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File metadata and controls

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Building and Configuring Iamus

This document describes building and configuring the Iamus metaverse-server. There are other documents on setting up and running the server. For development or other running configurations, refer to Notes On Development and Running Docker Image.

For more advanced notes on running an Iamus metaverse-server, check out Administration Notes.

Build Instructions

The application is a NodeJS/ExpressJS/TypeScript application so the build steps are:

npm install
npm run build

These commands build a runnable NodeJS application into the dist\ directory.

This building requires a newer version of npm (V6 or greater) and a newer version of NodeJS (V14 or greater). The build also invokes "git" interally to get the current version information so "git" must be available (might have to set the command PATH if building on Windows systems).


For testing and simple opertion, you can run Iamus in the build directory. Say you want to build and run Iamus in the directory IBASE. The steps are:

git clone
cd Iamus
npm install     # install all the required NodeJS packages
npm run build   # build Iamus into $IBASE/Iamus/dist/
# setup MongoDB (see notes below)
# create configuration file 'iamus.json' in directory $IBASE/Iamus (see below)
node dist/index.js  # run Iamus

Note that the iamus.json configuration file is not put in the 'dist/' directory because that directory is cleaned out before each build.

Iamus can also be built and run in a Docker container. Refer to Running Docker Image for instructions.

For connecting domain-servers to the Iamus metaverse-server, you must point any domain-servers (Vircadia) at this metaverse server. This is accomplished by setting the HIFI_METAVERSE_URL:


If you are modifying domain-server sources, the default server address is in NetworkingConstants.h:


Versioning and Development

The server has a package version specified in package.json. The build process creates the file VERSION.json which contains tags for the current package and build version. The format of the file is:

  "npm-package-version": "2.1.1",
  "git-commit": "02fac7f918f5137a6538965e55a219e85619b845",
  "version-tag": "2.1.1-20200812-02fac7f"

version-tag combines the NPM package version, the date of build, and the GIT commit version and is used to tag the Docker image.

The version information is also read and added to the configuration data structure (for use by the application) and added to the metaverse_info API requests for reading by external applications.


The server parameters are all specified in config.ts. These default values are overlayed with environment variables and then overlayed with the contents of a configuration file.

The environment variables are:

  • IAMUS_LOGLEVEL: logging level. One of 'error', 'info', 'warn', 'debug'. Default 'info'.
  • IAMUS_LISTEN_HOST: host to listen for requests on. Default ''.
  • IAMUS_LISTEN_PORT: port to listen for requests on. Default 9400.
  • IAMUS_CONFIG_FILE: filename or URL of a JSON formatted configuration file that over-rides the values. Default "./iamus.json".

The configuration file, if it exists, is read and its values overlay the other configuration values. This is the preferred method of configuring the server: use the IAMUS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to point at a configuration file that sets the values for the metaverse-server instance.

An example configuration file to start with is:

    "metaverse": {
        "metaverse-name": "My Metaverse",
        "metaverse-nick-name": "MyVerse",
        "metaverse-server-url": "",
        "default-ice-server-url": ""
    "server": {
        "cert-file": "config/cert.pem",
        "key-file": "config/privkey.pem",
        "chain-file": "config/chain.pem"
    "metaverse-server": {
        "metaverse-info-addition-file": "config/metaverse_info.json"
    "database": {
        "db": "myverse",
        "db-host": "",
        "db-user": "DBUSER",
        "db-pw": "DBUSERPASSWORD"
    "debug": {
        "loglevel": "debug",
        "devel": true,

This sets up a metaverse named "My Metaverse" that's available at the location The .pem files are the certificates that enable https: for that domain. If the .pem files are not specified, the metaverse-server will only respond to http: requests. The database section specifies the connection to the MongoDB database. If you have a complex connection string, replace these parameters with one db-connection parameter which is just the connection string.

All the configuration parameter default values are defined in src/config.ts.

Setup MongoDB

Iamus uses MongoDb as the backend database.

Install MongoDb following the instructions at :

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] bionic/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
sudo systemctl start mongod       # start server
sudo systemctl status mongod     # check that it is running
sudo systemctl enable mongod    # enable startup at boot

Turn on authentication and create some users for our instance:

use admin
db.createUser({user:"adminer", pwd: "LONGPASSWORD1", roles: [ "root" ]})
use admin
db.createUser({user:"backuper", pwd: "LONGPASSWORD2", roles: [ "backup" ]})
use admin
db.createUser({user:"cadiauser", pwd: "LONGPASSWORD3", roles: [{ role: "readWrite", db: "domainstore" }]})

Where, if course, "LONGPASSWORD*" is a collection of random letter and numbers. This creates account "adminer" for DB administration, "backuper" for doing backups and "cadiauser" to be the database user for the domain-server. The database is "domainstore".

After doing the above creation steps, edit /etc/mongod.conf and add:

    authorization: enabled

then do sudo systemctl restart mongod.


My default, Iamus logs to a file named iamus.log in the directory ./logs. Previous versions of the log file are rotated here and this directory can eventually hold up to 10, 100MB files. These parameters can be changed with the config file.

Config value default description
debug.log-to-files true whether to log to filesystem
debug.log-filename "iamus.log" base name of the log files
debug.log-directory "./logs" directory to store logs into
debug.log-max-size-megabytes 100 the maximum size of the individual log files
debug.log-max-files 10 number of old log files to keep
debug.log-compress false if to compress old versions of the log files
debug.log-to-console false whether to additionlly log to the console

When running with Docker, one often changes the logging directory to point into a mounted volume for easy reference.
