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OroJaR — ProgressiveGAN Regularization

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This repo contains a TensorFlow implementation of the Orothogonal Jacobian Regularization applied to ProgressiveGAN. The code is based on the Hessian Penalty, we thank the authors for their excellent work.


Follow the simple setup instructions here.

Visualizing and Evaluating Pre-Trained Models

The pre-trained models of OroJaR are provided at Google Drive or BaiduNetDisk (xwot). You can download and put them into pretrained_models folder. Other pre-trained models (e.g. Hessian Penalty, InfoGAN, vanilla ProGAN) can be found in Hessian Penalty. To generate a high-quality interpolation video in the visuals directory, which shows what each z component has learned, you can simply run:

python --models model_paths --seed <0/1/2/3/4>

You can also specify multiple checkpoints to generate visuals for them simultaneously. There are several visualization options; see for details and documentation.

To evaluate pre-trained models' PPLs and FIDs, you can use:

python --model model_paths --dataset <DATASET>

where <DATASET> is one of edges_and_shoes, clevr_simple, clevr_complex, clevr_u or clevr_1fov. This command will automatically download the dataset from Hessian Penalty if needed and then evaluate FID and PPL. (Note that for clevr_u specifically, you should use --model model_paths --dataset clevr_simple, since clevr_u is just a model trained on clevr_simple with nz=3).

To evaluate pre-trained models' VP , you can first use following command to generate the paired images:

python --model model_paths --seed <0/1/2/3/4>

Generated images will be saved to pairs. Then use this repository VP-metric-pytorch to get the VP score using the generated dataset. The hyperparams we used for testing is lr:0.0005, batch_size:32, epochs:300, input_mode:concat, in_channels:6, test_ratio:0.9, out_dim:(3 for CLEVR-U and 12 for others). For CLEVR-Simple dataset, the paired images are generated from top six activeness score dimensions, see for more details.
You should run multiple times (e.g. 3) of this evaluation procedure to obtain an averaged score for your model.

Finally, if you'd like to compute activeness score histograms, you can use

python --models models_paths --fig active --samples 300 --model_names <names for histograms> --dataset_names <titles for histograms>

Figures will be saved to visuals.


If you'd like to train new models, the main entry point is If you specify one of the datasets provided by Hessian Penalty with the --dataset argument (edges_and_shoes, clevr_simple, clevr_complex or clevr_1fov), it will be automatically downloaded to the datasets folder. Alternatively, you can set-up your own datasets with:

python create_from_images datasets/<pick_a_dataset_name> <path_to_folder_of_images>

There are several options related to the OroJaR that can be controlled with command-line arguments. Some examples of arguments you can add:

  • hp_lambda: Controls the loss weighting of the OroJaR
  • layers_to_reg: Controls which layers (1 through 13) are regularized by the OroJaR
  • epsilon: Controls granularity of finite differences approximation
  • num_rademacher_samples: Controls how many samples are used to estimate the Jacobian matrix

We include the commands used to train OroJaR model from scratch in the training_scripts folder.

To train a vanilla ProGAN, use --hp_lambda 0. To train with InfoGAN's regularizer, add --infogan_lambda <loss_weighting> --infogan_nz <nz>. This will regularize the first nz components of the z vector with InfoGAN's loss.

This code supports both Tensorboard and the WandB dashboard. If you want to use WandB, specify --dashboard_api wandb and --wandb_entity <entity/username> in your call to Regardless of the dashboard you use, disentanglement visualizations, training losses, network checkpoints, and FID/PPL will be periodically computed and saved to results, which you can then view in your dashboard.


If our code aided your research, please cite our paper:

    author    = {Wei, Yuxiang and Shi, Yupeng and Liu, Xiao and Ji, Zhilong and Gao, Yuan and Wu, Zhongqin and Zuo, Wangmeng},
    title     = {Orthogonal Jacobian Regularization for Unsupervised Disentanglement in Image Generation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    month     = {October},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {6721-6730}


This repo builds upon Hessian Penalty and StyleGAN-v1 TensorFlow library. We thank the authors for open-sourcing their code. The original license can be found in Hessian LICENSE and NVIDIA LICENSE.