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Functional Data Structures

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A functional data structure is one that does not make use of mutability. It's possible to build functional data structures both in functional languages and in imperative languages. For example, you could build a Java equivalent to OCaml's list type by creating a Node class whose fields are immutable by virtue of using the const keyword.

Functional data structures have the property of being persistent: updating the data structure with one of its operations does not change the existing version of the data structure but instead produces a new version. Both exist and both can still be accessed. A good language implementation will ensure that any parts of the data structure that are not changed by an operation will be shared between the old version and the new version. Any parts that do change will be copied so that the old version may persist. The opposite of a persistent data structure is an ephemeral data structure: changes are destructive, so that only one version exists at any time. Both persistent and ephemeral data structures can be built in both functional and imperative languages.


The built-in singly-linked list data structure in OCaml is functional. We know that, because we've seen how to implement it with algebraic data types. It's also persistent, which we can demonstrate:

let lst = [1; 2];;
let lst' = lst;;

Taking the tail of lst does not change the list. Both lst and lst' coexist without affecting one another.


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We implemented stacks earlier in this chapter. Here's a terse variant of one of those implementations, in which we add a to_list operation to make it easier to view the contents of the stack in examples:

:tags: ["hide-output"]
module type Stack = sig
  type 'a t
  exception Empty
  val empty : 'a t
  val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
  val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  val peek : 'a t -> 'a
  val pop : 'a t -> 'a t
  val size : 'a t -> int
  val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list

module ListStack : Stack = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  exception Empty
  let empty = []
  let is_empty = function [] -> true | _ -> false
  let push = List.cons
  let peek = function [] -> raise Empty | x :: _ -> x
  let pop = function [] -> raise Empty | _ :: s -> s
  let size = List.length
  let to_list =

That implementation is functional, as can be seen above, and also persistent:

open ListStack;;
let s = empty |> push 1 |> push 2;;
let s' = pop s;;
to_list s;;
to_list s';;

The value s is unchanged by the pop operation that creates s'. Both versions of the stack coexist.

The Stack module type gives us a strong hint that the data structure is persistent in the types it provides for push and pop:

val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
val pop : 'a t -> 'a t

Both of those take a stack as an argument and return a new stack as a result. An ephemeral data structure usually would not bother to return a stack. In Java, for example, similar methods might have a void return type; the equivalent in OCaml would be returning unit.

Options vs Exceptions

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All of our stack implementations so far have raised an exception whenever peek or pop is applied to the empty stack. Another possibility would be to use an option for the return value. If the input stack is empty, then peek and pop return None; otherwise, they return Some.

:tags: ["hide-output"]
module type Stack = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
  val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  val peek : 'a t -> 'a option
  val pop : 'a t -> 'a t option
  val size : 'a t -> int
  val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list

module ListStack : Stack = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  exception Empty
  let empty = []
  let is_empty = function [] -> true | _ -> false
  let push = List.cons
  let peek = function [] -> None | x :: _ -> Some x
  let pop = function [] -> None | _ :: s -> Some s
  let size = List.length
  let to_list =

But that makes it harder to pipeline:

:tags: ["raises-exception"]
ListStack.(empty |> push 1 |> pop |> peek)

The types break down for the pipeline right after the pop, because that now returns an 'a t option, but peek expects an input that is merely an 'a t.

It is possible to define some additional operators to help restore the ability to pipeline. In fact, these functions are already defined in the Option module in the standard library, though not as infix operators:

(* aka fmap *)
let ( >>| ) opt f =
  match opt with
  | None -> None
  | Some x -> Some (f x)

(* Option.bind *)
let ( >>= ) opt f =
  match opt with
  | None -> None
  | Some x -> f x

We can use those as needed for pipelining:

ListStack.(empty |> push 1 |> pop >>| push 2 >>= pop >>| push 3 >>| to_list)

But it's not so pleasant to figure out which of the three operators to use where.

There is therefore a tradeoff in the interface design:

  • Using options ensures that surprising exceptions regarding empty stacks never occur at run-time. The program is therefore more robust. But the convenient pipeline operator is lost.

  • Using exceptions means that programmers don't have to write as much code. If they are sure that an exception can't occur, they can omit the code for handling it. The program is less robust, but writing it is more convenient.

