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29 lines (21 loc) · 1.12 KB


File metadata and controls

29 lines (21 loc) · 1.12 KB


Sometimes you'll want something in your object in a format that the data isn't in. For example, if you get the data:

    "successful": True,
    "timestamp": 1543770752

You may want that to be represented as:

class Result:
    successful: bool
    timestamp: datetime.datetime

By default, it will fail on this deserialization as the value in the data is not a timestamp. To correct this, use the parser decorator to tell it a function to use to parse the data. E.g.

@deserialize.parser("timestamp", datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp)
class Result:
    successful: bool
    timestamp: datetime.datetime

This will now detect when handling the data for the _key_ timestamp and run it through the parser function supplied before assigning it to your new class instance.

The parser is run _before_ type checking is done. This means that if you had something like Optional[datetime.datetime], you should ensure your parser can handle the value being None. Your parser will obviously need to return the type that you have declared on the property in order to work.