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kubectl moco plugin

kubectl-moco is a kubectl plugin for MOCO.

kubectl moco [global options] <subcommand> [sub options] args...

Global options

Global options are compatible with kubectl. For example, the following options are available.

Global options Default value Description
--kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/config Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.
-n, --namespace default If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request.

MySQL users

You can choose one of the following user for --mysql-user option value.

Name Description
moco-readonly A read-only user.
moco-writable A user that can edit users, databases, and tables.
moco-admin The super-user.

kubectl moco mysql [options] CLUSTER_NAME [-- mysql args...]

Run mysql command in a specified MySQL instance.

Options Default value Description
-u, --mysql-user moco-readonly Login as the specified user
--index index of the primary Index of the target mysql instance
-i, --stdin false Pass stdin to the mysql container
-t, --tty false Stdin is a TTY


This executes SELECT VERSION() on the primary instance in mycluster in foo namespace:

$ kubectl moco -n foo mysql mycluster -- -N -e 'SELECT VERSION()'

To execute SQL from a file:

$ cat sample.sql | kubectl moco -n foo mysql -u moco-writable -i mycluster

To run mysql interactively for the instance 2 in mycluster in the default namespace:

$ kubectl moco mysql --index 2 -it mycluster

kubectl moco credential [options] CLUSTER_NAME

Fetch the credential information of a specified user

Options Default value Description
-u, --mysql-user moco-readonly Fetch the credential of the specified user
--format plain Output format: plain or mycnf

kubectl moco switchover CLUSTER_NAME

Switch the primary instance to one of the replicas.

Stop or start clustering and reconciliation

Read Stop Clustering and Reconciliation.

kubectl moco stop clustering CLUSTER_NAME

Stop the clustering of the specified MySQLCluster.

kubectl moco start clustering CLUSTER_NAME

Start the clustering of the specified MySQLCluster.

kubectl moco stop reconciliation CLUSTER_NAME

Stop the reconciliation of the specified MySQLCluster.

kubectl moco start reconciliation CLUSTER_NAME

Start the reconciliation of the specified MySQLCluster.