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2504 lines (2224 loc) · 163 KB

Consolidating restored snapshots December 2020

Given all the history of implementations and hardware adventures and failures,

  • Scraping of the footprints software (Windows) (Aria Windows Media Server - 2008)
  • Remote mounting the footprints data to linux, and doing ETL from SQLite -> MYSQL
  • Implementing the python native scraper on linux
  • Disk failures on goedel and later cantor
  • Porting the scraper to Raspberry Pi (Which had a catastrophic Flash Card Failure) - that lasted a month 8-(
  • Moving back to euler (née cantor) linux server (We lost data from 2016-02-14 to 2016-03-12)
  • Re-implementing in Go (2018)
  • Implementing the pump in Go for persistence neutral backups

The final rollup archive: ted.20201120.2332Z.rollup-clean.jsonl.tar.bz2, with IPFS/CID:QmSLJPEZocdPZ99pazEkiJTaf3B1zeBmAQWEr7n9fSNgEu

(cd data/jsonl; time tar cjvf ../../ted.20201120.2332Z.rollup-clean.jsonl.tar.bz2 ./)

Systematic restore of all snapshots

  • Older (legacy) Footprints sqlite databases were included in older snapshots (pre 2015-09-28)
  • ted.200YYMMDD.HHMM.sql.bz2 snapshots contain ted_native, ted_service and watt tables
    • we can ignore ted_service
      • seems in error, probably a time shift, we can ignore
      • has a problem with 2008-11-14T23:18:13Z - 2008-11-28T04:59:59Z
      • was in use only for [2008-11-14 23:18:13 , 2008-12-17 19:19:20]
    • we can ignore watt_day|hour|minute|tensec

The tables ted_native and watt, should be equivalent starting at 2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, when the TedNative capture started. We only have dumps of both tables until: ted.20150928.1006.sql.bz2, and the last stamp is 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z, at that point there are only 25 entries present in ted_native and missing in watt:

2020-12-11T05:41:34.294Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA

So we combine both in a jsonl dump: ./data/jsonl-ted-rollup.20150928.1006/, and confirm by restoring each snapshot (ted.200YYMMDD.HHMM.sql.bz2) and confirm that all data is in that combined json.

Phase-1 Verification: We then restored each ted.200YYMMDD.HHMM.sql.bz2 to verify that all samples of ted_native and watt tables were included in the rollup. The output is in, (which took 24 hours), confirming that there were only MissingInB, that is no Conflict or MissingInA entries.

Phase 2 - Final rollup - we will accumulate in postgres.

  • Pre phase-2
    • seed with ./data/jsonl-ted-rollup.20150928.100 (result of phase-1 above)
    • restore these over postgres
      • ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2 - last watt backup including history from 2008-07-30 00:04:40
      • ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.gz - first backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01
      • ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2 - most recent backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01
  • Phase-2 Verification
    • restore each ted.watt.200YYMMDD.HHMM.sql.bz2 and verify against postgres.


There was a problem, starting at ted.watt.20181024.1913Z.sql.bz2 we have extra data:

2020-12-13T09:10:33.449Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInB

This data was removed from final rollup, as it's dates precede the purchase of the TED capture device, and it's data (< 1 day) could not be matched.

-- should be 75026 records
select count(*) from watt where stamp<'2007-08-29'
delete from watt where stamp<'2007-08-29'


mkdir -p ./data/archive/mirror/ted/
rsync -av --progress dirac:/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20*.sql.bz2 ./data/archive/mirror/ted/
rsync -av --progress dirac:/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt*.sql.bz2 ./data/archive/mirror/ted/

list of restores

# 2020-12-11T19:43:35.600Z Phase 1- verify start
51	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090214.1756.sql.bz2
51	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090214.1800.sql.bz2
64	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090326.1052.sql.bz2
65	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090328.1335.sql.bz2
100	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090528.0815.sql.bz2
100	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090609.0858.sql.bz2
132	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090918.0240.sql.bz2
# 2020-12-11T23:06:45.155Z start
148	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20091022.0301.sql.bz2
148	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20091102.0131.sql.bz2
148	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20091113.2035.sql.bz2
# 2020-12-12T01:26:06.140Z start
308	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20110406.0317.sql.bz2
324	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20110607.0118.sql.bz2
372	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20111017.2034.sql.bz2
452	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20120608.0122.sql.bz2
532	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20130221.2122.sql.bz2
660	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20140219.2021.sql.bz2
708	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20140806.0019.sql.bz2
836	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20150928.1006.sql.bz2
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z done - phase 1 took 24hours

# 2020-12-13T09:35:54.080Z Phase 2 - verify start
7   /Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.gz
# exception .gz -> .bz2: ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.gz

# 2020-12-13T09:42:21.909Z done first restore
63	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20090918.0300.sql.bz2
68	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20091022.0258.sql.bz2
84	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20091102.0134.sql.bz2
148	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20110406.0316.sql.bz2
164	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20110607.0115.sql.bz2
180	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20111017.2045.sql.bz2
212	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20120608.0119.sql.bz2
# 2020-12-13T15:06:14.638Z start
260	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20130221.2119.sql.bz2
308	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20140219.2038.sql.bz2
340	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20140806.0016.sql.bz2
340	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20141005.2218.sql.bz2
# 2020-12-13T19:52:16.739Z start
388	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20150928.1003.sql.bz2
420	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2

8   /Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160430.0232Z.sql.bz2
16	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160616.0229Z.sql.bz2
21	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160719.1848Z.sql.bz2
31	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160918.0059Z.sql.bz2
43	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20161202.0733Z.sql.bz2
49	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170106.0629Z.sql.bz2
63	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170326.1528Z.sql.bz2
84	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170607.0541Z.sql.bz2
84	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170727.1724Z.sql.bz2
116	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180217.2219Z.sql.bz2
132	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180326.0312Z.sql.bz2
148	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180612.0035Z.sql.bz2
148	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180720.2138Z.sql.bz2
148	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180831.2033Z.sql.bz2
164	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20181024.1913Z.sql.bz2
# First time entries for 2007-08-28 appear ^ These were removed in the final rollup
195	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20190414.0128Z.sql.bz2
201	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20190617.0443Z.sql.bz2
209	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20190818.0554Z.sql.bz2
233	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20191129.0710Z.sql.bz2
# 2020-12-14T05:57:44.669Z start
251	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20200413.1503Z.sql.bz2
269	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20200807.2218Z.sql.bz2
# Failed, had to restart
297	/Volumes/Space/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2
# Phase 2 verification took 22 hours


- Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090214.1756.sql.bz2
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-02-14 22:55:47	15495136
- Done Restoring Database
real	9m6.224s

JSON Size: 660M
Summary of mysql restore: 

2020-12-10T22:01:13.576Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-10T22:01:13.576Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-02-14T22:55:47Z](15495136) Equal
2020-12-10T22:01:13.576Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-10T22:01:56.657Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 43.081s, rate ~ 114.5k/s count: 4934047
2020-12-10T22:01:56.657Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-10T22:01:56.657Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-10T22:01:56.657Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-02-14T22:55:47Z](4934047) Equal


mysql> select min(stamp),max(stamp),count(*) from ted_native;
| min(stamp)          | max(stamp)          | count(*) |
| 2008-12-17 19:37:16 | 2009-02-14 22:55:47 |  4934047 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select min(stamp),max(stamp),count(*) from ted_service;
| min(stamp)          | max(stamp)          | count(*) |
| 2008-11-14 23:18:13 | 2008-12-17 19:19:20 |  2710592 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select min(stamp),max(stamp),count(*) from watt;
| min(stamp)          | max(stamp)          | count(*) |
| 2008-07-30 00:04:40 | 2009-02-14 22:55:47 | 15495136 |

4934047+2710592 = 7644639

mysql> select min(stamp),max(stamp),count(*) from watt where stamp>'2008-12-17 19:19:20';
| min(stamp)          | max(stamp)          | count(*) |
| 2008-12-17 19:37:16 | 2009-02-14 22:55:47 |  4934047 |
4934047+2710592 = 7644639 + 4934047


  • Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20150928.1006.sql.bz2 min(stamp) max(stamp) count(*) 2008-07-30 00:04:40 2015-09-28 14:06:52 212737945
  • Done Restoring Database real 162m43.936s


  • Restoring database from snapshot: /Users/daniel/Downloads/ted/ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2 To docker container named: go-ted1k_mysql_1 Using database: ted, MYSQL_USER=ted Data Volume will persisted inside that docker container

  • Verifying docker environment Docker seems to be setup properly

  • Waiting for database server (go-ted1k_mysql_1) to accept connections (max 30 seconds) Connected

  • Restoring database...

  • Expect something recent in watt table min(stamp) max(stamp) count(*) 2008-07-30 00:04:40 2016-02-11 12:22:45 223101124

  • Done Restoring Database


In ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2, there are 10,561,089 samples before the TEDNative cutoff, whereas the last sqlite snapshot /archive/mirror/ted/footprints/end-of-life/TED.db.20081217.1419.bz2 has only 10,242,588 samples, so it seems there are 318,501 more samples in the mysql snapshot over this period. Hmm.

mysql> select min(stamp),max(stamp),count() from watt where stamp<'2008-12-17 19:19:30'; +---------------------+---------------------+----------+ | min(stamp) | max(stamp) | count() | +---------------------+---------------------+----------+ | 2008-07-30 00:04:40 | 2008-12-17 19:19:20 | 10561089 | +---------------------+---------------------+----------+

Once restored into Mysql:8.0 this restore took ~6.3Gb

size path
8811 /var/lib/mysql/
6385 /var/lib/mysql/ted

exception .gz: ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.gz

Oldest TedNative sqlite dump

  • Data capture started at 2008-07-30T00:04:40Z
  • Switchover from TedNative (sqlite3) to python v1 happened at 2008-12-17T19:37:16Z
  • Note: there is actually more data in mysqldump than in TED's Footprint SQLite3 db, we could inspect the other monthly's in /archive/mirror/ted/footprints/monnthly/TED.db.2008XX01.0000.bz2
stamp watt
2008-07-30 00:04:40 540
.... ...
2008-12-17 19:19:19 570
2008-12-17 19:19:20 560 <- last sqlite TEDNative insert
2008-12-17 19:37:16 610 <- first mysql python insert
2008-12-17 19:37:17 610

From TED.db.20081217.1419.sqlite <- /archive/mirror/ted/footprints/end-of-life/TED.db.20081217.1419.bz2, and from .../im-ted1k/legacy/scalr-utils/, and finally docker run --rm -it python:2.7

sqlite> select min(tick),max(tick),count(*) from rdu_second_data;
import string
def tedToSecs(tedTimeString):
  millis = string.atol(tedTimeString)/10000
  return millis / 1000 - 62135578800;

import time
def tedToLocal(tedTimeString):
  secs = tedToSecs(tedTimeString)
  return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z",time.localtime(secs))

print tedToSecs('0633529550800006250') # 1217376280
print tedToSecs('0633651203640000000')# 1229541564

print tedToLocal('0633529550800006250') # 2008-07-30 00:04:40 UTC
print tedToLocal('0633651203640000000')# 2008-12-17 19:19:24 UTC

