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"100 Days of Machine Learning Code Challenge" proposed by Siraj Raval


Day 1, 2, 3: Sep 10, 11, 12/2018

Progress: It starts and progresses in the course of Machine Learning Applied with Python by Platzi. The following chapters are finalized:

  1. Introduction
  2. How to define a Machine Learning problem
  3. The Machine Learning engineering cycle
  4. Set up a Pydata enviroment
  5. Data preparation
  6. Modeling and evaluation


  1. The concepts of preprocessing and dataset features visualization are more clear.
  2. Functionalities of the libraries numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn and scikit-learn are known.
  3. The Lasso regression model is known and applied.

Link(s) to work: Platzi-ML-IMDB

Day 4: Sep 13/2018


  1. I finished Feature Engineering chapter from Machine Learning Aplicado con Python course by Platzi.
  2. I watched ML.NET sessions from Microsoft DotNetConf 2018 conference.


  1. I learned feature engineering techniques to apply to datasets like: reduction, transformation, scaling and binary encoding..
  2. I can look to ML.NET like a development framework growing fast and in a midterm it can help me develop business apps combined with ML. I like this idea...I have to start trying it.

Link(s) to work:

  1. Platzi-ML-IMDB
  2. Machine Learning in .NET (ML.NET)
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Every .NET Developer

Day 5: Sep 14/2018


  1. I finished Machine Learning Aplicado con Python course by Platzi.
  2. The basic concepts of ML are reviewed again by reading blogs.


  1. Validation methods (Cross validation, validation curves and learning curves) and model evaluations for Decision trees with con Ensembles and Grid Search are studied.
  2. When studying again the basic concepts of ML like its applications and algorithms, it is always good to help to understand in a better way the different concepts in which it has been deepening.

Link(s) to work:

  1. Commit: Platzi-ML-IMDB
  2. Blog Aprende Machine Learning:
  3. Blog Aprende sobre Machine Learning:

Day 6: Sep 15/2018


I assisted to a local event in my city about Data Science & Artificial Neural Networks hosted by Python Cali

Day 7: Sep 16/2018


  1. I did exercises to practice ML algorithms: Exercises of Iris flowers classification and survival predictions on the Titanic are done using Regression Logistic, KNN, SVM and Decision trees models.
  2. The first 2 chapters of the Curso de Redes Neuronales y Backpropagation by Platzi are studied.

Link(s) to work:

Commit: ML practices.

Day 8: Sep 18/2018


Working on a introductory presentation about Machine Learning to share with a group of friends.

Link(s) to work:

Commit: ML Intro

Day 9: Sep 19/2018


  1. Done introductory presentation about Machine Learning to share with a group of friends.
  2. I hosted a "mini meetup" with a group of friends to share my knowledge about ML.

Link(s) al trabajo:

Commit: ML Intro

Day 10: Sep 20/2018


  1. I finished Redes Neuronales y Backpropagation course by Platzi.
  2. I started Move 37 course by School of AI.

Day 11, 12: Sep 21, 24/2018


  1. I watched Artificial Intelligence for the impatient developer video from .NET Conf CO v2017.
  2. Making progress with Move 37 course by School of AI.

Day 13: Sep 25/2018


Practice OpenAI Gym with the environment CartPole to implement and learn the basic RL methods of Random Search and Hill-Climbing.


Link(s) to work:

Commit: OpenAI Gym-CartPole

Day 14: Sep 26/2018


  1. I watched Machine Learning 101 video from .NET Conf CO v2017.
  2. I watched Google Dopamine video from Move 37 course by School of AI.

Day 15: Sep 27/2018


  1. I watched Welcome to the age of conversational interfaces video from .NET Conf CO v2017.
  2. I started Introducción a Deep Learning course by Platzi.

Day 16: Oct 05/2018


I watched the next videos about AI:

  1. How Smart Agents will shape the future from .NET Conf CO v2017.
  2. Inteligencia artificial y SQL Server 2017 from .NET Conf CO v2017.
  3. Servicios Cognitivos en la nube (visión, voz, traducción) from .NET Conf CO v2017.
  4. Conversational UI for Bots from Xamarin Show.

