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Kid Library MVP 📚


The Kid Library app is an application built with React, Express, Node, and MySQL and styled with Bootstrap. It uses React-Router to enable multiple page navigation and the Google Books API to access book details and information.



  • Run npm install in project directory. This will install server-related dependencies such as express.
  • cd client and run npm install. This will install client dependencies (React).

Database Prep

  • Access the MySQL interface in your terminal by running mysql -u root -p or use the MySQL CLI.
  • Create a new database called mybooks: create database mybooks
  • Add a .env file to the project folder of this repository containing the MySQL authentication information for MySQL user. For example:
  • Run npm run migrate in the project directory folder of this repository, in a new terminal window. This will create a table called 'mylibrary' in your database.
    • You'll need to update the bookId column so it won't accept duplicate entries:
ALTER TABLE mylibrary
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_bookid UNIQUE KEY(bookId);
  • IF THIS DOESN'T WORK for some reason, you could also create a table manually in the MySQL CLI using the following commands:

To create the mylibrary table:

CREATE TABLE mylibrary (
   bookId varchar(40),
   rating int,
   review varchar(255),
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

To make the bookId column unique (unable to have duplicate entries):

ALTER TABLE mylibrary
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_bookid UNIQUE KEY(bookId);
  • Make sure you understand how the mylibrary table is constructed. In your MySQL console, you can run use mybooks; and then describe mylibrary; to see the structure of the students table.

  • Notes about mylibrary table:

    • id -- This column is generated automatically in the database. It serves as the primary key for the table. This is what is being referred to if id is mentioned in the comments in the code.
    • bookId -- This column is taken from the Google Books API. It is integral to the functionality of the app. It is what connects the database to the book detail information in the Google API. Initially, this was used as the id for the table, but there were some problems related to the values not being numerical. This is what is being referenced if bookId is mentioned in the comments in the code.
    • rating -- This column isn't necessary at this point in development. It was created with a rating feature in mind, but that feature hasn't made it into the app yet. It was meant to hold a numerical rating for each book.
    • review -- This column holds review data generated by users in the book details view page. It can be empty.
  • There is also a mybooks_dump.sql file in the my-express-app folder with sample data you can use to create a database.


  • Open a terminal, and run npm start to start the Express server on port 5000.
  • In another terminal, do cd client and run npm start to start the client in development mode with hot reloading in port 3000.
  • Note: The client folder holds everything to do with the front end of the app.

Code & Functionality Overview

  • Front End

    • This project includes pages and components.
    • App.js is where the routes (pages) are defined.
    • Pages include:
      • Home "/"
        • This page renders the MyLibraryWidget and Search components.
      • MyLibraryView "/mylibrary"
      • BookDetailView "/mylibrary/${bookId}"
    • Each page includes code to fetch data from the external API and/or database.
    • Since only the bookId (from the external API) is stored in the database, this value is used to search the Google Books API and return the detailed book information. It is also used in the BookDetailView to search the database and return the review data.
    • You can see more about front end functions and how they're organized in each page/component in this document.
  • Back End

    • Project uses one MySQL table to store user-generated data (reviews). It is linked to the external API through use of the bookId values.
    • index.js includes all of the router functions.
      • The project uses node-fetch to allow for the use of fetch in the back end. You can read more about node-fetch here if you're interested.
        • Because the external API is accessed on the back end, fetches made from the front end include the URLs built for the project (rather than the Google API URLs).
    • You can see more about router functions and how they're organized in this document.
  • External API

  • This document includes some notes and links to useful information about the Google Books external API.

App Demo

You can watch an app demo here. You can see demo presentation slides here.

Looking Ahead

This app includes most of the features I had envisioned when beginning this project. But, there are several things that could be added and refined in future iterations of this app.

  • Generate random library entries in the MyLibraryWidget component rather than just the first three in the database
  • Add feature to rate titles in BookDetailView page -- perahps a numerical rating 1-5 with smile faces, something appealing for kids
  • Add wishlist feature in Search component where books could be added to wishlist rather than mylibrary database.
  • Add activity feature in BookDetailView page where kids could do something related to the book (draw a picture, upload a picture of themselves reading or something related to the book, write or record a summary, write or record thoughts about the story or book, etc).
  • Add feature to allow MyLibraryView to be filtered by title (alphabetical order), by author, or perhaps by rating (if ratings are added to the app at some point).
  • Allow for user profiles (registration, logging in to see MyLibraryView, etc).
  • Add dashboard to allow for multiple user profiles (multiple children?) in one account.

Contributing to the Project

Please follow the basic contribution guidelines in the Contributor Covenant.

Contributor Covenant

Thank you!

I just want to say thank you to Anna and Joy at CodeOp! Your support during the course of this project has been invaluable. Thank you for your support!