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File metadata and controls

178 lines (126 loc) · 4.63 KB



Plugin for the Leaflet maps that allows grouping places in groups whose visibility can be toggled.


npm i -P leaflet-place-groups-picker

How to use the plugin

Example of use of the plugin

const map ='map',{
  center: [52, 16],
  zoom: 6

L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
  attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

/* add control to a map */

const grouping = L.control.placeGroupsPicker({
  position: 'topright',
  caption: 'Places'


/* add groups */

grouping.addGroup('Malls', { map, color: 'gold' });
grouping.addGroup('Schools', { map, color: 'red' });

/* add places to groups */

grouping.addPoint('Malls', [50, 15]);
grouping.addPoint('Malls', [54, 15]);

grouping.addPoint('Schools', [50, 17]);
grouping.addPoint('Schools', [54, 17]);


Option Description Default value
position Where to place a control on the map (topleft, topright, bottomleft or bottomright). no default value
caption Caption to display in a control. Groups
captionColor Color of a caption text. #333
captionBackground Background color (or image/gradient) of a caption. rgba(255, 255, 255, .75)
captionArrowColor Color of a caption arrow indicating a list visibility state. #444
iconSize Size of icons. [30, 30]
iconShadow Whether to add a shadow to icons. false
iconInnerShadow Whether to add an inset shadow to icons. false
iconStyle Icon style: rectangle, circle or rounded rectangle
static When true, toggling groups visibility is disabled. false

addGroup(name, options)

Adds new group of places.

  • name - name of a group
  • options- options of a group:
    • map - a map reference
    • color - color of icons related to the group

This method returns a reference to the newly added group (L.FeatureGroup).

addPoint(group, coords)

Adds new point to a group.

  • group - name of a group the point belongs to
  • coords - coordinates of the point, declared as the [lat, lng] array

This method returns a marker reference, so that you can, for example, bind a popup to it:

const popupContent = `
    <div style="font-size:14px"><strong>Popup Info</strong></div>
    <div style="font-size:10px">This is just popup bound to marker.</div>

grouping.addPoint('Schools', [54, 17]).bindPopup(popupContent);

// or:

const pointS1 = grouping.addPoint('Schools', [54, 17]);

addPoints(group, coordsArray)

Adds new points to a group.

  • group - name of a group the points belong to
  • coordsArray - array of coordinates declared as the [lat, lng] array

This method returns an array of markers references, so that you can, for example, bind a popup to them.

const popupContent = `
    <div style="font-size:14px"><strong>Popup Info</strong></div>
    <div style="font-size:10px">This is just popup bound to marker.</div>

const [first, second] = grouping.addPoints('Schools', [
  [54, 17],
  [52, 18]


addData(map, data)

  • map - a map reference (L.Map)
  • data - object whose keys reflect group names and values are object with the following properties: color and points
grouping.addData(map, {
  'University': {
    color: 'red',
    points: [[48, 14], [48, 15]]
  'Library': {
    color: '#2af',
    points: [[58, 14], [58, 15]]


  • groupName - name of a group whose reference will be returned

You may want to use this method to get a group reference when the addData() method was used to add data to a map, which does not return any references.

const universities = grouping.getGroupRef('University');

Operations on markers

Removing marker from a map

Markers can be easily removed by the remove() method inherited from the Layer class:

const pointA = grouping.addPoint('Factory', [50, 15]);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);

Removing marker only from a group

const pointA = grouping.addPoint('Factory', [50, 15]);

setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);