Restore phase 1 - verification - detailed logs

verify("jsonl <-> mysql(watt)", jsonl.NewReader(), mysql.NewReader(db, "watt"))
verify("jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)", jsonl.NewReader(), mysql.NewReader(db, "ted_native"))
~/go-ted1k$ time ./ 
- Verifying docker environment
WARNING: No swap limit support
  Docker seems to be setup properly

- Waiting for database server (go-ted1k_mysql_1) to accept connections (max 30 seconds)

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090214.1756.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	9m7.466s
user	0m16.462s
sys	0m4.937s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-02-14 22:55:47	4934047
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-02-14 22:55:47	15495136

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T19:53:35.600Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T19:53:35.602Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T19:53:35.602Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T19:54:58.587Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 1m22.985s, rate ~ 186.7k/s count: 15495136
2020-12-11T20:00:48.723Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T20:00:48.723Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-02-14T22:55:47Z](15495136) Equal
2020-12-11T20:00:48.723Z - [2009-02-14T22:55:48Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](197242834) MissingInB
2020-12-11T20:00:48.723Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T20:01:33.334Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 44.611s, rate ~ 110.6k/s count: 4934047
2020-12-11T20:07:27.297Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T20:07:27.297Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T20:07:27.297Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-02-14T22:55:47Z](4934047) Equal
2020-12-11T20:07:27.297Z - [2009-02-14T22:55:48Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](197242834) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090214.1800.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	9m3.722s
user	0m16.089s
sys	0m4.846s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-02-14 23:00:05	4934304
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-02-14 23:00:05	15495393

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T20:16:37.288Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T20:16:37.309Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T20:16:37.309Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T20:17:58.138Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 1m20.829s, rate ~ 191.7k/s count: 15495393
2020-12-11T20:23:47.680Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T20:23:47.680Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-02-14T23:00:05Z](15495393) Equal
2020-12-11T20:23:47.680Z - [2009-02-14T23:00:06Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](197242577) MissingInB
2020-12-11T20:23:47.680Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T20:24:32.667Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 44.987s, rate ~ 109.7k/s count: 4934304
2020-12-11T20:30:24.277Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T20:30:24.277Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T20:30:24.277Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-02-14T23:00:05Z](4934304) Equal
2020-12-11T20:30:24.277Z - [2009-02-14T23:00:06Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](197242577) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090326.1052.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	11m54.704s
user	0m21.218s
sys	0m6.202s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-03-26 14:52:59	8314404
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-03-26 14:52:59	18875493

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T20:42:24.360Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T20:42:24.383Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T20:42:24.383Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T20:44:05.108Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 1m40.725s, rate ~ 187.4k/s count: 18875493
2020-12-11T20:49:53.188Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T20:49:53.188Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-03-26T14:52:59Z](18875493) Equal
2020-12-11T20:49:53.188Z - [2009-03-26T14:53:00Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](193862477) MissingInB
2020-12-11T20:49:53.188Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T20:50:56.180Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 1m2.992s, rate ~ 132.0k/s count: 8314404
2020-12-11T20:56:43.698Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T20:56:43.698Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T20:56:43.698Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-03-26T14:52:59Z](8314404) Equal
2020-12-11T20:56:43.698Z - [2009-03-26T14:53:00Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](193862477) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090328.1335.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	12m11.046s
user	0m21.024s
sys	0m6.546s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-03-28 17:35:27	8494287
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-03-28 17:35:27	19055376

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T21:08:59.818Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T21:08:59.844Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T21:08:59.844Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T21:10:42.171Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 1m42.326s, rate ~ 186.2k/s count: 19055376
2020-12-11T21:16:31.380Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T21:16:31.380Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-03-28T17:35:27Z](19055376) Equal
2020-12-11T21:16:31.380Z - [2009-03-28T17:35:28Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](193682594) MissingInB
2020-12-11T21:16:31.380Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T21:17:35.693Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 1m4.313s, rate ~ 132.1k/s count: 8494287
2020-12-11T21:23:24.028Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T21:23:24.028Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T21:23:24.028Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-03-28T17:35:27Z](8494287) Equal
2020-12-11T21:23:24.028Z - [2009-03-28T17:35:28Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](193682594) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090528.0815.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	16m11.319s
user	0m28.646s
sys	0m8.181s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-05-28 12:15:46	13668586
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-05-28 12:15:46	24229675

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T21:39:40.675Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T21:39:40.735Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T21:39:40.735Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T21:41:51.377Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 2m10.641s, rate ~ 185.5k/s count: 24229675
2020-12-11T21:47:27.620Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T21:47:27.620Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-05-28T12:15:46Z](24229675) Equal
2020-12-11T21:47:27.620Z - [2009-05-28T12:15:47Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](188508295) MissingInB
2020-12-11T21:47:27.620Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T21:49:00.478Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 1m32.858s, rate ~ 147.2k/s count: 13668586
2020-12-11T21:54:36.027Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T21:54:36.027Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T21:54:36.028Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-05-28T12:15:46Z](13668586) Equal
2020-12-11T21:54:36.028Z - [2009-05-28T12:15:47Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](188508295) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090609.0858.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	16m52.486s
user	0m30.672s
sys	0m8.975s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-06-09 12:58:55	14697489
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-06-09 12:58:55	25258578

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T22:11:33.552Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T22:11:33.578Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T22:11:33.578Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T22:13:48.434Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 2m14.855s, rate ~ 187.3k/s count: 25258578
2020-12-11T22:19:24.506Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T22:19:24.506Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-06-09T12:58:55Z](25258578) Equal
2020-12-11T22:19:24.506Z - [2009-06-09T12:58:56Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](187479392) MissingInB
2020-12-11T22:19:24.506Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T22:21:01.608Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 1m37.102s, rate ~ 151.4k/s count: 14697489
2020-12-11T22:26:36.025Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T22:26:36.026Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T22:26:36.026Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-06-09T12:58:55Z](14697489) Equal
2020-12-11T22:26:36.026Z - [2009-06-09T12:58:56Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](187479392) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20090918.0240.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	23m59.822s
user	0m40.754s
sys	0m12.476s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-09-18 06:40:17	23312671
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-09-18 06:40:17	33873760

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T22:50:40.882Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T22:50:40.912Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T22:50:40.912Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T22:53:31.467Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 184.9k/s, took 2m50.554s, rate ~ 184.9k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-11T22:53:44.116Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 3m3.203s, rate ~ 184.9k/s count: 33873760
2020-12-11T22:59:04.371Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T22:59:04.371Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-09-18T06:40:17Z](33873760) Equal
2020-12-11T22:59:04.371Z - [2009-09-18T06:40:18Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](178864210) MissingInB
2020-12-11T22:59:04.371Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T23:01:26.657Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 2m22.286s, rate ~ 163.8k/s count: 23312671
2020-12-11T23:06:45.155Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T23:06:45.155Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T23:06:45.155Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-09-18T06:40:17Z](23312671) Equal
2020-12-11T23:06:45.155Z - [2009-09-18T06:40:18Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](178864210) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20091022.0301.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	27m1.348s
user	0m46.351s
sys	0m14.627s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-10-22 07:01:15	26221838
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-10-22 07:01:15	36782927

- run mysql restore
2020-12-11T23:33:51.864Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-11T23:33:51.874Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-11T23:33:51.874Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-11T23:37:16.448Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 154.2k/s, took 3m24.573s, rate ~ 154.2k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-11T23:37:50.443Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 3m58.568s, rate ~ 154.2k/s count: 36782927
^[f2020-12-11T23:43:06.840Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-11T23:43:06.840Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-10-22T07:01:15Z](36782927) Equal
2020-12-11T23:43:06.840Z - [2009-10-22T20:13:02Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](175955043) MissingInB
2020-12-11T23:43:06.840Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-11T23:46:10.781Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 3m3.94s, rate ~ 142.6k/s count: 26221838
2020-12-11T23:51:28.072Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-11T23:51:28.072Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-11T23:51:28.072Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-10-22T07:01:15Z](26221838) Equal
2020-12-11T23:51:28.072Z - [2009-10-22T20:13:02Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](175955043) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20091102.0131.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	29m0.210s
user	0m46.468s
sys	0m15.921s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-11-02 06:31:14	27064883
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-11-02 06:31:14	37625972

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T00:20:33.511Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T00:20:33.513Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T00:20:33.513Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T00:23:56.071Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 155.7k/s, took 3m22.557s, rate ~ 155.7k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T00:24:34.853Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 4m1.34s, rate ~ 155.9k/s count: 37625972
2020-12-12T00:29:50.750Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T00:29:50.750Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-02T06:31:14Z](37625972) Equal
2020-12-12T00:29:50.750Z - [2009-11-02T06:31:15Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](175111998) MissingInB
2020-12-12T00:29:50.750Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T00:33:01.838Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 3m11.088s, rate ~ 141.6k/s count: 27064883
2020-12-12T00:38:17.164Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T00:38:17.164Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T00:38:17.164Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-02T06:31:14Z](27064883) Equal
2020-12-12T00:38:17.164Z - [2009-11-02T06:31:15Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](175111998) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20091113.2035.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	29m50.511s
user	0m47.759s
sys	0m16.531s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2009-11-14 01:35:35	28066796
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-11-14 01:35:35	38627885

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T01:08:13.039Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T01:08:13.041Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T01:08:13.041Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T01:11:35.395Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 155.8k/s, took 3m22.355s, rate ~ 155.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T01:12:20.750Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 4m7.709s, rate ~ 155.9k/s count: 38627885
2020-12-12T01:17:35.557Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T01:17:35.557Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-14T01:35:35Z](38627885) Equal
2020-12-12T01:17:35.557Z - [2009-11-14T01:48:36Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](174110085) MissingInB
2020-12-12T01:17:35.557Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T01:20:51.538Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 3m15.98s, rate ~ 143.2k/s count: 28066796
2020-12-12T01:26:06.140Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T01:26:06.140Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T01:26:06.140Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-14T01:35:35Z](28066796) Equal
2020-12-12T01:26:06.140Z - [2009-11-14T01:48:36Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](174110085) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20110406.0317.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	63m33.269s
user	1m41.827s
sys	0m35.158s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2011-04-06 07:15:35	67085417
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2011-04-06 07:15:35	77646482

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T02:29:44.824Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T02:29:44.827Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T02:29:44.827Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T02:33:07.631Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 155.5k/s, took 3m22.804s, rate ~ 155.5k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T02:36:28.536Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 157.0k/s, took 6m43.709s, rate ~ 156.2k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T02:38:01.010Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 8m16.183s, rate ~ 156.5k/s count: 77646482
2020-12-12T02:42:02.652Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T02:42:02.652Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T02:42:02.652Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T02:42:02.652Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2011-04-06T07:15:35Z](38760401) Equal
2020-12-12T02:42:02.652Z - [2011-04-06T07:24:52Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](135091463) MissingInB
2020-12-12T02:42:02.652Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T02:45:42.851Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 143.2k/s, took 3m40.199s, rate ~ 143.2k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T02:49:02.894Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 157.6k/s, took 7m0.241s, rate ~ 150.1k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T02:49:28.212Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 7m25.56s, rate ~ 150.6k/s count: 67085417
2020-12-12T02:53:30.145Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T02:53:30.145Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T02:53:30.145Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T02:53:30.145Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T02:53:30.145Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-04-06T07:15:35Z](38760400) Equal
2020-12-12T02:53:30.145Z - [2011-04-06T07:24:52Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](135091463) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20110607.0118.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	67m16.029s
user	1m47.745s
sys	0m36.741s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2011-06-07 05:18:07	72370533
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2011-06-07 05:18:07	82931598

