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Compilation Units

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A compilation unit is a pair of OCaml source files in the same directory. They share the same base name, call it x, but their extensions differ: one file is, the other is x.mli. The file is called the implementation, and x.mli is called the interface.

For example, suppose that foo.mli contains exactly the following:

val x : int
val f : int -> int

and, in the same directory, contains exactly the following:

let x = 0
let y = 12
let f x = x + y

Then compiling will have the same effect as defining the module Foo as follows:

module Foo : sig
  val x : int
  val f : int -> int
end = struct
  let x = 0
  let y = 12
  let f x = x + y

In general, when the compiler encounters a compilation unit, it treats it as defining a module and a signature like this:

module Foo
  : sig (* insert contents of foo.mli here *) end
= struct
  (* insert contents of here *)

The unit name Foo is derived from the base name foo by just capitalizing the first letter. Notice that there is no named module type being defined; the signature of Foo is actually anonymous.

The standard library uses compilation units to implement most of the modules we have been using so far, like List and String. You can see that in the standard library source code.

Documentation Comments

Some documentation comments belong in the interface file, whereas others belong in the implementation file:

  • Clients of an abstraction can be expected to read interface files, or rather the HTML documentation generated from them. So the comments in an interface file should be written with that audience in mind. These comments should describe how to use the abstraction, the preconditions for calling its functions, what exceptions they might raise, and perhaps some notes on what algorithms are used to implement operations. The standard library's List module contains many examples of these kinds of comments.

  • Clients should not be expected to read implementation files. Those files will be read by creators and maintainers of the implementation. The documentation in the implementation file should provide information that explains the internal details of the abstraction, such as how the representation type is used, how the code works, important internal invariants it maintains, and so forth. Maintainers can also be expected to read the specifications in the interface files.

Documentation should not be duplicated between the files. In particular, the client-facing specification comments in the interface file should not be duplicated in the implementation file. One reason is that duplication inevitably leads to errors. Another reason is that OCamldoc has the ability to automatically inject the comments from the interface file into the generated HTML from the implementation file.

OCamldoc comments can be placed either before or after an element of the interface. For example, both of these placements are possible:

(** The mathematical constant 3.14... *)
val pi : float
val pi : float
(** The mathematical constant 3.14... *)
The standard library developers apparently prefer the post-placement of the
comment, and OCamlFormat seems to work better with that, too.

An Example with Stacks

Put this code in mystack.mli, noting that there is no sig..end around it or any module type:

type 'a t
exception Empty
val empty : 'a t
val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val peek : 'a t -> 'a
val pop : 'a t -> 'a t

We're using the name "mystack" because the standard library already has a Stack module. Re-using that name could lead to error messages that are somewhat hard to understand.

Also put this code in, noting that there is no struct..end around it or any module:

type 'a t = 'a list
exception Empty
let empty = []
let is_empty = function [] -> true | _ -> false
let push = List.cons
let peek = function [] -> raise Empty | x :: _ -> x
let pop = function [] -> raise Empty | _ :: s -> s

Create a dune file:

 (name mystack))

Compile the code and launch utop:

$ dune utop

Your compilation unit is ready for use:

# Mystack.empty;;
- : 'a Mystack.t = <abstr>

Incomplete Compilation Units

What if either the interface or implementation file is missing for a compilation unit?

Missing Interface Files. Actually this is exactly how we've normally been working up until this point. For example, you might have done some homework in a file named but never needed to worry about lab1.mli. There is no requirement that every .ml file have a corresponding .mli file, or in other words, that every compilation unit be complete.

If the .mli file is missing there is still a module that is created, as we saw back when we learned about #load and modules. It just doesn't have an automatically imposed signature. For example, the situation with lab1 above would lead to the following module being created during compilation:

module Lab1 = struct
  (* insert contents of here *)

Missing Implementation Files. This case is much rarer, and not one you are likely to encounter in everyday development. But be aware that there is a misuse case that Java or C++ programmers sometimes accidentally fall into. Suppose you have an interface for which there will be a few implementation. Thinking back to stacks earlier in this chapter, perhaps you have a module type Stack and two modules that implement it, ListStack and CustomStack:

module type Stack = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  (* etc. *)

module ListStack : Stack = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  let empty = []
  let push = List.cons
  (* etc. *)

module CustomStack : Stack = struct
  (* omitted *)

It's tempting to divide that code up into files as follows:

(* stack.mli *)
type 'a t
val empty : 'a t
val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
(* etc. *)

(* *)
type 'a t = 'a list
let empty = []
let push = List.cons
(* etc. *)

(* *)
(* omitted *)

The reason it's tempting is that in Java you might put the Stack interface into a file, the ListStack class in a file, and so forth. In C++ something similar might be done with .hpp and .cpp files.

But the OCaml file organization shown above just won't work. To be a compilation unit, the interface for must be in listStack.mli. It can't be in a file with any other name. So there's no way with that code division to stipulate that ListStack : Stack.

Instead, the code could be divided like this:

(* *)
module type S = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  (* etc. *)

(* *)
module M : Stack.S = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  let empty = []
  let push = List.cons
  (* etc. *)

(* *)
module M : Stack.S = struct
  (* omitted *)

Note the following about that division:

  • The module type goes in a .ml file not a .mli, because we're not trying to create a compilation unit.

  • We give short names to the modules and module types in the files, because they will already be inside a module based on their filename. It would be rather verbose, for example, to name S something longer like Stack. If we did, we'd have to write Stack.Stack in the module type annotations instead of Stack.S.

Another possibility for code division would be to put all the code in a single file That works if all the code is part of the same library, but not if (e.g.) ListStack and CustomStack are developed by separate organizations. If it is in a single file, then we could turn it into a compilation unit:

(* stack.mli *)
module type S = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  (* etc. *)

module ListStack : S

module CustomStack : S

(* *)
module type S = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  (* etc. *)

module ListStack : S = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  let empty = []
  let push = List.cons
  (* etc. *)

module CustomStack : S = struct
  (* omitted *)

Unfortunately that does mean we've duplicated Stack.S in both the interface and implementation files. There's no way to automatically "import" an already declared module type from a .mli file into the corresponding .ml file.

Code duplication naturally makes us unhappy. Later, with functors, we'll see how to eliminate it.