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File metadata and controls

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User Guide

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goma serve starts monitoring agent (server).
goma does not provide so-called daemon mode. Please use systemd or upstart to run it in the background.

At startup, goma will load TOML configuration files from a directory (default is /usr/local/etc/goma). Each file can define multiple monitors as described below.

goma works as clients for commands other than "serve".

By default, goma connects to the agent running on "localhost:3838". Use -s option to change the address.

  • list

    goma list lists all registered monitors.

  • show

    goma show ID show the status of a monitor for ID. The ID can be identified by list command.

  • start

    goma start ID starts the monitor for ID.

  • stop

    goma stop ID stops the monitor for ID.

  • register

    goma register FILE loads monitor definitions from a TOML file, register them into the agent, then starts the new monitors.

    If FILE is "-", definitions are read from stdin.

  • unregister

    goma unregister ID stops and unregister the monitor for ID.

  • verbosity

    goma verbosity LEVEL changes the logging threshold.
    Available levels are: debug, info, warn, error, critical

    goma verbosity queries the current logging threshold.

Monitors can be defined in a TOML file like this:

name = "monitor1"
interval = 10
timeout = 1
min = 0.0
max = 0.3

  type = "exec"
  command = "/some/probe/cmd"

  type = "average"

  type = "mail"
  from = ""
  to = [""]
Key Type Default Required Description
name string Yes Descriptive monitor name.
interval int 60 No Interval seconds between probes.
timeout int 59 No Timeout seconds for a probe.
min float 0.0 No The minimum of the normal probe output.
max float 0.0 No The maximum of the normal probe output.
probe table Yes Probe properties. See below.
filter table No Filter properties. See below.
actions list of table Yes List of action properties. See below.

See annotated sample file.

See GoDoc for construction parameters:

See GoDoc for construction parameters:

See GoDoc for construction parameters:

Care must be taken on which address and user will goma run.

Since goma can add dynamically a monitor to execute arbitrary commands, it is strongly discouraged to run goma as root (super user), or listen on any address.

By default, goma listens on "localhost:3838" so that only local users can access its REST API. You may change the address to, say, ":3838" to accept requests from remote hosts. Use firewalls like iptables, ufw, or firewalld to restrict access.

Strongly recommended is to create a user solely for goma, and run goma as that user. To escalate privileges for some probes, sudo with properly configured /etc/sudoers can be used.


GET will return a list of monitor status objects in JSON:

    {"id": "0", "name": "monitor1", "running": true, "failing": false},


POST will create and start a new monitor. The request content-type must be application/json.

The request body is a JSON object just like TOML monitor table:

    "name": "monitor1",
    "interval": 10,
    "timeout": 1,
    "min": 0,
    "max": 0.3,
    "probe": {
        "type": "exec",
        "command": "/some/probe/cmd"
    "filter": {
        "type": "average"
    "actions": [
            "type": "exec",
            "command": "/some/action/cmd"


GET returns monitor status for the given ID. The response is a JSON object:

    "id": "0",
    "name": "monitor1",
    "running": true,
    "failing": false

DELETE will stop and unregister the monitor.

POST can stop or start the monitor. The request content-type should be text/plain. The request body shall be either start or stop.


GET will return the current verbosity.
Possible values are: critical, error, warning, info, and debug.

PUT or POST will modify the verbosity as given by the request body. The request content-type should be text/plain. The request body shall be the new verbosity level string such as "error".