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Parracodea edited this page Mar 23, 2024 · 5 revisions

Be sure to check Build for generic instructions.

Current as of 2023-01-07 on Alpine latest

Tested on an x64 device. For detailed instructions for building with Alpine on a Raspberry Pi, see Build\RPi\Alpine.


Install the prerequisite packages:

apk add git cmake ninja build-base sdl2-dev freetype-dev opus-dev

Clone the repositories:

git clone
git clone

Build latest version

Update the repositories to the latest versions of the master branch, then build the source:

cd SeriousProton
git checkout master
git pull
cd ../EmptyEpsilon
git checkout master
git pull

# Build the source:
mkdir -p _build
cd _build
cmake .. -G Ninja -DSERIOUS_PROTON_DIR=$PWD/../../SeriousProton/

Create the .deb package by running ninja package.

To build from a different git tag or ref, replace master in git checkout master.

To set the EmptyEpsilon version, set the values of the -DCPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR=2022 -DCPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR=10 -DCPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH=19 variables as described in the Build doc.

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