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T04:00:51.521Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T04:00:51.523Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T04:00:51.523Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T04:04:13.991Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 155.8k/s, took 3m22.467s, rate ~ 155.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T04:07:35.114Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 156.8k/s, took 6m43.59s, rate ~ 156.3k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T04:09:41.351Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 8m49.827s, rate ~ 156.5k/s count: 82931598
2020-12-12T04:13:35.374Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T04:13:35.374Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T04:13:35.374Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T04:13:35.374Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2011-06-07T05:18:07Z](44045517) Equal
2020-12-12T04:13:35.374Z - [2011-06-07T05:18:08Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](129806347) MissingInB
2020-12-12T04:13:35.374Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T04:17:15.020Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 143.6k/s, took 3m39.645s, rate ~ 143.6k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T04:20:36.332Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 156.7k/s, took 7m0.957s, rate ~ 149.8k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T04:21:35.184Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 7m59.809s, rate ~ 150.8k/s count: 72370533
2020-12-12T04:25:28.341Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T04:25:28.341Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T04:25:28.341Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T04:25:28.341Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T04:25:28.341Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-06-07T05:18:07Z](44045516) Equal
2020-12-12T04:25:28.341Z - [2011-06-07T05:18:08Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](129806347) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20111017.2034.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	75m3.564s
user	2m0.566s
sys	0m41.336s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2011-10-18 00:33:13	81986218
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2011-10-18 00:33:13	92547284

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T05:40:37.456Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T05:40:37.458Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T05:40:37.458Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T05:44:01.130Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 154.8k/s, took 3m23.671s, rate ~ 154.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T05:47:24.944Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 154.7k/s, took 6m47.485s, rate ~ 154.8k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T05:50:35.005Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 9m57.547s, rate ~ 154.9k/s count: 92547284
2020-12-12T05:54:10.505Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T05:54:10.505Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T05:54:10.505Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T05:54:10.505Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2011-10-18T00:33:13Z](53661203) Equal
2020-12-12T05:54:10.505Z - [2011-10-18T00:51:14Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](120190661) MissingInB
2020-12-12T05:54:10.505Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T05:57:50.793Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 143.2k/s, took 3m40.287s, rate ~ 143.2k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T06:01:11.576Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 157.1k/s, took 7m1.071s, rate ~ 149.8k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T06:03:10.927Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 9m0.422s, rate ~ 151.7k/s count: 81986218
2020-12-12T06:06:45.631Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T06:06:45.631Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T06:06:45.631Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T06:06:45.631Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T06:06:45.631Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-10-16T20:56:53Z](53566289) Equal
2020-12-12T06:06:45.631Z - [2011-10-16T21:38:44Z, 2011-10-16T21:38:44Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T06:06:45.631Z - [2011-10-16T21:54:25Z, 2011-10-18T00:33:13Z](94912) Equal
2020-12-12T06:06:45.632Z - [2011-10-18T00:51:14Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](120190661) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20120608.0122.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	93m42.371s
user	2m28.268s
sys	0m51.801s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2012-06-08 05:22:10	101938261
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2012-06-08 05:22:10	112499327

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T07:40:33.556Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T07:40:33.558Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T07:40:33.558Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T07:43:52.555Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 158.5k/s, took 3m18.997s, rate ~ 158.5k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T07:47:09.874Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 159.8k/s, took 6m36.316s, rate ~ 159.1k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T07:50:26.057Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 160.7k/s, took 9m52.499s, rate ~ 159.7k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T07:52:16.787Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 11m43.229s, rate ~ 160.0k/s count: 112499327
2020-12-12T07:55:17.159Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T07:55:17.159Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T07:55:17.159Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T07:55:17.159Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2012-06-08T05:22:10Z](73613246) Equal
2020-12-12T07:55:17.159Z - [2012-06-08T05:22:12Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](100238618) MissingInB
2020-12-12T07:55:17.159Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T07:58:55.970Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 144.1k/s, took 3m38.811s, rate ~ 144.1k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T08:02:16.134Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 157.6k/s, took 6m58.975s, rate ~ 150.5k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T08:05:35.446Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2012-03-13) inner rate ~ 158.2k/s, took 10m18.287s, rate ~ 153.0k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T08:06:21.455Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 11m4.296s, rate ~ 153.5k/s count: 101938261
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-10-16T20:56:53Z](53566289) Equal
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - [2011-10-16T21:38:44Z, 2011-10-16T21:38:44Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - [2011-10-16T21:54:25Z, 2012-06-08T05:22:10Z](20046955) Equal
2020-12-12T08:09:20.793Z - [2012-06-08T05:22:12Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](100238618) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20130221.2122.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	112m54.141s
user	2m57.062s
sys	1m1.232s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2013-02-22 02:22:26	123979218
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2013-02-22 02:22:26	134540284

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T10:02:20.797Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T10:02:20.799Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T10:02:20.799Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T10:05:42.034Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 156.7k/s, took 3m21.235s, rate ~ 156.7k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T10:09:02.179Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 157.6k/s, took 6m41.38s, rate ~ 157.1k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T10:12:21.672Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 158.1k/s, took 10m0.873s, rate ~ 157.5k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T10:15:40.255Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 158.8k/s, took 13m19.456s, rate ~ 157.8k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-12T10:16:33.353Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 14m12.555s, rate ~ 157.8k/s count: 134540284
2020-12-12T10:18:53.624Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T10:18:53.624Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T10:18:53.624Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T10:18:53.624Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2013-02-22T02:22:26Z](95654203) Equal
2020-12-12T10:18:53.624Z - [2013-02-22T02:22:27Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](78197661) MissingInB
2020-12-12T10:18:53.624Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T10:22:32.904Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 143.8k/s, took 3m39.28s, rate ~ 143.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T10:25:52.975Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 157.6k/s, took 6m59.351s, rate ~ 150.4k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T10:29:12.390Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2012-03-13) inner rate ~ 158.1k/s, took 10m18.766s, rate ~ 152.9k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T10:32:18.052Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 13m24.428s, rate ~ 154.1k/s count: 123979218
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-10-16T20:56:53Z](53566289) Equal
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - [2011-10-16T21:38:44Z, 2011-10-16T21:38:44Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - [2011-10-16T21:54:25Z, 2013-02-22T02:22:26Z](42087912) Equal
2020-12-12T10:34:38.073Z - [2013-02-22T02:22:27Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](78197661) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20140219.2021.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	137m59.671s
user	3m40.321s
sys	1m16.615s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2014-02-19 13:58:18	154748431
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2014-02-19 13:58:18	165309499

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T12:52:43.302Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T12:52:43.305Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T12:52:43.305Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T12:56:05.707Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 155.8k/s, took 3m22.402s, rate ~ 155.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T12:59:26.945Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 156.7k/s, took 6m43.64s, rate ~ 156.3k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T13:02:48.223Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 156.7k/s, took 10m4.918s, rate ~ 156.4k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T13:06:08.606Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 157.4k/s, took 13m25.3s, rate ~ 156.6k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-12T13:09:27.310Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 158.7k/s, took 16m44.004s, rate ~ 157.1k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-12T13:10:15.117Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 17m31.811s, rate ~ 157.2k/s count: 165309499
2020-12-12T13:11:40.424Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T13:11:40.424Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T13:11:40.424Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T13:11:40.424Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2014-02-19T13:58:18Z](126423418) Equal
2020-12-12T13:11:40.424Z - [2014-02-20T01:44:19Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](47428446) MissingInB
2020-12-12T13:11:40.424Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T13:15:19.441Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 144.0k/s, took 3m39.016s, rate ~ 144.0k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T13:18:39.670Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 157.5k/s, took 6m59.245s, rate ~ 150.4k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T13:21:59.463Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2012-03-13) inner rate ~ 157.8k/s, took 10m19.038s, rate ~ 152.8k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T13:25:20.132Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2013-03-19) inner rate ~ 157.2k/s, took 13m39.708s, rate ~ 153.9k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-12T13:28:21.946Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 16m41.521s, rate ~ 154.5k/s count: 154748431
2020-12-12T13:29:46.838Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T13:29:46.838Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-10-16T20:56:53Z](53566289) Equal
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2011-10-16T21:38:44Z, 2011-10-16T21:38:44Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2011-10-16T21:54:25Z, 2013-10-18T13:53:18Z](62272852) Equal
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2013-10-18T15:53:27Z, 2013-10-18T15:58:38Z](2) MissingInB
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2013-10-18T16:06:13Z, 2014-02-19T13:58:18Z](10584273) Equal
2020-12-12T13:29:46.839Z - [2014-02-20T01:44:19Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](47428446) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20140806.0019.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	150m48.392s
user	4m3.086s
sys	1m25.752s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2014-08-06 04:19:27	168924060
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2014-08-06 04:19:27	179485128

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T16:00:40.893Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T16:00:40.895Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T16:00:40.896Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T16:04:04.369Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 155.0k/s, took 3m23.473s, rate ~ 155.0k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T16:07:26.899Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 155.7k/s, took 6m46.003s, rate ~ 155.3k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T16:10:48.511Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 156.4k/s, took 10m7.615s, rate ~ 155.7k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T16:14:09.700Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 156.7k/s, took 13m28.804s, rate ~ 156.0k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-12T16:17:31.560Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 156.2k/s, took 16m50.664s, rate ~ 156.0k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-12T16:19:50.132Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 19m9.237s, rate ~ 156.2k/s count: 179485128
2020-12-12T16:20:50.016Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T16:20:50.016Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T16:20:50.016Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T16:20:50.016Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2014-08-06T04:19:27Z](140599047) Equal
2020-12-12T16:20:50.016Z - [2014-08-06T04:19:28Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](33252817) MissingInB
2020-12-12T16:20:50.016Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T16:24:25.925Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 146.1k/s, took 3m35.909s, rate ~ 146.1k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T16:27:43.964Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 159.2k/s, took 6m53.948s, rate ~ 152.4k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T16:31:01.606Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2012-03-13) inner rate ~ 159.6k/s, took 10m11.589s, rate ~ 154.7k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T16:34:17.981Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2013-03-19) inner rate ~ 160.6k/s, took 13m27.965s, rate ~ 156.1k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-12T16:37:34.224Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2014-03-26) inner rate ~ 160.7k/s, took 16m44.208s, rate ~ 157.0k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-12T16:38:43.575Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 17m53.558s, rate ~ 157.3k/s count: 168924060
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-10-16T20:56:53Z](53566289) Equal
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2011-10-16T21:38:44Z, 2011-10-16T21:38:44Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2011-10-16T21:54:25Z, 2013-10-18T13:53:18Z](62272852) Equal
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2013-10-18T15:53:27Z, 2013-10-18T15:58:38Z](2) MissingInB
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2013-10-18T16:06:13Z, 2014-08-06T04:19:27Z](24759902) Equal
2020-12-12T16:39:43.291Z - [2014-08-06T04:19:28Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](33252817) MissingInB
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.20150928.1006.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

real	179m23.209s
user	4m44.234s
sys	1m40.917s

- Expect something recent in ted_native table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-12-17 19:37:16	2015-09-28 14:06:52	202176877
- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2015-09-28 14:06:52	212737945

