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Erlang tutorial day 7

ETS (Erlang Term Storage)

ETS is a simple, built-in database management system in Erlang, supporting destructive updates to tables, which are collections (of some kind) of tuples. The merits of ETS include being

  • reliable,
  • lightweight and
  • native.

A table is a collection of tuples, or objects, with an appointed key position, controlled access based on an owner process of the table, and other settings/options.

new(Name, [Option…])Table — create an empty table

  • Name must be an atom, and each Option can be:
    • Type — the kind of collection, which can be:
      • set — a map (key ↦ maybe tuple) (the default)
      • ordered_set — a special map in which the tuples are always ordered by the elements in the key position
      • bag — a multimap (key ↦ set of tuples), equivalently a set
      • duplicate_bag — a multiset of tuples ordered_set tables generally use == for comparing key values, others use =:=
    • {keypos, Index} — the key position (default: 1)
      • Each tuple in the table has (is to have) at least as many elements as the key position.
      • Note that a record is a tuple tagged by the record-type. Use a key position greater than 1.
    • Access
      • public — any process can read from and write to the table
      • private — only the owner of the table has access to the table
      • protected — non-owners can only read from the table (the default)
    • named_table — use Name instead of an automatically generated number to refer to the table; without this option, the choice of Name has no real effect; Name is registered, there can be at most one named table with a given name
    • Heir
      • {heir, Pid, Message} — when the process dies, the table will be automatically transferred to Pid, which will furthermore receive the folloiwng message: {'ETS-TRANSFER', Table, FromPid, Message}
        • Pid must be local.
      • {heir, none} — the table will disappear along with its owner (the default setting)
  • Returns an identifier (Name or an automatically generated number) with which the table can be referred to.

rename(Table, NewName) — change the name of the Table to NewName

  • This has no real effect on unnamed tables.
1> T = ets:new(irrelevant, [ordered_set, {keypos, 2}]).

delete(Table) — delete the existing Table

  • Note: there's no garbage collection of tables.

insert(Table, Object | [Object…]) — insert Object(s) into the Table

  • In a set or ordered_set table, if Object matches a table element on the key position, then the Object overwrites that element. (For a bag or duplicate_bag table, there is no notion of overwriting.)
  • If there are multiple Objects overriding a given object, which one overwrites the others is undefined.
  • Insertion (even of [Object…] as a whole) is atomic and isolated.

insert_new(Table, [Object…])false | true — insert Object(s) into the Table

  • Only insert the Objects if they can all be added to the able without overwriting others.
  • This operation is all-or-nothing, and atomic and isolated.
  • Returns whether insertion happened.
2> ets:insert(T, [{good, 30.9}, {bad, 0.0}, {average, 25.4}]).
3> ets:insert(T, {very_bad, 0.0, "try again"}).

member(Table, Key)false | true — is there a table element with Key in the key position?

tab2list(Table)[Object…] — get the list of all elements in the Table

lookup(Table, Key)[Object…] — get the list of Table elements with Key in the key position

  • For set and ordered_set tables, the list has at most 1 element.
  • For set, bag and duplicate_bag tables, lookup is a constant-time operation, regardless of the table size.

lookup_element(Table, Key, Position)Value | [Value…] — get the Positionth component(s) of Table element(s) with Key in the key position

  • If there is no matching element, or if Position is out-of-bounds for some matching element, then a badarg exception is raised.
  • For set and ordered_set tables, the component of the appropriate table element is returned.
  • For bag and duplicate_bag tables, the (non-empty) list of component of the appropriate table element is returned.
4> ets:tab2list(T).
[{very_bad,0.0,"try again"},{average,25.4},{good,30.9}]
5> ets:member(T, 0).

delete_all_objects(Table) — clear the Table

  • This call is atomic and isolated.

delete(Table, Key) — delete all table elements with Key in the key position

delete_object(Table, Object) — delete Object from Table

  • In a duplicate_bag table, all instances of the object are deleted.
  • =:= is used even for an ordered_set table.

take(Table, Key)[Object…] − get the list of Table elements with Key in the key position, and remove those elements from the Table

all()[Table] — get the list of all tables

i() — print an overview of the existing tables

i(Table) — interactively browse objects in the Table

info(Table) → [Option…] — get the list of settings/options for the Table

info(Table, Item) → Value — get where Item can be either a key as in info/1, or:

