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73 lines (52 loc) · 1.91 KB

File metadata and controls

73 lines (52 loc) · 1.91 KB


EdnaScript is a simple extension to JavaScript that makes it easy to write object-oriented code, define classes, constructors, and inheritance between classes.

This script is a prepocessor that converts source written in EdnaScript into JavaScript (ECMAScript).

EdnaScript is Copyright (C) 2014 Elod Csirmaz

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License.

Usage < INFILE.edna > OUTFILE.js

EdnaScript Syntax

EdnaScript extends JavaScript by defining shortcuts to class and method definitions. These shortcuts are full lines starting with a hash (and optionally, whitespace before the hash). The following outline lists all shortcuts:

#class <CLASSNAME> --- begins a class
#base <CLASSNAME> --- determines the parent class (optional)

  #constructor(arguments) --- begins the constructor method
    #super(arguments); --- calls the super constructor
    #nosuper --- add this line if the super constructor should not be called automatically
  #-constructor --- end the constructor method

  #method <METHODNAME>(arguments) --- begins a method
    #sup(...); --- calls the overridden method
    #retsup(...); --- calls the overridden method and returns its return value
  #-method --- ends the method

#-class --- ends the class


  • The compiler also allows type declarations before method names and argument names, which are simply deleted during preprocessing. For example:
#method bool hasprop(string property)
  • The compiler aborts if neither #super nor #nosuper is used in a constructor of a class that has a parent class.

  • A file can include multiple classes.


#class MyPoint

   #constructor(float x, float y)
      this._x = x;
      this._y = y;

   #method string info()
      return ('('+this._x+','+this._y+')');