- run mysql restore
2020-12-12T19:39:12.348Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-12T19:39:12.350Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-12T19:39:12.350Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(watt)
2020-12-12T19:42:32.749Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 157.4k/s, took 3m20.398s, rate ~ 157.4k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T19:45:52.706Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 157.7k/s, took 6m40.354s, rate ~ 157.5k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T19:49:10.759Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 159.2k/s, took 9m58.407s, rate ~ 158.1k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T19:52:29.233Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 158.9k/s, took 13m16.881s, rate ~ 158.3k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-12T19:55:46.680Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 159.7k/s, took 16m34.329s, rate ~ 158.6k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-12T19:59:04.338Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 159.5k/s, took 19m51.987s, rate ~ 158.7k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-12T20:01:32.134Z - jsonl <-> mysql(watt) took 22m19.782s, rate ~ 158.8k/s count: 212737945
2020-12-12T20:01:32.134Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(watt):
2020-12-12T20:01:32.134Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-12T20:01:32.134Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInB
2020-12-12T20:01:32.134Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](173851864) Equal
2020-12-12T20:01:32.134Z - -=- jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native)
2020-12-12T20:05:13.716Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2009-12-26) inner rate ~ 142.3k/s, took 3m41.582s, rate ~ 142.3k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-12T20:08:35.481Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2011-02-18) inner rate ~ 156.3k/s, took 7m3.347s, rate ~ 149.0k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-12T20:11:57.441Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2012-03-13) inner rate ~ 156.1k/s, took 10m25.307s, rate ~ 151.3k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-12T20:15:19.891Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2013-03-19) inner rate ~ 155.8k/s, took 13m47.757s, rate ~ 152.4k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-12T20:18:41.993Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2014-03-26) inner rate ~ 156.0k/s, took 17m9.859s, rate ~ 153.1k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-12T20:22:03.403Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) (2015-04-27) inner rate ~ 156.6k/s, took 20m31.269s, rate ~ 153.7k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-12T20:23:26.247Z - jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native) took 21m54.113s, rate ~ 153.9k/s count: 202176877
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - Verified jsonl <-> mysql(ted_native):
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2008-12-17T19:19:20Z](10561089) MissingInB
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2008-12-17T19:37:16Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](28325017) Equal
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2009-11-17T03:00:30Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2009-11-17T03:02:49Z, 2011-10-16T20:56:53Z](53566289) Equal
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2011-10-16T21:38:44Z, 2011-10-16T21:38:44Z](1) MissingInB
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2011-10-16T21:54:25Z, 2013-10-18T13:53:18Z](62272852) Equal
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2013-10-18T15:53:27Z, 2013-10-18T15:58:38Z](2) MissingInB
2020-12-12T20:23:26.248Z - [2013-10-18T16:06:13Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](58012719) Equal
- Done Restoring Database

åreal	1479m2.641s
user	358m0.091s
sys	47m30.605s

Restore phase 2 - plan and prep

Final rollup - we will accumulate in postgres.

  • Pre phase-2
    • seed with ./data/jsonl-ted-rollup.20150928.100 (result of phase-1 above)
    • restore these over postgres
      • ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2 - last watt backup including history from 2008-07-30 00:04:40
      • ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.gz - first backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01
      • ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2 - most recent backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01
verify("mysql(watt) <-> postgres", mysql.NewReader(db, "watt"), postgres.NewReader(conn, "watt"))
doTest("mysql(watt) -> postgres", mysql.NewReader(db, "watt"), postgres.NewWriter(conn, "watt"))
verify("mysql(watt) <-> postgres", mysql.NewReader(db, "watt"), postgres.NewReader(conn, "watt"))
  • Phase-2 Verification
    • restore each ted.watt*.sql.bz2 and verify against postgres.
verify("mysql(watt) <-> postgres", mysql.NewReader(db, "watt"), postgres.NewReader(conn, "watt"))

Pre phase-2

  • seed with ./data/jsonl-ted-rollup.20150928.100 (result of phase-1 above)
  • restore these over postgres
    • ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2 - last watt backup including history from 2008-07-30 00:04:40
    • ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.gz - first backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01
    • ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2 - most recent backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01


2020-12-13T05:26:15.254Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T05:26:15.271Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T05:26:15.289Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T05:26:15.343Z - -=- jsonl <-> postgres
2020-12-13T05:27:16.272Z - jsonl <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 517.6k/s, took 1m0.929s, rate ~ 517.6k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T05:28:16.146Z - jsonl <-> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 526.7k/s, took 2m0.803s, rate ~ 522.1k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T05:29:15.794Z - jsonl <-> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 528.7k/s, took 3m0.45s, rate ~ 524.3k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T05:30:15.534Z - jsonl <-> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 527.9k/s, took 4m0.191s, rate ~ 525.2k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T05:31:15.142Z - jsonl <-> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 529.1k/s, took 4m59.799s, rate ~ 526.0k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T05:32:14.347Z - jsonl <-> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 532.7k/s, took 5m59.003s, rate ~ 527.1k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T05:32:58.922Z - jsonl <-> postgres took 6m43.578s, rate ~ 527.1k/s count: 212737970
2020-12-13T05:32:58.922Z - Verified jsonl <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T05:32:58.922Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](212737970) Equal

ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2 - last watt backup including history from 2008-07-30 00:04:40

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2016-02-11 12:22:45	223101124

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T07:01:32.207Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T07:01:32.209Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T07:01:32.218Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T07:01:32.231Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T07:04:55.918Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 154.8k/s, took 3m23.687s, rate ~ 154.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T07:08:19.273Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 155.1k/s, took 6m47.041s, rate ~ 155.0k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T07:11:43.608Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 154.3k/s, took 10m11.377s, rate ~ 154.7k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T07:15:05.252Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 156.4k/s, took 13m33.021s, rate ~ 155.2k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T07:18:25.908Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 157.2k/s, took 16m53.677s, rate ~ 155.6k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T07:21:53.315Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 152.1k/s, took 20m21.083s, rate ~ 155.0k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T07:24:22.795Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 22m50.564s, rate ~ 155.2k/s count: 212737970
2020-12-13T07:25:28.728Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T07:25:28.728Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T07:25:28.728Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T07:25:28.728Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2015-09-28T14:06:52Z](173851864) Equal
2020-12-13T07:25:28.728Z - [2015-09-28T14:06:53Z, 2016-02-11T12:22:45Z](10363179) MissingInB
2020-12-13T07:25:28.728Z - -=- mysql(watt) -> postgres
2020-12-13T07:29:29.816Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 130.8k/s, took 4m1.088s, rate ~ 130.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T07:33:29.669Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 131.5k/s, took 8m0.939s, rate ~ 131.1k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T07:37:30.992Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 130.7k/s, took 12m2.263s, rate ~ 131.0k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T07:41:31.194Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 131.3k/s, took 16m2.466s, rate ~ 131.1k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T07:45:30.667Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 131.7k/s, took 20m1.938s, rate ~ 131.2k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T07:49:31.066Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 131.2k/s, took 24m2.337s, rate ~ 131.2k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T07:53:20.327Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2015-12-31) inner rate ~ 137.6k/s, took 27m51.598s, rate ~ 132.1k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T07:53:36.252Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres took 28m7.523s, rate ~ 132.2k/s count: 223101124
2020-12-13T07:53:36.260Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T07:57:01.656Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 153.5k/s, took 3m25.395s, rate ~ 153.5k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T08:00:20.627Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 158.5k/s, took 6m44.366s, rate ~ 156.0k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T08:03:39.739Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 158.4k/s, took 10m3.478s, rate ~ 156.8k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T08:06:58.445Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 158.7k/s, took 13m22.184s, rate ~ 157.3k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T08:10:16.929Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 158.9k/s, took 16m40.668s, rate ~ 157.6k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T08:13:41.346Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 154.3k/s, took 20m5.085s, rate ~ 157.0k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T08:17:01.149Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-31) inner rate ~ 157.8k/s, took 23m24.888s, rate ~ 157.1k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T08:17:16.088Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 23m39.827s, rate ~ 157.1k/s count: 223101149
2020-12-13T08:17:16.089Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T08:17:16.089Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T08:17:16.089Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T08:17:16.089Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2016-02-11T12:22:45Z](184215043) Equal
- Done Restoring Database

real	162m44.152s

ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.gz - first backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01

note: first recompress .gz -> .bz2

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-01-01 00:00:00	2016-02-14 21:24:21	2318726

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T08:22:30.372Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T08:22:30.374Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T08:22:30.386Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T08:22:30.390Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T08:23:03.062Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 965.3k/s, took 32.671s, rate ~ 965.3k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T08:23:24.417Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 54.026s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T08:23:45.241Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m14.85s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T08:24:05.880Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m35.489s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T08:24:27.115Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m56.724s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T08:24:48.008Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 2m17.617s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T08:25:08.242Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-31) inner rate ~ 1.6M/s, took 2m37.851s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T08:25:32.496Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 3m2.105s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 223101149
2020-12-13T08:25:32.499Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T08:25:32.499Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2015-12-31T23:59:59Z](220783301) MissingInA
2020-12-13T08:25:32.499Z - [2016-01-01T00:00:00Z, 2016-02-11T12:22:45Z](2317848) Equal
2020-12-13T08:25:32.500Z - [2016-02-14T21:09:15Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](878) MissingInB
2020-12-13T08:25:32.500Z - -=- mysql(watt) -> postgres
2020-12-13T08:26:09.674Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres took 37.174s, rate ~ 62.4k/s count: 2318726
2020-12-13T08:26:09.773Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T08:26:40.715Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.0M/s, took 30.942s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T08:27:01.992Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 52.218s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T08:27:22.737Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m12.964s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T08:27:43.708Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m33.934s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T08:28:04.785Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m55.012s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T08:28:25.510Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 2m15.737s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T08:28:45.784Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-31) inner rate ~ 1.6M/s, took 2m36.01s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T08:29:10.193Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 3m0.42s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 223102027
2020-12-13T08:29:10.194Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T08:29:10.194Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2015-12-31T23:59:59Z](220783301) MissingInA
2020-12-13T08:29:10.194Z - [2016-01-01T00:00:00Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](2318726) Equal
- Done Restoring Database

real	7m34.955s

ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2 - most recent backup with table truncated from 2016-01-01

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2020-11-20 23:32:33	143688967

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T09:03:29.097Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T09:03:29.099Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T09:03:29.108Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T09:03:29.123Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T09:04:01.578Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 971.7k/s, took 32.455s, rate ~ 971.7k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T09:04:26.971Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 57.848s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T09:04:52.264Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m23.14s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T09:05:19.569Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m50.446s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T09:05:44.822Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m15.699s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T09:06:09.642Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m40.519s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T09:06:33.778Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-31) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 3m4.655s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T09:06:35.319Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 3m6.195s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 223102027
2020-12-13T09:10:33.448Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T09:10:33.449Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInB
2020-12-13T09:10:33.449Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-13T09:10:33.449Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](143613941) MissingInB
2020-12-13T09:10:33.449Z - -=- mysql(watt) -> postgres
2020-12-13T09:13:22.411Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2017-03-19) inner rate ~ 186.6k/s, took 2m48.962s, rate ~ 186.6k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T09:16:10.966Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2018-04-16) inner rate ~ 187.1k/s, took 5m37.517s, rate ~ 186.9k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T09:18:58.349Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2019-04-23) inner rate ~ 188.4k/s, took 8m24.9s, rate ~ 187.4k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T09:21:50.477Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres (2020-04-30) inner rate ~ 183.2k/s, took 11m17.028s, rate ~ 186.3k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T09:23:34.037Z - mysql(watt) -> postgres took 13m0.588s, rate ~ 184.1k/s count: 143688967
2020-12-13T09:23:34.063Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T09:23:58.303Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 24.24s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T09:24:25.172Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 51.108s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T09:24:49.789Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m15.725s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T09:25:16.687Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m42.623s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T09:25:42.576Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m8.512s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T09:26:06.364Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m32.3s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T09:26:26.897Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 2m52.834s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T09:27:25.248Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 540.5k/s, took 3m51.184s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T09:28:35.824Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 446.8k/s, took 5m1.761s, rate ~ 940.6k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T09:29:46.410Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 446.8k/s, took 6m12.346s, rate ~ 847.0k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T09:30:58.094Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 439.9k/s, took 7m24.03s, rate ~ 781.2k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T09:31:43.787Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 8m9.724s, rate ~ 749.0k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T09:31:43.791Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T09:31:43.791Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-13T09:31:43.791Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-13T09:31:43.791Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](143613941) Equal
- Done Restoring Database
real	61m47.523s

