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File metadata and controls

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Cube.js can be configured both via environment variables and by providing configuration options in the cube.js file.

Example of setting a custom logger in the cube.js file.

module.exports = {
  logger: (msg, params) => {
    console.log(`${msg}: ${JSON.stringify(params)}`);

Options Reference

You can provide the following configuration options to Cube.js.

interface CubejsConfiguration {
  dbType: string | ((context: RequestContext) => string);
  schemaPath: string;
  basePath: string;
  webSocketsBasePath: string;
  logger: (msg: string, params: object) => any;
  driverFactory: (context: DriverContext) => BaseDriver | Promise<BaseDriver>;
  contextToAppId: (context: RequestContext) => string;
  contextToOrchestratorId: (context: RequestContext) => string;
  repositoryFactory: (context: RequestContext) => SchemaFileRepository;
  checkAuth: (req: ExpressRequest, authorization: string) => any;
  queryTransformer: (query: object, context: RequestContext) => object;
  preAggregationsSchema: string | (context: RequestContext) => string;
  schemaVersion: (context: RequestContext) => string;
  scheduledRefreshTimer: boolean | number;
  scheduledRefreshTimeZones: string[],
  scheduledRefreshContexts: () => Promise<object[]>,
  extendContext: (req: ExpressRequest) => any;
  compilerCacheSize: number;
  maxCompilerCacheKeepAlive: number;
  updateCompilerCacheKeepAlive: boolean;
  allowUngroupedWithoutPrimaryKey: boolean;
  telemetry: boolean;
  http: {
    cors: {
      methods: string | string[];
      origin: string;
      allowedHeaders: string | string[];
      exposedHeaders: string | string[];
      credentials: boolean;
      maxAge: number;
      preflightContinue: boolean;
      optionsSuccessStatus: number;
  jwt: {
    jwkUrl?: ((payload: any) => string) | string;
    key?: string;
    algorithms?: string[];
    issuer?: string[];
    audience?: string;
    subject?: string;
    claimsNamespace?: string;
  externalDbType: string | ((context: RequestContext) => string);
  externalDriverFactory: (context: RequestContext) => BaseDriver | Promise<BaseDriver>;
  orchestratorOptions: {
    redisPrefix: string;
    queryCacheOptions: {
      refreshKeyRenewalThreshold: number;
      backgroundRenew: boolean;
      queueOptions: QueueOptions;
    preAggregationsOptions: {
      queueOptions: QueueOptions;
  allowJsDuplicatePropsInSchema: boolean;

interface QueueOptions {
  concurrency: number;
  continueWaitTimeout: number;
  executionTimeout: number;
  orphanedTimeout: number;
  heartBeatInterval: number;

interface RequestContext {
  securityContext: object;
  requestId: string;

interface DriverContext extends RequestContext {
  dataSource: string;

interface SchemaFileRepository {
  dataSchemaFiles(): Promise<FileContent[]>;

interface FileContent {
  fileName: string;
  content: string;


Either String or Function could be passed. Providing a Function allows to dynamically select a database type depending on the user's context. It is usually used in Multitenancy Setup.

If no option is passed, Cube.js will lookup for environment variable CUBEJS_DB_TYPE to resolve dbType.

Called only once per appId.


Path to schema files. The default value is /schema.


REST API base path. The default value is /cubejs-api.


The base path for the websockets server. By default, the WebSockets server will run on the root path.


A function to setup a custom logger. It accepts the following arguments:

  • message: Cube.js Backend event message
  • params: Parameters of the call
module.exports = {
  logger: (msg, params) => {
    console.log(`${msg}: ${JSON.stringify(params)}`);


Set a custom database driver. The function accepts context object as an argument to allow dynamically loading database drivers, which is usually used in Multitenancy Applications.

Called once per dataSourceId. Can return a Promise which resolves to a driver.

const PostgresDriver = require('@cubejs-backend/postgres-driver');

module.exports = {
  driverFactory: ({ dataSource }) =>
    new PostgresDriver({ database: dataSource }),


It is a Multitenancy Setup option.

contextToAppId is a function to determine an App ID which is used as caching key for various in-memory structures like schema compilation results, connection pool, etc.

Called on each request.

module.exports = {
  contextToAppId: ({ securityContext }) =>


contextToOrchestratorId is a function to determine a caching key for Query Orchestrator instance. Query Orchestrator instance holds database connections, execution queues, pre-aggregation table caches. By default, returns the same value as contextToAppId.

Override it only in case multiple tenants should share the same execution queue and database connections while having different schemas instead of default Query Orchestrator per tenant strategy.

Called on each request.

module.exports = {
  contextToAppId: ({ securityContext }) =>
  contextToOrchestratorId: ({ securityContext }) =>


This option allows to customize the repository for Cube.js data schema files. It is a function, which accepts a context object and can dynamically select repositories with schema files based on SchemaFileRepository contract. Learn more about it in Multitenancy guide.

