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File metadata and controls

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This is the public posting of the assignment. See Piazza or Blackboard for the invite link to make your submission in your own repository in the class organization.

Homework 1 - Web Science Intro

Due: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 before class


Write a report that contains the answers to the following questions. (When you include an image in your report, do not change the aspect ratio of the image. If you have trouble with this, ask for help in our Piazza group.)

Remember that students in CS 532 must submit a PDF generated with LaTeX (and submit both their PDF and .tex files). Students in CS 432 are encouraged to use LaTeX, but may use Markdown.

Q1. Demonstrate that you know how to use curl well enough to correctly POST data to a form. Show that the HTML response that is returned is "correct". That is, the server should take the arguments you POSTed and build a response accordingly. Save the HTML response to a file and then view that file in a browser and take a screen shot.

You may use this simple server for sending POST requests:

The server needs you to POST data for the fname and lname fields.

Q2. Write a Python program that

  • takes as a command line argument the URI of a web page
  • extracts all the links from the page
  • lists all the links that result in PDF files, and prints out the bytes for each of the links. (Note: be sure to follow all the redirects until the link terminates with a "200 OK".)

Show that the program works on 3 different URIs, one of which must be

Q3. Consider the "bow-tie" structure of the web in the Broder et al. paper ( that was described in Week 1.

Now consider the following links:

A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
C --> A
C --> G
E --> F
G --> C
G --> H
I --> H
I --> K
L --> D
M --> A
M --> N
N --> D
O --> A
P --> G 

Draw the resulting graph (either sketch on paper or use another tool) and include an image in your report.

For the above graph, give the values for

  • IN:
  • SCC:
  • OUT:
  • Tendrils:
  • Tubes:
  • Disconnected:


Make sure that you have committed and pushed your local repo to GitHub. You should be using GitHub version control as you develop your solutions, so your repo should contain any code you developed to answer the questions.

Submit the URL of your report in Blackboard:

  • Click on HW1 under Homeworks
  • Under "Assignment Submission", click the "Write Submission" button.
  • Copy/paste the URL of your report into the edit box
    • should be something like{pdf,md}
  • Make sure to "Submit" your assignment.