Phase 2 - Verification

- Verifying docker environment
WARNING: No swap limit support
  Docker seems to be setup properly

- Waiting for database server (go-ted1k_mysql_1) to accept connections (max 30 seconds)

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt-just2016.2016-02-14-1624.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-01-01 00:00:00	2016-02-14 21:24:21	2318726

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T09:36:54.080Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T09:36:54.082Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T09:36:54.092Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T09:36:54.108Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T09:37:48.588Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 578.9k/s, took 54.479s, rate ~ 578.9k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T09:38:16.681Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 1m22.573s, rate ~ 763.8k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T09:38:37.879Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m43.77s, rate ~ 911.7k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T09:39:02.092Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m7.983s, rate ~ 985.6k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T09:39:28.357Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m34.249s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T09:39:50.053Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 2m55.945s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T09:40:12.664Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 3m18.556s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T09:41:01.564Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 644.9k/s, took 4m7.455s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T09:41:23.358Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 4m29.25s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T09:41:44.146Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m50.038s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T09:42:08.517Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 5m14.408s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T09:42:21.909Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m27.8s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T09:42:21.909Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T09:42:21.909Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2015-12-31T23:59:59Z](220858327) MissingInA
2020-12-13T09:42:21.909Z - [2016-01-01T00:00:00Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](2318726) Equal
2020-12-13T09:42:21.909Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](143613941) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20090918.0300.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-09-18 07:00:36	33874979

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T09:55:26.182Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T09:55:26.184Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T09:55:26.192Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T09:55:26.202Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T09:58:42.099Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 161.0k/s, took 3m15.897s, rate ~ 161.0k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T09:59:16.440Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 918.3k/s, took 3m50.237s, rate ~ 273.9k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T09:59:36.825Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m10.622s, rate ~ 377.5k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T09:59:57.448Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m31.246s, rate ~ 465.1k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T10:00:18.101Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m51.898s, rate ~ 540.2k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T10:00:38.697Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m12.494s, rate ~ 605.5k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T10:00:59.320Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m33.117s, rate ~ 662.7k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T10:01:20.021Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m53.818s, rate ~ 713.0k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T10:01:40.535Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m14.333s, rate ~ 758.2k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T10:02:01.287Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m35.084s, rate ~ 798.2k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T10:02:21.852Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m55.649s, rate ~ 834.6k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T10:02:34.989Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 7m8.787s, rate ~ 855.4k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T10:02:34.990Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T10:02:34.990Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T10:02:34.990Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-09-18T07:00:36Z](33874979) Equal
2020-12-13T10:02:34.990Z - [2009-09-18T07:00:37Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](332840989) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20091022.0258.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-10-22 06:58:36	36782768

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T10:16:43.515Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T10:16:43.517Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T10:16:43.529Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T10:16:43.547Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T10:19:55.615Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 164.2k/s, took 3m12.068s, rate ~ 164.2k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T10:20:45.204Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 636.0k/s, took 4m1.657s, rate ~ 261.0k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T10:21:05.888Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m22.341s, rate ~ 360.6k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T10:21:26.643Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m43.096s, rate ~ 445.6k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T10:21:47.191Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m3.644s, rate ~ 519.3k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T10:22:07.672Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m24.125s, rate ~ 583.8k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T10:22:27.787Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.6M/s, took 5m44.24s, rate ~ 641.3k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T10:22:48.215Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m4.668s, rate ~ 691.8k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T10:23:08.652Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m25.105s, rate ~ 737.0k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T10:23:29.071Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m45.524s, rate ~ 777.7k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T10:23:49.519Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 7m5.972s, rate ~ 814.4k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T10:24:02.744Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 7m19.197s, rate ~ 835.1k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T10:24:02.745Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T10:24:02.745Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T10:24:02.745Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-10-22T06:58:36Z](36782768) Equal
2020-12-13T10:24:02.745Z - [2009-10-22T06:58:37Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](329933200) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20091102.0134.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2009-11-02 06:34:50	37626188

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T10:38:24.126Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T10:38:24.128Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T10:38:24.143Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T10:38:24.161Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T10:41:33.980Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 166.1k/s, took 3m9.819s, rate ~ 166.1k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T10:42:27.643Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 587.7k/s, took 4m3.482s, rate ~ 259.0k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T10:42:48.632Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m24.471s, rate ~ 357.7k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T10:43:09.191Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m45.03s, rate ~ 442.6k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T10:43:29.839Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m5.678s, rate ~ 515.8k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T10:43:50.295Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m26.134s, rate ~ 580.2k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T10:44:10.885Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 5m46.724s, rate ~ 636.7k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T10:44:31.423Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m7.262s, rate ~ 686.9k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T10:44:51.836Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m27.675s, rate ~ 732.1k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T10:45:12.488Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 6m48.328s, rate ~ 772.3k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T10:45:32.838Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 7m8.677s, rate ~ 809.2k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T10:45:45.629Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 7m21.468s, rate ~ 830.8k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T10:45:45.630Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T10:45:45.630Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T10:45:45.630Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-02T06:34:50Z](37626188) Equal
2020-12-13T10:45:45.630Z - [2009-11-02T06:34:51Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](329089780) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20110406.0316.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2011-04-06 07:15:35	77646482

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T11:15:48.897Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T11:15:48.899Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T11:15:48.912Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T11:15:48.933Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T11:19:10.544Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 156.4k/s, took 3m21.611s, rate ~ 156.4k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T11:22:30.682Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 157.6k/s, took 6m41.749s, rate ~ 157.0k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T11:24:14.446Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 303.9k/s, took 8m25.513s, rate ~ 187.2k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T11:24:35.082Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 8m46.149s, rate ~ 239.7k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T11:24:55.629Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 9m6.696s, rate ~ 288.4k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T11:25:16.614Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 9m27.681s, rate ~ 333.3k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T11:25:37.710Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 9m48.777s, rate ~ 374.9k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T11:25:58.361Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 10m9.428s, rate ~ 414.0k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T11:26:19.158Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 10m30.225s, rate ~ 450.4k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T11:26:39.826Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 10m50.893s, rate ~ 484.5k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T11:27:00.106Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.6M/s, took 11m11.173s, rate ~ 516.9k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T11:27:13.017Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 11m24.085s, rate ~ 536.2k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T11:27:13.018Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T11:27:13.018Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T11:27:13.018Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T11:27:13.018Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T11:27:13.018Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2011-04-06T07:15:35Z](38760401) Equal
2020-12-13T11:27:13.018Z - [2011-04-06T07:24:52Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](289069461) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20110607.0115.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2011-06-07 05:15:59	82931473

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T11:59:15.113Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T11:59:15.115Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T11:59:15.124Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T11:59:15.142Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T12:02:30.585Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 161.4k/s, took 3m15.443s, rate ~ 161.4k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T12:05:45.891Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 161.5k/s, took 6m30.749s, rate ~ 161.4k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T12:08:00.199Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 234.8k/s, took 8m45.057s, rate ~ 180.2k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T12:08:28.029Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 9m12.887s, rate ~ 228.2k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T12:08:57.157Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 9m42.015s, rate ~ 270.9k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T12:09:23.544Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 10m8.402s, rate ~ 311.0k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T12:09:49.903Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 10m34.761s, rate ~ 347.8k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T12:10:19.164Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 11m4.022s, rate ~ 379.9k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T12:10:45.897Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 11m30.755s, rate ~ 410.9k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T12:11:12.418Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 11m57.276s, rate ~ 439.7k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T12:11:39.453Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 12m24.311s, rate ~ 466.1k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T12:11:54.486Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 12m39.344s, rate ~ 483.0k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T12:11:54.488Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T12:11:54.488Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T12:11:54.488Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T12:11:54.488Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T12:11:54.488Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2011-06-07T05:15:59Z](44045392) Equal
2020-12-13T12:11:54.488Z - [2011-06-07T05:16:00Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](283784470) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20111017.2045.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2011-10-18 00:33:13	92547284

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T12:47:21.973Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T12:47:21.975Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T12:47:21.982Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T12:47:22.003Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T12:50:41.565Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 158.0k/s, took 3m19.562s, rate ~ 158.0k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T12:54:00.897Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 158.2k/s, took 6m38.894s, rate ~ 158.1k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T12:57:09.256Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 167.4k/s, took 9m47.254s, rate ~ 161.1k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T12:57:29.927Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 10m7.924s, rate ~ 207.5k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T12:57:50.404Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 10m28.401s, rate ~ 250.9k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T12:58:10.939Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 10m48.937s, rate ~ 291.6k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T12:58:31.685Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 11m9.682s, rate ~ 329.6k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T12:58:52.331Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 11m30.328s, rate ~ 365.5k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T12:59:12.884Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 11m50.881s, rate ~ 399.3k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T12:59:33.567Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 12m11.565s, rate ~ 431.1k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T12:59:54.191Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 12m32.188s, rate ~ 461.2k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T13:00:07.160Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 12m45.157s, rate ~ 479.4k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T13:00:07.160Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T13:00:07.160Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T13:00:07.160Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T13:00:07.160Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T13:00:07.160Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2011-10-18T00:33:13Z](53661203) Equal
2020-12-13T13:00:07.160Z - [2011-10-18T00:51:14Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](274168659) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20120608.0119.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2012-06-08 05:19:20	112499188

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T13:43:17.091Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T13:43:17.093Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T13:43:17.100Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T13:43:17.132Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T13:46:37.183Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 157.6k/s, took 3m20.051s, rate ~ 157.6k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T13:49:55.471Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 159.0k/s, took 6m38.338s, rate ~ 158.3k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T13:53:15.040Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 158.0k/s, took 9m57.908s, rate ~ 158.2k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T13:55:17.189Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 258.2k/s, took 12m0.057s, rate ~ 175.2k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T13:55:38.297Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 12m21.165s, rate ~ 212.7k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T13:55:59.142Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 12m42.01s, rate ~ 248.3k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T13:56:19.848Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 13m2.716s, rate ~ 282.0k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T13:56:40.420Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 13m23.288s, rate ~ 314.1k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T13:57:01.341Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 13m44.208s, rate ~ 344.4k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T13:57:22.146Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 14m5.014s, rate ~ 373.2k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T13:57:42.779Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 14m25.647s, rate ~ 400.7k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T13:57:55.849Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 14m38.717s, rate ~ 417.4k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T13:57:55.850Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T13:57:55.850Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T13:57:55.851Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T13:57:55.851Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T13:57:55.851Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2012-06-08T05:19:20Z](73613107) Equal
2020-12-13T13:57:55.851Z - [2012-06-08T05:19:22Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](254216755) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20130221.2119.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2013-02-22 02:19:09	134540091

