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Contributing to C3 for Amazon Connect

Thank you for considering contributing to C3 for Amazon Connect! Your help is appreciated. Here are some guidelines to help you get started.

What to Contribute

Good Contributions

The following are some examples of contributions that will likely be accepted:

  • Documentation: Contributions that improve the documentation through corrections, clarifications, typos, or additional content are welcome.
  • Bug Fixes: Any contribution that fixes a bug is welcome.
  • Optimizations: Contributions that improve the performance of the system are encouraged.
  • Enhancements: We welcome new enhancements that improve the functionality of the application, but please discuss significant changes in an issue before starting.

Contributions to Avoid

The following are some examples of contributions that will likely not be accepted:

  • Very Specific Changes: Changes that are very specific to your use case and are unlikely to benefit others will likely not be accepted.
  • Out of Scope: Changes that are out of scope for the project will not be accepted. We want to keep the project focused on its intended purpose, which is to provide a simple and easy-to-use integration between Amazon Connect and C3 to improve the payment collection process.
  • Large Changes Without Discussion: Large changes that have not been discussed in an issue will likely not be accepted. Please create an issue to discuss significant changes before starting work.
  • Added Dependencies: Contributions that add a significant number of dependencies to the project will likely not be accepted. We want to keep the project as lightweight as possible.
  • Added AWS Resources: Contributions that add AWS resources to the project will likely not be accepted. We want to keep the project as simple as possible and avoid adding complexity.


Small Changes

Please make small changes that are easy to review. If you have a large change in mind, please consider breaking it up into smaller changes that can be reviewed and merged more easily.

Code Style

This project makes use of the Prettier code formatter. Please ensure that your code is formatted using Prettier before submitting a pull request.

Test Changes Against Your Own Instance

Please test your changes against your own AWS/Amazon Connect instance to ensure that they work as expected. If you need help knowing what to test, please ask.

Process for Contributing

  1. Create Issue: If you are considering a significant contribution, please create an issue to discuss the changes you would like to make beforehand.
  2. Fork the Repository: Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
  3. Clone the Forked Repository: Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
  4. Create a Branch: Create a branch for your changes.
  5. Make Changes: Make your changes to the code.
  6. Commit Changes: Commit your changes to your branch.
  7. Push Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository.
  8. Submit a Pull Request: Submit a pull request from your repository to the main repository. If your pull request is related to an issue, please reference the issue in the pull request.
  9. Review: The maintainers will review your pull request and may request changes.
  10. Merge: Once your pull request is approved, it will be merged into the main repository.