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Free for DSLs, cofree for interpreters
2015-06-01 22:00:00 +1000

Free for DSLs, cofree for interpreters

This is the first post in a series of posts, which will cover the material from a talk I gave at YOW! Lambda Jam, titled "Cofun with Cofree Comonads".

The slides, these posts, and the associated code are in the github repository, although the code is evolving at a steady pace and the code that supports future draft posts is likely to change a lot between now and when I get the related blog posts together.

An introduction to free monads for DSLs

I'm not going to be getting into the underlying theory of free monads to any extent in these posts.

Instead I'll be focusing on the use of free monads in order to build something like a DSL (domain-specific language).

Gabriel Gonzalez has written some great posts on free monads here and here. If you haven't come across free monads before, I recommend reading those posts before continuing, because I'm most likely going to butcher the explanation in my rush to get to cofree.


The Free data type has two constructors:

data Free f a =
    Pure a
  | Free (f (Free f a))

If you squint, this can be viewed as a kind of tree.

The Pure constructor can be viewed as the leaves of a tree. The Free constructor can be viewed as the branches. If f is a Functor and we use the functors-as-containers analogy, then we have a container of Free f as.

Additionally, if f is a Functor then we can define a Monad instance for Free f:

instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
  return x = Pure x
  (Pure r) >>= f = f r
  (Free x) >>= f = Free (fmap (>>= f) x)

In the above instance

  • return turns a pure value into a leaf of the tree
  • >>= takes a function for turning pure values into trees, and substitutes the leaves with the trees which result from running that function on the values in the leaves

Our toy DSL

It turns out this is pretty handy for defining and working with DSLs, so lets put a toy DSL together in order to see what this actually gives us.

The DSL will be used to track the running total as we add to, clear, and query the total.

First we need to define the underlying functor:

data AdderF k =
    Add Int (Bool -> k)
  | Clear k
  | Total (Int -> k)

The type parameter k can be thought of as "what to do next".

The DSL will have three commands

  • add an Int to the total, after which we get hold of a Bool which indicates if we can continue
    • if the Bool is true, the Int has been added to the total
    • if the Bool is false, the Int would have overflowed the counter the service is using to track the total, so the total is left unchanged
    • we can use that Bool to determine what we will do next
  • clear the total, and then move on to the next DSL action.
  • ask for the total
    • we can choose our next action based on the Int that we get back.

This has a functor instance:

instance Functor AdderF where
  fmap f (Add x k) = Add x (f . k)
  fmap f (Clear k) = Clear (f k)
  fmap f (Total k) = Total (f . k)

but we could have turned on the DeriveFunctor language extension and gotten this for free.

Now we have what we need to create a monad for manipulating our DSL:

type Adder a = Free AdderF a

At this point we have lost our k parameter from before.

If we unfold the definitions a little, we end up with the following:

type Adder a =
    Pure a
  | Free (Add Int (Bool -> Adder a))
  | Free (Clear (Adder a))
  | Free (Total (Int -> Adder a)

If we were thinking of k as "what to do next", it is now either

  • return a value
  • carry out another action in the Adder monad

We can also add some extra effects into the mix by using FreeT:

type AdderT m a = FreeT AdderF m a

Combinators for the DSL

At the moment this is a bit inconvenient to work with, so we use liftF from the free package to build the combinators for working in our language from the data type:

add :: Int -> Adder Bool
add x = liftF $ Add x id

clear :: Adder ()
clear = liftF $ Clear ()

total :: Adder Int
total = liftF $ Total id

We can generalize this in order to work with other effects:

type AdderT m a = FreeT AdderF m a

add :: Monad m => Int -> AdderT m Bool
add x = liftF $ Add x id

clear :: Monad m => AdderT m ()
clear = liftF $ Clear ()

total :: Monad m => AdderT m Int
total = liftF $ Total id

If we instantiate m as Identity then the two are equivalent.

And that's it. We know have our own monad for manipulating the DSL, which means we can use do-notation, we can sequence and traverse these commands, and generally go to town with all of the existing machinery we have in the Haskell ecosystem for building things with monads.

We also haven't made any reference to how this DSL will be interpreted. That gives us a lot of freedom, which also allows us to build different interpreters for testing and for production without changing our DSL or anything built on top of it.

Building some extensions

We know that the counter tracking the total can overflow, but we don't have the ability to ask what it's limit is.

Thankfully, we have everything we need to write one.

The findLimit function captures and restores the total, so that we'll play nicely with out functions that work with the Adder monad, and calls out to a helper function to actually find the limit:

findLimit :: Adder Int
-- or if we want to be more general:
--   findLimit :: Monad m => AdderT m Int
findLimit = do
  -- capture the old count
  t <- total
  -- clear the count
  -- seek out the limit
  r <- execStateT findLimit' 0
  -- restore the old count
  _ <- add t
  -- return the result
  return r

As Adder is a monad, we can put it in a stack of monad transformers. In this case we use StateT to keep track of how much we've added to the total so far.

