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Service catalog infrastructure stack

This stack will provision an Amazon VPC along with a bastion EC2 server and various components necessary for deploying other stacks in a production environment.


  • EC2 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
  • S3 Amazon Simple Storage Service
  • VPC Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
    • containing subnets, key pair, security groups, ...
  • SES Amazon Simple Email Service
  • IAM Amazon Identity and Access Management


In order to run this task, couple elements are required within the infrastructure:

  • Having an S3 bucket to store Terraform remote states Here



Note The pipeline contains a manual approval between terraform plan and terraform apply. That means if you trigger a terraform plan, to apply it, you have to go on terraform apply job and click on the + button to trigger it.

Jobs description

  • terraform-plan: Terraform job that will simply make a plan of the infrastructure's stack.
  • terraform-apply: Terraform job similar to the plan one, but will actually create/update everything that needs to. Please see the plan diff for a better understanding.
  • terraform-destroy: ⚠️ Terraform job meant to destroy the whole stack - NO CONFIRMATION ASKED. If triggered, the full project WILL be destroyed. Use with caution.
  • deploy-bastion: Ansible job meant to configure Amazon EC2 server used as bastion.


Name Description Type Default Required
ansible_vault_password Password used by ansible vault to decrypt your vaulted files. - ((custom_ansible_vault_password)) True
aws_access_key Amazon AWS access key for Terraform. see value format Here - ((aws.access_key)) True
aws_default_region Amazon AWS region to use for Terraform. - eu-west-1 True
aws_secret_key Amazon AWS secret key for Terraform. see value format Here - ((aws.secret_key)) True
bastion_keypair bastion SSH private key used by ansible to connect on aws ec2 instances and the bastion itself. - ((ssh_bastion.ssh_key)) True
config_git_branch Branch of the config git repository. - config True
config_git_private_key SSH key pair to fetch the config git repository. - ((ssh_config_ro.ssh_key)) True
config_git_repository Git repository url containing the config of the stack. - ssh:// True
customer Name of the Cycloid Organization, used as customer variable name. - ($ organization_canonical $) True
env Name of the project's environment. - ($ environment $) True
extra_tags Dict of extra tags to add on aws resources. format { "foo" = "bar" }. - {} False
project Name of the project. - ($ project $) True
stack_git_branch Git branch of the stack source code. - master True
stack_git_repository Url to the git repository containing infrastructure stack source code. - True
terraform_storage_bucket_name AWS S3 bucket name to store terraform remote state file. - ($ organization_canonical $)-terraform-remote-state True
terraform_storage_bucket_path AWS S3 bucket path to store terraform remote state file. - ($ project $)/($ environment $) True



Name Description Type Default Required
backup_bucket_prefix Prefix for the S3 backup bucket (change it if a bucket with the same name already exists) - defaults to '${var.customer}-' - "" False
bastion_allowed_networks Networks allowed to connect to the bastion using SSH - False
bastion_instance_type Instance type for the bastion - t3.micro False
create_backup_user If a backup user has to be created or not int 0 False
create_infra_user If an admin user infra has to be created or not int 0 False
create_s3_bucket_remote_state terraform_remote_state s3 bucket has to be created or not int 0 False
enable_dynamodb_endpoint Should be true if you want to provision a DynamoDB endpoint to the VPC bool false False
enable_s3_endpoint Should be true if you want to provision an S3 endpoint to the VPC bool false False
extra_admin_users List of users to give the administrator access role to list [] False
infra_associate_vpc_to_all_private_zones Should be true if you want to associate the infra VPC to staging and prod privates zones. bool false False
infra_cidr The CIDR of the infra VPC - False
infra_private_subnets The private subnets for the infra VPC list ["", "", ""] False
infra_public_subnets The public subnets for the infra VPC list ["", "", ""] False
keypair_name The human-readable keypair name to be used for instances deployment - "${var.customer}-${var.project}${var.suffix}" False
keypair_public The public SSH key, for SSH access to newly-created instances - `` True
metrics_allowed_sg If you use the prometheus stack, you can define the provider and define the metrics_allowed_sg variable after creating promeheusFirst create infra, second create prometheus, third uncomment variable - `` False
prod_cidr The CIDR of the prod VPC - False
prod_elasticache_subnets The Elasticache subnets for the prod VPC list [] False
prod_private_subnets The private subnets for the prod VPC list ["", "", ""] False
prod_public_subnets The public subnets for the prod VPC list ["", "", ""] False
prod_rds_subnets The RDS subnets for the prod VPC list ["", "", ""] False
readonly_groups list [] False
readonly_users List of users to give a read-only access to list [] False
staging_cidr The CIDR of the staging VPC - False
staging_elasticache_subnets The Elasticache subnets for the staging VPC list [] False
staging_private_subnets The private subnets for the staging VPC list ["", "", ""] False
staging_public_subnets The public subnets for the staging VPC list ["", "", ""] False
staging_rds_subnets The RDS subnets for the staging VPC list ["", "", ""] False
zones The availability zones you want to use - [] False


