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User Guide


Please refer to the :ref:`install_label` guide to configure Cosmic-CoNN.

Batch detection with console commands

By default, the console commands will load the generic "ground_imaging" model to perform CR detection on all FITS files in the working directory ./ and subdirectories. It reads the first valid image array in the *.fits or *.fz files:

$ cosmic-conn
# or equivalently (underscore)
$ cosmic_conn

Specifying the input directory

Batch processing multiple FITS files by specifying the input directory with -i or --input:

$ cosmic-conn -i input_dir
# to process a single file::
$ cosmic-conn -i input_dir/target_file.fits.fz

Specifying FITS extension for data

Use -e or --ext to define which extension to read data from, by default we read the first valid image array in the order of hdul[0] -> hdul[1] -> hdul['SCI'] unless user provided a extension name to override:

$ cosmic-conn -i input_dir -e SPECTRUM

Specifying the detection model

You could specify which model to use with -m or --model:

$ cosmic-conn -i input_dir -m ground_imaging       # the ground-imaging model (default)
$ cosmic-conn -i input_dir -m NRES                 # the spectroscopic model for LCO NRES
$ cosmic-conn -i input_dir -m HST_ACS_WFC          # the HST ACS/WFC model

Web-based app

The -a or --app arguments will launch a local instance of the web-based CR detector app, which supports CR mask preview and editing. Access the interface from

$ cosmic-conn -a

The generic ground_imaging model is loaded by default, here is a shorthand to launch the web app with the NRES model and read image from the SPECTRUM extension:

$ cosmic-conn -am NRES -e SPECTRUM
an image shows the web-based CR detector interface

The Cosmic-CoNN web app interface.

The preview windows help you to verify the results immediately after detection. We provided common scaling methods for visualzation, zscale is applied by default. You could also manually define the MIN-MAX range to disply, and their mapping to the UINT8 image. The pointer location shows the true pixel value at the bottom-left corner.

The editing tools on top of the mask preview windows help you to fine-tune the threshold and morphological dilation applied to the probability mask to acquire a binary mask that suits your data. A new copy of the FITS with the masks appended is saved in cosmic_conn_output of the working directory. The Download button will append the edited binary mask to the FITS.

Above the preview windows is a row of CR thumbnails sorted by CR size, so you could quickly navigate to the largest CR found in the image.


The web-based app launches a localhost Python HTTP server, your observation data is never uploaded to the internet.

Import as Python package

Adopting CR detection in your data workflow is simple. Let image be a two-dimensional float32 numpy array of any size:

from cosmic_conn import init_model

# initialize a Cosmic-CoNN model
cr_model = init_model("ground_imaging")

# the model outputs a CR probability map in np.float32
cr_prob = cr_model.detect_cr(image)

# convert the probability map to a boolean mask with a 0.5 threshold
cr_mask = cr_prob > 0.5

The returned array cr_prob is the predicted probability of each pixel being affected by CR, where \text{cr_prob}_{ij} \in [0, 1]. A threshold of 0.5 is suitable for most data but using the interactive preview in the Web-based app could help find the suitable parameters based on your data.

Lowering the threshold will include more peripheral CR pixels and applying morphological dilation will enlarge mask areas for the detected CRs. To dilate the mask by one pixel:

from skimage.morphology import dilation, square

cr_mask = dilation(cr_mask, square(3))