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C++ Hot Rod Client

1. Introduction

Since Hot Rod is a binary, language neutral, protocol an Infinispan client can use any programming language to interact with Java based Infinispan Hot Rod server as long as client APIs exist for that particular client runtime. C++ Hot Rod client allows C++ runtime applications to connect and interact with an Infinispan Hot Rod server.

2. Installation

2.1. Pre-requisites

We provide HotRod C++ client in two library formats: static and shared/dynamic. Depending on user’s preference and deployment scenario one would usually choose static library to ensure that the version of the Hot Rod C++ library that application was compiled with would be the version of the library used at runtime. As it names implies static library is statically linked to an application thus increasing the size of the final executable. In other cases shared Hot Rod C++ library might be more suitable. Shared libraries are usually stored and versioned separately. If an updated HotRod C++ library is considered binary compatible with the original version shipped along user’s application an updated Hot Rod C++ library could be used in such a scenario without recompiling client application.

2.2. Download

For more information regarding downloads of various forms of Hot Rod C++ client library refer to Hot Rod client web page

3. Usage

3.1. Configuration

C++ clients would typically interact with a remote Hot Rod server using RemoteCache API. However, before any interaction is initiated one would have to configure RemoteCache to connect to a particular Hot Rod server and more importantly choose a specific cache on that Hot Rod server. This is where ConfigurationBuilder API comes in handy. ConfigurationBuilder allows users to not only specify particular Hot Rod server to interact with but a range of other configuration options through its intuitive fluent API. Users can configure specifics of the underlying connection pool, connection timeout, particular Hot Rod protocol version and so on. Refer to ConfigurationBuilder API documentation for more details.

For example, this simple C++ main executable file below uses application paramaters in combination with ConfigurationBuilder API to configure a RemoteCacheManager instance and in turn RemoteCache instance interacting with a remote Hot Rod server. Note the most important C++ Hot Rod includes as well.

#include "infinispan/hotrod/ConfigurationBuilder.h"
#include "infinispan/hotrod/RemoteCacheManager.h"
#include "infinispan/hotrod/RemoteCache.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace infinispan::hotrod;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    ConfigurationBuilder b;
    RemoteCacheManager cm(, false);
    RemoteCache<std::string, std::string> cache = cm.getCache<std::string, std::string>();
    return 0;

3.2. API

As we have seen the main API revolves around ConfigurationBuilder for configuration of a RemoteCacheManager. RemoteCacheManager is in turn a starting point for obtaining a reference to a RemoteCache. RemoteCache is in fact the main API for interaction with a remote Hot Rod server and the specific cache on that server.

Continuing with a previous example from above, now that we have a RemoteCache reference one would simply start invocations on a cache, inserting, removing, getting, and replacing values in a cache, as well as others methods such as iterating key/value pairs, bulk get operations, clear method and so on.

After interaction with a remote server is completed all related client resources are reclaimed once RemoteCacheManager is stopped.

    RemoteCache<std::string, std::string> rc = cm.getCache<std::string, std::string>();

    std::string k1("key13");
    std::string v1("boron");

    // put
    rc.put(k1, v1);
    std::auto_ptr<std::string> rv(rc.get(k1));

    rc.putIfAbsent(k1, v1);
    std::auto_ptr<std::string> rv2(rc.get(k1));

    std::map<HR_SHARED_PTR<std::string>,HR_SHARED_PTR<std::string> > map = rc.getBulk(0);
    std::cout << "getBulk size" << map.size() << std::endl;

4. Contributing back

Contributions, as always, are welcome be it in the form of code, tests or documentation.

4.1. Source code

This client, along with tests and documentation, are in GitHub, located under Feel free to fork and issue pull requests on changes. For more information on working with this repository and GitHub, refer to the Contributing Guide for Infinispan.