Called only once per appId.

const FileRepository = require('@cubejs-backend/server-core/core/FileRepository');

// using built-in SchemaFileRepository implementation and supplying the path to schema files
module.exports = {
  repositoryFactory: ({ securityContext }) =>
    new FileRepository(`schema/${securityContext.appId}`),

// supplying your own SchemaFileRepository implementation to return array of files
module.exports = {
  repositoryFactory: ({ securityContext }) => {
    return {
      dataSchemaFiles: async () =>
        await Promise.resolve([
          { fileName: 'file.js', content: 'contents of file' },


Used in both REST and WebSockets API. Can be an async functon. Default implementation parses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) in Authorization header and sets payload to req.securityContext if it's verified. More information on how to generate these tokens is here.

You can set req.securityContext = userContextObj inside the middleware if you want to customize SECURITY_CONTEXT.

Called on each request.

Also, you can use empty checkAuth function to disable built-in security. See an example below.

module.exports = {
  checkAuth: (req, auth) => {},


This is a security hook to check your query just before it gets processed. You can use this very generic API to implement any type of custom security checks your app needs and transform input query accordingly.

Called on each request.

For example you can use queryTransformer to add row level security filter where needed.

module.exports = {
  queryTransformer: (query, { securityContext }) => {
    if (securityContext.filterByRegion) {
        member: '',
        operator: 'equals',
        values: [securityContext.regionId],
    return query;


Schema name to use for storing pre-aggregations. For some drivers like MySQL it's name for pre-aggregation database as there's no database schema concept there. Either String or Function could be passed. Providing a Function allows to dynamically set the pre-aggregation schema name depending on the user's context.

Defaults to dev_pre_aggregations in development mode and prod_pre_aggregations in production.

Can be also set via environment variable CUBEJS_PRE_AGGREGATIONS_SCHEMA.

[[warning |]] | We strongly recommend using different pre-aggregation schemas in development and | production environments to avoid pre-aggregation tables clashes.

Called once per appId.

// Static usage
module.exports = {
  preAggregationsSchema: `my_pre_aggregations`,

// Dynamic usage
module.exports = {
  preAggregationsSchema: ({ securityContext }) =>


Schema version can be used to tell Cube.js schema should be recompiled in case schema code depends on dynamic definitions fetched from some external database or API. This method is called on each request however RequestContext parameter is reused per application ID as determined by contextToAppId. If the returned string is different, the schema will be recompiled. It can be used in both multi-tenant and single tenant environments.

const tenantIdToDbVersion = {};

module.exports = {
  schemaVersion: ({ securityContext }) =>


[[warning | Note]] | This is merely a refresh worker heart beat. It doesn't affect freshness of pre-aggregations or refresh keys. Setting this value to 30s doesn't mean pre-aggregatioins would be refreshed every 30s but rather checked for freshness every 30s. Please see pre-aggregations refreshKey documentation on how to set refresh intervals for pre-aggregations.

Cube.js enables background refresh by default. You can specify an interval as a number in seconds or as a string format e.g. 30s, 1m. Can be also set using CUBEJS_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMER env variable.

module.exports = {
  scheduledRefreshTimer: 60,

Learn more about scheduled refreshes here.

Best practice is to run scheduledRefreshTimer in a separate worker Cube.js instance. For Serverless deployments, REST API should be used instead.

You may also need to configure scheduledRefreshTimeZones and scheduledRefreshContexts.


All time-based calculations performed within Cube.js are timezone-aware. Using this property you can specify multiple timezones in TZ Database Name format e.g. America/Los_Angeles. The default value is UTC.

module.exports = {
  // You can define one or multiple timezones based on your requirements
  scheduledRefreshTimeZones: ['America/Vancouver', 'America/Toronto'],

This configuration option can be also set using the CUBEJS_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES environment variable. You can set a comma-separated list of timezones to refresh in CUBEJS_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_TIMEZONES environment variable. For example:



When trying to configure scheduled refreshes for pre-aggregations that use the securityContext inside contextToAppId or contextToOrchestratorId, you must also set up scheduledRefreshContexts. This will allow Cube.js to generate the necessary security contexts prior to running the scheduled refreshes.

[[warning |]] | Leaving scheduledRefreshContexts unconfigured will lead to issues where the | security context will be undefined. This is because there is no way for | Cube.js to know how to generate a context without the required input.

module.exports = {
  // scheduledRefreshContexts should return array of objects, which can declare authInfo
  scheduledRefreshContexts: async () => [
      authInfo: {
        myappid: 'demoappid',
        bucket: 'demo',
      authInfo: {
        myappid: 'demoappid2',
        bucket: 'demo2',


Option to extend the RequestContext with custom values. This method is called on each request. Can be async.


Maximum number of compiled schemas to persist with in-memory cache. Defaults to 250, but optimum value will depend on deployed environment. When the max is reached, will start dropping the least recently used schemas from the cache.


Maximum length of time in ms to keep compiled schemas in memory. Default keeps schemas in memory indefinitely.


Providing updateCompilerCacheKeepAlive: true keeps frequently used schemas in memory by reseting their maxCompilerCacheKeepAlive every time they are accessed.