  • fixedfalse | true
6> ets:info(T).
7> ets:new(tb, [named_table, duplicate_bag]).
8> ets:insert(tb, [{1, orange}, {1, pear}, {2, banana}, {3, grape}, {3, pear}, {3, pear}, {4, grape}, {4, grape}]).

first(Table)Key | '$end_of_table' — get a key from the elements in the Table

  • For an ordered_set table, this returns the smallest (first) element in order.

next(Table, Key)Key | '$end_of_table' — get the "next" key from the elements in the Table

  • For an ordered_set table, this returns a key that is closest, but greater than Key in the table (or '$end_of_table').
  • Otherwise, this is based on a lookup which may fail with badarg. To avoid this, use safe_fixtable/2, or avoid concurrent deletions.

last(Table)Key | '$end_of_table' — get a key from the elements in the Table

  • For an ordered_set table, this is like first/1, but with "greatest (last)" instead of "smallest (first)".
  • Otherwise, last/1 is just first/1.

prev(Table, Key)Key | '$end_of_table' — get the "previous" key from the elements in the Table

  • For an ordered_set table, this is like next/1, but with "lesser" instead of "greater".
  • Otherwise, last/1 is just first/1. As a consequence of the allocation of '$end_of_table' for first/1, next/2, last/1 and prev/2, avoid the use of '$end_of_table' in key positions in tables.
9> ets:first(tb).
10> ets:lookup(tb, 4).
11> ets:next(tb, 4).
12> ets:lookup(tb, 4).
13> ets:delete_object(tb, {3, grape}).
14> ets:delete_object(tb, {3, pear}).
15> ets:lookup(tb, 3).
16> ets:next(tb, 3).
** exception error: bad argument
     in function  ets:next/2
        called as ets:next(tb,3)
17> ets:all().
18> ets:info(T).

safe_fixtable(Table, false | true) — fixate a table, or release a fixation, respectively

  • Fixation is for safe traversal of a given table by first/1, next/2, last/1 and prev/2.
  • Fixations stack up for a table.
  • While fixated (at least once) a table is fixated, a sequence of first/1 and next/2 on the table will be guaranteed to succeed, regardless of concurrent deletions.
  • But during this time, the table's operational performance is lowered.
19> ets:new(tb, [named_table, duplicate_bag]).
20> ets:insert(tb, [{1, orange, 50}, {1, pear, 80}, {2, banana, 70}, {3, grape, 1}, {3, pear, 90}, {3, pear, 100}, {4, grape, 2}, {4, grape, 3}]).
21> ets:safe_fixtable(tb, true).
22> ets:delete(tb, 2).
23> ets:next(tb, 2).
24> ets:safe_fixtable(tb, false).


  • Must -include_lib("stdlib/include/ms_transform.hrl") in the relevant modules. This will rewrite each literal ets:fun2ms(…) call to the appropriate match specification (if possible, otherwise fail) at compile time. Otherwise, the call will remain as-is. This can cause a run-time error, because the real ets:fun2ms/1 is to be used on shell-defined functions.
  • The class of permitted Functions is very restricted; it must be /1, it may only call built-in functions, if/case/receive/etc constructs are not allowed (they don't have representations in a match specification), and no side-effects are allowed.
  • However, (assigned) variables from the environment may be used.
  • If there is an exception in a body of a match specification, then the result is 'EXIT'.

select(Table, MatchSpecification)[Object…] — get the result of a standard database select operation described by MatchSpecification

  • In certain classes of match specifications, algorithmically efficient lookups may happen.

select_reverse(Table, MatchSpecification)[Object…] — get the result of a standard database select operation described by MatchSpecification

select(Table, MatchSpecification, Limit){[Answer…], Continuation} | '$end_of_table'

select(Continuation){[Answer…], Continuation} | '$end_of_table'

27> ets:select(tb, ets:fun2ms(  fun({Number, Kind, Cost}) when Cost =< 30 * Number -> {Kind, Cost + Number} end  )).
28> MS = ets:fun2ms(  fun({Number, Kind, Cost}) when Cost =< 30 * Number -> {Kind, Cost + Number} end  ).

test_sc(Table, MatchSpec, Limit) ->
	continue_sc(ets:select(Table, MatchSpec, Limit)).

