug_mode' => true]);
// Init client
$clientConfigs = [
    'machine_id_prefix' => 'remediationtest',
    'scenarios' => ['crowdsecurity/http-sensitive-files'],
$capiClient = new Watcher($clientConfigs, new FileStorage(), null, $logger);
// Init PhpFiles cache storage
$cacheConfigs = [
    'fs_cache_path' => __DIR__ . '/.cache',
$phpFileCache = new PhpFiles($cacheConfigs, $logger);
// Init CAPI remediation
$remediationConfigs = [];
$remediationEngine = new CapiRemediation($remediationConfigs, $capiClient, $phpFileCache, $logger);


Once your CAPI remediation engine is instantiated, you can perform the following calls:

Retrieve fresh decisions from CAPI

This method will use the CrowdSec CAPI client ($capiClient) to retrieve arrays of new and deleted decisions from CAPI. Then, new decisions will be cached using the CacheStorage implementation ($phpFileCache here) and deleted ones will be removed if necessary.

Practically, you should use some cron job to refresh decisions every 2 to 12 hours, 4h recommended.

Get remediation for an IP
$ip = ...;// Could be the current user IP

This method will ask the CacheStorage to know if there are any decisions matching the IP in cache. If there is no cached decision, a bypass will be returned. If there are one or more decisions, the decision type with the highest priority will be returned.

Clear cache

This method will delete all the cached items.

Prune cache

Unlike Memcached and Redis, there is no PhpFiles pruning mechanism that automatically removes expired items. Thus, if you are using the PhpFiles cache, you should use this method.

Stream mode and example scripts

The CAPI remediation engine is intended to work asynchronously: this is what we call the stream mode:

  1. CAPI decisions should be retrieved via a background task (CRON) and stored in cache.

  2. To retrieve a remediation for an IP, we are asking the cache and not CAPI directly.

  • For the first point, you should create a php script that will be called by a cron task.

You will find an example of such a script with the tests/scripts/refresh-decisions-capi.php file.

As we recommend to ask CAPI every 2 hours for fresh decisions, you may have to use this kind of crontab configuration:

0 */2 * * * www-data /usr/bin/php /path/to/refresh-decisions-capi.php
  • For the second point, you should have look to the tests/scripts/get-remediation-capi.php example.

  • Depending on your need, you could also have to clear or prune the cache (by CRON or on demand). You will find two example scripts for that : tests/scripts/clear-cache-capi.php and tests/scripts/prune-cache-capi.php.

Lapi Remediation

To retrieve decisions from LAPI and determine which remediation should apply to an IP, we use the LapiRemediation class.


To instantiate a LapiRemediation object, you have to:

  • Pass its configs array as a first parameter. You will find below the list of other available settings.

  • Pass a CrowdSec LAPI Bouncer client as a second parameter. Please see CrowdSec LAPI PHP client for details.

  • Pass an implementation of the provided CacheStorage\AbstractCache in the third parameter. You will find examples of such implementation with the CacheStorage\PhpFiles, CacheStorage\Memcached and CacheStorage\Redis class.

  • Optionally, to log some information, you can pass an implementation of the Psr\Log\LoggerInterface as a fourth parameter. You will find an example of such implementation with the provided CrowdSec\Common\Logger\FileLog class.

use CrowdSec\CapiClient\Storage\FileStorage;
use CrowdSec\LapiClient\Bouncer;
use CrowdSec\RemediationEngine\CacheStorage\PhpFiles;
use CrowdSec\RemediationEngine\LapiRemediation;
use CrowdSec\Common\Logger\FileLog;

// Init logger
$logger = new FileLog(['debug_mode' => true]);
// Init client
$clientConfigs = [
    'auth_type' => 'api_key',
    'api_url' => 'http://your-lapi-url:8080',
    'api_key' => '****************',
$lapiClient = new Bouncer($clientConfigs, null, $logger);
// Init PhpFiles cache storage
$cacheConfigs = [
    'fs_cache_path' => __DIR__ . '/.cache',
$phpFileCache = new PhpFiles($cacheConfigs, $logger);
// Init LAPI remediation
$remediationConfigs = [];
$remediationEngine = new LapiRemediation($remediationConfigs, $lapiClient, $phpFileCache, $logger);


Once your LAPI remediation engine is instantiated, you can perform the following calls:

Get Decisions stream list from LAPI

LAPI allows to pass $startup and $filter parameters when retrieving streamed decisions. Please see the CrowdSec LAPI documentation for more details.