There is thus a tradeoff between writing more code early (with options) or doing more debugging later (with exceptions). The OCaml standard library has recently begun providing both versions of the interface in a data structure, so that the client can make the choice of how they want to use it. For example, we could provide both peek and peek_opt, and the same for pop, for clients of our stack module:

:tags: ["hide-output"]
module type Stack = sig
  type 'a t
  val empty : 'a t
  val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
  val push : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
  val peek : 'a t -> 'a
  val peek_opt : 'a t -> 'a option
  val pop : 'a t -> 'a t
  val pop_opt : 'a t -> 'a t option
  val size : 'a t -> int
  val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list

module ListStack : Stack = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  exception Empty
  let empty = []
  let is_empty = function [] -> true | _ -> false
  let push = List.cons
  let peek = function [] -> raise Empty | x :: _ -> x
  let peek_opt = function [] -> None | x :: _ -> Some x
  let pop = function [] -> raise Empty | _ :: s -> s
  let pop_opt = function [] -> None | _ :: s -> Some s
  let size = List.length
  let to_list =

One nice thing about this implementation is that it is efficient. All the operations except for size are constant time. We saw earlier in the chapter that size could be made constant time as well, at the cost of some extra space — though just a constant factor more — by caching the size of the stack at each node in the list.


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Queues and stacks are fairly similar interfaces. We'll stick with exceptions instead of options for now.

:tags: ["hide-output"]
module type Queue = sig
  (** An ['a t] is a queue whose elements have type ['a]. *)
  type 'a t

  (** Raised if [front] or [dequeue] is applied to the empty queue. *)
  exception Empty

  (** [empty] is the empty queue. *)
  val empty : 'a t

  (** [is_empty q] is whether [q] is empty. *)
  val is_empty : 'a t -> bool

  (** [enqueue x q] is the queue [q] with [x] added to the end. *)
  val enqueue : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

  (** [front q] is the element at the front of the queue. Raises [Empty]
      if [q] is empty. *)
  val front : 'a t -> 'a

  (** [dequeue q] is the queue containing all the elements of [q] except the
      front of [q]. Raises [Empty] is [q] is empty. *)
  val dequeue : 'a t -> 'a t

  (** [size q] is the number of elements in [q]. *)
  val size : 'a t -> int

  (** [to_list q] is a list containing the elements of [q] in order from
      front to back. *)
  val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list
Similarly to `peek` and `pop`, note how `front` and `dequeue` divide the
responsibility of getting the first element vs. getting all the rest of the

It's easy to implement queues with lists, just as it was for implementing stacks:

module ListQueue : Queue = struct
  (** The list [x1; x2; ...; xn] represents the queue with [x1] at its front,
      followed by [x2], ..., followed by [xn]. *)
  type 'a t = 'a list
  exception Empty
  let empty = []
  let is_empty = function [] -> true | _ -> false
  let enqueue x q = q @ [x]
  let front = function [] -> raise Empty | x :: _ -> x
  let dequeue = function [] -> raise Empty | _ :: q -> q
  let size = List.length
  let to_list =

But despite being as easy, this implementation is not as efficient as our list-based stacks. Dequeueing is a constant-time operation with this representation, but enqueueing is a linear-time operation. That's because dequeue does a single pattern match, whereas enqueue must traverse the entire list to append the new element at the end.

There's a very clever way to do better on efficiency. We can use two lists to represent a single queue. This representation was invented by Robert Melville as part of his PhD dissertation at Cornell (Asymptotic Complexity of Iterative Computations, Jan 1981), which was advised by Prof. David Gries. Chris Okasaki (Purely Functional Data Structures, Cambridge University Press, 1988) calls these batched queues. Sometimes you will see this same implementation referred to as "implementing a queue with two stacks". That's because stacks and lists are so similar (as we've already seen) that you could rewrite pop as, and so forth.

The core idea has a Part A and a Part B. Part A is: we use the two lists to split the queue into two pieces, the inbox and outbox. When new elements are enqueued, we put them in the inbox. Eventually (we'll soon come to how) elements are transferred from the inbox to the outbox. When a dequeue is requested, that element is removed from the outbox; or when the front element is requested, we check the outbox for it. For example, if the inbox currently had [3; 4; 5] and the outbox had [1; 2], then the front element would be 1, which is the head of the outbox. Dequeuing would remove that element and leave the inbox with just [2], which is the tail of the outbox. Likewise, enqueuing 6 would make the inbox become [3; 4; 5; 6].

The efficiency of front and dequeue is very good so far. We just have to take the head or tail of the outbox, respectively, assuming it is non-empty. Those are constant-time operations. But the efficiency of enqueue is still bad. It's linear time, because we have to append the new element to the end of the list. It's too bad we have to use the append operator, which is inherently linear time. It would be much better if we could use cons, which is constant time.

