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Let's follow the instructions below to run the models proposed in my research paper entitled Multidimensional Item Response Theory Models for Testlet-Based Doubly Bounded Data, published in Behavior Research Methods.

Liu, C.-W. (2023). Multidimensional item response theory models for testlet-based doubly bounded data. Behavior Research Methods, XX(X), XX-XX.

Step 1:

Install the following R packages: install.packages(c("mvtnorm","randcorr","MASS","nimble","evaluate","Rcpp","coda"))

Make sure you have installed RTools from

Step 2:

Download the two files: multidimensional beta model correlations.R and sim_beta.cpp.

Source the file: source("multidimensional beta model correlations.R")

The arguments for the main function mcmc_main are as follows:


  • Item-response matrix (row: sample size, column: number of items by number of testlets). By default, NULL.
  • For instance, number of items = 2 and number of testlets = 3 means that the first two columns contain the item responses of the first testlet, and the second and third testlets are concatenated in column order. The resulting size of the response is sample size by number of items x number of testlets.


  • Set the seed of R‘s random number generator. In effect, it is set.seed(rand.seed).


  • Number of testlets. (Used for simulating data)


  • Number of items. (Used for simulating data)


  • Sample size of persons. (Used for simulating data)


  • TRUE: Carry out simulation study.
  • FALSE: Parameter estimation of real data (it also returns logProb_response for calculating WAIC by loo package)

return_sim = TRUE:

  • Return the simulated data and true values of the parameters


  • Number of initial, MCMC iterations to discard. Default value is 1.


  • Number of iterations to run each MCMC chain after burnin. Default value is 2.


  • Number of MCMC chains to run. Default value is 1.


  • model = 0 # logit-normal model (proposed model)
  • model = 1 # multidimensional beta model (without item-correlation parameters in the model)
  • model = 2 # beta copula model with item correlations (proposed model)
  • model = 3 # beta copula model with no item correlations (equivalent to model = 1)

est_theta = TRUE:

  • Obtain the estimates of latent traits.

sim_data = TRUE:

  • Simulate responses from posteriori of parameters


  • For internal experiments, which can be omitted.


  • For internal experiments, which can be omitted.

get_item_fit = TRUE:

  • Obtain outfit and infit for items. (Effective for model = 2)

waic_nimble = TRUE:

  • Obtain the WAIC from NIMBLE.

sigma_item_cor_values = FALSE or sigma_item_cor_values = 0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 0.9:

  • For internal experiments, which can be omitted.

mcmc_length_add = 0:

  • For internal experiments, which can be omitted.

Step 3: Carry out an example

  1. Simulate data:
source("multidimensional beta model correlations.R")
d = mcmc_main(rand.seed = 1
                ,testlet = 3
                ,itemnum = 2
                ,people = 1000
                ,simulation = TRUE
                ,return_sim=TRUE   # <--- return simulated data and true values of parameters
                ,model = 2)

d contains simulated data and true values of parameters.

out = mcmc_main(response = d$response  # <---- your data matrix
                ,rand.seed = 1
                ,testlet = 3
                ,itemnum = 2
                ,burnin = 1000         
                ,keep = 2000
                ,nchains = 3
                ,model = 2
                ,est_theta = TRUE
                ,sim_data = TRUE

Analyze your data:

To analyze your data, simply replace d$response with your own dataset. However, be sure to adjust other arguments such as testlet and itemnum as necessary.

Check the non-convergence of MCMC chains by gelman.diag function from coda when nchains > 1:

gelman.diag(out$samples_items, confidence = 0.95, transform=FALSE, autoburnin=TRUE, multivariate=FALSE)

Model comparison criterion: out$WAIC

Item fit:

  • outfit: out$ppp_outfit_item
  • infit: out$ppp_infit_item

Compare the parameter estimates with true values if simulation study was carried out.