  • The refreshDecisions will use a warm_up cached item to detect if this is a first call ($startup=true) or a decisions update ($startup=false):

    • If there is no warm_up cached item, the $startup flag is set to true, all the decisions are returned and the warm_up item is cached. Furthermore, cache will be cleaned before retrieving decisions of this first call.
    • If there is a warm_up cached item, the $startup flag is set to false and only the decisions updates (add or remove) from the last stream call are returned.
  • The second parameter $filter will be the array ['scopes'=>'ip,range'] by default and ['scopes'=>'ip,range, country'] if geolocation feature is enabled (see Geolocation configuration).

Get remediation for an IP
$ip = ...;// Could be the current user IP

This method will ask the CacheStorage to know if there are any decisions matching the IP in cache.

Then, process depends on the stream_mode configuration:

  • In stream mode, if there is no cached decision, a bypass will be returned.
  • In live mode, if there is no cached decision, direct call to LAPI will be done to retrieve and cache decisions related to the IP.

Finally, if there are one or more decisions, the decision type with the highest priority will be returned.

Clear cache

This method will delete all the cached items.

Prune cache

Unlike Memcached and Redis, there is no PhpFiles pruning mechanism that automatically removes expired items. Thus, if you are using the PhpFiles cache, you should use this method.

Example scripts

You will find some ready-to-use php scripts in the tests/scripts folder. These scripts could be useful to better understand what you can do with this remediation engine.

Get decisions stream
Command usage
php tests/scripts/refresh-decisions-lapi.php  <BOUNCER_KEY> <LAPI_URL>
Example usage
php tests/scripts/refresh-decisions-lapi.php 68c2b479830c89bfd48926f9d764da39  https://crowdsec:8080 
Get remediation for an IP
Command usage
php tests/scripts/get-remediation-lapi.php <IP> <BOUNCER_KEY> <LAPI_URL> <STREAM_MODE>
Example usage
php tests/scripts/get-remediation-lapi.php 0b85479f39a8152af8b27b316ad0a80c  https://crowdsec:8080 0
Get remediation for an IP using geolocation

This test require to have at least one Maxmind database (GeoLite2-Country.mmdb) in the tests/geolocation folder. These database is downloadable from the MaxMind website.

Command usage
php tests/scripts/get-remediation-lapi-with-geoloc.php <IP> <BOUNCER_KEY> <LAPI_URL> <STREAM_MODE>
Example usage
php tests/scripts/get-remediation-lapi-with-geoloc.php 0b85479f39a8152af8b27b316ad0a80c  https://crowdsec:8080 0
Clear cache
Command usage
php tests/scripts/clear-cache-lapi.php <BOUNCER_KEY> <LAPI_URL>
Example usage
php tests/scripts/clear-cache-lapi.php c580ebdff45da6e01415ed0e9bc9c06b  https://crowdsec:8080
Prune cache
Command usage
php tests/scripts/prune-cache-lapi.php <BOUNCER_KEY> <LAPI_URL>
Example usage
php tests/scripts/prune-cache-lapi.php c580ebdff45da6e01415ed0e9bc9c06b  https://crowdsec:8080

CAPI remediation engine configurations

The first parameter $configs of the CapiRemediation constructor can be used to pass the following settings:

Remediation priorities

$configs = [
        'ordered_remediations' => ['ban', 'captcha']

The ordered_remediations setting accepts an array of remediations ordered by priority.

If there are more than one decision for an IP, remediation with the highest priority will be return.

The specific remediation bypass will always be considered as the lowest priority (there is no need to specify it in this setting).

This setting is not required. If you don't set any value, ['ban'] will be used by default for CAPI remediation and ['ban', 'captcha'] for LAPI remediation.

In the example above, priorities can be summarized as ban > captcha > bypass.

Remediation fallback

$configs = [
        'fallback_remediation' => 'ban'

The fallback_remediation setting will be used to determine which remediation to use in case a decision has a type that does not belong to the ordered_remediations setting.

This setting is not required. If you don't set any value, bypass will be used by default.

If you set some value, be aware to include this value in the ordered_remediations setting too.

In the example above, if a retrieved decision has the unknown mfa type, the ban fallback will be use instead.


$configs = [
        'geolocation' => [
            'enabled' => true,
            'cache_duration' => 86400,
            'type' => 'maxmind',
            'maxmind' => [
                'database_type' => 'country',
                'database_path' => '/var/www/html/geolocation/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb',

This setting is not required.

  • geolocation[enabled]: true to enable remediation based on country. Default to false.

