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File metadata and controls

127 lines (112 loc) · 5.57 KB

Pet store pet-be cell

This pet store backend cell consists of 4 microservices.

  • Catalog (Catalog of the accessories available in the pet store)
  • Customers (Existing customers of the Pet Store)
  • Orders (Orders placed at the Pet Store by Customers)
  • Controller (Controller service which fetches data from the above 3 microservices and processes them to provide useful functionality)

All 4 micro services are implemented in node.js.

Pet-be cell

The below shown is the cell file for the pet-be cell which is in pet-be.bal.

import celleryio/cellery;

public function build(cellery:ImageName iName) returns error? {

    // Orders Component
    // This component deals with all the orders related functionality.
    cellery:Component ordersComponent = {
        name: "orders",
        source: {
            image: "wso2cellery/samples-pet-store-orders:latest"
        ingresses: {
            orders: <cellery:HttpApiIngress>{
                port: 80

    // Customers Component
    // This component deals with all the customers related functionality.
    cellery:Component customersComponent = {
        name: "customers",
        source: {
            image: "wso2cellery/samples-pet-store-customers:latest"
        ingresses: {
            customers: <cellery:HttpApiIngress>{
                port: 80

    // Catalog Component
    // This component deals with all the catalog related functionality.
    cellery:Component catalogComponent = {
        name: "catalog",
        source: {
            image: "wso2cellery/samples-pet-store-catalog:latest"
        ingresses: {
            catalog: <cellery:HttpApiIngress>{
                port: 80

    // Controller Component
    // This component deals depends on Orders, Customers and Catalog components.
    // This exposes useful functionality from the Cell by using the other three components.
    cellery:Component controllerComponent = {
        name: "controller",
        source: {
            image: "wso2cellery/samples-pet-store-controller:latest"
        ingresses: {
            controller: <cellery:HttpApiIngress>{
                port: 80,
                context: "controller",
                expose: "local",
                definition: <cellery:ApiDefinition>cellery:readSwaggerFile(
        envVars: {
            CATALOG_HOST: { value: cellery:getHost(catalogComponent) },
            CATALOG_PORT: { value: 80 },
            ORDER_HOST: { value: cellery:getHost(ordersComponent) },
            ORDER_PORT: { value: 80 },
            CUSTOMER_HOST: { value: cellery:getHost(customersComponent) },
            CUSTOMER_PORT: { value: 80 }
        dependencies: {
            components: [catalogComponent, ordersComponent, customersComponent]

    // Cell Initialization
    cellery:CellImage petStoreBackendCell = 
        components: {
            catalog: catalogComponent,
            customer: customersComponent,
            orders: ordersComponent,
            controller: controllerComponent
    return cellery:createImage(petStoreBackendCell, untaint iName);

public function run(cellery:ImageName iName, map<cellery:ImageName> instances) returns error? {
    cellery:CellImage petStoreBackendCell = check cellery:constructCellImage(untaint iName);
    return cellery:createInstance(petStoreBackendCell, iName, instances);

Build method

  • The build method will be executed when cellery build is performed, and user can pass the cellery:ImageName iName as a parameter during cellery build. And therefore the controller component's HttpAPIIngress's API definition is updated by reading the swagger file in the build method.
  • There are four components defined to deploy four micro-services (catalog, orders, customers, and controller), and all four components have HTTP ingress to receive the external requests.
  • Only controller component has defined expose parameter to local in the HttpAPIIngress, and therefore only controller component is exposed as cell API, and all other three components are only accessible within the cell and not from other cells.
  • The API definition of the controller micro service is defined in the swagger file pet-store.swagger.json.
  • The controller component cell has defined envVars to get the runtime value of host and ports for other components catalog, customer, and orders.
  • All four components are defined included in the cell during petStoreBackendCell initialization.
  • cellery:getHost method will return the actual host value of other micro-services components so that respective envVars will be properly set at the controller component.
  • Finally, the method cellery:createImage within the build method will create the cell image.

Run method

  • The run method will be executed when cellery run is performed.
  • cellery:ImageName iName will be passed into the run method which will have both cell image and the corresponding instance name that the cellery runtime should spawn.
  • As the cell image is already built during build method, users can only change the envVars in the component and pass those as runtime values.
  • Finally, the method cellery:createInstance will spawn an instance of the cellery:ImageName iName