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I followed the instructions and resources provided in "" to build my very first ICP in local environment, and I decided to summarize the notes and walkthrough into the following sections so others can have a quick jumpstart.

{boot-node-ip} --> to be replaced by boot-node's ip
$ --> command prompt, indicates start of a command


Have Vagrant( and VirtualBox( installed.
Have your notebook connected to wifi.
The following commands can be applied to Mac or Linux straightaway and may need some modifications for Windows.
You have 16GB of RAM.

Prepare Vagrant image and VirtualBox VM:

Under the "Vagrant" folder, there are 5 sub-folders namely:
microservice-builder-base: this is the base image for rest of the VirtualBox VM
boot-node: refer to "" for Boot Node
master-node: refer to "" for Master Node
proxy-node: refer to "" for Proxy Node
worker-node: refer to "" for Worker Node

Assuming "{ICP_Local_Install}" is our working directory already, first of all, we need to build the base image with the following commands:
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/microservice-builder-base && vagrant up
This may take several to 1x minutes depends on the network speed.
$ vagrant package --base microservice-builder-base --output
$ vagrant box add microservice-builder-base
This will store the newly created VM as a vagrant image, and now it's safe to remove the transitional VM with the following command.
$ vagrant destroy -f

Next we can start building VMs for boot-node, master-node, proxy-node, and worker-node with following commands one at a time.
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/boot-node && vagrant up
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/master-node && vagrant up
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/proxy-node && vagrant up
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/worker-node && vagrant up

Now infrastructure is ready, and the only thing left to do before install ICP is to ensure the connectivity among these nodes.

Ensure Connectivity Among Nodes

Reteive IP addresses of all four nodes by running the following commands one at a time and take note of the IP for eth1.
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/boot-node && vagrant ssh -c "ifconfig eth1"
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/master-node && vagrant ssh -c "ifconfig eth1"
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/proxy-node && vagrant ssh -c "ifconfig eth1"
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/worker-node && vagrant ssh -c "ifconfig eth1"

Configure the IP addresses into boot-node and setup boot-node into a DNS server.

$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/boot-node && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo {master-node-ip} master-node master-node >> /etc/hosts'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo {master-node-ip} master.cfc master.cfc >> /etc/hosts'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo {proxy-node-ip} proxy-node proxy-node >> /etc/hosts'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo {worker-node-ip} worker-node worker-node >> /etc/hosts'"

Restart the DNS server running on boot-node
$ vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'systemctl restart dnsmasq'"

Configure master-node, proxy-node, worker-node to resolve domain name with boot-node's DNS server

$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/master-node && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo nameserver {boot-node-ip} > /etc/resolv.tmp'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'cat /etc/resolv.conf >> /etc/resolv.tmp'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'mv /etc/resolv.tmp /etc/resolv.conf'"
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/proxy-node && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo nameserver {boot-node-ip} > /etc/resolv.tmp'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'cat /etc/resolv.conf >> /etc/resolv.tmp'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'mv /etc/resolv.tmp /etc/resolv.conf'"
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/worker-node && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo nameserver {boot-node-ip} > /etc/resolv.tmp'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'cat /etc/resolv.conf >> /etc/resolv.tmp'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'mv /etc/resolv.tmp /etc/resolv.conf'"

Retrieve SSH public key from boot-node and configure the key into master, proxy, worker node, so we won't be asked for password during ICP installation process

$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/boot-node
$ vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo -e \"y\n\"|ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -P \"\" -C \"\"'"
$ vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'cat ~/.ssh/'"
Copy everything between "ssh-rsa" and "==" inclusive (aka. {SSH_PUBLIC_KEY}) into a notepad, we need this rightaway.

Configure boot-node's key into master node
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/master-node && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh/'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo {SSH_PUBLIC_KEY} >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'"

Configure boot-node's key into proxy node
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/proxy-node && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh/'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo {SSH_PUBLIC_KEY} >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'"

Configure boot-node's key into worker node
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/worker-node && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh/'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'echo {SSH_PUBLIC_KEY} >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'" && \
vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'chmod 400 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'"

Test Connectivity From Boot-Node
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/boot-node
$ vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'ssh root@master-node'"
$ exit
$ vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'ssh root@proxy-node'"
$ exit
$ vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -c 'ssh root@worker-node'"
$ exit

Install ICP From Boot-Node

SSH into boot-node as root and start to install ICP. The latest version we are using is 1.2.0 refered to ""
$ cd {ICP_Local_Install}/vagrant/boot-node
$ vagrant ssh -c "sudo su -"
$ docker pull ibmcom/cfc-installer:1.2.0
$ docker run -e LICENSE=accept --rm -v "$(pwd)":/data ibmcom/cfc-installer:1.2.0 cp -r cluster /data
$ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa cluster/ssh_key
$ echo [master] > cluster/hosts && \
echo {master-node-ip} >> cluster/hosts && \
echo [worker] >> cluster/hosts && \
echo {worker-node-ip} >> cluster/hosts && \
echo [proxy] >> cluster/hosts && \
echo {proxy-node-ip} >> cluster/hosts

By entering the following (last) command, ICP installation is commenced:
$ cd cluster && docker run -e LICENSE=accept --net=host --rm -t -v "$(pwd)":/installer/cluster ibmcom/cfc-installer:1.2.0 install
After a successful installation, we should see something like following prompts up in terminal. Alt text

Now let's open up the "UI URL" in browser to take a look at ICP's dashboard Alt text Alt text