continue_sc({Answers, Continuation}) ->
	io:format("~p~n", [Answers]),
continue_sc('$end_of_table') ->
27> c(sc).
28> sc:test_sc(tb, MS, 2).

select_delete(Table, MatchSpecification)DeletionCount — delete elements from Table for which the MatchSpecification call returns true

select_replace(Table, MatchSpecification)ReplacementCount — transforms elements in the Table according to the MatchSpecification

  • The transformation must retain the key of any given object, otherwise there will be a badarg exception.
  • For each object, the match-and-replace operations form an atomic and isolated operation.
  • Currently, bag tables are not supported.

foldl(Fun, Acc0, Table) — fold the elements of Table

  • Fun must be (X, Acc)XAcc.
  • For ordered_set tables, traversal is in order.
  • Fun may insert objects into the table!

foldr(Fun, Neut, Table) — fold the elements of Table

  • Like foldl/3, but with "in reverse order" instead of "in order".

setopts(Table, [Option…]) — reconfigure the Table

  • The caller must be the owner of the process.
  • Practically, Option can only be {heir, none} or {heir, Pid, Message}, in which Pid must be local.

give_away(Table, Pid, Message) — transfer owner

  • The caller must be the owner of the process.
  • Pid must be alive and local, but must not be the caller.
  • This does not affect the heir option of the table. Idea: set the heir to be self(), and give the table away to a temporal process.

Query List Comprehensions

Problem: Find the names of people who own Trabants made before the year 2000. Solution: qlc:e(qlc:q([Name || {PersonID, Name} <- ets:table(person), {_CarID, Owner, trabant, Year} <- ets:table(car), Year < 2000, PersonID =:= Owner], unique)).

This looks like a naturally expressed query, and it's computed efficiently using a standard lookup-based table joining technique. How?

Effectively, the concept of query list comprehensions extends basic list comprehensions with new generators: query handles.

  • ets:table(Table) is a query handle generating the elements of the Table (by iterating over it).
  • qlc:q(QueryLC), where QueryLC is an "extended" list comprehension, constructs a query handle with the obvious semantics.
    • qlc:q/1,2 works much like ets:fun2ms/1. Need to include -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl") in modules.
  • qlc:q(QueryLC, unique) also causes the removal of duplicate elements from the result.
  • qlc:q(QueryLC, cache) comes with a modification that each generator is drained at most once, and temporarily cached for subsequent passes.
  • qlc:sort(QueryHandle) wraps QueryHandle in a sorting phase. qlc:e(QueryHandle), aka qlc:eval(QueryHandle) evaluates the query handle, and returns the list of elements generated.
  • The cache_all and unique_all options to qlc:e/2 spreads the cache and unique (respectively) option deeply to all query handles (sub query handles, etc).

In line with this, in a QLC, a generator expression may not depend on results from previous generators.

Evaluation of a QLC proceeds in 2 steps:

  1. The structure of the QLC is analyzed, some query optimizations are done.
  • qlc:sort(qlc:q(QueryLC, unique)) is calculated as: get all answers, sort (if needed), remove adjacent duplicates according to ==.
  • qlc:q([… || {A, …} <- QH1, {B, …} <- QH2, A =:= B]) is calculated using a join operation technique; even filters may be added, one after each generator.
  1. Generator expressions are evaluated (in a unspecified order).

The above optimizations can be requested at compile time by specifying option {join, lookup} or {join, merge} to qlc:q/2.

qlc:info(QH) — get a plan description

1> ets:new(person, [named_table]).
2> ets:new(car, [named_table]).
3> io:format("~s~n", [qlc:info(qlc:q([Name || {PersonID, Name} <- ets:table(person), {_CarID, Owner, trabant, Year} <- ets:table(car), Year < 2000, PersonID =:= Owner], unique))]).
    V1 =
               SQV ||
                   SQV <-
    V2 =
               P0 ||
                   P0 = {_CarID,Owner,trabant,Year} <- V1
    V3 =
               [G1|G2] ||
                   G2 <- V2,
                   G1 <- ets:table(person),
                   element(2, G1) =:= element(1, G2)
           Name ||
               [{PersonID,Name}|{_CarID,Owner,trabant,Year}] <- V3

Draining of a query handle can be done in chunks by use of a query cursor:

cursor(QH)Cursor — spawn a cursor

  • The caller process becomes the owner of the cursor. Only the owner may drain and delete the cursor.

next_answers(Cursor, Amount), where Amount is a positive integer or infinity (default: 10)

  • Can be called even after returning less than Amount answers, will just return [].

delete_cursor(Cursor) — delete the Cursor

append(QH1, QH2) — compose query handles: concatenate the two query handles

append([QH…]) — compose query handles: concatenate the query handles in order

fold(Fun, Acc0, QH) — evaluate QH and fold its output

  • Fun must be (X, Acc)XAcc.


