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File metadata and controls

58 lines (43 loc) · 1.31 KB


World is an isolated context for each scenario that allow to share state between cucumber steps.

See the reference documentation.

In groovy World can be defined in any step definition script as follows:

World {
    new CustomWorld()

And the World object itself making its properties and methods available in step definitions:

class CustomWorld {
    def lastAte

    def lastAte(food) {
        lastAte = food

    def getMood() {
        'cukes'.equals(lastAte) ? 'happy' : 'tired'

Fo example in the below gherkin where we need to pass what value from the datatable from one step to another

  Scenario Outline: Passing varibales between steps
    Given I have <n> <what> in my belly
    Then I should be <mood>

  Examples: some cukes
    | n  | what   | mood  |
    | 13 | cukes  | happy |
    | 4  | apples | tired |

In step definitions we can save the value in CustomWorld object calling lastAte('cukes')

Given([~/^I have (\d+) cuke in my belly/, ~/^I have (\d+) cukes in my belly/] as Pattern[]) { int cukes ->

And check the saved value in subsequent step as follows:

Then(~'^I should be (.*)') { String mood ->
    assertEquals(mood, getMood())