We have execStateT findLimit' 0 in findLimit which will start the state at 0 and return whatever it ends up at when we finish with findLimit', so we just need to increment both our total and our state until we overflow and all should be well.

findLimit' :: StateT Int Adder ()
findLimit' = do
  -- add 1 to the total
  r <- lift $ add 1
  -- check for overflow
  when r $ do
    -- if no overflow, add to our state counter ...
    modify (+ 1)
    -- and continue

Ad-hoc interpretation of our free monad

At this point, some folks would build an interpreter for their DSL that may look a little like this:

interpret :: Monad m => Int -> Int -> AdderT m r -> m r
interpret limit count a = do
  mr <- runFreeT a
  case mr of
    Pure r -> return r
    Free (Add x k) ->
        count' = x + count
        test = count' <= limit
        next = if test then count' else count
        interpret limit next (k test)
    Free (Clear k) ->
      interpret limit 0 k
    Free (Total k) ->
      interpret limit count (k count)

We can encapsulate the recursion with things like iter, iterT and iterTM, and I've written iterTTM in the accompanying to show how that works in this case.

That's fine, but I think we can do better.


If you're not familiar with comonads, I highly recommend another of Gabriel Gonzalez's posts. I've also written this based on the rushed explanation I gave in my talk, but you should read Gabriel's post instead.

We won't need much familiarity with comonads now, but it'll probably come in handy for subsequent posts.

Where Free was a sum type, Cofree is the product type:

data Cofree f a = a :< f (Cofree f a)

You can also view this as a kind of tree, except we've got values at the branching points instead of at the leaves. This make Cofree handy for working with interpreters that run forever, since we can lazily build an infinite Cofree and then travel through the tree as we like.

Again, if f is a functor then we have a Comonad for Cofree f:

instance Functor f => Comonad (Cofree f)
  extract (a :< _) = a
  duplicate c@(_ :< fs) = Cofree c (fmap duplicate fs)

An interpreter for our DSL

We're now specifying an interpreter rather than a DSL. At any point in time, the interpreter needs to be able to handle any of our DSL actions. Where we had a sum type of three actions in the DSL, we now have a product type of three handlers in the interpreter.

data CoAdderF k = CoAdderF {
    addH   :: Int -> (Bool, k)
  , clearH :: k
  , totalH :: (Int, k)

The type parameter k represents the handlers that we'll be using once we've interpreted the next action.

In order to make a Comonad out of this we need a Functor instance. We could just use DeriveFunctor, but it's easy enough to write out here:

instance Functor CoAdderF where
  fmap f (CoAdderF a c t) = CoAdderF
    (fmap (fmap f) a)
    (f c)
    (fmap f t)

Providing an interpretation for our interpreter

We can use coiter to lazily build up a Cofree value.

coiter :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Cofree f a

We just need a seed value and a function which will take us from one level to the next.

This will expand

coiter next start


start :< coiter next <$> next start


start :< next start :< coiter next <$> (next . next $ start)

and so on.

So armed, we begin the definition of our interpreter:

type Limit = Int
type Count = Int

type CoAdder a = Cofree CoAdderF a

mkCoAdder :: Limit -> Count -> CoAdder (Limit, Count)
mkCoAdder limit count = coiter next start
    next w = CoAdderF (coAdd w) (coClear w) (coTotal w)
    start = (limit, count)

At this point we just need to define coAdd, coClear and coTotal.

Clearing the current total is pretty self explanatory:

coClear :: (Limit, Count) -> (Limit, Count)
coClear (limit, count) = (limit, 0)

As is querying for the current total:

coTotal :: (Limit, Count) -> (Int, (Limit, Count))
coTotal (limit, count) = (count, (limit, count))

There are a few more moving parts involved when adding to the total:

coAdd :: (Limit, Count) -> Int -> (Bool, (Limit, Count))
coAdd (limit, count) x = (test, (limit, next))
    count' = count + x                        -- 1
    test = count' <= limit                    -- 2
    next = if test then count' else count     -- 3

At (1) we add the incoming x to the current total count, to get the (potential) new total count'.

At (2) we test to see if this new total is beyond our internal limit. This is bound as test, which is part of what coAdd returns

At (3) we determine the new total. If count' is beneath the limit then we should update the total, otherwise we leave it where it was.

Now we an interpreter that is independent from our DSL. Just like with our DSL, we can build on things on top of our interpreter, we can destruct the Cofree structure in order to match it to a DSL, and we do that for different DSLs for different purposes.

