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A small, batteries-included database library for Zig.


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A small, batteries-included database library for Zig. It provides an alloc-free query builder, connection pooling, shorthands for common tasks, migrations, and more.

However, it's important to note that this is not and will never be an ORM. It's designed to be a simple, low-abstraction, and efficient library for interacting with SQLite databases (for now).


  • supports both bundling sqlite3 with your app or linking system sqlite3
  • alloc-free query builder
  • connection pool
  • shorthands for common tasks
  • migrations inspired by David Röthlisberger
  • docs


zig fetch --save

Then, in your build.zig:

// or .bundle = false if you want to link system sqlite3
const sqlite = b.dependency("fridge", .{ .bundle = true });
exe.root_module.addImport("fridge", sqlite.module("fridge"));

Low-level API

The low-level API provides direct interaction with SQLite, but it's important to note that using the fr.Statement can result in a error.SQLITE_BUSY if the same table is modified concurrently. To avoid this, it is recommended to use the higher-level fr.Session API. However, if you still prefer to use the low-level API, here's an example for reference.

const fr = @import("fridge");

var conn = try":memory:");
defer conn.close();

var stmt = try conn.prepare("SELECT 1", .{});
defer stmt.deinit();

try stmt.step(); // call this for every row

const one = try stmt.column(u32, 0); // get the first column as u32

Session API and the query builder DSL

If you want to avoid locking tables, you can use the primary API, let's start with the imports and a struct for the User table.

const std = @import("std");
const fr = @import("fridge");

const User = struct {
    id: u32,
    name: []const u8,
    role: []const u8,

Like in the low-level API, we need to open a connection to the database. To do this, we need a fr.Connection and an arena Allocator so let's create them.

const conn = try":memory:");

var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(...);
defer arena.deinit();

Now, let's create the Session and some queries.

var session = fr.Session.fromConnection(arena.allocator(), conn);
defer session.deinit(); // will close the connection but not free any memory

const all_users = fr.query(User);
const admin_users = fr.query(User).where(.{ .role = "admin" });

Those queries are immutable and alloc-free, you can think about them as if they were a DSL compiled to a static SQL string. It's not 100% true, but it's a good mental model.

for (try session.findAll(admin_users)) |u| {
    std.log.debug("Admin user: {}", .{u});

    // Here, we could do any changes to the `User` table and we wouldn't
    // get the `error.SQLITE_BUSY` error.
    try session.update(User,, .{ .role = "user" });

Interaction with the session may need to allocate and it might also fail, so we need to use try here. Again, if you think about queries as a compiled DSL, we are now executing the compiled query, which by itself is completely inert (and useless).

The query itself is also completely independent of the session, you could use it alone, with your own types, if you wanted to. You just need to provide a *std.ArrayList(u8) for writing the SQL string and some statement: anytype with a stmt.bind(index, value) method.


A connection pool is a collection of database connections that are created in advance and can be reused by multiple clients. It helps improve performance and scalability by reducing the overhead of establishing a new connection for each client request.

Here's an example of how to use the fr.Pool:

var pool = fr.Pool.init(allocator, "my.db", 5);
defer pool.deinit();

// we still need arena for every session
var arena = ...
defer ...

// in this case, session.deinit() will return the connection to the pool
var session = try Session.fromPool(arena.allocator(), &pool);
defer session.deinit();

// now we can use the session as usual
_ = try session.findAll(fr.query(User));


There is a simple migration script which can be used with any DDL SQL file. It expects a CREATE XXX statement for every table, view, trigger, etc. and it will automatically create or drop respective objects. The only hard requirement is that all names need to be quoted.

    name TEXT NOT NULL

In the case of a table, it will try to reuse as much data as possible. It will first create a new table with a temporary name, then it will copy all data from the old table with INSERT INTO xxx ... FROM temp and finally it will drop the old table and rename the new one.

This means you can freely add or remove columns, but you can't change their types or remove default values. It's not fulfledged migration system, but it works surprisingly well for most cases.

try sqlite.migrate(allocator, "my.db", @embedFile("db_schema.sql"));




A small, batteries-included database library for Zig.








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