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Autograd Usage

Autograd comes with an user-friendly API, for both forward and reverse mode.

General rules

Autograd will nearly always give you a result. However, in order to ensure that you compute what you exactly think you are computing, please make sure to read carefully these points :

  1. When you define a Variable, it is automatically set as the input node of the computational graph
  2. Thus, if you define two variables like x=Variable(3) and then y=Variable(4), the input node of the graph will be y only, and you will not compute gradients with respect to x. Never.
  3. If you want to work on function of several inputs, please refer to the section Multiple Inputs
  4. Before you try to access the variable.gradient attribute, you should run variable.compute_gradients().
  5. When you are in reverse mode, don't forget to reset the computational graph when you are running a new function call. You can do it with ad.reset_graph()
  6. Enjoy! :)

Additional resources are available in the Demo_Notebook - make sure to have matplotlib installed if you want to run the Demo_Notebook

Simple Differentiation Case

Example: How to differentiate f(x) = sin(x) + cos(x) at x = pi:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import autograd as ad
>>> from autograd.variable import Variable
>>> ad.set_mode('forward')
>>> x = Variable(np.pi)
>>> b1 = ad.sin(x)
>>> b2 = ad.cos(x)
>>> b3 = b1 + b2
>>> print(b3.gradient)

b3 will contain the gradient of y = sin(x) + cos(x) at x = pi

Example: How to differentiate f(x)=sin(cos(x+3)) + e^(sin(x)^2) at x = 1:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import autograd as ad
>>> from autograd.variable import Variable
>>> ad.set_mode('forward')
>>> x = Variable(1)
>>> b1 = x + 3
>>> b2 = ad.sin(x)
>>> b3 = ad.cos(b1)
>>> b4 = ad.sin(b3)
>>> b5 = b2*b2
>>> b6 = ad.exp(b5)
>>> b7 = b6 + b4
>>> print(b7.gradient)

b7 will contain the gradient of f(x)=sin(cos(x+3)) + e^(sin(x)^2) at x = 1

Differentiation of Functions

If a user wants to differentiate multiple values is recommended that users create functions that wrap around autograd:

def function(x):
    x1 = av.Variable(x)
    b1 = ad.sin(x1)
    b2 = ad.cos(x1)
    b3 = b1 + b2

This function can be used to loop and differentiate values:

value = list()
data = list()
gradient = list()
for i in np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi):
    output = function(i)

Multiple Inputs

As this package handles vector to vector mapping, we can theoretically consider every function of several variables as a function of vector input. For exemple, we can see the function f(x,y,z) as a function of 3 variables which are scalar, but also as a function of one variable, which is a vector of R3. We refer to these methods to the Multiple Variables Mode and Vector Mode, respectively.

Vector Mode

Before performing any operations, you should embbed the inputs of your function in one big variable

def vector_function(x,y):
    big_variable = Variable([x,y])
    x,y=big_variable[0], big_variable[1]

    b1 = ad.exp(-0.1*((x**2)+(y**2)))
    b2 = ad.cos(0.5*(x+y))
    b3 = b1*b2+0.1*(x+y)+ad.exp(0.1*(3-(x+y)))


In that case, you will have b3.gradient as a matrix of shape 1*3, because you considered the function as a vector function mapping from R3 to R.

Multiple Variables

Pass multiple variables:

def vector_function(x,y):

     b1 = ad.exp(-0.1*((x**2)+(y**2)))
     b2 = ad.cos(0.5*(x+y))
     b3 = b1*b2+0.1*(x+y)+ad.exp(0.1*(3-(x+y)))


In that case, we have b3.gradient = [grad(b3, x), grad(b3, y)] with grad(b3,x) refers to the gradient of the function x-->b3 evaluated at x.

The choice of which mode is up to you, the multi_variables is useful when you deal with several inputs with different shapes:

def vector_function(x,L,N):
     x, L, N = av.Variable.multi_variables(x,L, N)

     b1 = ad.sum_elts(L)


We will then have b5.gradient = [grad(b5,x), grad(b5,L), grad(b5,L)] with grad(b5, L) a matrix of shape 1*dim(L), etc...

This method is quite straightforward and intuitive, not as what we would have had to do in the vector mode to get the gradients of x and L separately

gradient_b5_x = b5.gradient[:,0:1]
gradient_b5_L = b5.gradient[:,1:dim(L)+1]
gradient_b5_N = b5.gradient[:,dim(L)+1:]

with even more complicated gradient extractions when you have more input vectors of different sizes.

The performance of these two methods is identical.

Forward or Reverse Mode

Forward mode is set by default, but to explicitly set forward mode:

>>> import autograd as ad
>>> ad.set_mode('forward')

Reverse mode can be easily set:

>>> import autograd as ad
>>> ad.set_mode('reverse')

Once reverse mode is set, all differentiation in the session will be calculated in reverse mode, unless forward mode is explicitly set.:

>>> import autograd as ad
>>> ad.set_mode('reverse')
>>> ad.set_mode('forward')

The resulting setting is forward mode


Currently, autograd supports gradient descent and Adam optimization, in both forward and reverse mode.

Optimization Setup:

import numpy as np
import autograd as ad
from autograd.variable import Variable

#set to forward mode

#define function
def loss(params):
    var = Variable(params)
    x,y = var[0], var[1]
    l = (x+5)**2 + (y+3)**2


    return (, l.gradient)

Gradient Descent

Autograd has implemented Gradient Descent.

Gradient Descent Optimization:

#import gradient descent
from autograd.optimize import GD

#initialize values
x_init = [10, 4]

#create optimization object and set parameters
optimize_GD = GD(loss, x_init, lr=0.1, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-13)

sol = optimize_GD.solve()


Autograd has implemented the Adam Optimizer: Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization.

Adam Optimization:

#import Adam Optimizer
from autograd.optimize import Adam

#initialize values
x_init = [10, 4]

#create optimization object and set parameters
adam = Adam(loss, x_init, lr=0.1, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-13)

sol = adam.solve()