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File metadata and controls

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How to use Provis

This section will explain how to use provis and how to get your desired plots.

In short you have to initialize a Protein class instance with the desired .pdb file. Then you have to create a Plotter or a DynamicPlotter class instance and pass the previously created Protein to it. Once the (Dynamic)Plotter is initialized you can plot using its plotting methods.

Loading a pdb

Provis uses the information in .pdb files to plot your desired protein. The most straightforward way is to pass the full path of the file to provis, as the .pdb file can be saved anywhere if you pass the full path. For example save the path to the name variable:

name = "/home/username/provis/data/pdb/2fd7.pdb"

As explained in setup, provis requires a specific directory structure. If you have your .pdb file stored in the /data/pdb directory you do not have to specify a full path to the pdb file, but simply the name of the file:

name = "2fd7.pdb" # "2fd7" also works

Initializing the Protein class

The Protein class encompasses and combines all classes of the provis.src.processing package.

It first figures out the location of the .pdb file using the NameChecker class. Then it instantiates a FileConverter class so the necessairy temporary files can be converted from our .pdb file.

Then a DataHandler class is created. This class calculates all the necessairy non-surface related meshes, such as the Spheres corresponding to each atom or the backbone of the molecule. Next, a SurfaceHandler class handles all the surface related computation.

prot = Protein(name, base_path=None, density=3.0)

Specify the name of the .pdb file.

The path to the special direcotry explained in setup has to also be provided. This is passed in the base_path variable and should point to the root directory of the /data and /binaries directories.

Plotter class

Use the Plotter class to plot. At least one Protein has to be passed. If two proteins are passed then they will be plotted side-by-side. It is possible to add more proteins later using the Plotter.add_protein(Protein) method.

prot2 = Protein(name, model_id=30)
plot = Plotter(prot, prot2, msms=msms, notebook=notebook)


You will have to also specify if you want to plot the msms binary version of the surface or the simpler native mesh. If the msms option is chosen you can also specify the density of the triangulation (to be passed to the msms binary).

Solvent atoms can also be plotted by setting the plot_solvent variable to True.

And finally if you are working in a Jupyter Notebook like environment then set the notebook varaible to True.


Plotting can be achieved by calling the member functions of the Structure and the Surface classes. For example for the prot class instance defined above the bonds of the molecule can be plotted as follows:

All plotting functions have the following input variables:
  • box (bool): If True bounding box will be plotted around molecule.
  • res (Residue): Specified residue will be marked with a red box.
  • outname (str): Save image of the plot to the file passed in this variable (otherwise saved in data/img).
  • camera ( A pyvista camera object to be make it easier to set a fixed camera position to compare two molecules.

Some of the plotting functions have additional input variables. One example; plot_bonds():

  • colorful (bool): If True different bond types will be plotted in different colors.

    Single bonds: white

    Double bonds: blue Triple bonds: green Amide bonds: red Aromatic bonds: purple Undefined/Anything else: black


Setting a good camera position is very important. By default the camera portion is set to [0, max * 3, 0], where max is the largest deviation of the coordinates from the center of the molecule. This ensures that the whole molecule is visible in the plot window and that the camera will always face the same direction when plotting dynamically.

To set the camera position manually the DataHandler class' instance variables named DataHandler._cam_pos (the default camera position) and DataHandler._max_coords (the maximum deviation, as explained above) might be helpful.

The output

The output will be an interactive vtk.Window window. The output will also be saved as an image to "root directory"/data/img.

The following image are the bonds of the 1st and 31st model of a given dynamic trajectory.

The following images are the bonds of the 1st and 31st model of a given dynamic trajectory.

The following image are the atoms of the 1st and 31st model of a given dynamic trajectory.

The following images are the atoms of the 1st and 31st model of a given dynamic trajectory.