So here's Part B of the core idea: let's keep the inbox in reverse order. For example, if we enqueued 3 then 4 then 5, the inbox would actually be [5; 4; 3], not [3; 4; 5]. Then if 6 were enqueued next, we could cons it onto the beginning of the inbox, which becomes [6; 5; 4; 3]. The queue represented by inbox i and outbox o is therefore o @ List.rev i. So enqueue can now always be a constant-time operation.

But what about dequeue (and front)? They're constant time too, as long as the outbox is not empty. If it's empty, we have a problem. We need to transfer whatever is in the inbox to the outbox at that point. For example, if the outbox is empty, and the inbox is [6; 5; 4; 3], then we need to switch them around, making the outbox be [3; 4; 5; 6] and the inbox be empty. That's actually easy: we just have to reverse the list.

Unfortunately, we just re-introduced a linear-time operation. But with one crucial difference: we don't have to do that linear-time reverse on every dequeue, whereas with ListQueue above we had to do the linear-time append on every enqueue. Instead, we only have to do the reverse on those rare occasions when the outbox becomes empty.

So even though in the worst case dequeue (and front) will be linear time, most of the time they will not be. In fact, later in this book when we study amortized analysis we will show that in the long run they can be understood as constant-time operations. For now, here's a piece of intuition to support that claim: every individual element enters the inbox once (with a cons), moves to the outbox once (with a pattern match then cons), and leaves the outbox once (with a pattern match). Each of those is constant time. So each element only ever experiences constant-time operations from its own perspective.

For now, let's move on to implementing these ideas. In the implementation, we'll add one more idea: the outbox always has to have an element in it, unless the queue is empty. In other words, if the outbox is empty, we're guaranteed the inbox is too. That requirement isn't necessary for batched queues, but it does keep the code simpler by reducing the number of times we have to check whether a list is empty. The tiny tradeoff is that if the queue is empty, enqueue now has to directly put an element into the outbox. No matter, that's still a constant-time operation.

module BatchedQueue : Queue = struct
  (** [{o; i}] represents the queue [o @ List.rev i]. For example,
      [{o = [1; 2]; i = [5; 4; 3]}] represents the queue [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
      where [1] is the front element. To avoid ambiguity about emptiness,
      whenever only one of the lists is empty, it must be [i]. For example,
      [{o = [1]; i = []}] is a legal representation, but [{o = []; i = [1]}]
      is not. This implies that if [o] is empty, [i] must also be empty. *)
  type 'a t = {o : 'a list; i : 'a list}

  exception Empty

  let empty = {o = []; i = []}

  let is_empty = function
    | {o = []} -> true
    | _ -> false

  let enqueue x = function
    | {o = []} -> {o = [x]; i = []}
    | {o; i} -> {o; i = x :: i}

  let front = function
    | {o = []} -> raise Empty
    | {o = h :: _} -> h

  let dequeue = function
    | {o = []} -> raise Empty
    | {o = [_]; i} -> {o = List.rev i; i = []}
    | {o = _ :: t; i} -> {o = t; i}

  let size {o; i} = List.(length o + length i)

  let to_list {o; i} = o @ List.rev i

The efficiency of batched queues comes at a price in readability. If we compare ListQueue and BatchedQueue, it's hopefully clear that ListQueue is a simple and correct implementation of a queue data structure. It's probably far less clear that BatchedQueue is a correct implementation. Just look at how many paragraphs of writing it took to explain it above!


Recall that a map (aka dictionary) binds keys to values. Here is a module type for maps. There are many other operations a map might support, but these will suffice for now.

module type Map = sig
  (** [('k, 'v) t] is the type of maps that bind keys of type ['k] to
      values of type ['v]. *)
  type ('k, 'v) t

  (** [empty] does not bind any keys. *)
  val empty  : ('k, 'v) t

  (** [insert k v m] is the map that binds [k] to [v], and also contains
      all the bindings of [m].  If [k] was already bound in [m], that old
      binding is superseded by the binding to [v] in the returned map. *)
  val insert : 'k -> 'v -> ('k, 'v) t -> ('k, 'v) t

  (** [lookup k m] is the value bound to [k] in [m]. Raises: [Not_found] if [k]
      is not bound in [m]. *)
  val lookup : 'k -> ('k, 'v) t -> 'v

  (** [bindings m] is an association list containing the same bindings as [m].
      The keys in the list are guaranteed to be unique. *)
  val bindings : ('k, 'v) t -> ('k * 'v) list

Note how Map.t is parameterized on two types, 'k and 'v, which are written in parentheses and separated by commas. Although ('k, 'v) might look like a pair of values, it is not: it is a syntax for writing multiple type variables.