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T14:49:29.985Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T14:49:29.987Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T14:49:29.994Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T14:49:30.015Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T14:52:49.827Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 157.8k/s, took 3m19.812s, rate ~ 157.8k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T14:56:09.983Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 157.6k/s, took 6m39.968s, rate ~ 157.7k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T14:59:29.261Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 158.3k/s, took 9m59.246s, rate ~ 157.9k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T15:02:49.172Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 157.8k/s, took 13m19.157s, rate ~ 157.8k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T15:03:57.885Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 459.0k/s, took 14m27.87s, rate ~ 181.7k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T15:04:18.696Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 14m48.68s, rate ~ 212.9k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T15:04:39.285Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 15m9.27s, rate ~ 242.8k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T15:05:00.134Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 15m30.119s, rate ~ 271.2k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T15:05:20.550Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 15m50.535s, rate ~ 298.6k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T15:05:41.029Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 16m11.014s, rate ~ 324.8k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T15:06:01.730Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 16m31.715s, rate ~ 349.8k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T15:06:14.637Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 16m44.622s, rate ~ 365.1k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T15:06:14.637Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T15:06:14.637Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T15:06:14.637Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T15:06:14.637Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T15:06:14.638Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2013-02-22T02:19:09Z](95654010) Equal
2020-12-13T15:06:14.638Z - [2013-02-22T02:19:10Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](232175852) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20140219.2038.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2014-02-19 13:58:18	165309499

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T16:09:51.356Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T16:09:51.358Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T16:09:51.365Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T16:09:51.386Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T16:13:14.378Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 155.4k/s, took 3m22.992s, rate ~ 155.4k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T16:16:41.367Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 152.4k/s, took 6m49.981s, rate ~ 153.8k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T16:20:25.189Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 140.9k/s, took 10m33.801s, rate ~ 149.3k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T16:24:09.893Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 140.3k/s, took 14m18.506s, rate ~ 146.9k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T16:27:52.568Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 141.6k/s, took 18m1.181s, rate ~ 145.8k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T16:29:18.079Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 368.8k/s, took 19m26.693s, rate ~ 162.2k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T16:29:51.708Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 937.8k/s, took 20m0.322s, rate ~ 183.9k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T16:30:24.092Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 973.8k/s, took 20m32.705s, rate ~ 204.7k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T16:30:58.748Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 909.9k/s, took 21m7.362s, rate ~ 223.9k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T16:31:30.038Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.0M/s, took 21m38.651s, rate ~ 242.8k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T16:31:59.244Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 22m7.857s, rate ~ 261.2k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T16:32:18.842Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 22m27.456s, rate ~ 272.2k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T16:32:18.844Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T16:32:18.844Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T16:32:18.844Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T16:32:18.845Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T16:32:18.845Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2014-02-19T13:58:18Z](126423418) Equal
2020-12-13T16:32:18.845Z - [2014-02-20T01:44:19Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](201406444) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20140806.0016.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2014-08-06 04:16:19	179484943

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T17:50:26.541Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T17:50:26.543Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T17:50:26.559Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T17:50:26.610Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T17:55:07.999Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 112.1k/s, took 4m41.389s, rate ~ 112.1k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T17:59:32.926Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 119.0k/s, took 9m6.315s, rate ~ 115.4k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T18:03:12.100Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 143.9k/s, took 12m45.489s, rate ~ 123.6k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T18:06:59.775Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 138.5k/s, took 16m33.165s, rate ~ 127.0k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T18:10:44.192Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 140.5k/s, took 20m17.582s, rate ~ 129.5k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T18:13:20.587Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 201.6k/s, took 22m53.976s, rate ~ 137.7k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T18:13:44.499Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 23m17.889s, rate ~ 157.9k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T18:14:09.346Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 23m42.736s, rate ~ 177.3k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T18:14:35.361Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 24m8.751s, rate ~ 195.9k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T18:15:03.366Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 24m36.756s, rate ~ 213.5k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T18:15:27.982Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 25m1.372s, rate ~ 231.1k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T18:15:48.315Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 25m21.705s, rate ~ 241.0k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T18:15:48.316Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T18:15:48.316Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T18:15:48.316Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T18:15:48.316Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T18:15:48.316Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2014-08-06T04:16:19Z](140598862) Equal
2020-12-13T18:15:48.316Z - [2014-08-06T04:16:20Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](187231000) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20141005.2218.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2014-10-06 02:18:37	184124340

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T19:30:16.474Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T19:30:16.476Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T19:30:16.492Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T19:30:16.547Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T19:33:44.069Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 152.0k/s, took 3m27.522s, rate ~ 152.0k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T19:37:08.114Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 154.6k/s, took 6m51.567s, rate ~ 153.2k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T19:40:33.124Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 153.8k/s, took 10m16.578s, rate ~ 153.4k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T19:43:56.008Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 155.4k/s, took 13m39.461s, rate ~ 153.9k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T19:47:20.154Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 154.5k/s, took 17m3.607s, rate ~ 154.0k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T19:50:14.608Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 180.8k/s, took 19m58.061s, rate ~ 157.9k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T19:50:36.155Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 20m19.609s, rate ~ 181.0k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T19:50:57.795Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 20m41.249s, rate ~ 203.3k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T19:51:19.473Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 21m2.926s, rate ~ 224.7k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T19:51:41.225Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 21m24.679s, rate ~ 245.5k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T19:52:02.764Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 21m46.218s, rate ~ 265.6k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T19:52:16.738Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 22m0.191s, rate ~ 277.8k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T19:52:16.739Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T19:52:16.739Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T19:52:16.739Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T19:52:16.739Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T19:52:16.739Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2014-10-06T02:18:37Z](145238259) Equal
2020-12-13T19:52:16.739Z - [2014-10-06T02:18:38Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](182591603) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20150928.1003.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2015-09-28 14:03:18	212737731

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T21:18:28.507Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T21:18:28.510Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T21:18:28.525Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T21:18:28.539Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T21:21:53.660Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 153.7k/s, took 3m25.121s, rate ~ 153.7k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T21:25:15.369Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 156.3k/s, took 6m46.83s, rate ~ 155.0k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T21:28:37.590Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 155.9k/s, took 10m9.051s, rate ~ 155.3k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T21:32:00.109Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 155.7k/s, took 13m31.57s, rate ~ 155.4k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T21:35:21.018Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 157.0k/s, took 16m52.478s, rate ~ 155.7k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T21:38:42.028Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 156.9k/s, took 20m13.488s, rate ~ 155.9k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T21:41:18.123Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 202.0k/s, took 22m49.584s, rate ~ 161.2k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T21:41:39.451Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 23m10.912s, rate ~ 181.4k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T21:42:00.556Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 23m32.017s, rate ~ 201.0k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T21:42:22.020Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 23m53.481s, rate ~ 220.0k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T21:42:43.567Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 24m15.028s, rate ~ 238.4k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T21:42:57.265Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 24m28.726s, rate ~ 249.7k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T21:42:57.266Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T21:42:57.266Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T21:42:57.266Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T21:42:57.266Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T21:42:57.266Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2015-09-28T14:03:18Z](173851650) Equal
2020-12-13T21:42:57.266Z - [2015-09-28T14:03:19Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](153978212) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.2016-02-14-1555.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2008-07-30 00:04:40	2016-02-11 12:22:45	223101124

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:13:10.082Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:13:10.084Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T23:13:10.098Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T23:13:10.126Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T23:16:36.586Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 152.7k/s, took 3m26.459s, rate ~ 152.7k/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T23:20:01.925Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 153.6k/s, took 6m51.799s, rate ~ 153.2k/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T23:23:27.723Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 153.2k/s, took 10m17.596s, rate ~ 153.2k/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T23:26:50.066Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 155.9k/s, took 13m39.939s, rate ~ 153.8k/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T23:30:13.402Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 155.1k/s, took 17m3.275s, rate ~ 154.1k/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T23:33:37.223Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 154.7k/s, took 20m27.096s, rate ~ 154.2k/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T23:37:00.710Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 155.0k/s, took 23m50.583s, rate ~ 154.3k/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T23:37:38.341Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 838.0k/s, took 24m28.215s, rate ~ 171.8k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T23:38:03.611Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 24m53.484s, rate ~ 190.0k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T23:38:28.807Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 25m18.68s, rate ~ 207.7k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T23:38:55.816Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 25m45.69s, rate ~ 224.4k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T23:39:12.030Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 26m1.903s, rate ~ 234.8k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T23:39:12.031Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T23:39:12.031Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInA
2020-12-13T23:39:12.031Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:02Z](38886081) Equal
2020-12-13T23:39:12.031Z - [2009-11-17T02:46:03Z, 2009-11-17T02:46:27Z](25) MissingInA
2020-12-13T23:39:12.031Z - [2009-11-17T03:00:30Z, 2016-02-11T12:22:45Z](184215043) Equal
2020-12-13T23:39:12.031Z - [2016-02-14T21:09:15Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](143614819) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160430.0232Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2016-04-30 02:32:57	4047909

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:40:14.905Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:40:14.907Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T23:40:14.919Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T23:40:14.938Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T23:40:38.690Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 23.751s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T23:41:02.977Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 48.038s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T23:41:26.631Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m11.692s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T23:41:52.249Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m37.31s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T23:42:17.682Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m2.743s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T23:42:47.691Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 2m32.753s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T23:43:12.456Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m57.517s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T23:43:45.648Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 950.1k/s, took 3m30.71s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T23:44:14.106Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 3m59.168s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T23:44:43.017Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 4m28.078s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T23:45:13.988Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.0M/s, took 4m59.049s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T23:45:32.964Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m18.025s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T23:45:32.964Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T23:45:32.964Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-13T23:45:32.964Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2016-04-30T02:32:57Z](4047909) Equal
2020-12-13T23:45:32.964Z - [2016-04-30T02:32:58Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](139566032) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160616.0229Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2016-06-16 02:29:18	8067692

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:47:30.201Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:47:30.203Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T23:47:30.212Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T23:47:30.230Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T23:47:57.942Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 27.711s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T23:48:21.044Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 50.814s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T23:48:43.837Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m13.607s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T23:49:10.950Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m40.72s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T23:49:39.917Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 2m9.687s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T23:50:06.606Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m36.376s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T23:50:33.698Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 3m3.467s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T23:51:09.696Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 876.0k/s, took 3m39.466s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T23:51:39.545Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 4m9.315s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T23:52:04.442Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m34.211s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-13T23:52:30.343Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 5m0.113s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-13T23:52:46.730Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m16.499s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-13T23:52:46.730Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-13T23:52:46.730Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-13T23:52:46.730Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2016-06-16T02:29:18Z](8067692) Equal
2020-12-13T23:52:46.730Z - [2016-06-16T02:29:19Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](135546249) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160719.1848Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2016-07-19 18:48:44	10855735

- run mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:55:23.508Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-13T23:55:23.510Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-13T23:55:23.520Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-13T23:55:23.540Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-13T23:55:49.925Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 26.385s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-13T23:56:16.491Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 52.95s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-13T23:56:41.482Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m17.941s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-13T23:57:08.918Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 1m45.377s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-13T23:57:35.848Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m12.307s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-13T23:58:00.890Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m37.349s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-13T23:58:23.811Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 3m0.27s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-13T23:59:01.386Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 839.3k/s, took 3m37.845s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-13T23:59:22.745Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 3m59.205s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-13T23:59:44.426Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 4m20.886s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T00:00:06.341Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 4m42.8s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T00:00:21.190Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 4m57.649s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T00:00:21.190Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T00:00:21.190Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T00:00:21.190Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2016-07-19T18:48:44Z](10855735) Equal
2020-12-14T00:00:21.190Z - [2016-07-19T18:48:45Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](132758206) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20160918.0059Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2016-09-18 00:59:58	16004523