  1. For BCM (the first column is the true values):

alpha (slope): cbind(c(,d$alpha)), out$est$alpha)

delta (location): cbind(c(,d$delta)), out$est$delta)

omega (precision): cbind(c(,d$tau)), out$est$tau)

correlations between traits: cbind(c(d$sigma), out$est$corr)

correlations between item errors: cbind(,d$sigma_item_cor), out$est$sigma_item_cor)

  1. For LNM (the first column is the true values):

lambda (slope): cbind(,d$alpha), out$est$alpha)

tau (location): cbind(,d$delta), out$est$delta)

correlations between traits: cbind(c(d$sigma), out$est$corr)

variance-covariance matrix between item errors: cbind(,d$sigma_item_cor), out$est$sigma_item_cor)


If the testlets in your dataset have varying numbers of items, you will need to modify the NIMBLE code in multidimensional beta model correlations.R accordingly:

code <- nimbleCode({

  for(n in 1:people){
    for (k in 1:total_items){
      M[n,k] <- exp(((inprod(alpha[k,1:D],theta[n,1:D])-delta[k])+tau[k])/2)
      N[n,k] <- exp((-(inprod(alpha[k,1:D],theta[n,1:D])-delta[k])+tau[k])/2)
    for (k in 1:testlet){
      response[n,item_index[k,1]:item_index[k,itemnum]] ~ dmbeta(a = M[n,item_index[k,1]:item_index[k,itemnum]], b = N[n,item_index[k,1]:item_index[k,itemnum]], cholesky = L22[1:D,1:D,k], prec_param = 0)
    theta[n, 1:D] ~ dmnorm(mu[1:D], cholesky = L[1:D, 1:D], prec_param = 0)
  L[1:D,1:D] ~ dlkj_corr_cholesky(eta=eta, p=D)
  corr[1:D,1:D] <- t(L[1:D,1:D])%*%L[1:D,1:D] # correlation matrix
  for (k in 1:testlet){
    L22[1:D,1:D,k] ~ dlkj_corr_cholesky(eta=eta, p=D)
    sigma_item_cor[1:D,1:D,k] <- t(L22[1:D,1:D,k])%*%L22[1:D,1:D,k] # correlation matrix

  for (k in 1:total_items){
    delta[k] ~ dnorm(0,0.0001)
    tau[k] ~  dnorm(0,0.0001)
  for (k in 1:index_alpha_length){
    E1[k] ~ dnorm(0,1)
    D1[k] ~ dnorm(0,0.0016)
    alpha[index_alpha[k,1],index_alpha[k,2]] <- pow(E1[k]/D1[k],2) # Half-Cauchy prior
  for (k in 1:index_zero_length){
    alpha[index_zero[k,1],index_zero[k,2]] <- 0

If you want to fit the code to your dataset, you need to

  • give a value to people (number of respondents)
  • give a value to total_items (total number of items)
  • specify which alpha element is estimated by index_alpha

Take itemnum = 2 and testlet = 3 for example,

index_alpha =
     row col
[1,]   1   1
[2,]   3   1
[3,]   5   1
[4,]   2   2
[5,]   4   2
[6,]   6   2

which indicates alpha[1,1], alpha[3,1], ..., and so on, are estimated. In addition, this implies that the remaining alpha elements are not estimated and are fixed to zero:

index_zero = 
    row col
[1,]   2   1
[2,]   4   1
[3,]   6   1
[4,]   1   2
[5,]   3   2
[6,]   5   2

index_alpha and index_zero are equal to the row number of index_alpha and index_zero, which is 6 in this case (equal to total_items).

M and N are the shape parameters of the beta distribution.

theta is a people by D matrix, where D is the number of dimensions. It depends on how many traits you assume for your data.

delta is the item threshold parameter vector for the statements.

tau is the item precision parameter vector for the statements.

item_index is a item index matrix:

item_index = 
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    2
[2,]    3    4
[3,]    5    6

used to indicate the item response location of the item response matrix (response; people by total_items matrix).

mu is a zero vector. In this case, mu = c(0,0) in R.

L is a cholesky matrix obtained from the LKJ distribution with eta = 1 for correlation matrix of the latent traits. So corr is the resulting correlation matrix of the latent traits (theta).

L22 is a cholesky matrix obtained from the LKJ distribution with eta = 1 for the correlations between items (statements). So sigma_item_cor is the resulting correlation matrix.

We also need specify the priors for delta and tau. E1 and D1 are temporary variable to construct the half-Chauchy prior for alpha.

Given that the logic behind the NIMBLE code for the LNM is similar, see the code in multidimensional beta model correlations.R.