Providing allowUngroupedWithoutPrimaryKey: true disables primary key inclusion check for ungrouped queries.


Cube.js collects high-level anonymous usage statistics for servers started in development mode. It doesn't track any credentials, schema contents or queries issued. This statistics is used solely for the purpose of constant cube.js improvement.

You can opt out of it any time by setting telemetry option to false or, alternatively, by setting CUBEJS_TELEMETRY environment variable to false.

module.exports = {
  telemetry: false,



CORS settings for the Cube.js REST API can be configured by providing an object with options from here.



The URL from which JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) can be retrieved. Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWK_URL.


A JSON string that represents a cryptographic key. Similar to API_SECRET. Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_KEY.


Any supported algorithm for decoding JWTs. Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_ALGS.


An issuer value which will be used to enforce the iss claim from inbound JWTs. Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_ISSUER.


An audience value which will be used to enforce the aud claim from inbound JWTs. Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_AUDIENCE.


A subject value which will be used to enforce the sub claim from inbound JWTs. Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_SUBJECT.


A namespace within the decoded JWT under which any custom claims can be found. Can also be set using CUBEJS_JWT_CLAIMS_NAMESPACE.


Should be used in conjunction with externalDriverFactory option. Either String or Function could be passed. Providing a Function allows you to dynamically select a database type depending on the user's context. It is usually used in Multitenancy Setup.

Called only once per appId.


Set database driver for external rollup database. Please refer to External Rollup documentation for more guidance. The function accepts a context object as an argument to allow dynamically loading database drivers, which is usually used for Multitenant deployments.

Called once per appId. Can return a Promise that resolves to a driver.

const MySQLDriver = require('@cubejs-backend/mysql-driver');

module.exports = {
  externalDbType: 'mysql',
  externalDriverFactory: () =>
    new MySQLDriver({
      host: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_HOST,
      database: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_NAME,
      port: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_PORT,
      user: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_USER,
      password: process.env.CUBEJS_EXT_DB_PASS,


[[warning | ]] | We strongly recommend leaving these options set to the defaults. Changing these values can result in application instability and/or downtime.

You can pass this object to set advanced options for Cube.js Query Orchestrator.

Option Description Default Value
redisPrefix Prefix to be set an all Redis keys STANDALONE
rollupOnlyMode When enabled, an error will be thrown if a query can't be served from a pre-aggregation (rollup) false
queryCacheOptions Query cache options for DB queries {}
queryCacheOptions.refreshKeyRenewalThreshold Time in seconds to cache the result of refreshKey check defined by DB dialect
queryCacheOptions.backgroundRenew Controls whether to wait in foreground for refreshed query data if refreshKey value has been changed. Refresh key queries or pre-aggregations are never awaited in foreground and always processed in background unless cache is empty. If true it immediately returns values from cache if available without refreshKey check to renew in foreground. Default value before 0.15.0 was true false
queryCacheOptions.queueOptions Query queue options for DB queries {}
preAggregationsOptions Query cache options for pre-aggregations {}
preAggregationsOptions.queueOptions Query queue options for pre-aggregations {}
preAggregationsOptions.externalRefresh When running a separate instance of Cube.js to refresh pre-aggregations in the background, this option can be set on the API instance to prevent it from trying to check for rollup data being current - it won't try to create or refresh them when this option is true false

To set options for queryCache and preAggregations, set an object with key queueOptions. queryCacheOptions are used while querying database tables, while preAggregationsOptions settings are used to query pre-aggregated tables.

const queueOptions = {
  concurrency: 3,

module.exports = {
  orchestratorOptions: {
    queryCacheOptions: {
      refreshKeyRenewalThreshold: 30,
      backgroundRenew: true,
    preAggregationsOptions: { queueOptions },


Timeout and interval options' values are in seconds.

Option Description Default Value
concurrency Maximum number of queries to be processed simultaneosly. For drivers with connection pool CUBEJS_DB_MAX_POOL should be adjusted accordingly. 2
continueWaitTimeout Long polling interval 5
executionTimeout Total timeout of single query 600
orphanedTimeout Query will be marked for cancellation if not requested during this period. 120
heartBeatInterval Worker heartbeat interval. If 4*heartBeatInterval time passes without reporting, the query gets cancelled. 30


RequestContext object is filled by context data on a HTTP request level.


Defined as req.securityContext which should be set by checkAuth. Default implementation of checkAuth uses JWT Security Token payload and sets it to req.securityContext.


The SchemaFileRepository contract defines an async dataSchemaFiles function which returns the files to compile for a schema. Returned by repositoryFactory. @cubejs-backend/server-core/core/FileRepository is the default implementation of the SchemaFileRepository contract which accepts schemaPath in the constructor.

class ApiFileRepository {
  async dataSchemaFiles() {
    const fileContents = await callExternalApiForFileContents();
    return [{ fileName: 'apiFile', content: fileContents }];

module.exports = {
  repositoryFactory: ({ securityContext }) => new ApiFileRepository(),


Boolean to enable or disable a check duplicate property names in all objects of a schema. The default value is false, and it is means the compiler would use the additional transpiler for check duplicates.