  • geolocation[type]: Geolocation system. Only maxmind is available for the moment. Default to maxmind.

  • geolocation[cache_duration]: This setting will be used to set the lifetime (in seconds) of a cached country associated to an IP. The purpose is to avoid multiple call to the geolocation system (e.g. maxmind database). Default to 86400. Set 0 to disable caching.

  • geolocation[maxmind][database_type]: Select from country or city. These are the two available MaxMind database types. Default to country.

  • geolocation[maxmind][database_path]: Absolute path to the MaxMind database (e.g. mmdb file)

Refresh frequency indicator

When your CAPI watcher client is subscribed to a blocklist, it retrieves decisions from a certain block list url during the decisions refresh call. We will use this refresh_frequency_indicatorsetting to optimize how to pull such list decisions.

You must use a number that represents the frequency (in seconds) of your cron job. For example, if you pull decisions every 2 hours, you would set 7200.

This setting is not required. If you don't set any value, 14400 (4h) will be used by default.

LAPI remediation engine configurations

The first parameter $configs of the LapiRemediation constructor can be used to pass some settings.

As for the CAPI remediation engine above, you can pass ordered_remediations, fallback_remediation and geolocation settings.

In addition, LAPI remediation engine handles the following settings:

Stream mode

$configs = [
        'stream_mode' => false

true to enable stream mode, false to enable the live mode. Default to true.

The stream mode allows you to constantly feed the cache with the malicious IP list via a background task (CRON), making it to be even faster when checking the IP of your visitors. Besides, if your site has a lot of unique visitors at the same time, this will not influence the traffic to the API of your CrowdSec instance.

In live mode, the first time you try to get remediation for an IP, a direct call to the CrowdSec LAPI will be done. Decisions will be cached with a lifetime depending on the clean_ip_cache_duration and bad_ip_cache_duration settings below.

Clean IP cache duration

$configs = [
        'clean_ip_cache_duration' => 120

If there is no decision for an IP, this IP will be considered as "clean" and this setting will be used to set the cache lifetime of the bypass remediation to store.

This is only useful in live mode. In stream mode, a "clean" IP is considered as "clean" until the next resynchronisation.

In seconds. Must be greater or equal than 1. Default to 60 seconds if not set.

Bad IP cache duration

$configs = [
        'bad_ip_cache_duration' => 86400

If there is an active decision for an IP, this IP will be considered as "bad" and this setting will be used to set the cache lifetime of the remediation to store (ban, captcha, etc.). More specifically, the lifetime will be the minimum between this setting and the decision duration.

This is only useful in live mode. In stream mode, the cache duration depends only on the decision duration.

In seconds. Must be greater or equal than 1. Default to 120 seconds if not set.

Cache configurations

If you use one of our provided cache storage handler (PhpFiles, Memcached or Redis), you will need to pass a $cacheConfigs array as first parameter:

PhpFiles cache files directory

$cacheConfigs = [
        'fs_cache_path' => __DIR__ . '/.cache'

This setting is required and cannot be empty.

Redis cache DSN

$cacheConfigs = [
        'redis_dsn' => 'redis://localhost:6379'

This setting is required and cannot be empty.

Memcached cache DSN

$cacheConfigs = [
        'memcached_dsn' => 'memcached://localhost:11211'

This setting is required and cannot be empty.

Cache tags

If you are using the provided PhpFiles or Redis cache, you may want to use the Symfony cache tags invalidation feature. In order to instantiate a tag aware adapter, you need to pass the value true for the setting use_cache_tags.


$cacheConfigs = [
        'fs_cache_path' => __DIR__ . '/.cache',
        'use_cache_tags' => true

This setting is not required and is false by default.

Beware that there is a caveat with Symfony tagged caching and Redis: it doesn't support the max memory policy set to allkeys-lru. You need to change this to noeviction or volatile-* instead; otherwise the caching won't work at all.

Cache tags is not supported for the provided Memcached cache.


Origins count

In order to have some metrics, we store in cache the number of calls to the getIpRemedation method while separating the counters by origin of the final remediation.

The getOriginsCount helper method returns an array whose keys are origins and values are the counter associated to the origin. When the remediation is a bypass (i.e. no active decision for the tested IP), we set the origin as clean.

/** @var $remediation \CrowdSec\RemediationEngine\AbstractRemediation */
$originsCount = $remediation->getOriginsCount();

/*$originsCount = [
    'clean' => 150, 
    'capi' => 28,
    'lists' => 16