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Releases: dagster-io/dagster

Waiting To Exhale

13 Feb 00:27
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🎆 🚢 🎆 Dagster 0.7.0: Waiting To Exhale 😤 😌 🍵

We are pleased to announce version 0.7.0 of Dagster, codenamed “Waiting To Exhale”. We set out to make Dagster a solution for production-grade pipelines on modern cloud infrastructure. In service of that goal, we needed to fill missing gaps and incorporate feedback from the community at large.

Our last release, 0.6.0, expanded Dagster from local developer experience to a hostable product, allowing for scheduling, execution, and monitoring of pipelines in the cloud.

This release goes further, supporting pipelines with 100s and 1000s of nodes, deployable to modern, scalable cloud infrastructure, with dramatically improved monitoring tools, as well as other features.

Given this, 0.7.0 introduces the following:

  • Revamped, Scalable Dagit A completely redesigned Dagit with a more intuitive navigation structure, beautiful look-and-feel, and massive performance improvements to handle pipelines with hundreds or even thousands of nodes.
  • Execution Viewer Executing and historical runs within Dagit uses a new live-updating, queryable waterfall viewer. See below for a preview of the new UI:

  • A Dagster-K8s library which provides the ability to launch runs in ephemeral Kubernetes Pods, as well as an early helm chart for executing pipelines.
  • A Dagster-Celery library designed to work with K8s that provides global resource management using dedicated queues, and distributed execution of dagster pipelines across a cluster.
  • Streamlined scheduler configuration and new backfill APIs and tools to help manage your scheduled workflows in production.
  • A Dagster-Pandas integration that provides useful APIs for dataframe validation, summary statistics emission, and auto-documentation in dagit so that you can better understand and control how data flows through your pipelines.
  • Redesigned documentation, examples, and guides to help flesh out the core ideas behind the system.


There are a substantial number of breaking changes in the 0.7.0 release. These changes effect the scheduler system, config system, required resources, and the type system. We apologize for the thrash, and thank you for bearing with us!

For more info on changes check out the following resources:


0.7.0 migration guide:


18 Apr 18:51
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API Changes

  • There is now a new top-level configuration section storage which controls whether or not
    execution should store intermediate values and the history of pipeline runs on the filesystem,
    on S3, or in memory. The dagster CLI now includes options to list and wipe pipeline run
    history. Facilities are provided for user-defined types to override the default serialization
    used for storage.
  • Similarily, there is a new configuration for RunConfig where the user can specify
    intermediate value storage via an API.
  • OutputDefinition now contains an explicit is_optional parameter and defaults to being
    not optional.
  • New functionality in dagster.check: is_list
  • New functionality in py23-compatible FileNotFoundError, json.dump,
  • Dagster default logging is now multiline for readability.
  • The Nothing type now allows dependencies to be constructed between solids that do not have
    data dependencies.
  • Many error messages have been improved.
  • throw_on_user_error has been renamed to raise_on_error in all APIs, public and private


  • The GraphQL layer has been extracted out of Dagit into a separate dagster-graphql package.
  • startSubplanExecution has been replaced by executePlan.
  • startPipelineExecution now supports reexecution of pipeline subsets.


  • It is now possible to reexecute subsets of a pipeline run from Dagit.
  • Dagit's Execute tab now opens runs in separate browser tabs and a new Runs tab allows you to
    browse and view historical runs.
  • Dagit no longer scaffolds configuration when creating new Execute tabs. This functionality will
    be refined and revisited in the future.
  • Dagit's Explore tab is more performant on large DAGs.
  • The dagit -q command line flag has been deprecated in favor of a separate command-line
    dagster-graphql utility.
  • The execute button is now greyed out when Dagit is offline.
  • The Dagit UI now includes more contextual cues to make the solid in focus and its connections
    more salient.
  • Dagit no longer offers to open materializations on your machine. Clicking an on-disk
    materialization now copies the path to your clipboard.
  • Pressing Ctrl-Enter now starts execution in Dagit's Execute tab.
  • Dagit properly shows List and Nullable types in the DAG view.