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:04:12.629Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:04:12.631Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T00:04:12.640Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T00:04:12.660Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T00:04:39.370Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 26.71s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T00:05:03.733Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 51.072s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T00:05:26.117Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m13.457s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T00:05:52.572Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m39.912s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T00:06:14.649Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m1.988s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T00:06:39.102Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m26.442s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T00:07:02.414Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m49.754s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T00:07:46.019Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 723.2k/s, took 3m33.359s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T00:08:11.628Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 3m58.967s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T00:08:35.690Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m23.03s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T00:09:00.132Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m47.471s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T00:09:14.721Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m2.061s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T00:09:14.722Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T00:09:14.722Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T00:09:14.722Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2016-09-18T00:59:58Z](16004523) Equal
2020-12-14T00:09:14.722Z - [2016-09-18T00:59:59Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](127609418) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20161202.0733Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2016-12-02 07:33:54	22421521

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:14:40.960Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:14:40.961Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T00:14:40.970Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T00:14:40.990Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T00:15:05.170Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 24.18s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T00:15:28.115Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 47.125s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T00:15:49.785Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m8.795s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T00:16:13.215Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m32.225s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T00:16:37.687Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m56.697s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T00:17:03.170Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m22.18s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T00:17:27.000Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m46.01s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T00:18:20.016Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 594.8k/s, took 3m39.026s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T00:18:43.476Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m2.486s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T00:19:06.865Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m25.875s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T00:19:29.841Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 4m48.851s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T00:19:45.667Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m4.677s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T00:19:45.667Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T00:19:45.667Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T00:19:45.668Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2016-12-02T07:33:54Z](22421521) Equal
2020-12-14T00:19:45.668Z - [2016-12-02T07:33:55Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](121192420) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170106.0629Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2017-01-06 06:29:54	25369345

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:25:54.903Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:25:54.906Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T00:25:54.915Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T00:25:54.936Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T00:26:23.995Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 29.058s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T00:26:47.423Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 52.487s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T00:27:09.103Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m14.166s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T00:27:32.717Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m37.781s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T00:27:55.792Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m0.855s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T00:28:18.468Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m23.532s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T00:28:43.067Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m48.13s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T00:29:40.781Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 546.4k/s, took 3m45.844s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T00:30:06.792Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 4m11.856s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T00:30:36.034Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 4m41.097s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T00:31:04.124Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 5m9.187s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T00:31:17.852Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m22.916s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T00:31:17.853Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T00:31:17.853Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T00:31:17.853Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2017-01-06T06:29:54Z](25369345) Equal
2020-12-14T00:31:17.853Z - [2017-01-06T06:29:55Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](118244596) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170326.1528Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2017-03-26 15:28:49	32081147

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:39:02.599Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:39:02.601Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T00:39:02.610Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T00:39:02.629Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T00:39:27.318Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 24.689s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T00:39:52.300Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 49.671s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T00:40:16.869Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m14.24s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T00:40:39.828Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m37.198s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T00:41:02.704Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m0.075s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T00:41:28.372Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m25.743s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T00:41:54.708Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m52.079s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T00:42:57.655Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 501.0k/s, took 3m55.026s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T00:43:26.114Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 4m23.484s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T00:43:50.563Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m47.934s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T00:44:14.264Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 5m11.635s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T00:44:28.737Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m26.108s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T00:44:28.738Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T00:44:28.738Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T00:44:28.738Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2017-03-26T15:28:49Z](32081147) Equal
2020-12-14T00:44:28.738Z - [2017-03-26T15:28:50Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](111532794) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170607.0541Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2017-06-07 05:41:49	38228226

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:53:38.736Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T00:53:38.738Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T00:53:38.747Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T00:53:38.768Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T00:54:06.892Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 28.124s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T00:54:32.436Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 53.667s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T00:54:56.329Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m17.56s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T00:55:27.504Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.0M/s, took 1m48.736s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T00:55:53.685Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m14.917s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T00:56:16.521Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m37.753s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T00:56:40.077Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 3m1.309s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T00:57:43.378Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 498.2k/s, took 4m4.609s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T00:58:19.757Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 866.9k/s, took 4m40.989s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T00:58:44.954Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 5m6.186s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T00:59:09.005Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 5m30.236s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T00:59:23.874Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m45.105s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T00:59:23.874Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T00:59:23.874Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T00:59:23.874Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2017-06-07T05:41:49Z](38228226) Equal
2020-12-14T00:59:23.874Z - [2017-06-07T05:41:50Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](105385715) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20170727.1724Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2017-07-27 17:24:30	41955521

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T01:09:30.464Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T01:09:30.466Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T01:09:30.475Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T01:09:30.499Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T01:09:54.267Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 23.768s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T01:10:16.420Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 45.921s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T01:10:39.027Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m8.528s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T01:11:02.110Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m31.611s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T01:11:26.338Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m55.839s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T01:11:49.101Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m18.602s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T01:12:11.513Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m41.014s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T01:13:14.082Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 504.0k/s, took 3m43.583s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T01:13:54.242Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 785.3k/s, took 4m23.743s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T01:14:17.830Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m47.331s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T01:14:44.087Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 5m13.589s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T01:14:59.868Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m29.369s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T01:14:59.868Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T01:14:59.868Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T01:14:59.869Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2017-07-27T17:24:30Z](41955521) Equal
2020-12-14T01:14:59.869Z - [2017-07-27T17:24:31Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](101658420) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180217.2219Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2018-02-17 22:19:46	58328447

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T01:28:48.326Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T01:28:48.327Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T01:28:48.337Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T01:28:48.358Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T01:29:12.475Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 24.117s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T01:29:35.844Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 47.486s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T01:29:58.981Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m10.623s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T01:30:21.561Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m33.203s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T01:30:45.554Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m57.197s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T01:31:11.885Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m23.527s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T01:31:37.043Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m48.685s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T01:32:39.982Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 501.1k/s, took 3m51.624s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T01:33:41.355Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 513.8k/s, took 4m52.997s, rate ~ 968.7k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T01:34:07.440Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 5m19.082s, rate ~ 988.3k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T01:34:30.806Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 5m42.449s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T01:34:46.188Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m57.83s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T01:34:46.189Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T01:34:46.189Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T01:34:46.189Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2018-02-17T22:19:46Z](58328447) Equal
2020-12-14T01:34:46.189Z - [2018-02-17T22:19:47Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](85285494) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180326.0312Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2018-03-26 03:12:25	61205052

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T01:49:09.542Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T01:49:09.544Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T01:49:09.553Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T01:49:09.574Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T01:49:32.615Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 23.042s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T01:49:58.005Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 48.431s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T01:50:22.353Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m12.779s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T01:50:48.757Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m39.183s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T01:51:17.770Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 2m8.196s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T01:51:43.275Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m33.701s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T01:52:09.046Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m59.472s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T01:53:14.346Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 482.9k/s, took 4m4.772s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T01:54:20.922Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 473.7k/s, took 5m11.348s, rate ~ 911.6k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T01:54:50.030Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 5m40.456s, rate ~ 926.3k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T01:55:16.458Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 6m6.884s, rate ~ 945.5k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T01:55:31.967Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 6m22.393s, rate ~ 959.2k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T01:55:31.967Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T01:55:31.967Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T01:55:31.967Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2018-03-26T03:12:25Z](61205052) Equal
2020-12-14T01:55:31.967Z - [2018-03-26T03:12:26Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](82408889) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180612.0035Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2018-06-12 00:35:24	67871341

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T02:11:21.302Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T02:11:21.304Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T02:11:21.313Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T02:11:21.332Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T02:11:46.859Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 25.527s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T02:12:12.129Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 50.797s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T02:12:37.277Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m15.945s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T02:13:04.788Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 1m43.456s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T02:13:31.207Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m9.874s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T02:13:55.324Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m33.992s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T02:14:19.864Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m58.532s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T02:15:21.476Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 511.8k/s, took 4m0.144s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T02:16:26.416Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 485.6k/s, took 5m5.083s, rate ~ 930.3k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T02:17:04.214Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 834.3k/s, took 5m42.881s, rate ~ 919.7k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T02:17:28.270Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 6m6.938s, rate ~ 945.4k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T02:17:46.275Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 6m24.942s, rate ~ 952.8k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T02:17:46.275Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T02:17:46.275Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T02:17:46.275Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2018-06-12T00:35:24Z](67871341) Equal
2020-12-14T02:17:46.275Z - [2018-06-12T00:35:25Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](75742600) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180720.2138Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2018-07-20 21:38:28	71229301

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T02:34:23.744Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T02:34:23.747Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T02:34:23.759Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T02:34:23.779Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T02:34:50.128Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 26.349s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T02:35:14.167Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 50.388s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T02:35:40.206Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m16.427s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T02:36:02.547Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m38.768s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T02:36:26.886Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m3.107s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T02:36:52.592Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m28.813s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T02:37:17.572Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m53.793s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T02:38:20.690Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 499.6k/s, took 3m56.911s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T02:39:25.808Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 484.3k/s, took 5m2.03s, rate ~ 939.7k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T02:40:03.220Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 842.9k/s, took 5m39.441s, rate ~ 929.1k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T02:40:25.851Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 6m2.072s, rate ~ 958.1k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T02:40:39.977Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 6m16.198s, rate ~ 975.0k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T02:40:39.977Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T02:40:39.977Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T02:40:39.977Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2018-07-20T21:38:28Z](71229301) Equal
2020-12-14T02:40:39.977Z - [2018-07-20T21:38:29Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](72384640) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20180831.2033Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2016-03-12 06:35:35	2018-08-31 20:33:16	74852305

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T02:58:17.977Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T02:58:17.979Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T02:58:17.990Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T02:58:18.012Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T02:58:43.817Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 25.805s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T02:59:07.904Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 49.892s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T02:59:31.771Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m13.759s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T02:59:53.218Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m35.206s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T03:00:15.238Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m57.226s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T03:00:36.937Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 2m18.925s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T03:01:02.999Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m44.987s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T03:02:03.144Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 524.3k/s, took 3m45.132s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T03:03:08.965Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 479.1k/s, took 4m50.952s, rate ~ 975.5k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T03:03:49.810Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 772.1k/s, took 5m31.797s, rate ~ 950.5k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T03:04:15.500Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 5m57.488s, rate ~ 970.4k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T03:04:32.219Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 6m14.206s, rate ~ 980.2k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T03:04:32.219Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T03:04:32.219Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223177053) MissingInA
2020-12-14T03:04:32.219Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2018-08-31T20:33:16Z](74852305) Equal
2020-12-14T03:04:32.219Z - [2018-08-31T20:33:17Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](68761636) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20181024.1913Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2018-10-24 19:13:53	79223872

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T03:23:44.484Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T03:23:44.486Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T03:23:44.495Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T03:23:44.516Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T03:24:09.301Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 24.785s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T03:24:32.305Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 47.789s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T03:24:58.724Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m14.208s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T03:25:23.380Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m38.863s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T03:25:48.131Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m3.614s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T03:26:15.404Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m30.888s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T03:26:40.614Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m56.097s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T03:27:41.787Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 515.5k/s, took 3m57.271s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T03:28:46.979Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 483.7k/s, took 5m2.463s, rate ~ 938.4k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T03:29:33.680Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 675.3k/s, took 5m49.164s, rate ~ 903.2k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T03:29:57.024Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 6m12.508s, rate ~ 931.2k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T03:30:14.764Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 6m30.247s, rate ~ 939.9k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T03:30:14.764Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T03:30:14.764Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T03:30:14.764Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T03:30:14.764Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2018-10-24T19:13:53Z](79148846) Equal
2020-12-14T03:30:14.764Z - [2018-10-24T19:13:54Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](64465095) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20190414.0128Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...
ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 920: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '^[[1' at line 1
read unix @->/var/run/docker.sock: read: connection reset by peer

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2017-03-16 23:52:32	31336872

