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momentsLD (additional info)

Precomputing data

Parsing LD statistics from an input VCF file is a time-consuming process which is not a main part of the GADMA genetic algorithm evaluation. If you start GADMA several times, it will spend a lot of time parsing LD statistics from data. In this case, GADMA has the option of precomputing data before the main process starts.

gadma-precompute_ld_data script reads, precomputes, and saves preprocessed data. Use this script with the same parameters file as always and GADMA will automatically start data parsing using a number of processes specified in the parameters file. GADMA will save precomputed data in binary format for further work and update parameters file. The usage is the following:

GADMA module for data preprocessing with momentsLD engine
    gadma-precompute_ld_data        -p/--params     <params_file>
            -e/--extra      <extra_params_file>

Instead/With -p/--params and -e/--extra option you can set:
    -o/--output     <output_dir>            output directory.
    -i/--input      <in.fs>/<in.txt>/       input data for demographic inference
                    <in.vcf>,<popmap>       (AFS, dadi format or VCF).
    --resume        <resume_dir>            resume another launch from <resume_dir>.
    --only_models           flag to take models only from another
                            launch (--resume option).

    -h/--help               show this help message and exit.
    -v/--version            show version and exit.
    --test                  run test case.

In case of any questions or problems, please contact:

How to use your own precomputed data

You can precompute data on your own using moments.LD library opportunities. For correct GADMA work, you should save dictionary received after moments.LD.Parsing.compute_ld_statistics as binary file using pickle library. GADMA will read statistics and bootstrap regions from this file.

# param file
Input data : ./some.vcf, ./some_popmap
preprocessed_data: ./preprocessed_data.bp

For correct GADMA work please specify the correct VCF file and population map if you use precomputed data. They will not be used for evaluations, but GADMA needs them for correct work (code generation).

Region length and bed files generation

Engine momentsLD requieres bed files that determine regions for LD stats evaluation. GADMA has a function for the auto-generation of bed files. This bed files subset chromosomes to equal regions. You can specify region length in the param file.

# param file
region_len: 6400000

Take in mind that 15 is the minimum quantity of regions for computing LD statistics from data. If you pass in a length parameter that causes less than 15 regions to be received, it will be ignored. In the case of fewer regions, we will get a singular matrix during computing LD statistics and subsequent computation will be impossible. The larger the number of regions, the lower the noise level in the data. But at the same time, do not forget about the balance between the number of regions and the length of each individual region. Regions that are too small are also not suitable for work.

Recombination maps

Usually recombination rate for the whole sequence is used in GADMA. In that case recombinations maps for chromosomes are generated automatically. However, it is possible to specify maps directly.

A recombination map - is a genetic map that measures the probability of crossing over at each position in the genome. As default GADMA takes recombination maps in cM (centiMorgans). Option Recombination maps in params_file should be set to a directory containing a recombination map for each chromosome in a VCF file.

# param file
recombinations_maps: ./some_dir

Files in the given directory should be names according the following example:


If you have a few recombination maps united into one file, each map should have a head name according to the name of chromosome.

Custom demographic model with fixed size of ancestral population

In automatic GADMA inference with structure the size of ancestral population is inferred as a parameter of the demographic model. This value is specific as it is used in momentsLD engine for theta (differs from moments or dadi and equals to``4 * Ne * mu``) and rhos evaluations. In case of custom demographic model the size of ancestral population can be fixed. One need to tell GADMA this fixed value via Fixed ancestral size in params file:

# param file
Custom filename:
fixed_ancestral_size: 10000

LD keyword arguments

It is possible to set several arguments used in computing LD stats for momentsLD engine. All of these parameters have default (recomended) values in GADMA: recombination maps with cM units and VCF files containing unphased data.

Default LD kwargs:

r_bins : np.logspace(-6, -3, 7)
report: False,
bp_bins: np.array([ii for ii in range(0, 8275250, 1655050)]),
use_genotypes: True,
cM: True

If you want to change some of these arguments you can add to the parameter file ld_kwargs.

# param file
ld_kwargs: {“r_bins”: “np.logspace(-6, -3, 7)”, “report”: True}

Expressions must be enclosed in ““.

You can find more information about these arguments in the original documentation of momentsLD.

Plotting LD curves

GADMA saves plots of LD statistics during run. You can find them in the output directory.


In the generated code you can find code for LD curves plotting and information about label preparation. It will help you to plot only the curves you need.