  • Dagster-Airflow includes functions to dynamically generate containerized (DockerOperator-based)
    and uncontainerized (PythonOperator-based) Airflow DAGs from Dagster pipelines and config.


  • Dagster integration code with AWS, Great Expectations, Pandas, Pyspark, Snowflake, and Spark
    has been reorganized into a new top-level libraries directory. These modules are now
    importable as dagster_aws, dagster_ge, dagster_pandas, dagster_pyspark,
    dagster_snowflake, and dagster_spark.
  • Removed dagster-sqlalchemy and dagma


  • Added the event-pipeline-demo, a realistic web event data pipeline using Spark and Scala.
  • Added the Pyspark pagerank example, which demonstrates how to incrementally introduce dagster
    into existing data processing workflows.


  • Docs have been expanded, reorganized, and reformatted.


15 Mar 15:40
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Hotfix to not put config values in error messages. Had to re-release because of packaging errors uploaded pypi (.pyc files or similar were included)


01 Nov 20:31
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Pushing an update because dagit 0.2.8 was getting out-of-date code.


01 Nov 17:14
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  • Version bump to deal with likely pypi issue around using a fourth-level version number
  • Added more elegant syntax for building solid and context configs


31 Oct 23:01
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Version 0.2.7 Release Notes

Most notable improvements in this release are bunch of improvements to dagit, most notably hot reloading and the in-browser rendering of python error. Also the ability to scaffold configs from the command line is the first fruit of the rearchitecting of the config system.

  • Dagster improvements:

    • Added scaffold_config command which generates the template of a yaml file needed to drive the execution of a particular pipeline
    • Added the ability to automatically serialize intermediate inputs as they flow between solids. Consider this alpha quality. It is currently hard-coded to write out to /tmp/dagster/runs/<<run_id>>
  • Dagit improvements:

    • Hot-Reloading and in-browser rendering of python errors.
    • Scrolling and performance improvements
    • Keyboard short cuts to navigate between solids using arrow keys
    • In-app previews of notebooks for dagstermill solids


09 Oct 00:58
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  • 'run_id' value automatically included in ExecutionContext context
    stack. This is a uuid.
  • Config system update:

This is a significant change in the config system. Now the top level environment objects (and all descendants) are now part of the dagster type system. Unique types are generated on a per-pipeline basis. This unlocks a few things:

  1. The entirety of yaml config files are now type-checked in the same fashion as the user-defined config.
  2. One can now pass dictionaries to execute_pipeline that mimic the yaml files exactly. You no longer have to use the dagster.config APIs (although those still work)
  3. The entire config system is queryable via graphql (and therefore shows up in dagit). This adds some noise to the type browser (we can mitigate that soon), but this will enable the building of a config-editor is fully aware of the dagster type system.
  4. This has one breaking change. The yaml file's format has changed slightly.


   name: context_name
   config: some_config_value


       config: some_config_value

BREAKING CHANGE: Config format change. See above.


05 Oct 03:16
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Version bump to 0.2.5 (#227)

  • Added the Type Explorer in Dagit. You can now browse all the types
    declared in a pipeline.
  • Added the --watch/--no-watch flag to dagit. This allows you to turn
    off watching in cases where there are two many files below the
    current working directory.


01 Oct 14:42
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This version bump contains a few changes (including one breaking

  • New, radically improved version of dagit. Vertical layout, and a
    beautiful new design. H/T to @bengotow for this spectacular work.
  • All types now require names. This is breaking change for
    ConfigDictionary, which did not require a name. You will
    have to change your calls to ConfigDictionary or
    ConfigDefinition.config_dict to include a name that is unique to the
  • Solids default to take no config definition, rather than a config
    definition typed as any.


22 Sep 17:31
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Driving factor to release this is a bug in the command line interface in 0.2.2 (#207)

Other changes in this release:

  • CLI interface has changed slightly. Whenver dagit or dagster needs to
    specify a function to load a repo or a pipeline, us the -n/--fn-name
    flag combo. Before this was split out into to different use cases in
  • We now have the ability to reuse a single solid definition multiple
    times within the same pipeline using the SolidInstance API. See the
    corresponding tutorial section for more details.
  • Documentation continues to improve.