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T03:37:37.378Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T03:37:37.380Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T03:37:37.389Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T03:37:37.436Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T03:38:03.471Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 26.035s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T03:38:28.129Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 50.693s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T03:38:52.442Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m15.005s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T03:39:19.076Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m41.64s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T03:39:43.460Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m6.024s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T03:40:05.174Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 2m27.737s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T03:40:28.266Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m50.83s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T03:41:30.681Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 505.3k/s, took 3m53.245s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T03:41:56.238Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 4m18.802s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T03:42:19.643Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 4m42.206s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T03:42:41.997Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 5m4.561s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T03:42:56.669Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 5m19.233s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T03:42:56.669Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T03:42:56.669Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T03:42:56.669Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T03:42:56.669Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2017-03-16T23:52:32Z](31261846) Equal
2020-12-14T03:42:56.669Z - [2017-03-16T23:52:33Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](112352095) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20190617.0443Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2019-06-17 04:43:57	99352625

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T04:06:56.221Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T04:06:56.224Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T04:06:56.234Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T04:06:56.288Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T04:07:19.986Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 23.698s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T04:07:41.525Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 45.237s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T04:08:03.077Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m6.789s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T04:08:24.742Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 1m28.454s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T04:08:46.577Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m50.289s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T04:09:11.034Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m14.745s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T04:09:37.981Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m41.692s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T04:10:40.233Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 506.6k/s, took 3m43.945s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T04:11:46.410Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 476.5k/s, took 4m50.122s, rate ~ 978.3k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T04:12:52.192Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 479.4k/s, took 5m55.904s, rate ~ 886.1k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T04:13:25.123Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 957.6k/s, took 6m28.835s, rate ~ 892.1k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T04:13:43.991Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 6m47.703s, rate ~ 899.7k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T04:13:43.992Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T04:13:43.992Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T04:13:43.992Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T04:13:43.992Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2019-06-17T04:43:57Z](99277599) Equal
2020-12-14T04:13:43.992Z - [2019-06-17T04:43:58Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](44336342) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20190818.0554Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2019-08-18 05:54:32	104330337

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T04:38:32.909Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T04:38:32.911Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T04:38:32.920Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T04:38:32.970Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T04:38:57.793Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 24.823s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T04:39:21.684Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 48.714s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T04:39:45.185Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m12.215s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T04:40:07.256Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m34.286s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T04:40:32.345Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m59.375s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T04:40:58.601Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m25.631s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T04:41:23.816Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m50.846s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T04:42:31.376Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 466.8k/s, took 3m58.406s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T04:43:39.719Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 461.4k/s, took 5m6.749s, rate ~ 925.3k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T04:44:46.878Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 469.6k/s, took 6m13.908s, rate ~ 843.4k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T04:45:31.391Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 708.5k/s, took 6m58.421s, rate ~ 829.1k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T04:45:48.737Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 7m15.768s, rate ~ 841.7k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T04:45:48.739Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T04:45:48.739Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T04:45:48.739Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T04:45:48.739Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2019-08-18T05:54:32Z](104255311) Equal
2020-12-14T04:45:48.739Z - [2019-08-20T21:47:49Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](39358630) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20191129.0710Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2019-11-28 16:13:05	112928156

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T05:12:43.767Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T05:12:43.768Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T05:12:43.777Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T05:12:43.827Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T05:13:11.518Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 27.69s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T05:13:36.085Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 52.257s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T05:14:00.634Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m16.806s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T05:14:27.816Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 1m43.989s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T05:14:54.656Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m10.829s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T05:15:22.151Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 2m38.324s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T05:15:50.141Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 3m6.313s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T05:17:04.089Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 426.5k/s, took 4m20.261s, rate ~ 969.4k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T05:18:22.671Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 401.3k/s, took 5m38.843s, rate ~ 837.6k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T05:19:39.955Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 408.1k/s, took 6m56.127s, rate ~ 757.8k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T05:20:34.049Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 583.0k/s, took 7m50.221s, rate ~ 737.7k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T05:20:49.433Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 8m5.605s, rate ~ 755.3k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T05:20:49.434Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T05:20:49.434Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T05:20:49.434Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T05:20:49.434Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2019-11-28T16:13:05Z](112853130) Equal
2020-12-14T05:20:49.434Z - [2019-11-29T07:17:08Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](30760811) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20200413.1503Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2020-04-13 15:03:10	124702892

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T05:50:27.858Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T05:50:27.860Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T05:50:27.868Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T05:50:27.915Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T05:50:51.948Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 24.032s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T05:51:13.476Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 45.56s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T05:51:35.856Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m7.94s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T05:51:58.616Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m30.701s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T05:52:21.393Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 1m53.478s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T05:52:43.906Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m15.991s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T05:53:06.716Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m38.8s, rate ~ 1.4M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T05:54:08.428Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 511.0k/s, took 3m40.513s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T05:55:13.998Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 481.0k/s, took 4m46.082s, rate ~ 992.1k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T05:56:19.728Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 479.8k/s, took 5m51.812s, rate ~ 896.4k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T05:57:27.788Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 463.4k/s, took 6m59.872s, rate ~ 826.2k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T05:57:44.668Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 7m16.752s, rate ~ 839.8k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T05:57:44.669Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T05:57:44.669Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T05:57:44.669Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T05:57:44.669Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2020-04-13T15:03:10Z](124627866) Equal
2020-12-14T05:57:44.669Z - [2020-04-13T15:03:11Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](18986075) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20200807.2218Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2020-08-07 22:18:41	134719305

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T06:30:10.928Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T06:30:10.931Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T06:30:10.945Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T06:30:10.990Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T06:30:38.175Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 27.184s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T06:31:03.780Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 52.79s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T06:31:32.424Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 1m21.434s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T06:31:56.529Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m45.539s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T06:32:25.261Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 2m14.27s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T06:32:49.731Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 2m38.741s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T06:33:15.307Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 3m4.317s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T06:34:18.629Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 498.0k/s, took 4m7.639s, rate ~ 1.0M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T06:35:28.242Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 453.0k/s, took 5m17.252s, rate ~ 894.6k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T06:36:35.464Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 469.1k/s, took 6m24.474s, rate ~ 820.2k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T06:37:43.226Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 465.4k/s, took 7m32.236s, rate ~ 767.1k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T06:38:14.784Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 8m3.793s, rate ~ 758.2k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T06:38:14.784Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T06:38:14.784Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T06:38:14.784Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T06:38:14.784Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2020-08-07T22:18:41Z](134644279) Equal
2020-12-14T06:38:14.784Z - [2020-08-07T22:18:42Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](8969662) MissingInA
- Done Restoring Database

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...
ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 3669: The table 'watt' is full
read unix @->/var/run/docker.sock: read: connection reset by peer

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2020-06-01 20:30:47	128954558

- run mysql restore
# command-line-arguments
panic: no space left on device

goroutine 1 [running]:
cmd/link/internal/ld.Main(0x871840, 0x20, 0x20, 0x1, 0x7, 0x10, 0x0, 0x0, 0x6dbb5f, 0x1b, ...)
	/snap/go/current/src/cmd/link/internal/ld/main.go:320 +0x21bd
	/snap/go/current/src/cmd/link/main.go:68 +0x1dc
- Done Restoring Database

real	1292m49.932s
user	226m43.214s
sys	60m46.526s

-=-= Restoring database from snapshot: ./data/archive/mirror/ted/ted.watt.20201120.2332Z.sql.bz2
- Drop tables watt and ted_native before restore, if present
- Show remaining tables, before restore
- Restoring database...

- Expect something recent in watt table
min(stamp)	max(stamp)	count(*)
2007-08-28 00:02:18	2020-11-20 23:32:33	143688967

- run mysql restore
2020-12-14T22:01:46.513Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T22:01:46.580Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T22:01:46.593Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T22:01:46.603Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T22:02:13.123Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 26.52s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T22:02:36.277Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-15) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 49.673s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T22:03:05.671Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-10) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 1m19.068s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T22:03:34.003Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-14) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 1m47.4s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T22:04:04.259Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-21) inner rate ~ 1.0M/s, took 2m17.656s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T22:04:35.401Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-14) inner rate ~ 1.0M/s, took 2m48.798s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T22:05:08.462Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-30) inner rate ~ 953.9k/s, took 3m21.859s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T22:06:19.444Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-19) inner rate ~ 444.3k/s, took 4m32.841s, rate ~ 924.7k/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T22:07:36.439Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-19) inner rate ~ 409.6k/s, took 5m49.836s, rate ~ 811.3k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T22:08:51.421Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 420.6k/s, took 7m4.817s, rate ~ 742.3k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T22:10:30.153Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 319.4k/s, took 8m43.55s, rate ~ 662.6k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T22:11:16.325Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 9m29.722s, rate ~ 643.8k/s count: 366790994
2020-12-14T22:11:16.328Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T22:11:16.328Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) Equal
2020-12-14T22:11:16.328Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T22:11:16.328Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](143613941) Equal
- Done Restoring Database

real	42m29.375s

So including the last running (1292m49.932s+42m29.375s) Phase 2 took 22 hours

Phase 2 - Verification after cleanuo

After removing the 75026 rogue entries from 2007-08-28

$ time go run cmd/mysqlrestore/mysqlrestore.go 
2020-12-14T23:15:01.029Z - Starting TED1K mysql restore
2020-12-14T23:15:01.070Z - Connected to MySQL
2020-12-14T23:15:01.088Z - Connected to Postgres
2020-12-14T23:15:01.105Z - -=- mysql(watt) <-> postgres
2020-12-14T23:15:28.161Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2009-08-21) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 27.056s, rate ~ 1.2M/s count: 31536000
2020-12-14T23:15:49.876Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2010-10-16) inner rate ~ 1.5M/s, took 48.771s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 63072000
2020-12-14T23:16:14.055Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2011-11-11) inner rate ~ 1.3M/s, took 1m12.95s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 94608000
2020-12-14T23:16:41.839Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2012-11-15) inner rate ~ 1.1M/s, took 1m40.734s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 126144000
2020-12-14T23:17:04.183Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2013-11-22) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m3.077s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 157680000
2020-12-14T23:17:29.451Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2014-12-15) inner rate ~ 1.2M/s, took 2m28.345s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 189216000
2020-12-14T23:17:52.266Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2015-12-31) inner rate ~ 1.4M/s, took 2m51.161s, rate ~ 1.3M/s count: 220752000
2020-12-14T23:18:58.806Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2017-02-20) inner rate ~ 473.9k/s, took 3m57.701s, rate ~ 1.1M/s count: 252288000
2020-12-14T23:20:18.553Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2018-03-20) inner rate ~ 395.4k/s, took 5m17.448s, rate ~ 894.1k/s count: 283824000
2020-12-14T23:21:37.802Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2019-03-27) inner rate ~ 397.9k/s, took 6m36.697s, rate ~ 795.0k/s count: 315360000
2020-12-14T23:23:00.341Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres (2020-04-03) inner rate ~ 382.1k/s, took 7m59.236s, rate ~ 723.9k/s count: 346896000
2020-12-14T23:23:54.516Z - mysql(watt) <-> postgres took 8m53.411s, rate ~ 687.5k/s count: 366715968
2020-12-14T23:23:54.521Z - Verified mysql(watt) <-> postgres:
2020-12-14T23:23:54.521Z - [2007-08-28T00:02:18Z, 2007-08-28T20:56:22Z](75026) MissingInB
2020-12-14T23:23:54.521Z - [2008-07-30T00:04:40Z, 2016-02-14T21:24:21Z](223102027) MissingInA
2020-12-14T23:23:54.522Z - [2016-03-12T06:35:35Z, 2020-11-20T23:32:33Z](143613941) Equal

real	8m57.163s