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Sumerian-network-graph-data overview

  1. File flow: ->,,,
  2. holds the Node class and reads full_roles_profs.csv, creating a node per row in there
  3. traverse through the newly created nodes and merges nodes that have the same "(person, profession)" -> puts this into a new node list (new_nodes.csv)
  4. handles miscellaneous data creation
  5. takes the new node list and creates edges based on the transactions and the roles involved in them

To Run

  1. cd to the folder containing all your files
  2. python3
  3. the script will output new_nodes.csv and new_edges.csv which correspond to the node and edge list respectively

What is a Node?

It is a class that contains information about each person in the graph. It has the name, role, profession, p_index, year the text was written in, and an arbitrary id.

How are Nodes created?

Nodes are created by iterating row by row in full_roles_profs.csv where each information needed for a node is obtained. Each row will create exactly one node. Nodes may not contain unique people.

How are Nodes merged?

At this stage the previously created nodes will be merged so that each node will contain a "unique" person. The way that we define "unique" is such that each node will have a different name and profession.
We are currently working on different attributes we can look at to merge nodes.
In the previous step, we created a mapping of {(name, profession): nodes associated}. We can iterate through this mapping, looking at each key, and if the value associated to the key is greater than one, we merge those values. Then, the nodes will have lists for the following attributes: role, p_index, year. The ith index in role will correspond to the ith index in p_index and year.

How to count Nodes that are merged

The script already has a built in variable number_of_nodes_merged that will increment every time a node is merged inside Printing this variable will yield how many nodes were merged.

How are Edges weighed?

Currently, edges have no weight assigned to them. In the future, we will decide how to weigh edges.

  • if source and target have same source and target then merge the edges and increment its weight
  • make a list of years, p_indexes, source's role, target's role, archives

How many Nodes were merged?

  1. Merged by (name, profession): 1087


  • Handle multiple transactions in a text
  • Handle texts that have 4 or more people in the transaction
  • Uncover different ways to merge nodes (by years, connection to modes, etc) -- create a hierarchy of merging
  • Look at family column
  • Look at new csv, people.csv
  • Add weights to edges (refer to "How are Edges weighed?")
  • Add in archives to Node variables


Branch of main Sumerian project repository used to create nodes/edges







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