Combining the free and cofree

There is a handy way to bring Free and Cofree together, which has previously been discussed by Ed Kmett and Dan Piponi.

I'll be using the terminology - and some of the instances - from Dans post.

We start by introducing a new typeclass, Pairing:

class (Functor f, Functor g) => Pairing f g where
    pair :: (a -> b -> r) -> f a -> g b -> r

The simplest example is with the Identity functor:

instance Pairing Identity Identity where
  pair f (Identity a) (Identity b) = f a b

We can step it up a notch:

instance Pairing ((->) a) ((,) a) where
  pair p f = uncurry (p . f)

instance Pairing ((,) a) ((->) a) where
  pair p f g = p (snd f) (g (fst f))

Although we can save some time on the second version:

instance Pairing ((->) a) ((,) a) where
  pair p f = uncurry (p . f)

instance Pairing ((,) a) ((->) a) where
  pair p f g = pair (flip p) g f

So what does this buy us? Given a Pairing between the underlying functors f and g, we can create a Pairing between Cofree f and Free g:

instance Pairing f g => Pairing (Cofree f) (Free g) where
  pair p (a :< _ ) (Pure x)  = p a x
  pair p (_ :< fs) (Free gs) = pair (pair p) fs gs

The pairing for our underlying functors isn't hard to do - mostly since we built the CoAdderF type with pairing in mind.

instance Pairing CoAdderF AdderF where
  pair f (CoAdderF a _ _) (Add x k) = pair f (a x) k
  pair f (CoAdderF _ c _) (Clear k) = f c k
  pair f (CoAdderF _ _ t) (Total k) = pair f t k

Note that we're using the Pairing instance for (->) and (,) in the case of Total, and could have done something similar for Add if we'd tupled its arguments.

Making use of the pairing

Now let us make use of all of this.

Given an arbitrary interpreter, we can find its limit:

runLimit :: CoAdder a -> Int
runLimit w = pair (\_ b -> b) w findLimit

such that this should hold for arbitrary x:

testLimit :: Int -> Bool
testLimit x = runLimit (mkCoAdder x 0) == x

The Pairing is what allows us to define our DSL and interpreter independently from one another while still being able to bring them together like this.

Pairing the functors under DSLs and Interpreters

In general, if we have a sum type for our DSL then we'll have a product type for our interpreter.

If we have a functor for a DSL which is a sum of commands:

data DslF k =
    Sum_1 k
  | Sum_2 k
  | ...
  | Sum_n k

then we'll start build the functor for an interpreter as a product of handlers like this:

data InterpreterF k = InterpreterF {
    Product_1 k
  , Product_2 k
  , ...
  , Product_n k

and the pairing will look like:

instance Pairing InterpreterF DslF where
  pair f (InterpreterF j _ ... _) (Sum_1 k) = f j k
  pair f (InterpreterF _ j ... _) (Sum_2 k) = f j k
  pair f (InterpreterF _ _ ... j) (Sum_n k) = f j k

There is a little more going on if our commands have arguments and return results.

Say we have a functor for DSL like this:

data DslF k =
    Sum_1 Arg_1 Arg_2 ... Arg_n ((Res_1, Res_2, ..., Res_m) -> k)
  | Sum_2 k

This will result in this functor for the paired interpreter

data InterpreterF k = InterpreterF {
    Product_1 ((Arg_1, Arg_2, ..., Arg_n) -> (Res_1, Res_2, ..., Res_m, k))
  , Product_2 k

with the following pairing:

instance Pairing InterpreterF DslF where
  pair f (InterpreterF j _) (Sum1 a_1 a_2 ... a_n k) =
      (r_1, r_2, ..., r_m, j') = j (a_1, a_2, ..., a_n)
      k'                       = k (r_1, r_2, ..., r_m)
      f j' k'
  pair f (InterpreterF _ j) (Sum2 k) = f j k

You can do funkier things than this, but that should be enough to get you started.

Where to from here

I have a lot I'd like to explore and write about, but the next few topics will be based on the things I already partly covered in the talk that this is based on.

The current version of our interpreter is manually handing both environment and state. We can clean this up by using comonad transformers. This turns out to be pretty similar to working with monad transformers, down to the fact that we can use the transformers in either transformers or mtl style.

We can break the DSL down into independent parts using coproducts, as covered in Data types a la carte. In addition to this, we can factor out the independent parts of the interpreter using products.

We can bring some other effects into the mix. This will allows us to interact with our interpreter from the console, and to connect our DSL to our interpreter over the network.

There's a lot more in the queue, but comonad transformers, coproducts/products, and working with additional effects should make a pretty good start.

Questions? Comments?