Name Description
bastion_ip The EIP attached to the bastion EC2 server
bastion_sg The bastion security group ID.
deployment_bucket_name S3 bucket name for the deployment bucket
iam_backup_user_key The dedicated backup user
iam_backup_user_secret The dedicated backup user secret
iam_policy_infra-backup IAM read and write policy to the S3 backup bucket
iam_policy_infra-logs IAM write policy to AWS Cloudwatch logs
iam_policy_s3-deployment IAM read and write policy to the S3 deployment bucket
iam_ses_smtp_user_key The dedicated SES user
iam_ses_smtp_user_secret The dedicated SES user secret
infra_bastion_sg_allow The security group ID to allow SSH traffic from the bastion to the infra instances
infra_private_subnets The private subnets for the infra VPC
infra_private_zone_id The Route53 private zone ID for the infra VPC
infra_public_subnets The public subnets for the infra VPC
infra_rds_parameters-mysql57 The RDS parameter group ID for the infra VPC
infra_vpc_id The VPC ID for the infra VPC
keypair_name The deployment keypair name
prod_bastion_sg_allow security group ID tp allow SSH traffic from the bastion to the prod instances
prod_elasticache_subnet_group The elasticache subnet group for the prod VPC
prod_elasticache_subnets The elasticache subnets for the prod VPC
prod_private_subnets The private subnets for the prod VPC
prod_private_zone_id Route53 private zone ID for the prod VPC
prod_public_subnets The public subnets for the prod VPC
prod_rds_parameters-mysql57 RDS db parameters ID for the prod VPC
prod_rds_subnet_group The RDS subnet group for the prod VPC
prod_rds_subnets The RDS subnets for the prod VPC
prod_redshift_subnet_group The Redshift subnet group for the prod VPC
prod_redshift_subnets The redshift subnets for the prod VPC
prod_vpc_id The VPC ID for the prod VPC
staging_bastion_sg_allow security group ID tp allow SSH traffic from the bastion to the staging instances
staging_elasticache_subnet_group The elasticache subnet group for the staging VPC
staging_elasticache_subnets The elasticache subnets for the staging VPC
staging_private_subnets The private subnets for the staging VPC
staging_private_zone_id Route53 private zone ID for the staging VPC
staging_public_subnets The public subnets for the staging VPC
staging_rds_parameters-mysql57 RDS db parameters ID for the staging VPC
staging_rds_subnet_group The RDS subnet group for the staging VPC
staging_rds_subnets The RDS subnets for the staging VPC
staging_redshift_subnet_group The Redshift subnet group for the staging VPC
staging_redshift_subnets The redshift subnets for the staging VPC
staging_vpc_id The VPC ID for the staging VPC
zones AWS availability zones used


Name Description Type Default Required
backup_snapshots Setup cron to trigger EC2 snapshots. dict {} False
base_custom_hosts Define extra custom hosts for the /etc/hosts file to fill with dict {} False
base_deps When set to true it will try installing extra packagesd defined afterwards bool true False
base_extra_packages The extra packages (deb/rpm) to install list [] False
base_extra_pip_packages The extra pip packages to install list [] False
base_hosts If host settings should be included bool true False
base_hosts_suffix Specify if you want specific hosts suffix - "" False
base_manage_host_file Set to true if you want the hosts file to be managed bool true False
base_manage_host_r53 Set to true if you want internal entries to be created bool false False
base_r53_internal_zone Defines in which internal zone entries should be added in R53 - "" False