DETS is the disk/file-backed variant of ETS. The API and semantics for DETS tables are almost the same as for ETS tables.

Tables must be opened and properly closed (beware of ^C). Multiple processes can own the same table. There's no ordered_set table type. There is no safe_fixtable/2-like support for concurrent modification of the table. There's a 2GiB size limit for each table.

Unless deferred, writing to DETS tables is much slower than writing to ETS tables.

open_file(Name, [Option…]){ok, Table} — open a table, create an empty one if needed

  • Option can be, for example:
    • {file, Path} — use the file at Path for disk storage
    • {ram_file, Path} — keep the (modified) table in memory Note: use sync/1 or close the table in time.
  • Table is Name.

open_file(Path){ok, Table} — open an existing table stored at Path

  • Table is a reference.

close(Table) — close the (opened) Table

sync(Table) — ensure that all updates made to Table are written to the disk

  • In particular, flush a ram_file to the disk.

See also: to_ets/2, from_ets/2, ets:to_dets/2 and ets:from_dets/2.


Consider an imaginary (role playing) computer game that involves the objective of putting together the epic combinations of guns and ammunition.

A gun consists of a base (e.g. pistol or rocket launcher) and a set of upgrades (e.g. no upgrades, or the upgrades of gold coating plus aiming assistant). Guns use ammunition, which is of some kind (e.g. bullet, rocket or petroleum), and contains an active load (e.g. plain mass, explosive or acid). However, not every gun base is compatible with every kind of ammunition (e.g. a pistol is not compatible with a rocket), and not every load is sensible in every kind of ammunition (e.g. plain mass is not sensible in petroleum).

The potential of a combination is rated by some attributes (e.g. accuracy, firing rate or ammunition cost); some are positive (higher value is better, e.g. accuracy), others are negative (higher value is worse, e.g. cost). The attribute values depend first on the gun base, and are further influenced by the upgrades and ammunition, additively.


  • gun bases: pistol, rifle, machine_pistol, assault_rifle, rocket_launcher, sprayer_handgun, sprayer_set
  • gun upgrades: scope, external_clip, aiming_assistant, gold_coating
  • ammunition kinds: bullet, buckshot, grenade, rocket, missile, petroleum, acid
  • ammunition loads: plain_mass, plain_explosive, plain_flammable, plain_acid, explosive, flammable, electromagnetic_charge, poison, acid, virus, radioactive
  • ammunition kind compatibilities with guns:
    • bullet, buckshot with pistol, rifle, machine_pistol, assault_rifle
    • grenade, rocket, missile with rocket_launcher
    • petroleum, acid with sprayer_handgun, sprayer_set
  • load sensibilities in ammunition kinds:
    • plain_mass, high_explosive, flammable, poison, acid, virus, radioactive in bullet, buckshot
    • plain_explosive, flammable, electromagnetic_charge, poison, acid, radioactive in grenade, rocket, missile
    • plain_flammable, poison, radioactive in petroleum
    • plain_acid, poison, virus, radioactive in acid
  • attributes: accuracy, effective_range, clip_capacity, firing_rate, reliability, cost, ammo_availability


  • Let there be a process that randomly generates gun bases with attributes into a table of manufacturable gun bases; the values should depend crucially on the gun base (e.g. a pistol is usually less accurate than a rifle). Likewise for gun upgrades, ammunition kinds and ammunition loads.
  • Let there be a process that periodically searches for and removes obviously inferior elements (guns bases, etc.). An element is obviously inferior if it is worse (or at least not better) on all attributes than some other element (of the same class).
  • Let there be a table (set) of metrics, to be used to compare combinations. 40 * accuracy + 2 * effective_range - 3 x weight. This table may be expanded (by the user) over time.
  • Let there be a process that, for each metric, collects a few of the best, manufacturable, compatible and sensible combinations a table.