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File metadata and controls

191 lines (126 loc) · 5.12 KB


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SimpleURL is based on Werkzeug routing system for Brubeck.

Why not use regex based routing system?

  • Regex is hard.

  • Too complicated.

  • Easy to make mistake.

    • Example

    Above regex routes seems to be different but not. Request - /brubeck and /brubeck/1 will match first because you have failed to place $ at the end. As a developer you are not supposed to waste your time writing clever regex and debugging regex.

Why Werkzeug ?

  • Simple

  • Extensively documented

  • Active community

  • Fully WSGI compatible

  • Various utility functions for dealing with HTTP headers such as Accept and Cache-Control headers

Talk is cheap, show me the code

#! /usr/bin/env python
#! -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from simpleurl import SimpleURL
from brubeck.request_handling import Brubeck, render
from brubeck.connections import Mongrel2Connection

brubeck_app = Brubeck(msg_conn=Mongrel2Connection('tcp://',
app = SimpleURL(brubeck_app)

def index(application, message):
    body = 'Take five index'
    return render(body, 200, 'OK', {})

def one(application, message):
    body = 'Take five one'
    return render(body, 200, 'OK', {})

#: Default value
@app.add_route('/all/', defaults={'ids': 1}, method=['GET', 'POST'])
@app.add_route('/all/<ids>', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def process(application, message, ids):
    body = 'Take five - %s times' % (str(ids))
    return render(body, 200, 'OK', {})

#: float value for urls
def check_float(application, message, value):
    return render("You passed float value:%s" % str(value), 200, 'OK', {})

# Note: its is method is methods, since brubeck uses method.
@app.add_route('/int/<int:value>', endpoint='check_int', method=['GET'])
def check_int(application, message, value):
    return render("You passed int:%s" % str(value), 200, 'OK', {})

app.add_route_url('/', 'index', index)
app.add_route_url('/one', 'one', one)

# If URL Rule is not found `werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound: 404: Not Found` is raised
# class based views

from brubeck.request_handling import Brubeck, WebMessageHandler, render
from brubeck.connections import WSGIConnection
from simpleurl import SimpleURL

class IndexHandler(WebMessageHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.set_body('Take five!')
        return self.render()

class NameHandler(WebMessageHandler):
    def get(self, name):
        self.set_body('Take five, %s!' % (name))
        return self.render()

    def post(self, name):
        self.set_body('Take five post, {0} \n POST params: {1}\n'.format(name, self.message.arguments))
        return self.render()

def name_handler(application, message, name):
    return render('Take five, %s!' % (name), 200, 'OK', {})

urls = [('/class/<name>', NameHandler),
        ('/fun/<name>', name_handler),
        ('/', IndexHandler)]

config = {
    'msg_conn': WSGIConnection(),
    'handler_tuples': urls,

brubeck_app = Brubeck(**config)
app = SimpleURL(brubeck_app)

@app.add_route('/deco/<name>', method='GET')
def new_name_handler(application, message, name):
    return render('Take five, %s!' % (name), 200, 'OK', {})


From Flask quick start page

Unique URLs / Redirection Behavior

The idea behind that module is to ensure beautiful and unique URLs based on precedents laid down by Apache and earlier HTTP servers.

Take these two rules:

def projects():
    return render('The project page', 200, 'OK', {})

def about():
    return render('The about page', 200, 'OK', {})

Though they look rather similar, they differ in their use of the trailing slash in the URL definition. In the first case, the canonical URL for the projects endpoint has a trailing slash. In that sense, it is similar to a folder on a file system. Accessing it without a trailing slash will cause Flask to redirect to the canonical URL with the trailing slash.

In the second case, however, the URL is defined without a trailing slash, rather like the pathname of a file on UNIX-like systems. Accessing the URL with a trailing slash will produce a 404 “Not Found” error.

This behavior allows relative URLs to continue working if users access the page when they forget a trailing slash, consistent with how Apache and other servers work. Also, the URLs will stay unique, which helps search engines avoid indexing the same page twice.


For more info about Werkzeug Routing


The SimpleURL development version can be installed by cloning the git repository from github

`git clone`


$ python tests/
$ python tests/