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File metadata and controls

135 lines (103 loc) · 9.58 KB

Cubestore Chart

Installing the Chart

$ cd examples/helm-charts
$ helm install my-release ./cubestore

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

Customize values

By default a router and two workers will be deployed. You can customize the deployment using helm values.

Refer to the official documentation for more information:


Deployment with:

  • 3 workers
  • GCP cloud storage (using a secret)
$ helm install my-release \
--set workers.workersCount=3 \
--set<service-account-secret-name> \
--set cloudStorage.gcp.credentialsFromSecret.key=<service-account-secret-key> \
--set cloudStorage.gcp.bucket=<my-bucket>


Remote dir

By default a shared remoteDir is created to store metadata and datasets if no cloudstorage is configured. Prefer usin cloudStorage if your are running on gcp or aws.

Local dir

By default local dir are not persisted. You can enable persistance on router and master.


Common parameters

Name Description Value
nameOverride Override the name ""
fullnameOverride Provide a name to substitute for the full names of resources ""
commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects {}
commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects {}

Image parameters

Name Description Value
image.repository Cubestore image repository cubejs/cubestore
image.tag Cubestore image tag (immutable tags are recommended) 0.28.26
image.pullPolicy Cubestore image pull policy IfNotPresent

Global parameters

Name Description Value
global.logLevel The logging level for Cube Store error
global.noUpload If true, prevents uploading serialized pre-aggregations to cloud storage
global.jobRunners The number of parallel tasks that process non-interactive jobs like data insertion, compaction etc. Defaults to 4
global.queryTimeout The timeout for SQL queries in seconds. Defaults to 120
global.selectWorkers The number of Cube Store sub-processes that handle SELECT queries. Defaults to 4
global.walSplitThreshold The maximum number of rows to keep in a single chunk of data right after insertion. Defaults to 262144

Remote dir parameters

Name Description Value
remoteDir.persistence.resourcePolicy Setting it to "keep" to avoid removing PVCs during a helm delete operation keep
remoteDir.persistence.size Persistent Volume size 10Gi
remoteDir.persistence.annotations Additional custom annotations for the PVC {}

Cloud Storage parameters

Name Description Value
cloudStorage.gcp.credentials A Base64 encoded JSON key file for connecting to Google Cloud. Required when using Google Cloud Storage A Base64 encoded JSON key file for connecting to Google Cloud. Required when using Google Cloud Storage (using secret)
cloudStorage.gcp.credentialsFromSecret.key A Base64 encoded JSON key file for connecting to Google Cloud. Required when using Google Cloud Storage (using secret)
cloudStorage.gcp.bucket The name of a bucket in GCS. Required when using GCS
cloudStorage.gcp.subPath The path in a GCS bucket to store pre-aggregations. Optional The Access Key ID for AWS. Required when using AWS S3 A Base64 encoded JSON key file for connecting to Google Cloud. Required when using Google Cloud Storage The Secret Access Key for AWS. Required when using AWS S3 (using secret) The Secret Access Key for AWS. Required when using AWS S3 (using secret) The name of a bucket in AWS S3. Required when using AWS S3 The region of a bucket in AWS S3. Required when using AWS S3 The path in a AWS S3 bucket to store pre-aggregations. Optional

Router parameters

Name Description Value
router.httpPort The port for Cube Store to listen to HTTP connections on 3030
router.metaPort The port for the router node to listen for connections on 9999
router.mysqlPort The port for Cube Store to listen to connections on 3306
router.statusPort The port for Cube Store to expose status probes 3331
router.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for local data using Persistent Volume Claims false
router.persistance.size Persistent Volume size 10Gi
router.persistance.accessModes Persistent Volume access modes [ReadWriteOnce]
router.persistance.annotations Additional custom annotations for the PVC {}
router.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
router.spreadConstraints Topology spread constraint for pod assignment []
router.resources Define resources requests and limits for single Pods {}

Workers parameters

Name Description Value
workers.workersCount Number of workers to deploy 2
workers.port The port for the router node to listen for connections on 9001
workers.persistence.enabled Enable persistence for local data using Persistent Volume Claims false
workers.persistance.size Persistent Volume size 10Gi
workers.persistance.accessModes Persistent Volume access modes [ReadWriteOnce]
workers.persistance.annotations Additional custom annotations for the PVC {}
workers.affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
workers.spreadConstraints Topology spread constraint for pod assignment []
workers.resources Define resources requests and limits for single Pods {}