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executable file
40 lines (28 loc) · 1.86 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
40 lines (28 loc) · 1.86 KB


the Online Judge for Changjun Middle School


  1. install nodejs(need ES6 support, ver >= 0.11 required), npm, mongodb by your package manager
  2. run npm install at current directory. It's recommended since Mongoose need to be compiled
  3. run node --harmony bin/server.js

To make live easier, you can install some other packages:

  1. LiveScript: to compile the LiveScript code to JavaScript code. then run lsc -wco . src to watch and compile the LiveScript codes.
  2. nodemon: to automatically restart server. run nodemon --harmony bin/server.js instead of node --harmony bin/server.js

useful commands

  1. DEBUG=dollast:* nodemon --harmony -w bin bin/server.js to run server
  2. lsc -c src -o . -w to watch all LiveScript files
  3. lsc -c && mv webpack.js webpack.config.js && webpack to watch JS files in client side


how to make a round

  1. create an empty round without any problems; keep the round id in this step.
  2. create problems as you like; remember to set round id when creating;
  3. that's it!

how to reuse a problem

I give up. The solution is... to create the same problem twice!

The problem is that we don't know when to cancel a problem, i.e., when to delete the rid attribute of this problem. And I think there should be duplicated problems, even if I add the feature that we can reuse problems in different rounds.

If you want, you can delete this attribute (the rid attr for each problem) manually, and then you can reuse it. To make it more handy, there is one API named round.publish which releases all problems in this round.

some general settings

permission manage

Each resource is managed by a binary code ABC, while A indicates the permission of the owner, and B indicates that of the users in this group, and C is that of everyone.

r: get descriptions w: change descriptions x: submit