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interswellar Build Status


Local development

Set up your environment:

sudo apt-get install -y python-virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3.4 ~/venv/interswellar

Get the code and install dependencies:

git clone
cd interswellar
source ~/venv/interswellar/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

To run locally, first make sure you are in your virtualenv (if not, run source ~/venv/interswellar/bin/activate). Then:


(Control-C to quit the app)

Don't forget to develop on a dev branch! Never commit code changes directly to master (see below for deployment).

Deploying changes

First, merge in the master branch to your local dev branch and fix any merge conflicts locally. For this example, 'dev' will be the name of our dev branch.

git checkout dev
git pull origin master
git merge origin/master
<fix any merge conflicts and commit changes if necessary>
git push origin dev

Your dev branch should now be building on Travis. If the build fails on Travis, your change is not safe to deploy. Either fix your code or fix the tests. Assuming the build passes, log in to the [AWS console] ( (credentials are in the slack). Navigate to [Application Versions] ( and note the current version of the site.

git checkout master
git merge origin/master
git merge dev
git push origin master

The master branch with your changes incorporated will now be building on Travis. Assuming the build passes, Travis will then deploy the new version of the code to Elastic Beanstalk. Once the deploy completes, verify your changes on the production site (note that at present we do not have a staging environment, so your change is live! Be careful!). If anything looks broken or wrong, immediately redeploy the last stable version from the Application Versions dashboard, then go fix the underlying issue.

Manually deploy changes to AWS (not recommended)

This is not the recommended way to deploy code. The recommended way to deploy code is through Travis CI; so only use this method if Travis is broken or we haven't set it up yet.

If you are still in the interswellar virtualenv, get out of it by running deactivate

Set up your environment:

pip install --upgrade --user awsebcli
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

Note that you should add the export line to your .bashrc or .zsh to have your path set correctly each time.

Initialize eb (can run multiple times if you screw up)

eb init -i

You will now take a quiz. Here are the answers:

  • Region: US East
  • AWS key: <AWS Key>
  • Secret Key: <Secret Key>
  • Application: interswellar
  • Platform: Python
  • Version: Python 3.4 (first one)
  • SSH: yes
  • Keypair: aws-eb

Our API key and secret key can be found in the Slack.

To deploy the code, first make sure it is passing all tests and looks okay locally. Additionally, we will only deploy from the master branch, so merge your code accordingly.

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only origin master
export interswellar_latest=$(eb status | grep "Deployed Version:" | sed 's/\s*Deployed Version:\s*//')
eb deploy interswellar-prod
eb open interswellar-prod

Verify your changes on the site. If everything looks good, you're done! If something looks broken, roll back the changes:

eb deploy --version $interswellar_latest interswellar-prod

Please do not deploy non-working code. Test locally first.