Recall that association lists are lists of pairs, where the first element of each pair is a key, and the second element is the value it binds. For example, here is an association list that maps some well-known names to an approximation of their numeric value:

[("pi", 3.14); ("e", 2.718); ("phi", 1.618)]

Naturally we can implement the Map module type with association lists:

module AssocListMap : Map = struct
  (** The list [(k1, v1); ...; (kn, vn)] binds key [ki] to value [vi].
      If a key appears more than once in the list, it is bound to the
      the left-most occurrence in the list. *)
  type ('k, 'v) t = ('k * 'v) list
  let empty = []
  let insert k v m = (k, v) :: m
  let lookup k m = List.assoc k m
  let keys m = List.(m |> map fst |> sort_uniq
  let bindings m = m |> keys |> (fun k -> (k, lookup k m))

This implementation of maps is persistent. For example, adding a new binding to the map m below does not change m itself:

open AssocListMap
let m = empty |> insert "pi" 3.14 |> insert "e" 2.718
let m' = m |> insert "phi" 1.618
let b = bindings m
let b' = bindings m'

The insert operation is constant time, which is great. But the lookup operation is linear time. It's possible to do much better than that. In a later chapter, we'll see how to do better. Logarithmic-time performance is achievable with balanced binary trees, and something like constant-time performance with hash tables. Neither of those, however, achieves the simplicity of the code above.

The bindings operation is complicated by potential duplicate keys in the list. It uses a keys helper function to extract the unique list of keys with the help of library function List.sort_uniq. That function sorts an input list and in the process discards duplicates. It requires a comparison function as input.

A comparison function must return 0 if its arguments compare as equal, a
positive integer if the first is greater, and a negative integer if the first is

Here we use the standard library's comparison function, which behaves essentially the same as the built-in comparison operators =, <, >, etc. Custom comparison functions are useful if you want to have a relaxed notion of what being a duplicate means. For example, maybe you'd like to ignore the case of strings, or the sign of a number, etc.

The running time of List.sort_uniq is linearithmic, and it produces a linear number of keys as output. For each of those keys, we do a linear-time lookup operation. So the total running time of bindings is $O(n \log n) + O(n) \cdot O(n)$, which is $O(n^2)$. We can definitely do better than that with more advanced data structures.

Actually we can have a constant-time bindings operation even with association lists, if we are willing to pay for a linear-time insert operation:

module UniqAssocListMap : Map = struct
  (** The list [(k1, v1); ...; (kn, vn)] binds key [ki] to value [vi].
      No duplicate keys may occur. *)
  type ('k, 'v) t = ('k * 'v) list
  let empty = []
  let insert k v m = (k, v) :: List.remove_assoc k m
  let lookup k m = List.assoc k m
  let bindings m = m

That implementation removes any duplicate binding of k before inserting a new binding.


Here is a module type for sets. There are many other operations a set data structure might be expected to support, but these will suffice for now.

module type Set = sig
  (** ['a t] is the type of sets whose elements are of type ['a]. *)
  type 'a t

  (** [empty] is the empty set *)
  val empty : 'a t

  (** [mem x s] is whether [x] is an element of [s]. *)
  val mem : 'a -> 'a t -> bool

  (** [add x s] is the set that contains [x] and all the elements of [s]. *)
  val add : 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t

  (** [elements s] is a list containing the elements of [s].  No guarantee
      is made about the ordering of that list, but each is guaranteed to
      be unique. *)
  val elements : 'a t -> 'a list

Here's an implementation of that interface using a list to represent the set. This implementation ensures that the list never contains any duplicate elements, since sets themselves do not:

module UniqListSet : Set = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  let empty = []
  let mem = List.mem
  let add x s = if mem x s then s else x :: s
  let elements =

Note how add ensures that the representation never contains any duplicates, so the implementation of elements is easy. Of course, that comes with the tradeoff of add being linear time.

Here's a second implementation, which permits duplicates in the list:

module ListSet : Set = struct
  type 'a t = 'a list
  let empty = []
  let mem = List.mem
  let add = List.cons
  let elements s = List.sort_uniq s

In that implementation, the add operation is now constant time, and the elements operation is linearithmic time.