Day 17, 18: Oct 07, 08/2018


  1. I watched AI for Every Developer video from .NET Conf 2018.
  2. I finished Introducción a Deep Learning course by Platzi.

Day 19: Oct 09/2018


  1. I did an exercise to predict the prices of Boston houses using Linear Regression model.
  2. I did an executive introductory presentation to ML.
  3. I hosted a hangout with a group of friends to explain basics ML exercises of Classification and Regression.

Link(s) to work:

  1. Commit: ML practices.
  2. Commit: Presentation.

Day 20: Oct 10/2018


I've started Chapter 01 of Building Machine Learning Systems with Python book.

Day 21: Oct 12/2018


  1. I watched Getting Started with Visual Studio Tools for AI video from Microsoft Build 2018.
  2. I watched Cognitive Services in Xamarin Applications video from Microsoft Build 2018.
  3. I've finished chapter 01 and started chapter 02 of Building Machine Learning Systems with Python book.

Day 22: Oct 16/2018


  1. I watched Demystifying Machine and Deep Learning for Developers video from Microsoft Build 2018.
  2. I've finished Chapter 02 of Building Machine Learning Systems with Python book.

Day 23: Oct 17/2018


  1. I've finished chapter 03 of Building Machine Learning Systems with Python book.
  2. I've read some articles from DZone AI Zone.

Link(s) to work:

Day 24, 25: Oct 18, 23/2018


  1. I wrote a story on Medium about my personal motivation with AI (Spanish only).
  2. I read some articles about comparisons between and courses.

Link(s) to work:

Day 26: Oct 25/2018


I watched the next videos about AI:

  1. How to Learn Deep Learning (when you’re not a computer science PhD).
  2. Road to Deep Learning.
  3. Road to Deep Learning II.

Day 27: Oct 26/2018


  1. Video Conceptos básicos de Machine Learning.
  2. Video Introducción a los entornos virtuales en Python.
  3. Video Road to Deep Learning III Redes convolucionales.
  4. I've review chapters 1 and 2 from Building Machine Learning Systems with Python book.
  5. Video Error cuadrático en regresión lineal de Khan Academy.

Day 28: Oct 27/2018


  1. I've review chapter 3 from Building Machine Learning Systems with Python book.
  2. I've review day 1 of Crash Course from PyImageSearch.

Link(s) to work:

Day 29: Oct 30/2018


I've review day 2 of Crash Course from PyImageSearch.

Link(s) to work:

Day 30: Oct 31/2018


Done: Day 3 and 4 of Crash Course from PyImageSearch.

Link(s) to work:

Day 31: Nov 01/2018


Day 32: Nov 02/2018


  • Techniques like Cross validation, Accuracy score, Confusion matrix and Classification report are applied using a RandomForestClassifier model for Iris y Titanic exercises.
  • Techniques like Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Coefficient of determination (r2_score), L1 and L2 penalties are applied using a ElasticNet model for Boston houses exercise.

Link(s) to work:

Day 33, 34, 35: Nov 12, 13, 14/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 36: Nov 15/2018


Done: Day 7 and 8 of Crash Course from PyImageSearch.

Link(s) to work:

Day 37: Nov 17/2018


I've watched the next videos:

Day 38: Nov 21/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 39, 40: Nov 22, 23/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 41, 42: Nov 26, 27/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 43: Nov 28/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 44: Nov 29/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 45: Nov 30/2018


Day 46: Dec 01/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 47: Dec 02/2018


Day 48: Dec 03/2018


PyImageSearch book - DL4CV: Chapter 3: Done.

Day 49: Dec 04/2018


Microsoft AI School Program - Learning Path: Custom Vision Service: Lab Exporting a Custom Vision model and deploying on iOS: Done.

Link(s) to work:

Day 50: Dec 09/2018


PyImageSearch book - DL4CV: Chapter 4: Done.

Day 51: Dec 10/2018


PyImageSearch book - DL4CV: Chapter 5 and 6: Done.

Day 52: Dic 12/2018


Link(s) to work:

Day 53: Dec 14/2018


PyImageSearch book - DL4CV: Chapter 8: Done + Chapter 9: In progress.

Day 54: Dec 15/2018


PyImageSearch book - DL4CV: Chapter 9: Done.


100 Days of ML Coding Challenge







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